Conservatives, you don’t understand the border issue.

All the ones without money

If you have a solution to bribing American sponsors I’m willing to listen
We used to. They were called fines. Illegals are committing misdemeanors not felonies and for good reason. You treat them like civil violations for both the alien and those abetting them. It’s called, comprehensive immigration reform. Who prevented it from being enforced ? Corporate donors who didn’t want to be held accountable.
We used to. They were called fines. Illegals are committing misdemeanors not felonies and for good reason. You treat them like civil violations for both the alien and those abetting them. It’s called, comprehensive immigration reform. Who prevented it from being enforced ? Corporate donors who didn’t want to be held accountable.
Illegal Reentry is a felony.
Illegal Reentry is a felony.
Of course and failure to pay accumulated fines can be a felony too. I see you’re more upset at the alien forced into slave labor then the corporate perpetrator. Typical. You conservative bozos would rather hold the poor totally responsible then share it with the perps.
Of course and failure to pay accumulated fines can be a felony too. I see you’re more upset at the alien forced into slave labor then the corporate perpetrator.

False, you lying fuckstick. You “see” no such thing. You just say it despite the fact that it’s false.

The reality is that I oppose those who violate our laws. This includes the aliens who defy our immigration laws and rules as well as any American employers who hire them without proper working papers. It’s called consistency. You, of course, wouldn’t understand
You are typically wrong and prejudgmental for the average libtard!
You conservative bozos would rather hold the poor totally responsible then share it with the perps.
You libtards are so far beyond just being completely hypocritical and dishonest, we need a new word to begin to describe you.
If this continues....very soon it will not be much of the America we loved and knew left.

Of course [sic] and failure to pay accumulated fines can be a felony too. I see you’re more upset at the alien forced into slave labor then [sic] the corporate perpetrator. Typical. You conservative bozos would rather hold the poor totally responsible then [sic] share it with the perps.
Learn English or get out of my country.
Of course and failure to pay accumulated fines can be a felony too. I see you’re more upset at the alien forced into slave labor then the corporate perpetrator. Typical. You conservative bozos would rather hold the poor totally responsible then share it with the perps.
The claim that corporations are hiring most of the illegals is a myth

What are these shoeless migrants, some of whom dont even speak Spanish, doing for IBM?

Working in accounting or designing computers?

The reality is that they are either undercutting the wages of blue collar Americans, or they are sucking money out of our already strained welfare system
90% of the population would have to leave. You are all immigrants or anchor babies
No. A@Many of us have families that came here as conquerors, not immigrants. They came and TOOK what they wanted, which gives us (their descendants) the right to be here. Even more came here through the legal immigration processes which have been in place throughout the decades since this nation was founded. The rise of illegal immigration and “anchor babies” is mostly a product of the latter half of the 20th and early 21st century.
The claim that corporations are hiring most of the illegals is a myth
Hey stupid. They aren’t. They are hired by subcontractors which larger corporations are dependent upon. Many small businesses aren’t even incorporated. Geesus, you’re infantile look at the world is delusional. Everything from roofing, picking vegetables and fruit to dining and custodial work ultimately affects all major corporations. More then half of the nations employees are small business which both corporations and the economy depend upon…..iggy.
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No. A@Many of us have families that came here as conquerors, not immigrants.
Ha ha
What a hilarious post. First you fix News watchers claim that immigrants are invading and taking over our country, they you claim you are the ancestors of “invaders “ and conquerors. Hilarious. You just confirmed you are the dependent of immigrants.
THESE ARE YOUR ancestors.
immigrants (plural noun)

  1. a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country:
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You are typically wrong and prejudgmental for the average libtard!
Bet your ass you are being prejudged.
By me and the vast majority on non “MAGA idiots.“ You’re all foolish deniers of democracy, climate change and science.
Yup, guilty as changed… guys are foolish.
There’s nothing to understand. There is ONE legal way to enter the United States. If you try to circumvent that process you should be shot as an invader. It’s literally that simple.
Nope foolish. There is more then one way… visa, asylum etc.
Hey stupid. They aren’t. They are hired by subcontractors which larger corporations are dependent upon. Many small businesses aren’t even incorporated. Geesus, you’re infantile look at the world is delusional. Everything from roofing, picking vegetables and fruit to dining and custodial work ultimately affects all major corporations. More then half of the nations employees are small business which both corporations and the economy depend upon…..iggy.
Since you know that why are you babbling about corporations hiring illegals?

remove illegals and then your hated corporations or the small contractors will have to hire Americans

Since you know that why are you babbling about corporations hiring illegals?

remove illegals and then your hated corporations or the small contractors will have to hire Americans

Hey illiterate. I don’t hate corporations. We all work for them around here. But, they have to sponsor immigrants legally or pay the fines. It’s that simple.
Btw, do a little research on corporate law so you can tell why they can get away with some shit you and I can’t.

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