Conservatives Blamed for M<uslims Hating Gays

Sharia freaks will take the bait of any opportunism to push their agenda: copulation of church and state. For sure, keep this sex type out of schools along with the arrogance of the daddy's-little-girl hijab.
Go General Flynn! Philosophy Happens in the City

Daddy knows that his daughter represents chattel for future exchanges. Iraqi men resented U.S. Army personnel looking at their wives, as if everybody else wanted them too. duh. France had already dealt with this religious-fundamentalist[educationally compromised]-sexual issue as well:

'The Headscarf Debates

The place where the presence of headscarved women was most galling to Kemalist state elites was university campuses. The idea that educated women would resist the secularizing pressures of the Turkish state's pedagogy was a particular affront. In one of its rulings on the question of headscarves on university campuses, the Council of State (Danistay) made this objection explicit:

'Girls with insufficient education were wearing headscarves under the influence of the environment and traditions without having any particular though in mind. However, the girls who have sufficient education not to surrender to the public pressure and traditions are known to cover their heads while opposing the secular republican principles....For these people, the headscarf, beyond an innocent habit, is a symbol of a world ideology that is antithetical to women's liberation and our republic's main principles.'

The clear message of the Danistay decision was that women who would wear headscarves on university campuses were doing so with the deliberate intention of undermining the republican principle of secularism and not as an "innocent" expression of religious identity based on their traditionalism or lack of education. Whereas headscarved women in provincial and rural areas of Turkey might present a form of benign traditionalism, women who chose to wear headscarves despite being educated and exposed to urban Kemalist culture represented a malign threat to the redemptive mission of the state. The appearance of headscarved women in large numbers at universities challenged the Kemalist premise that education would ineluctably sustain the secularization of the public sphere central to the state's preferred model of modernization.'
(Bali A, A Kemalist Secular Age? Cultural Politics and Radical Republicanism in Turkey, in A Secular Age Beyond the West, 2018)

Old habits die hard.
If you call yourself conservative and think it's "hateful" for parents to protest against their children being indoctrinated with lgbt propaganda, you ain't no goddamn conservative.
You've got a choice, Kittens. Cathect on LGBTQ (RSTUV) or ignore Muslim militancy inside the U.S. duh.

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