Conservative hero, Trump, says transgenders allowed to use restroom of choice

Actually he didn't. He said it would lead to a loss in business. He is a BUSINESS MAN and looks at things from a BUSINESSMAN'S ANGLE. I read what he said. He will leave this to the states.

"Leave it the way it is," Trump said on NBC's "Today" show. "There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go. They use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic -- I mean the economic punishment that they're taking."

Donald Trump amends stance on North Carolina transgender bathroom law - Election 2016
Just more proof that Trump is a fraud. Combine this with his desire to tax the rich more and the mental gymnastics will be quite the sight

You'd rather tax the poor?

Because if we don't start taxing someone soon, our shitty infrastructure will grind our economy to halt.

And we'll default on loans -- so who do we tax?

Poor people are taxed unless they have food stamps maybe they aren't, but if they have a cell phone they are taxed. Cable? Taxed. Gas? Taxed. Electricity or any utility? Taxed. Taxes are a fact of life. Trump has yet to explain a tax plan other then rich folks should pay more, yes even him, but they won't because they have tax guys get them out of it. So everyone is Taxed already. We will still default on loans or borrow money to pay off a loan. Makes no sense at all.
Honestly, while this is weird the whole tyranny thing, NC did what Hannity told Trump to say they should do. The state decided so let voters decided with their dollars. If the law sucks those who passed it will know swiftly. All you trump supporters, need to look at what's so good about him. This is not his first waffle on a topic. We have waited so long for the royal family to leave their government housing. Do we real want another guy in there that changes his mind at the whim of the polls? Another compassionate conservative? More hope and change as we make America great again?

It is a long row to hoe; hope for the best and expect the worst.
You really believe him don't you?

As some have pointed out he's a salesman first and everything else second.

He will tell you what you want to hear so he can win your vote, so keep on believing!
I pointed out that you're full of shit. Don't try to make it my problem.

Awww, someone is upset about their wittle lover boy being picked on?

Are you going to melt into a puddle of drool if I do not agree with you that Donnie " I was for it back in 1999 but am against it now " Trump is a true American Hero?

He's lying to you and you are so gullible that you bought it like the idiot that buys swamp land while thinking he is getting prime real estate property!
Where did you see upsetness? Pop your head out of your ass and read the actual words. You made a stupid comment, you should correct it instead of slinging even more shit.

So you are demanding me to correct my opinion of Donna Trump?

( Before you write I wrote his, her or it name incorrectly and demand I correct it, well I wrote Donna and not Donald )

Now tell me what will you do if I do not change my opinion about the flip flopping charlatan of a used cars salesmen?

Will you taunt me and melt like the typical Tramp supporter?

( Again I did not write his last name incorrectly and did this just because I know it annoy you )

So my opinion is wrong because you believe Trump is the new Reagan, am I correct?

Well let me tell you this and I can write my opinion and you have no right to demand that I change it because you disagree with me. Only someone that believe they are big enough or has the power would attempt to write that I should change my opinion of your beloved nutter but in the end you are neither someone big enough nor do you have the power to make me do that.

Now if you dislike what I wrote about your beloved nitwit you could either put me on block or just ignore it but knowing you're not intelligent enough to do either then suffer because again I am not changing my opinion of Donnie Tramp and nothing you write will make me either!

Now why will you believe a man that once was for abortion then was all for punishing the woman and then steps back from what he said on both counts and says something different?

I mean if he were a Democrat you would be post humping about his lies and flip flopping but seeing he's a wanna-be Fascist Pig, well you love him to death!
I didn't demand you correct anything. Where did you see those words? You go right on ahead and be the fool, it's no reflection on me.

You stated Trump was between Hillary and Bernie so I asked you on which issues. You fell apart at that point and went into full juvie mode. You had nothing. Continuing with it just proves how dense you are, it isn't about me.

Trump in 1999: 'I am Very Pro-Choice' - NBC News

Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs

In those links above it shows Trump is Pro-Choice and would not ban any form of abortion. It also shows the fact that Trump says one thing and does another thing when it come to his companies.

Also I highlighted where you wrote I should correct what I wrote and you have no right to tell me to correct anything because the reality is you're the ignorant one here and not me.

Trump is a true blue Liberal playing you as the daft in the head fool you are but hey keep on believing he will build that wall and make Mexico pay for it. Believe he will bring jobs back to America when he buys Chinese made product to sell and hires people on the Visa Program while ignoring those that could use those jobs here in the states.

If he claims he is now against something then the best bet he is lying just to get your ignorant vote but don't let reality stand in your way and demand that I believe in your fairy tale of Trump and I will not correct myself.

Now go into your profane attack and demand I remove those links because the truth shall be ignored according to you!
Just more proof that Trump is a fraud. Combine this with his desire to tax the rich more and the mental gymnastics will be quite the sight

You'd rather tax the poor?

Because if we don't start taxing someone soon, our shitty infrastructure will grind our economy to halt.

And we'll default on loans -- so who do we tax?

Poor people are taxed unless they have food stamps maybe they aren't, but if they have a cell phone they are taxed. Cable? Taxed. Gas? Taxed. Electricity or any utility? Taxed. Taxes are a fact of life. Trump has yet to explain a tax plan other then rich folks should pay more, yes even him, but they won't because they have tax guys get them out of it. So everyone is Taxed already. We will still default on loans or borrow money to pay off a loan. Makes no sense at all.

those aren't a Federal tax. and from what I read the other day, 47% of the people pay NO Federal income tax. so the rest of US wealthy or not picks up the tab for those people. did you (the taxpayers) sign a contract saying you would?
I pointed out that you're full of shit. Don't try to make it my problem.

Awww, someone is upset about their wittle lover boy being picked on?

Are you going to melt into a puddle of drool if I do not agree with you that Donnie " I was for it back in 1999 but am against it now " Trump is a true American Hero?

He's lying to you and you are so gullible that you bought it like the idiot that buys swamp land while thinking he is getting prime real estate property!
Where did you see upsetness? Pop your head out of your ass and read the actual words. You made a stupid comment, you should correct it instead of slinging even more shit.

So you are demanding me to correct my opinion of Donna Trump?

( Before you write I wrote his, her or it name incorrectly and demand I correct it, well I wrote Donna and not Donald )

Now tell me what will you do if I do not change my opinion about the flip flopping charlatan of a used cars salesmen?

Will you taunt me and melt like the typical Tramp supporter?

( Again I did not write his last name incorrectly and did this just because I know it annoy you )

So my opinion is wrong because you believe Trump is the new Reagan, am I correct?

Well let me tell you this and I can write my opinion and you have no right to demand that I change it because you disagree with me. Only someone that believe they are big enough or has the power would attempt to write that I should change my opinion of your beloved nutter but in the end you are neither someone big enough nor do you have the power to make me do that.

Now if you dislike what I wrote about your beloved nitwit you could either put me on block or just ignore it but knowing you're not intelligent enough to do either then suffer because again I am not changing my opinion of Donnie Tramp and nothing you write will make me either!

Now why will you believe a man that once was for abortion then was all for punishing the woman and then steps back from what he said on both counts and says something different?

I mean if he were a Democrat you would be post humping about his lies and flip flopping but seeing he's a wanna-be Fascist Pig, well you love him to death!
I didn't demand you correct anything. Where did you see those words? You go right on ahead and be the fool, it's no reflection on me.

You stated Trump was between Hillary and Bernie so I asked you on which issues. You fell apart at that point and went into full juvie mode. You had nothing. Continuing with it just proves how dense you are, it isn't about me.

Trump in 1999: 'I am Very Pro-Choice' - NBC News

Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs

In those links above it shows Trump is Pro-Choice and would not ban any form of abortion. It also shows the fact that Trump says one thing and does another thing when it come to his companies.

Also I highlighted where you wrote I should correct what I wrote and you have no right to tell me to correct anything because the reality is you're the ignorant one here and not me.

Trump is a true blue Liberal playing you as the daft in the head fool you are but hey keep on believing he will build that wall and make Mexico pay for it. Believe he will bring jobs back to America when he buys Chinese made product to sell and hires people on the Visa Program while ignoring those that could use those jobs here in the states.

If he claims he is now against something then the best bet he is lying just to get your ignorant vote but don't let reality stand in your way and demand that I believe in your fairy tale of Trump and I will not correct myself.

Now go into your profane attack and demand I remove those links because the truth shall be ignored according to you!
I don't share your toggle switch for a brain. That's your shortcoming. Trump's appeal isn't right wing social conservativism. Yet, you still think it is.

I pointed out that you're full of shit. Don't try to make it my problem.

Awww, someone is upset about their wittle lover boy being picked on?

Are you going to melt into a puddle of drool if I do not agree with you that Donnie " I was for it back in 1999 but am against it now " Trump is a true American Hero?

He's lying to you and you are so gullible that you bought it like the idiot that buys swamp land while thinking he is getting prime real estate property!
Where did you see upsetness? Pop your head out of your ass and read the actual words. You made a stupid comment, you should correct it instead of slinging even more shit.

So you are demanding me to correct my opinion of Donna Trump?

( Before you write I wrote his, her or it name incorrectly and demand I correct it, well I wrote Donna and not Donald )

Now tell me what will you do if I do not change my opinion about the flip flopping charlatan of a used cars salesmen?

Will you taunt me and melt like the typical Tramp supporter?

( Again I did not write his last name incorrectly and did this just because I know it annoy you )

So my opinion is wrong because you believe Trump is the new Reagan, am I correct?

Well let me tell you this and I can write my opinion and you have no right to demand that I change it because you disagree with me. Only someone that believe they are big enough or has the power would attempt to write that I should change my opinion of your beloved nutter but in the end you are neither someone big enough nor do you have the power to make me do that.

Now if you dislike what I wrote about your beloved nitwit you could either put me on block or just ignore it but knowing you're not intelligent enough to do either then suffer because again I am not changing my opinion of Donnie Tramp and nothing you write will make me either!

Now why will you believe a man that once was for abortion then was all for punishing the woman and then steps back from what he said on both counts and says something different?

I mean if he were a Democrat you would be post humping about his lies and flip flopping but seeing he's a wanna-be Fascist Pig, well you love him to death!
I didn't demand you correct anything. Where did you see those words? You go right on ahead and be the fool, it's no reflection on me.

You stated Trump was between Hillary and Bernie so I asked you on which issues. You fell apart at that point and went into full juvie mode. You had nothing. Continuing with it just proves how dense you are, it isn't about me.

Trump in 1999: 'I am Very Pro-Choice' - NBC News

Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs

In those links above it shows Trump is Pro-Choice and would not ban any form of abortion. It also shows the fact that Trump says one thing and does another thing when it come to his companies.

Also I highlighted where you wrote I should correct what I wrote and you have no right to tell me to correct anything because the reality is you're the ignorant one here and not me.

Trump is a true blue Liberal playing you as the daft in the head fool you are but hey keep on believing he will build that wall and make Mexico pay for it. Believe he will bring jobs back to America when he buys Chinese made product to sell and hires people on the Visa Program while ignoring those that could use those jobs here in the states.

If he claims he is now against something then the best bet he is lying just to get your ignorant vote but don't let reality stand in your way and demand that I believe in your fairy tale of Trump and I will not correct myself.

Now go into your profane attack and demand I remove those links because the truth shall be ignored according to you!

Obviously without a shadow of a doubt you are a Trump hater,
Awww, someone is upset about their wittle lover boy being picked on?

Are you going to melt into a puddle of drool if I do not agree with you that Donnie " I was for it back in 1999 but am against it now " Trump is a true American Hero?

He's lying to you and you are so gullible that you bought it like the idiot that buys swamp land while thinking he is getting prime real estate property!
Where did you see upsetness? Pop your head out of your ass and read the actual words. You made a stupid comment, you should correct it instead of slinging even more shit.

So you are demanding me to correct my opinion of Donna Trump?

( Before you write I wrote his, her or it name incorrectly and demand I correct it, well I wrote Donna and not Donald )

Now tell me what will you do if I do not change my opinion about the flip flopping charlatan of a used cars salesmen?

Will you taunt me and melt like the typical Tramp supporter?

( Again I did not write his last name incorrectly and did this just because I know it annoy you )

So my opinion is wrong because you believe Trump is the new Reagan, am I correct?

Well let me tell you this and I can write my opinion and you have no right to demand that I change it because you disagree with me. Only someone that believe they are big enough or has the power would attempt to write that I should change my opinion of your beloved nutter but in the end you are neither someone big enough nor do you have the power to make me do that.

Now if you dislike what I wrote about your beloved nitwit you could either put me on block or just ignore it but knowing you're not intelligent enough to do either then suffer because again I am not changing my opinion of Donnie Tramp and nothing you write will make me either!

Now why will you believe a man that once was for abortion then was all for punishing the woman and then steps back from what he said on both counts and says something different?

I mean if he were a Democrat you would be post humping about his lies and flip flopping but seeing he's a wanna-be Fascist Pig, well you love him to death!
I didn't demand you correct anything. Where did you see those words? You go right on ahead and be the fool, it's no reflection on me.

You stated Trump was between Hillary and Bernie so I asked you on which issues. You fell apart at that point and went into full juvie mode. You had nothing. Continuing with it just proves how dense you are, it isn't about me.

Trump in 1999: 'I am Very Pro-Choice' - NBC News

Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Trump Sells Chinese Goods While Accusing China of Stealing US Jobs

In those links above it shows Trump is Pro-Choice and would not ban any form of abortion. It also shows the fact that Trump says one thing and does another thing when it come to his companies.

Also I highlighted where you wrote I should correct what I wrote and you have no right to tell me to correct anything because the reality is you're the ignorant one here and not me.

Trump is a true blue Liberal playing you as the daft in the head fool you are but hey keep on believing he will build that wall and make Mexico pay for it. Believe he will bring jobs back to America when he buys Chinese made product to sell and hires people on the Visa Program while ignoring those that could use those jobs here in the states.

If he claims he is now against something then the best bet he is lying just to get your ignorant vote but don't let reality stand in your way and demand that I believe in your fairy tale of Trump and I will not correct myself.

Now go into your profane attack and demand I remove those links because the truth shall be ignored according to you!

Obviously you are a Trump hater,


No, I love him so much that I know the man is true bullshit artist, but hey if you believe never stop believing and here is a song for you while you dream for Trump to be the dicktator of Amerika you want:

It's all we can do. This stuff now is stupid. You have trump who believes the government should provide health care? And look at the field now, Kasich has and is losing every state that held a primary except for one so far. He is as liberal as the Clintons ever were yet trump backs off? Huckabee family members as campaign members, a liberal governor from Jersey, one that Hannity also treated with kid gloves when he was running, and the image that killed that guy before he ran which was him hugging Obama. Why is Trump not getting asked about this? Other then being a good business man who would have us believe he will throw the bums out he has really done nothing to demonstrate he will actually do what he says. This bathroom thing is a non issue. Just cover for Trump to hide behind as he seeks by the sheep.
Just more proof that Trump is a fraud. Combine this with his desire to tax the rich more and the mental gymnastics will be quite the sight

You'd rather tax the poor?

Because if we don't start taxing someone soon, our shitty infrastructure will grind our economy to halt.

And we'll default on loans -- so who do we tax?

Poor people are taxed unless they have food stamps maybe they aren't, but if they have a cell phone they are taxed. Cable? Taxed. Gas? Taxed. Electricity or any utility? Taxed. Taxes are a fact of life. Trump has yet to explain a tax plan other then rich folks should pay more, yes even him, but they won't because they have tax guys get them out of it. So everyone is Taxed already. We will still default on loans or borrow money to pay off a loan. Makes no sense at all.

those aren't a Federal tax. and from what I read the other day, 47% of the people pay NO Federal income tax. so the rest of US wealthy or not picks up the tab for those people. did you (the taxpayers) sign a contract saying you would?

I know rich folks come off as super natural evil monsters they have to buy gas, food, utility's, insurance and all the same stuff as us plebs. Ad to that maybe a payroll, materials for what ever they do, business expenses I guess. I'm a pleb that would like a flat tax that's fair. That way them rich folks pay me good and I can't complain.
No they (the left/lib/dems) will go vote for the crook/liar woman Hillary who is under Investigation for crap LIES she helped spread for Obama because he was up for Reelection and they didn't want to blame the MUSLIM. while she was SOS. or for that Nobody Commie sympathizer BERNIE, who most people never heard his name until now.

And they sit in judgment of Trump, Cruz etc. cracks me up
It seems like a reasonable position to me. There hasn't been an issue regarding this so why worry about it. Leave it as it is. Wait...the left won't rest until we are all sucking dick in the bathroom stall...nevermind.
I heard what Trump said.

Yes, he said he would let Caitlyn use the bathroom she wanted.

We have bigger fish to fry. One is that Trump will say anything to be elected.
I heard what Trump said.

Yes, he said he would let Caitlyn use the bathroom she wanted.

We have bigger fish to fry. One is that Trump will say anything to be elected.

Well, I can agree with Trump on this. His hotel, resort whatever so he can say. Billy Bob don't want weirdos in his woman's restroom fine. Let their customers decided with their dollars. Next issue please?
Trump has already flipped on this. He says now it's up to the states. Apparently his new handlers read him the riot act overnight.

Trump is 'evolving' into a conventional candidate. He will, in conventional phoney politician fashion, start moving to the left once he has the nomination locked up.
What if customers actually prefer men in men restrooms? Should the business have to do something that harms its own business in order to accomodate transgenders?

I agree with Trump. This has probably been going on for a while and no one noticed and no one cared. I would like to leave it be but now we have to fight this to the death or the left will erase the word men and women from the bathrooms all together. The left-tards have became insane in this country.
Trump has already flipped on this. He says now it's up to the states. Apparently his new handlers read him the riot act overnight.

Trump is 'evolving' into a conventional candidate. He will, in conventional phoney politician fashion, start moving to the left once he has the nomination locked up.

It us up to the states. I don't see where in the constitution that prohibits a state from passing such laws.

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