Corporation vs Government: Who Do You Trust?

I was being sarcastic. There's been items in news lately about government employees and retirees being delinquent in taxes to the tune of $3.5B+ (and at a higher rate than the national average).

Federal and state taxes added to a gallon of gas exceed oil company profits - so who is really doing the gouging here?

You really haven't thought this through, and must be using a republican sound bite. I used NY with the highest gas taxes, and current cost per gallon.

New York: (2.73 gl. - 62.9 tax = $2.10 profit)

The oil is free from Your leased government lands, and it costs .15 cents a gallon to refine it. BUT it takes 2 gl, crude to make 1 gl. of gasoline, so refining cost is .30 cents. But since there is no product left unsold because it goes into additives, making clothes, plastics, etc. there is actually more than .30 cents in profits, so I don't need to enter refinery costs or transportation costs. But I will anyway.........

New York: (2.73 gl. - 62.9 tax - .30 = $1.80 profit) So .63 is not more than 1.80, about 1/3.

U.S. Gasoline Taxes by State

You can avoid paying for gas if you are willing to make the lifestyle changes to reduce your consumption. If you aren't willing to do so, then we can only assume that the benefits you derive from using petrol are worth the price you are voluntarily paying.

Yes, being a rugged individual, you can do without a car that is also not inspected or required to meet any standards for brakes, lights, etc. And when things go bad, you have no recourse because you have no government governing.
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[Your clear bias is showing...

Yes, unfortunately, that is how I see corporations and government.

Sad thing is most of the things you hate about big corporations were probably helped and empowered by Big Government in some simple to understand way.

I really wouldn't know. I do know regulations do not come out of thin air. There is a negative to a current situation that only government can solve forcing compliance.

I think the question of who would we trust more is just a childish way of looking at it. It's who would you rather deal with when you have a problem with them. Big Corp is simple to deal with, you don't buy their product... Government Goes to war in Iraq or passes Obamacare, you are forced to pay.

If you don't buy the product, I guess you didn't need it. In a free market you would have no taxes (++++++PLUS), but you would have no protection (------Negative).
Federal and state taxes added to a gallon of gas exceed oil company profits - so who is really doing the gouging here?

You really haven't thought this through, and must be using a republican sound bite. I used NY with the highest gas taxes, and current cost per gallon.

New York: (2.73 gl. - 62.9 tax = $2.10 profit)

The oil is free from Your leased government lands, and it costs .15 cents a gallon to refine it. BUT it takes 2 gl, crude to make 1 gl. of gasoline, so refining cost is .30 cents. But since there is no product left unsold because it goes into additives, making clothes, plastics, etc. there is actually more than .30 cents in profits, so I don't need to enter refinery costs or transportation costs. But I will anyway.........

New York: (2.73 gl. - 62.9 tax - .30 = $1.80 profit) So .63 is not more than 1.80, about 1/3.

U.S. Gasoline Taxes by State

My Gawd you are an economic illiterate. Oil is not free. It costs money to explore, develop, extract, process, transport, and distribute oil, among other elements of the cost structure.

Here's a link to Exxon's income statement. The net profit margin for 2009 was a little over 6%.

You can avoid paying for gas if you are willing to make the lifestyle changes to reduce your consumption. If you aren't willing to do so, then we can only assume that the benefits you derive from using petrol are worth the price you are voluntarily paying.

Yes, being a rugged individual, you can do without a car that is also not inspected or required to meet any standards for brakes, lights, etc. And when things go bad, you have no recourse because you have no government governing.

Blather and nonsense. You are clearly yet another moron who thinks that businesses that kill off their customers (with the exception of tobacco companies which do it slowly), stay in business.

You are the one shrieking about oil - if you dislike it that much, figure out how to use less of if (i.e., take some personal responsibility for your lifestyle) instead of spinning fantasies about oil companies having 67%+ profit margins.
YOU are government. It is YOUR responsibility to run it. So if a corporation kills your family off with salmonella poison, you feel you can deal with them honestly? How about you lose an arm working for a corporation, will they treat you honestly? Did ENRON or EXXON treat it's employees and Americans in general honestly?

did you ever see how the Govt. treats its workers who are injured on the job?.....not much difference ......

They treated me OK, but it probably depends where you are in the system. I would say gov. employees are at the mercy of some real assholes buried away at the top. Most of them too rich to care about your problems. I found the same thing true of corporations.
I was being sarcastic. There's been items in news lately about government employees and retirees being delinquent in taxes to the tune of $3.5B+ (and at a higher rate than the national average).


its hard to pick up sarcasm in print.....:eusa_angel:
There is a way to deal with businesses that do not treat their employees squarely and see products at inflated prices. We had a book store across the street from university doing that. So the employees organized a strike, got fired, put up a picket line, and seven students crossed the line in the next three weeks. The owners came out begging for forgiveness, the strike committee made that public in the local and underground newspapers, and shortly thereafter the store went under. A long time passed before other businesses acted against their own interests, which include compensating labor fairly and selling good product at good prices.

The economic boycott is a wonderful tool for catching the owners and managers' attention.
Corporations only do what gubmint regulators allow them to do.

Corporations are only limited by what regulations stop them.

They get their limited liabilities for their negligence and willing malfeasance from politicians and bureaucrats.

You are saying Enron ripped off their employees because government showed them how, and let them do it? LOL! I don't think so. Did government tell credit card companies to raise their rates over night? LOL! Really dude, you got things mixed up.

Corporations are the servants and gubmint is their master.

By some regulations that is true.

The false dichotomy remains....And you're a fool to keep falling fore it.

And you never answered the question by dodging it fool, who do you trust?
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If I thought you were serious, I'd debate you and eat your lunch..... but alas, all you want to do is demonize Conservatives, and praise big gov't.

Waste of my VALUABLE time..... thanks, but no thanks!

I ditto your remarks. This thread is an absolute exercise for the weak-minded and would be futile. And YES Author of this exercise...that means YOU.

To the Author of this Idiotic Exercise [Heretofore known as the OP]

You don't get it otherwise you wouldn't be showing your uneducated ASS out in the open.


Have a nice evening.


I ditto your remarks. This thread is an absolute exercise for the weak-minded and would be futile. And YES Author of this exercise...that means YOU.

Squirted in your pants, huh? Here is T's last 5 threads, so we can recognize the caliber of character who is making the claim.

ABIKER...You piece of Fucking GARBAGE
NAACP, Left-Leaning Media Groups Form Tea Party Tracking Site...DESPERATION?
YES* I am Running For POTUS in a WORKINGMAN
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs....
The message I see regarding "USMESSAGEBOARD"

To the Author of this Idiotic Exercise [Heretofore known as the OP]

You don't get it otherwise you wouldn't be showing your uneducated ASS out in the open.

You can suck mah nuts T. One must wonder why an imbecile like you ventures onto my thread in some foreign attempt to make a personal attack by insult. A wise man would keep his mouth shut, but you opened yours to suck mah cock. Why don't you go troll over at the Mickey Mouse club, where little insignificant assholes like you have competition.


Have a nice evening.



Yes, by all means, go give yourself a handjob in a phone booth and STFU!!!!:clap2:
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I choose the individual who makes decisions for themselves under the basis of LIBERTY. I choose the individual who takes risks, reaps the rewards, and suffers the failures. I choose the individual that stands for personal responsibility and freedom.

Government that impedes the individual the means to pursue their own ends can go to hell.
Capitalism is the economic manifestation of freedom. Don't like it? Compete. Can't compete? Shit or get off the pot.
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I trust neither, as both are guided by imperfect, emotional, power-hungry humans.

You can avoid paying for gas if you are willing to make the lifestyle changes to reduce your consumption. If you aren't willing to do so, then we can only assume that the benefits you derive from using petrol are worth the price you are voluntarily paying.

You can avoid paying taxes if you are willing to make the lifestyle changes necessary to reduce your taxes. If you aren't willing to do so, then I can only assume that the benefits you derive from engaging in the activities that are taxed is worth the price you are voluntarily paying. Many people live without any tax burden.

Just sayin'.
I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

On the other hand the corporate world has provided for us our entire standard of living. We would almost all be dead without corporate American providing our gas, food and keeping us safe from Katrinas.

Government is mainly focused on wars, which kill many of our young to support the corporate machine that government is most beholden to.

My answer to your question is: neither, both, and can't I have more than two options! In that order.

Typical of a partisan to frame every issue into an either/or, pitting two unGAWDly options against one another while eliminating all sane options from the fray.

It's like: "who do you trust more, rioting skinheads or rioting muslims?".
I have seen what corporations do to people, and what government does to people, and I would side with trusting government before I would ever trust a corporation.

Corporations don't care if people die. Whether it be a Katrina disaster or shutting off the electric power to families in the winter so they die of exposure. They want relaxed regulations so they can murder more people with their products cheaper. They have no use for repairing America, just raping it of its resources. The corporate way has made us a third world country.

Government on the other hand has regulated the corporate enemys, built and maintained America, taken care of its people to keep them safe from the harm of corporations & greed. They are the ones that made it possible for electricity, for sanitzed water sources, dams, freeways, space travel, internet, and support many of these corporations so you can buy almost anything your want from anywhere in the world.

So what is your take & reasoning?

So who do you think "owns" the Federal Government--:lol: Corporations do and they have a lot more influence on government--than your vote.

So I don't trust either one--especially the Government or should I say the politicians that form government because the corporations always hold the Ace card when it comes to them seeking re-election.
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Capitalism is the economic manifestation of freedom.

So is armed robbery. NEXT!

“Democracy destroys itself because it abuses its right to freedom and equality. Because it teaches its citizens to consider audacity as a right, lawlessness as a freedom, abrasive speech as equality, and anarchy as progress.”
~ the folks who invented democracy
Capitalism is the economic manifestation of freedom.

So is armed robbery. NEXT!

“Democracy destroys itself because it abuses its right to freedom and equality. Because it teaches its citizens to consider audacity as a right, lawlessness as a freedom, abrasive speech as equality, and anarchy as progress.”
~ the folks who invented democracy

uhhh...depriving one's rights is not a manifestation or a practice of liberty...i hope you were being sarcastic and i just dont get it.

one who advocates for freedom and liberty is not advocating for anarchy. Government is necessary to enforce laws that provide a consequence for an individual depriving another individual of their rights. That, along with maintaining a currency, and protecting the boarders are the only job of the federal government according the founders via the federalist papers. Our current federal government, arguably since Lincoln, and without a doubt after wilson and FDR, is an assault on liberty. I implore you to find the definition of "soft tyranny" and understand that is the type of umbrella in which americans live under. It is mostly fake freedom, as compared to the pure freedom envisioned by the founders and embodied in the constitution when read and understood as written.

Side note: who exactly said your quote? The founders I know abhorred democracy and spoke strongly against it. Advocating instead for a republic.
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You might as well be asking people whether they trust Don Vito Corleone more, over Fat Clemenza and Sal Tessio.

I think I'd go with Tony "the ant" Spilotro over corporations or government. I met Tony in vegas... 'wise guy.'
Capitalism is the economic manifestation of freedom.

So is armed robbery. NEXT!

“Democracy destroys itself because it abuses its right to freedom and equality. Because it teaches its citizens to consider audacity as a right, lawlessness as a freedom, abrasive speech as equality, and anarchy as progress.”
~ the folks who invented democracy

uhhh...depriving one's rights is not a manifestation or a practice of liberty...i hope you were being sarcastic and i just dont get it.

one who advocates for freedom and liberty is not advocating for anarchy. Government is necessary to enforce laws that provide a consequence for an individual depriving another individual of their rights. That, along with maintaining a currency, and protecting the boarders are the only job of the federal government according the founders via the federalist papers. Our current federal government, arguably since Lincoln, and without a doubt after wilson and FDR, is an assault on liberty. I implore you to find the definition of "soft tyranny" and understand that is the type of umbrella in which americans live under. It is mostly fake freedom, as compared to the pure freedom envisioned by the founders and embodied in the constitution when read and understood as written.

Side note: who exactly said your quote? The founders I know abhorred democracy and spoke strongly against it. Advocating instead for a republic.

You didn't understand the quote provided by the folks who actually invented democracy and predicted it's outcomes.

So here's another:

In these sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

~Ben Franklin, constitutional convention, Monday, September 17, 1787

Speech of Benjamin Franklin - The U.S. Constitution Online -

The common theme between the two quotes is a self destructive tendency inherent in democracy that dwells in the corruption of the people themselves, drunk on their own liberty and freedom.

For a third and more compelling example cast your gaze upon DC. Then back upon the sheeple of the USA.

I rest my case.

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