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Contraception - a discussion

man you need to go back and get an education of at least the high school level.

so lets use your car insurance analogy.

so you have car insurance (mandated by the government none the less). and you get in an accident and cause damage. we'll even take your liability case as an example. the damage you cause is $75,000. now youve only had insurance for 1 years at a rate of $50 per month. so you in essence have paid $600 into the insurance pool. now where does the other $74,400 come from? Other peoples premiums!!!!! holy shit, so other people are actually paying for your mistakes. you are correct in one thing, and that is insurance helps spread the risk. now if you have full coverage insurance and you get hurt, then your insurance company will pay out to yourself. same example, if you have had insurance for 1 year and have been paying $50 a month ($600 a year) and get in an accident that is your fault and your medical bills are $200,000. where does that other $199,400 come from? ohhh thats right other people premiums!!!!! amazing, you dont understand how this works.

How does that disprove my assertion that buying insurance is paying another person to assume the risk?

but you are wrong in the way it works behind the scenes. i never said it was a fee based services. i said you pay a fee for "access" to medical services. that fee is called a premium. you fail to understand that somewhere somehow the actual cost for your services is paid for by the pool of money the company bring in through premiums. if an insurance company is paying out more in services than they are getting in premiums they current do 2 things. they drop those who cost too much to insure, or they raise rates to cover those services. regardless, the money that actually pays doctors is from the pool of premiums that everyone pays. hence you pay other peoples services every day of the week. whether you want to admit it or not.
but the again the right isnt big on facts.

Again, a premium is not so you have access to service, your premium is paid to another person so they assume the risk. How the person, or company, deals with that risk is irrelevant, you are not paying them so you can access services. Hence, no one pays anyone for anyone else's services ever. This is the last time I am going to explain this, so feel free to blather your ignorance in assurance that I will not again explain why the sky is blue. Feel free to insist it is orange and declare victory if you like, it won't bother me.
No, they don’t, because they know it’s illegal to use taxpayers’ funds to subsidize abortion. So liberals don’t want to ‘have it both ways,’ they’re being perfectly honest and consistent.

If conservatives really want ‘Big Government ’out of the bedroom and an age of ‘personal responsibility’ to dawn, then they need to cease their efforts to violate a woman’s right to privacy with regard to abortion and access to contraceptives.

The hypocrisy and ignorance belongs to conservatives alone.

FactCheck.org : The Abortion Issue

Unless of course one is dealing with conservatives who oppose abortion for women in cases of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother; in addition to being ignorant hypocrites, such conservatives are also criminals.

These are private personal matters. They are not Government matters. The Government should not be involved with these issues at all. Have all the Contraceptives & Abortions you want, just don't demand fellow Citizens pay for it. Your personal sexual behavior is your business & responsibility. Fellow Citizens/Taxpayers are not responsible for subsidizing your personal sexual behavior. The Government needs to get out of the bedroom once and for all.
read my several posts on how health insurance actually works and realize that you already pay for other peoples services. and you raising issues with your health care provider already? making sure that none of your premiums dollars are going towards services you disagree with?

Everyone remember the sky is orange because Syohon says it is.
since the government is not providing services, your argument is invalid. and im glad to see you skipped over the rest of my argument on how insurance works in general. so i assume you are ok with paying your premiums to your health insurance company knowing that they provide abortions?

Some things i just can't control. I don't like Abortion but if Health Insurance covers it, than so be it. But the Government shouldn't be involved with issues like this. Contraception and Abortion are private personal matters.
again since they are not providing it, i dont see how it is your concern. would you as upset if they mandated that mammograms be provided at no extra charge? because thats part of the ACA as well.

Actually, if we accept your argument that the sky is orange even though it is blue, you are actually arguing in favor of me being able to dictate what other people get out of the insurance they pay for because I am the one paying for it. If you can actually think you might want to change your position based on the fact that it actually gives people more power to object to what happens rather than less.
since the government is not providing services, your argument is invalid. and im glad to see you skipped over the rest of my argument on how insurance works in general. so i assume you are ok with paying your premiums to your health insurance company knowing that they provide abortions?

Some things i just can't control. I don't like Abortion but if Health Insurance covers it, than so be it. But the Government shouldn't be involved with issues like this. Contraception and Abortion are private personal matters.
again since they are not providing it, i dont see how it is your concern. would you as upset if they mandated that mammograms be provided at no extra charge? because thats part of the ACA as well.

Then why was this woman at a Congressional Hearing? Why is the Government involved at all? It should be up to the individual Employer & Health Insurance provider to decide what they will or will not cover. The Government shouldn't be involved at all. It's not a Government issue.
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The Catholic Church is opposed to contraception for moral reasons.

Where is the morality in creating a life when food and clean water are rare commodities? Where poverty exists and educational opportunities are non existent?

Where is the morality when disease is spread?

Where is the morality when a women is the victim of domestic violence? When a women is forced to conceive and then trapped as the child become a lever to gain more power and more control?

Hold on. What country are you talking about? Food and water are scarce? Educational opportunity is non-existant? I know you're not talking about America. If you talking about another country than that's the country's problem, not the church's.

The Catholic are against contraceptives because they want as many members as they can get. It has nothing to do with morals.

Wow straight from the ultimate authority on Catholic theology. You know we have reached a significant crossroads when an arrogant pack of intolerant elitists believe they have the right to demand a 2000 plus year old religion change its centuries old, unchanging doctrine including redefine the Ten Commandments, redefine sin - and insist it should be based on nothing more than secular, unholy, anti-religious opinion of the arrogant elitists instead. Which kind of defies the unchanging laws of God as handed down to Moses thing, huh. Sure, turning churches into another tool of those in power has worked out SO well for mankind in the past, hasn't it?

You are an idiot. I'm not even Catholic but I know the decree against contraception has nothing to do with your ignorant comment and evrything to do with the unchanging position of the church regarding the ultimate purpose of sexual intercourse from the start - even though haggling over how much it's going to cost you for a blow job has been the only purpose of your own.
The Catholic Church is opposed to contraception for moral reasons.

Where is the morality in creating a life when food and clean water are rare commodities? Where poverty exists and educational opportunities are non existent?

Where is the morality when disease is spread?

Where is the morality when a women is the victim of domestic violence? When a women is forced to conceive and then trapped as the child become a lever to gain more power and more control?

Hold on. What country are you talking about? Food and water are scarce? Educational opportunity is non-existant? I know you're not talking about America. If you talking about another country than that's the country's problem, not the church's.

The Catholic are against contraceptives because they want as many members as they can get. It has nothing to do with morals.

Wow straight from the ultimate authority on Catholic theology. You know we have reached a significant crossroads when an arrogant pack of intolerant elitists believe they have the right to demand a 2000 plus year old religion change its centuries old, unchanging doctrine including redefine the Ten Commandments, redefine sin - and insist it should be based on nothing more than secular, unholy, anti-religious opinion of the arrogant elitists instead. Which kind of defies the unchanging laws of God as handed down to Moses thing, huh. Sure, turning churches into another tool of those in power has worked out SO well for mankind in the past, hasn't it?

You are an idiot. I'm not even Catholic but I know the decree against contraception has nothing to do with your ignorant comment and evrything to do with the unchanging position of the church regarding the ultimate purpose of sexual intercourse from the start - even though haggling over how much it's going to cost you for a blow job has been the only purpose of your own.

Nice rant. Put a bit more work into it, drop the personal attacks and try to understand not everyone believes in ghosts, holy or otherwise, and you might elicit awe and wonder - not derisive laughter. Just kidding, awe and wonder won't happen.

God (if He or She exists) created man and women and sexual intercourse. Some men and women enjoy the company of each other and engage in sexual intercourse and other pleasurable activities for fun, and not with the intent to create a new life. What goes on between a man and a women, or a women and a women, or a man and a man is not the business of the government nor of the church. And is not the business of a four-time married fat asshole who pontificates on the radio.

The week before we were to be Confirmed our Catechism class went into the church for confession. When I had completed the ritual the priest said to me, "is that all you need to confess?" Confused, I said, "Yes Father" and he then asked me if I knew that masturbation was a sin. I was embarrassed and didn't respond. He asked me if I masturbated and I lied and said, "No!"

At that I finished the ritual with the priest and paid my penance (I'd admitted to the priest I had lied to my parents). That was the last time I went to confession. Did the priest have a prurient interest in an adolescents private behavior? I'll never know, but as an adolescent I knew something was fishy and that was a pond I would avoid in the future.
Not a Government issue. Time to get the Government out of the bedroom. No more having it both ways. The Government doesn't belong being involved with such private personal matters. And they definitely shouldn't be forcing anyone to pay for someone else's Contraception & Abortions. Taxpayers are not required to fund fellow Citizens' personal sexual behavior. It's the individual Citizens' responsibility to fund their own behavior. You want to be promiscuous and have several Abortions? Well then you have to take personal responsibility and fund that behavior yourself. It's not your fellow Citizens' responsibility to do that. Big Government needs to be booted out of these personal social issues. They're clearly over-reaching now.

I find this issue rather interesting myself. The left yells and holler that they demand government to stay out of the bedroom and "private affairs" with respect to Defense Of Marriage Act and same sex marriage, yet they really don't want government out of the bedroom because the left is now trying everything to connect contraception with the notion that it's somehow a HEALTH issue. It's not a health issue in the respect that mamograms are, it's just another "give me, give me" entitlement.
What exactly entitles government to give you free contraception, to in effect have taxpayers PAY for your extracurricular activities?

Health insurance should be treated with various cover options with everyone that seeks to have health care coverage paying for BASIC services. If you want the cadillac option that includes free contraception, free viagra, free gym membership and weight loss programs, etc. then that individual must pay for the added individual premium coverage for those desired programs. Government should stay out of issues such as these, period. It's not the Federal Government's job to be and act as the "responsible" parent, because some complaining entitlement supporters choose not to be.
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The Catholic Church is opposed to contraception for moral reasons.

Where is the morality in creating a life when food and clean water are rare commodities? Where poverty exists and educational opportunities are non existent?

Where is the morality when disease is spread?

Where is the morality when a women is the victim of domestic violence? When a women is forced to conceive and then trapped as the child become a lever to gain more power and more control?

Most women who practice contraception don't really fall into any of these categories, do they?

Poor women in this country aren't practicing contraception, they are having babies and going on the dole.

Most contraception doesn't prevent the spread of STD's. Condoms do, a little bit, but not the pill, Nuva RIngs, IUD's, diaphrams, etc.

And if a woman is in an abusive relationship, where a man is controlling her life, contraception is kind of the least of her problems.

So let's talk about why contraception is really used, and why it might not be a good thing.

We live in a society where contraception is expected to be used so that women can compete with men on an equal footing. Part of this is the feminist propaganda that tells them career is more important than family, and part of this is the drive by Corporate Republican types to drive down wages, forcing women to work to enjoy the same level of middle class comfort their grandmothers enjoyed.

(Please note. Feminists. Work is not more important than family. No one ever said on their deathbed, "I wish I spent more time at the office!")

The end result is that you put off the babies until you have finished college at 22 and maybe established yourself in a career by 30. You find yourself in Cubicle Hell wanting more.

And after decades of taking hormones to keep from getting pregnant, these same women find themsevled undergoing painful fertility treatments at 32 before the biological clock runs out.
Not a Government issue. Time to get the Government out of the bedroom. No more having it both ways. The Government doesn't belong being involved with such private personal matters. And they definitely shouldn't be forcing anyone to pay for someone else's Contraception & Abortions. Taxpayers are not required to fund fellow Citizens' personal sexual behavior. It's the individual Citizens' responsibility to fund their own behavior. You want to be promiscuous and have several Abortions? Well then you have to take personal responsibility and fund that behavior yourself. It's not your fellow Citizens' responsibility to do that. Big Government needs to be booted out of these personal social issues. They're clearly over-reaching now.

I find this issue rather interesting myself. The left yells and holler that they demand government to stay out of the bedroom and "private affairs" with respect to Defense Of Marriage Act and same sex marriage, yet they really don't want government out of the bedroom because the left is now trying everything to connect contraception with the notion that it's somehow a HEALTH issue. It's not a health issue in the respect that mamograms are, it's just another "give me, give me" entitlement.
What exactly entitles government to give you free contraception, to in effect have taxpayers PAY for your extracurricular activities?

Health insurance should be treated with various cover options with everyone that seeks to have health care coverage paying for BASIC services. If you want the cadillac option that includes free contraception, free viagra, free gym membership and weight loss programs, etc. then that individual must pay for the added individual premium coverage for those desired programs. Government should stay out of issues such as these, period. It's not the Federal Government's job to be and act as the "responsible" parent, because some complaining entitlement supporters choose not to be.

Contraception is about family planning, not about wild sex. You can have wild sex without contraception. It is in the interest of the society that unwanted children be kept to a minimum. It reduces the abortion rate, the number of children born to single mothers and the burden on society

As such, government has the right to require insurance companies, which make a tremendous amount of money off of our society to include contraceptive coverage. We tried to implement a government insurance option and insurance companies spent billions to block it. This is part of their payback
Not a Government issue. Time to get the Government out of the bedroom. No more having it both ways. The Government doesn't belong being involved with such private personal matters. And they definitely shouldn't be forcing anyone to pay for someone else's Contraception & Abortions. Taxpayers are not required to fund fellow Citizens' personal sexual behavior. It's the individual Citizens' responsibility to fund their own behavior. You want to be promiscuous and have several Abortions? Well then you have to take personal responsibility and fund that behavior yourself. It's not your fellow Citizens' responsibility to do that. Big Government needs to be booted out of these personal social issues. They're clearly over-reaching now.

I find this issue rather interesting myself. The left yells and holler that they demand government to stay out of the bedroom and "private affairs" with respect to Defense Of Marriage Act and same sex marriage, yet they really don't want government out of the bedroom because the left is now trying everything to connect contraception with the notion that it's somehow a HEALTH issue. It's not a health issue in the respect that mamograms are, it's just another "give me, give me" entitlement.
What exactly entitles government to give you free contraception, to in effect have taxpayers PAY for your extracurricular activities?

Health insurance should be treated with various cover options with everyone that seeks to have health care coverage paying for BASIC services. If you want the cadillac option that includes free contraception, free viagra, free gym membership and weight loss programs, etc. then that individual must pay for the added individual premium coverage for those desired programs. Government should stay out of issues such as these, period. It's not the Federal Government's job to be and act as the "responsible" parent, because some complaining entitlement supporters choose not to be.

Contraception is about family planning, not about wild sex. You can have wild sex without contraception. It is in the interest of the society that unwanted children be kept to a minimum. It reduces the abortion rate, the number of children born to single mothers and the burden on society

As such, government has the right to require insurance companies, which make a tremendous amount of money off of our society to include contraceptive coverage. We tried to implement a government insurance option and insurance companies spent billions to block it. This is part of their payback

How about you worry about purchasing your own condoms. If your Dick falls off because you catch something because you put is some place you should not have, I give you my permission to blame me. :eusa_whistle:
Not a Government issue. Time to get the Government out of the bedroom. No more having it both ways. The Government doesn't belong being involved with such private personal matters. And they definitely shouldn't be forcing anyone to pay for someone else's Contraception & Abortions. Taxpayers are not required to fund fellow Citizens' personal sexual behavior. It's the individual Citizens' responsibility to fund their own behavior. You want to be promiscuous and have several Abortions? Well then you have to take personal responsibility and fund that behavior yourself. It's not your fellow Citizens' responsibility to do that. Big Government needs to be booted out of these personal social issues. They're clearly over-reaching now.

I find this issue rather interesting myself. The left yells and holler that they demand government to stay out of the bedroom and "private affairs" with respect to Defense Of Marriage Act and same sex marriage, yet they really don't want government out of the bedroom because the left is now trying everything to connect contraception with the notion that it's somehow a HEALTH issue. It's not a health issue in the respect that mamograms are, it's just another "give me, give me" entitlement.
What exactly entitles government to give you free contraception, to in effect have taxpayers PAY for your extracurricular activities?

Health insurance should be treated with various cover options with everyone that seeks to have health care coverage paying for BASIC services. If you want the cadillac option that includes free contraception, free viagra, free gym membership and weight loss programs, etc. then that individual must pay for the added individual premium coverage for those desired programs. Government should stay out of issues such as these, period. It's not the Federal Government's job to be and act as the "responsible" parent, because some complaining entitlement supporters choose not to be.

Contraception is about family planning, not about wild sex. You can have wild sex without contraception. It is in the interest of the society that unwanted children be kept to a minimum. It reduces the abortion rate, the number of children born to single mothers and the burden on society

As such, government has the right to require insurance companies, which make a tremendous amount of money off of our society to include contraceptive coverage. We tried to implement a government insurance option and insurance companies spent billions to block it. This is part of their payback

Why not just make all contraception free? Maybe do Contraception Bouquets at FTD or Pro Flowers. Totally free of course. Contraception is a Right, correct? How many Soldiers have died protecting your Right to stick it where you want without having to take any responsibility? That is what Liberty is about, after all. There is nothing nobler that I can think of, than having the Greater Society take responsibility over who get's born. You are way ahead of the Pack, Comrade. ;)
It is in the interest of the society that unwanted children be kept to a minimum. It reduces the abortion rate, the number of children born to single mothers and the burden on society

And the best way to get that is through personal responsibility. When you say the baby is society's responsibility, not her responsibility, you're sending exactly the wrong message. Ditto the guy.
Socialists/Progressives like to have it both ways on issues like this. They don't really want the Government out of the bedroom. They only want that when it's convenient for them. They fully support the Government forcing Taxpayers to subsidize fellow Citizens' personal sexual behavior. They also fully support forcing Taxpayers to subsidize Abortions. So they're not very honest or consistent. It's time for Big Government to really get out of the bedroom. Let the age of personal responsibility dawn.

No, they don’t, because they know it’s illegal to use taxpayers’ funds to subsidize abortion. So liberals don’t want to ‘have it both ways,’ they’re being perfectly honest and consistent.

If conservatives really want ‘Big Government ’out of the bedroom and an age of ‘personal responsibility’ to dawn, then they need to cease their efforts to violate a woman’s right to privacy with regard to abortion and access to contraceptives.

The hypocrisy and ignorance belongs to conservatives alone.

FactCheck.org : The Abortion Issue

Unless of course one is dealing with conservatives who oppose abortion for women in cases of rape or incest, or to save the life of the mother; in addition to being ignorant hypocrites, such conservatives are also criminals.

Which is it? Illegal or legal. Since the feds allow payment for women who are victims of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother, you are wrong. I assure you that those that object are well intentioned and are not criminals.

The major objection of many is that a woman can go to Planned Parenthood and say if "I don't have an abortion I will just die," and they will send her to a free shrink that will declare it to be so. That is the what some of those that object to the 'life of the mother' clause know to be a fact.

There are also many others that are opposed to the rape and incest exceptions and, although I am not in that camp, they are certainly entitled to voice their opinion.

The law says individuals who get federal subsidy dollars must use their private money to pay for coverage of abortion except in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother.
Most crimes in the Penal Code - and other codes - have victims, and are therefore protecting the rights of others. There are exceptions however, being under the influence of a drug or narcotic is one, a women exposing her breast in public is another. Aren't these examples of the government enforcing a moral code?

They are indeed and as I said there are exceptions. But those exceptions are usually quite controversial or unenforceable because they have no victim and more and more we are seeing those laws get ignored or repealed. IMO that's a good thing because government should not dictate to us what is moral and immoral. This is why I favor legalization as well. Not because I am a user of narcotics (at least not since high school :lol:) but because I can't find an argument as to why someone smoking a joint in their home is harmful to anyone else. I have heard many people try to make one but I have yet to hear one that is convincing. The nudity argument...yes but it also depends on where you are. In San Francisco it's perfectly legal for example, at least situationally.

Anyhow, as I said in my earlier post, there are exceptions
I find this issue rather interesting myself. The left yells and holler that they demand government to stay out of the bedroom and "private affairs" with respect to Defense Of Marriage Act and same sex marriage, yet they really don't want government out of the bedroom because the left is now trying everything to connect contraception with the notion that it's somehow a HEALTH issue. It's not a health issue in the respect that mamograms are, it's just another "give me, give me" entitlement.
What exactly entitles government to give you free contraception, to in effect have taxpayers PAY for your extracurricular activities?

Health insurance should be treated with various cover options with everyone that seeks to have health care coverage paying for BASIC services. If you want the cadillac option that includes free contraception, free viagra, free gym membership and weight loss programs, etc. then that individual must pay for the added individual premium coverage for those desired programs. Government should stay out of issues such as these, period. It's not the Federal Government's job to be and act as the "responsible" parent, because some complaining entitlement supporters choose not to be.

Contraception is about family planning, not about wild sex. You can have wild sex without contraception. It is in the interest of the society that unwanted children be kept to a minimum. It reduces the abortion rate, the number of children born to single mothers and the burden on society

As such, government has the right to require insurance companies, which make a tremendous amount of money off of our society to include contraceptive coverage. We tried to implement a government insurance option and insurance companies spent billions to block it. This is part of their payback

Why not just make all contraception free? Maybe do Contraception Bouquets at FTD or Pro Flowers. Totally free of course. Contraception is a Right, correct? How many Soldiers have died protecting your Right to stick it where you want without having to take any responsibility? That is what Liberty is about, after all. There is nothing nobler that I can think of, than having the Greater Society take responsibility over who get's born. You are way ahead of the Pack, Comrade. ;)

Most contraception is used by married couples who are trying to responsibly control the number of children they have. It is not about wild sex parties and sticking it where you want.......it's about responsible parenting

If insurance will pay for a vasectomy or tubal litigation....what is the moral opposition to birth control?
Most contraception is used by married couples who are trying to responsibly control the number of children they have. It is not about wild sex parties and sticking it where you want.......it's about responsible parenting

If insurance will pay for a vasectomy or tubal litigation....what is the moral opposition to birth control?

Insurance will pay for those because it's cheaper than the costs associated with a baby. It's an economic decision for the insurance company not a moral one
Contraception is about family planning, not about wild sex. You can have wild sex without contraception. It is in the interest of the society that unwanted children be kept to a minimum. It reduces the abortion rate, the number of children born to single mothers and the burden on society


As such, government has the right to require insurance companies, which make a tremendous amount of money off of our society to include contraceptive coverage.

Complete bullshit. It's in an insurance company's best financial interests to do so hence the reason why most of them do, BUT the government has no right to require that of anyone whether it's a religious organization (such as one run by the Catholic Church) with a moral purpose for not providing it or a secular company with a bad grasp of economics.
Not a Government issue. Time to get the Government out of the bedroom. No more having it both ways. The Government doesn't belong being involved with such private personal matters. And they definitely shouldn't be forcing anyone to pay for someone else's Contraception & Abortions. Taxpayers are not required to fund fellow Citizens' personal sexual behavior. It's the individual Citizens' responsibility to fund their own behavior. You want to be promiscuous and have several Abortions? Well then you have to take personal responsibility and fund that behavior yourself. It's not your fellow Citizens' responsibility to do that. Big Government needs to be booted out of these personal social issues. They're clearly over-reaching now.

I find this issue rather interesting myself. The left yells and holler that they demand government to stay out of the bedroom and "private affairs" with respect to Defense Of Marriage Act and same sex marriage, yet they really don't want government out of the bedroom because the left is now trying everything to connect contraception with the notion that it's somehow a HEALTH issue. It's not a health issue in the respect that mamograms are, it's just another "give me, give me" entitlement.
What exactly entitles government to give you free contraception, to in effect have taxpayers PAY for your extracurricular activities?

Health insurance should be treated with various cover options with everyone that seeks to have health care coverage paying for BASIC services. If you want the cadillac option that includes free contraception, free viagra, free gym membership and weight loss programs, etc. then that individual must pay for the added individual premium coverage for those desired programs. Government should stay out of issues such as these, period. It's not the Federal Government's job to be and act as the "responsible" parent, because some complaining entitlement supporters choose not to be.

Contraception is about family planning, not about wild sex. You can have wild sex without contraception. It is in the interest of the society that unwanted children be kept to a minimum. It reduces the abortion rate, the number of children born to single mothers and the burden on society

As such, government has the right to require insurance companies, which make a tremendous amount of money off of our society to include contraceptive coverage. We tried to implement a government insurance option and insurance companies spent billions to block it. This is part of their payback

Again, contraception has nothing to do with health care, mamograms yes. If you choose to live a promiscuous lifestyle, then you should be able to take on the added responsibility to pay for it yourself. Heath care has absolutely no right to include areas such as free contraception, condoms, viagra, gym memberships, weight loss programs, and cosmedic surgeries. Every insurance should start with the basic health plan, if you want the cadillac option that includes these added personal activities then by all means pull out your personal check book and pay for the added benefits - period. Don't make me have to cover for your chosen lifestyle, it's not my responsibility to see to your extracurricular activies needs.

I can't say it any better than what has already been spoken in the link below:


"So let me get this straight Mrs. Fluke, and I'm asking this in all do respect, I am. You want me to give you my hard earn money so you can have sex? Is that what your asking for?"
-- BINGO!! . . and hats off to Mr Bill O'Reilly.
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The Catholic Church is opposed to contraception for moral reasons.

Where is the morality in creating a life when food and clean water are rare commodities? Where poverty exists and educational opportunities are non existent?

Where is the morality when disease is spread?

Where is the morality when a women is the victim of domestic violence? When a women is forced to conceive and then trapped as the child become a lever to gain more power and more control?

Well, the catholic church has not been a very moral institution throughout its existence.

So, it does not have the credibility to tell people they should not use contraception using reasons of morality.

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