Conservative hero, Trump, says transgenders allowed to use restroom of choice

How it is decided who is 'trans'? Because that person says so? Because they feel they are the opposite gender? Because they dress the part? What - who? - is to stop a pervo from dressing up as a woman, declaring themselves as a 'trans', and freely entering the women's room leaving innocent people in danger?

Prior to all of this, has anyone ever had a problem in the bathroom with someone of the opposite gender walking in and using it?

there has always been pervs in public restrooms

True. But it's easier for them if they can just dress the part and say they feel like a woman.
How it is decided who is 'trans'? Because that person says so? Because they feel they are the opposite gender? Because they dress the part? What - who? - is to stop a pervo from dressing up as a woman, declaring themselves as a 'trans', and freely entering the women's room leaving innocent people in danger?

Prior to all of this, has anyone ever had a problem in the bathroom with someone of the opposite gender walking in and using it?

there has always been pervs in public restrooms

True. But it's easier for them if they can just dress the part and say they feel like a woman.

they already do that
Trump flies around in his own personal customized Boeing 757 that most likely has uni-sex bathrooms. Trump is getting old and needs to use the closest bathroom he can find just like I do when I need to go in a hurry.
How it is decided who is 'trans'? Because that person says so? Because they feel they are the opposite gender? Because they dress the part? What - who? - is to stop a pervo from dressing up as a woman, declaring themselves as a 'trans', and freely entering the women's room leaving innocent people in danger?

Prior to all of this, has anyone ever had a problem in the bathroom with someone of the opposite gender walking in and using it?

there has always been pervs in public restrooms

True. But it's easier for them if they can just dress the part and say they feel like a woman.

they already do that
....and get arrested. Or they did. What is wrong with you libs? Your brains simply don't work.
How it is decided who is 'trans'? Because that person says so? Because they feel they are the opposite gender? Because they dress the part? What - who? - is to stop a pervo from dressing up as a woman, declaring themselves as a 'trans', and freely entering the women's room leaving innocent people in danger?

Prior to all of this, has anyone ever had a problem in the bathroom with someone of the opposite gender walking in and using it?

there has always been pervs in public restrooms

True. But it's easier for them if they can just dress the part and say they feel like a woman.

they already do that
....and get arrested. Or they did. What is wrong with you libs? Your brains simply don't work.

im not a lib

however you think that a perv can violate your kids and get away

with it now
How it is decided who is 'trans'? Because that person says so? Because they feel they are the opposite gender? Because they dress the part? What - who? - is to stop a pervo from dressing up as a woman, declaring themselves as a 'trans', and freely entering the women's room leaving innocent people in danger?

Prior to all of this, has anyone ever had a problem in the bathroom with someone of the opposite gender walking in and using it?

there has always been pervs in public restrooms

True. But it's easier for them if they can just dress the part and say they feel like a woman.

they already do that
....and get arrested. Or they did. What is wrong with you libs? Your brains simply don't work.
Libs eat too much home made and hand churned ice cream which gives a brain freeze.
How it is decided who is 'trans'? Because that person says so? Because they feel they are the opposite gender? Because they dress the part? What - who? - is to stop a pervo from dressing up as a woman, declaring themselves as a 'trans', and freely entering the women's room leaving innocent people in danger?

Prior to all of this, has anyone ever had a problem in the bathroom with someone of the opposite gender walking in and using it?

there has always been pervs in public restrooms

True. But it's easier for them if they can just dress the part and say they feel like a woman.

they already do that
....and get arrested. Or they did. What is wrong with you libs? Your brains simply don't work.

im not a lib

however you think that a perv can violate your kids and get away

with it now
Why make excuses like a lib then and I said the opposite of what you thought I did.
there has always been pervs in public restrooms

True. But it's easier for them if they can just dress the part and say they feel like a woman.

they already do that
....and get arrested. Or they did. What is wrong with you libs? Your brains simply don't work.

im not a lib

however you think that a perv can violate your kids and get away

with it now
Why make excuses like a lib then and I said the opposite of what you thought I did.

"Conservative hero, Trump, says transgenders allowed to use restroom of choice"

What's sad and telling is that during a more enlightened time, before the bane of the social right, this was something all conservatives agreed with.
there has always been pervs in public restrooms

True. But it's easier for them if they can just dress the part and say they feel like a woman.

they already do that
....and get arrested. Or they did. What is wrong with you libs? Your brains simply don't work.

im not a lib

however you think that a perv can violate your kids and get away

with it now
Why make excuses like a lib then and I said the opposite of what you thought I did.

i am not making any damn excuses

so what the hell does this mean when you posted

and get arrested. Or they did.

did is past tense like it doesnt happen any more

so are you saying that pervs that violate another wont be charged with a crime

like they used too
"Conservative hero, Trump, says transgenders allowed to use restroom of choice"

What's sad and telling is that during a more enlightened time, before the bane of the social right, this was something all conservatives agreed with.

Libs and Cons both male and female agree when you got to go, you got to go.
Trump is far to the left of Romney and McCain.

Our far right sillies never fail to surprise me.
I don't see anyone trying to make the case that Trump is conservative. On the contrary, in a contest between him and Hillary, we get to choose between two democrats, one of which MIGHT not be too bad. Trump is a crap shoot, Hillary is just plain crap.

Trump's main appeal is his "anti-establishment, in your face, unapologetic, willing to get in the mud and fight where democrats fight" persona. Republicans are sick and tired of having bland, weak candidates forced on them who do little more than maintain the status quo.
Trump supports an assault weapons ban.

in essence, one might say they are already banned, first, one must have $15,000.00 to $20,000.00 to own one then pay a $200.00 TAX to own one. personally i do NOT have that kind of $$$$$$$ to throw away for a very expensive toy. :up:
Abortion and tranny toilets.


where did you get that video of my personal companion ??
Assault should be banned from everyone in the US including local and federal police departments. When in a foreign war all assault weapons are legal notwithstanding the Geneva Convention.
Trump is taking shit off the table for the general, if he declared against Tranny's the Beasty would use it against him...Now she can sit on Stupid Lantern's fist!

Trump has bigger issues to worry about from the Clinton machine. He can't explain a single policy he has put out and as far as pandering to the freaks go's there just aren't enough weirdos to make a difference. Even gay people feel trainees are freaks and weirdos.
He's been at least as specific as anyone else. His website does go into more detail but that's not what most politicians do while campaigning, it puts people to sleep.
So no answer to the disconnect between trump supporters and trump on the bathroom issue. We are just going to ignore it?

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