Coronavirus Lock Down to Avoid Profiling?

I know two people who lost loved ones yesterday, and neither of those people had underlying conditions. They were ages 44 and 54.

I know of two people who recently lost their son to a traffic accident. He was 17.

The obvious difference is that age group represents the highest number of automobile fatalities. While tragic and sad, it's not unusual.

People in the 44-54 age group, who are otherwise healthy, haven't exactly been dropping like flies from Covid-19...

There are always outliers, exception but not the rule. The virus affects older people, people with high blood pressure, obesity, smokers, people with asthma, copd, respiratory disorders, diabetes, compromised immune systems, people with cancer.

Not to mention HIV. The black communities are expressing concern how they are disproportionately affected by Covid. While HIV is treatable on it's own, it's a deadly combo with the virus. There are a lot more cases of HIV in the black communities than white, so they are dropping like flies.
Going to a baseball game or bar is not a necessity.

Neither is shutting down our economy.

Well, we only have two choices: shutdown the economy and try to control this thing, which has had very positive results, or open the economy and let this spread like wildfire which it will likely do. China eased their restrictions, and they are experiencing another round of spreading.

I say keep it shutdown until we at least have enough N-95 masks for every person in the country that needs one. The more people walking around with this thing, the higher my chances are of catching it and dying.
Going to a baseball game or bar is not a necessity.

Neither is shutting down our economy.
Yes, but at the cost of how many lives?

How many people do you want to die from poverty, starving and homeless, to save a few from an overhyped flu?

The economic destruction being caused by this overreaction is a far greater threat to everyone's safety and well-being than the virus itself ever could be.

We now have over 33,000 Americans dead from this thing, and the numbers likely increased since this morning, so I don't know what you consider a few. What I do know is that isolation is working, especially in places that were predicted to really increase in cases such as California. In the meantime, China is experiencing another problem since they loosened regulations.

If we open up the economy with no N-95 masks for everybody, no vaccine, not nearly enough tests, everything we worked towards will be flushed down the toilet and we'll have to start over again. As far as starvation goes, if you are collecting 400 bucks a week from your state unemployment, add another 600 bucks a week from the feds, you are actually in the 60K a year bracket when you consider taxes.
I will always wear a mask when I have to go out shopping or whatever.

I hope you will be able to get an N95 mask. For younger people, a cloth mask should be sufficient when in crowded situations.

Not for nothing jwoodie, but the tightest woven cloth will only filter down to 1 micron. It matters a great deal what the mask is made out of, and it should be made with materials that can filter down to 0.3 microns (same as the mask) or lower.

Paper towels will filter down to 0.3 microns (you can look it up on Google if you wish). Kleenex will filter down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus), and Kleenex carries an ionic charge (static electricity), which catches viruses like a magnet.

So, I make my masks out of paper towels folded like a mask, with Kleenex underneath the paper towels to catch viruses that get past the paper towel.

I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.
I will always wear a mask when I have to go out shopping or whatever.

I hope you will be able to get an N95 mask. For younger people, a cloth mask should be sufficient when in crowded situations.

Not for nothing jwoodie, but the tightest woven cloth will only filter down to 1 micron. It matters a great deal what the mask is made out of, and it should be made with materials that can filter down to 0.3 microns (same as the mask) or lower.

Paper towels will filter down to 0.3 microns (you can look it up on Google if you wish). Kleenex will filter down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus), and Kleenex carries an ionic charge (static electricity), which catches viruses like a magnet.

So, I make my masks out of paper towels folded like a mask, with Kleenex underneath the paper towels to catch viruses that get past the paper towel.

I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.

There are no good masks around, so I'm using a disposable dusk mask for now. I line the inside with part of a paper towel that I fold so there are two or three layers. Nobody sees that I have a paper towel in there. I just look like a guy that does drywall. :laugh:
I will always wear a mask when I have to go out shopping or whatever.

I hope you will be able to get an N95 mask. For younger people, a cloth mask should be sufficient when in crowded situations.

Not for nothing jwoodie, but the tightest woven cloth will only filter down to 1 micron. It matters a great deal what the mask is made out of, and it should be made with materials that can filter down to 0.3 microns (same as the mask) or lower.

Paper towels will filter down to 0.3 microns (you can look it up on Google if you wish). Kleenex will filter down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus), and Kleenex carries an ionic charge (static electricity), which catches viruses like a magnet.

So, I make my masks out of paper towels folded like a mask, with Kleenex underneath the paper towels to catch viruses that get past the paper towel.

I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.

There are no good masks around, so I'm using a disposable dusk mask for now. I line the inside with part of a paper towel that I fold so there are two or three layers. Nobody sees that I have a paper towel in there. I just look like a guy that does drywall. :laugh:

You'd be better off if you used Kleenex for the inner layer Ray. Kleenex not only has a filtration down to 0.1, but it also is statically charged, meaning that even if a particle does go through the mask, it will be stopped by the Kleenex, as static makes the virus stick to it like a magnet.
I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.

The purpose of cloth face masks is to protect others from sneezing and coughing, not to protect the (low-risk) wearer.
I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.

The purpose of cloth face masks is to protect others from sneezing and coughing, not to protect the (low-risk) wearer.

The N-95 protects the person wearing them. That's why I'm anxious for them to manufacture enough of them for everybody.
The N-95 protects the person wearing them. That's why I'm anxious for them to manufacture enough of them for everybody.

But everybody doesn't need them (only high-risk). To almost everybody else, it is like getting the flu. They just need to use normal precautions.
The N-95 protects the person wearing them. That's why I'm anxious for them to manufacture enough of them for everybody.

But everybody doesn't need them (only high-risk). To almost everybody else, it is like getting the flu. They just need to use normal precautions.

Not given the high spreading ability this has. It takes way more than normal precautions. I used more hand sanitizer the last four or five weeks than I have the last four or five years. In fact, just bought more yesterday.

I was watching an old television sitcom yesterday--The Barney Miller show. When the actors would get close to each other, it setoff an alarm in my head. That's never happened in my life before. Two if them shook hands, and the first thing that came to my mind is how wrong it was, even though it was just fine in the 70's, as it was today just a few months ago.

This virus is an entirely different animal than we've ever dealt with before. As my 89 year old father told me yesterday, he's never experienced anything like this in his life, and trust me, he's seen a lot in his life.
I will always wear a mask when I have to go out shopping or whatever.

I hope you will be able to get an N95 mask. For younger people, a cloth mask should be sufficient when in crowded situations.

Not for nothing jwoodie, but the tightest woven cloth will only filter down to 1 micron. It matters a great deal what the mask is made out of, and it should be made with materials that can filter down to 0.3 microns (same as the mask) or lower.

Paper towels will filter down to 0.3 microns (you can look it up on Google if you wish). Kleenex will filter down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus), and Kleenex carries an ionic charge (static electricity), which catches viruses like a magnet.

So, I make my masks out of paper towels folded like a mask, with Kleenex underneath the paper towels to catch viruses that get past the paper towel.

I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.

There are no good masks around, so I'm using a disposable dusk mask for now. I line the inside with part of a paper towel that I fold so there are two or three layers. Nobody sees that I have a paper towel in there. I just look like a guy that does drywall. :laugh:

The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
Kristen Aiken

HuffPost LifeApril 21, 2020

The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study

I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.

The purpose of cloth face masks is to protect others from sneezing and coughing, not to protect the (low-risk) wearer.

The N-95 protects the person wearing them. That's why I'm anxious for them to manufacture enough of them for everybody.

Double folded paper towel inside works.
I have N-95's only because I saw this coming and then went back to get more but they were already gone.
I just checked the date on my sales receipt and it shows I bought them on 2/25/2020.
I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.

The purpose of cloth face masks is to protect others from sneezing and coughing, not to protect the (low-risk) wearer.

The N-95 protects the person wearing them. That's why I'm anxious for them to manufacture enough of them for everybody.

Double folded paper towel inside works.
I have N-95's only because I saw this coming and then went back to get more but they were already gone.
I just checked the date on my sales receipt and it shows I bought them on 2/25/2020.

I'm in a little better shape now. My niece in Florida made masks for everybody in our family. I don't know what it's made out of, but given she has a biology degree, I couldn't trust anybody more. I picked it up from my sister yesterday, and used it today for the first time. I'm still going to use facial tissue or paper towels inside because there is no such thing as being too safe.
I will always wear a mask when I have to go out shopping or whatever.

I hope you will be able to get an N95 mask. For younger people, a cloth mask should be sufficient when in crowded situations.

Not for nothing jwoodie, but the tightest woven cloth will only filter down to 1 micron. It matters a great deal what the mask is made out of, and it should be made with materials that can filter down to 0.3 microns (same as the mask) or lower.

Paper towels will filter down to 0.3 microns (you can look it up on Google if you wish). Kleenex will filter down to 0.1 microns (same size as the virus), and Kleenex carries an ionic charge (static electricity), which catches viruses like a magnet.

So, I make my masks out of paper towels folded like a mask, with Kleenex underneath the paper towels to catch viruses that get past the paper towel.

I get that people like to think face masks will help, and they will, if they are made out of the right materials. And, most cloth that I see people using is not really useful, as it looks to be 10 microns or bigger in filtration.

There are no good masks around, so I'm using a disposable dusk mask for now. I line the inside with part of a paper towel that I fold so there are two or three layers. Nobody sees that I have a paper towel in there. I just look like a guy that does drywall. :laugh:

The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study
Kristen Aiken

HuffPost LifeApril 21, 2020

The Best Coronavirus Face Mask Materials, According To A New Study

Thank you very much for the links Playtime.

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