Cops are still killing nigga's, but BLM has been silenced......


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Cops Are Still Killing People, But The Nation Has Stopped Paying Attention
Police have fatally shot at least 20 unarmed civilians this year, and cable news hasn’t covered a single case.
Cops Are Still Killing People, But The Nation Has Stopped Paying Attention

Because of Media Madness for Donald Trump and the RNC, what should make the news is being reason is because it gets few ratings and because BLM has been silenced thanks to the Trump supporters and because nigga's are now too busy with ww to give a fuck anymore. Black people will rule the day, we stripped ourselves of unity just to be excepted by whites. Black women and children which opened doors for us all back in the day.....could give two fucks about black men today. Let these white bitches do the rallying and the mothers of the dead!!
These Black Lives Matter morons do not realize how pathetic they look, black folks in general don't it seems.

The name and mission makes it clear they suffer from severe inferiority complexes and do in fact believe white people are superior. Their whole schtick is about getting white people to give two shits about them and attempting to guilt trip gibs me dats out of da whites cuz dey beez privileged n sheeeit.

Fuck BLM. Fucking knuckle dragging pavement apes. When you start showing you think your lives matter, then maybe we might start giving a shit.
Try acting more like Theo Huxtable and less like Tupac and you might see a change.
These Black Lives Matter morons do not realize how pathetic they look, black folks in general don't it seems.

The name and mission makes it clear they suffer from severe inferiority complexes and do in fact believe white people are superior. Their whole schtick is about getting white people to give two shits about them and attempting to guilt trip gibs me dats out of da whites cuz dey beez privileged n sheeeit.

Fuck BLM. Fucking knuckle dragging pavement apes. When you start showing you think your lives matter, then maybe we might start giving a shit.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the looser."- Socrates

Your bombastic tone does little to advance your position.
These Black Lives Matter morons do not realize how pathetic they look, black folks in general don't it seems.

The name and mission makes it clear they suffer from severe inferiority complexes and do in fact believe white people are superior. Their whole schtick is about getting white people to give two shits about them and attempting to guilt trip gibs me dats out of da whites cuz dey beez privileged n sheeeit.

Fuck BLM. Fucking knuckle dragging pavement apes. When you start showing you think your lives matter, then maybe we might start giving a shit.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the looser."- Socrates

Your bombastic tone does little to advance your position.
I don't care. No time to pussy foot.
Can you link me to the 20 unarmed people they killed? I'd like to know the details of each. Maybe you'll convince me to support BLM. We can't have thousands of people being shot unarmed by the police when they pose no serious threat.

When a bullet from a cops gun enters into another human being that person becomes a criminal. Thems the rules. Cops are infallible.
If BLM knew how to protest without being annoying fucktards, maybe they would have been more successful. Blocking traffic and interrupting meals has got to be the dumbest protest tactic in the history of protests.
These Black Lives Matter morons do not realize how pathetic they look, black folks in general don't it seems.

The name and mission makes it clear they suffer from severe inferiority complexes and do in fact believe white people are superior. Their whole schtick is about getting white people to give two shits about them and attempting to guilt trip gibs me dats out of da whites cuz dey beez privileged n sheeeit.

Fuck BLM. Fucking knuckle dragging pavement apes. When you start showing you think your lives matter, then maybe we might start giving a shit.

"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the looser."- Socrates

Your bombastic tone does little to advance your position.
I don't care. No time to pussy foot.

Or to sound reasonable and thoughtful?
If BLM knew how to protest without being annoying fucktards, maybe

Every protest that doesnt deal with an issue in your life is rather annoying. Like womens rights! Sheesh be quiet already....because I'm a guy
What happened to BLM is what happens to lots of protest movements they get infiltrated by radicals and nut jobs who grab all the attention with their over the top idiocy and the decent people who started the movement no longer want to be associated with it and leave.
If BLM knew how to protest without being annoying fucktards, maybe they would have been more successful. Blocking traffic and interrupting meals has got to be the dumbest protest tactic in the history of protests.
yep.....for me thats were the point they are trying to make ends.....
What happened to BLM is what happens to lots of protest movements they get infiltrated by radicals and nut jobs who grab all the attention with their over the top idiocy and the decent people who started the movement no longer want to be associated with it and leave.
When people start to question whether or not your group is a terrorist organization, youve got serious problems.

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