Corrupt Son of a Bitch

I did. Read your whole post. Not a single word from Huckabee.

Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall with you. C’ya. made a claim as to why Huckabee did something. Why is it a mistake to ask you for a quote from him showing what you claimed?

Asking you to show evidence from Huchabee to back up your lies would only be a mistake if I actually thought you could bring any evidence. You can't. You haven't.

So it wasn't a mistake, it was my way of exposing your lies, ya fucking idiot.:21:
Yep, he's proven time and time again on these threads he IS an IDIOT.
You’re the biggest idiot of the, all. Well almost. There are so many to choose from when dealing with Rightists.
Found that quote yet?:banana:
Look above you moron or do I have to hold your hand?
I did. Read your whole post. Not a single word from Huckabee.

Always remember this - John is MIGHTY, MIGHTY dim. This is most likely caused by his out of control TDS. Poor fella...........
I know. That's why it isn't much of a challenge to slap him around.

But it still kills some time.
Your my bitch. That is obvious.
He-he, the IDIOT misspelled the word YOU'RE! Priceless.
I did. Read your whole post. Not a single word from Huckabee.

Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall with you. C’ya. made a claim as to why Huckabee did something. Why is it a mistake to ask you for a quote from him showing what you claimed?

Asking you to show evidence from Huckabee to back up your lies would only be a mistake if I actually thought you could bring any evidence. You can't. You haven't.

So it wasn't a mistake, it was my way of exposing your lies, ya fucking idiot.:21:
You moron how many times can I post the same thing.
Dunno. How many?

Not relevant.

When will you post something once that supports your lies? That's the question, Puddinhead.
Look above you moron or do I have to hold your hand?
I did. Read your whole post. Not a single word from Huckabee.

Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall discussing this with with you. C’ya.

What are talking about your moron.

Folks, do we need to see anything else from this idiot?:21:
Coming from an idiot who has the reading comprehension of first grader.
I can see where you are coming from

Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall with you. C’ya. made a claim as to why Huckabee did something. Why is it a mistake to ask you for a quote from him showing what you claimed?

Asking you to show evidence from Huchabee to back up your lies would only be a mistake if I actually thought you could bring any evidence. You can't. You haven't.

So it wasn't a mistake, it was my way of exposing your lies, ya fucking idiot.:21:
Yep, he's proven time and time again on these threads he IS an IDIOT.
You’re the biggest idiot of the, all. Well almost. There are so many to choose from when dealing with Rightists.
Look above you moron or do I have to hold your hand?
I did. Read your whole post. Not a single word from Huckabee.

Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall discussing this with with you. C’ya.

What are talking about your moron.

Folks, do we need to see anything else from this idiot?:21:
Nope, we ALL need to stop responding to this mentally challenged one. He'll be left arguing with HIMSELF. So please join me and stop answering this fool's replies. Thank you.
Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall with you. C’ya. made a claim as to why Huckabee did something. Why is it a mistake to ask you for a quote from him showing what you claimed?

Asking you to show evidence from Huckabee to back up your lies would only be a mistake if I actually thought you could bring any evidence. You can't. You haven't.

So it wasn't a mistake, it was my way of exposing your lies, ya fucking idiot.:21:
You moron how many times can I post the same thing.
Dunno. How many?

Not relevant.

When will you post something once that supports your lies? That's the question, Puddinhead.
You really are a liar of the highest order. I have posted so many times for this idiot and he can’t get it through his skull.
I did. Read your whole post. Not a single word from Huckabee.

Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall discussing this with with you. C’ya.

What are talking about your moron.

Folks, do we need to see anything else from this idiot?:21:
Nope, we ALL need to stop responding to this mentally challenged one. He'll be left arguing with HIMSELF. So please join me and stop answering this fool's replies. Thank you.
Yeah then stop posting to me jackass.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall with you. C’ya. made a claim as to why Huckabee did something. Why is it a mistake to ask you for a quote from him showing what you claimed?

Asking you to show evidence from Huckabee to back up your lies would only be a mistake if I actually thought you could bring any evidence. You can't. You haven't.

So it wasn't a mistake, it was my way of exposing your lies, ya fucking idiot.:21:
You moron how many times can I post the same thing.
Dunno. How many?

Not relevant.

When will you post something once that supports your lies? That's the question, Puddinhead.
You really are a liar of the highest order. I have posted so many times for this idiot and he can’t get it through his skull.
SO many times.................and yet, nothing to back up your lies, Crayon Eater.
I did. Read your whole post. Not a single word from Huckabee.

Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall discussing this with with you. C’ya.

What are talking about your moron.

Folks, do we need to see anything else from this idiot?:21:
Nope, we ALL need to stop responding to this mentally challenged one. He'll be left arguing with HIMSELF. So please join me and stop answering this fool's replies. Thank you.
He would lose that argument too.......
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall with you. C’ya. made a claim as to why Huckabee did something. Why is it a mistake to ask you for a quote from him showing what you claimed?

Asking you to show evidence from Huckabee to back up your lies would only be a mistake if I actually thought you could bring any evidence. You can't. You haven't.

So it wasn't a mistake, it was my way of exposing your lies, ya fucking idiot.:21:
You moron how many times can I post the same thing.
Dunno. How many?

Not relevant.

When will you post something once that supports your lies? That's the question, Puddinhead.
You really are a liar of the highest order. I have posted so many times for this idiot and he can’t get it through his skull.
SO many times.................and yet, nothing to back up your lies, Crayon Eater.
Coming from an obvious glue sniffer .LOL. Get lost moron. You’re too much of an idiot to speak to. If you are too dull or triggered to respond to my posts don’t engage me. You have yet to make one intelligent comment. Your idiocy is more than anyone can take. I have never dealt with bigger idiot than you. Piss off.
I did. Read your whole post. Not a single word from Huckabee.

Lol....Try again.
Hey liar, you have yet to bring a quote by Huckabee.

Man, it's too easy to expose your lies.
What are talking about your moron. A quote from Huckabee? That is your new excuse for your mistake...Tell you what just admit you were wrong. I am beating my head against a brick wall discussing this with with you. C’ya.

What are talking about your moron.

Folks, do we need to see anything else from this idiot?:21:
Coming from an idiot who has the reading comprehension of first grader.

Hmm. As compared to someone like Joe Biden, Mike Huckabee not wanting drunken spring breakers hanging around, getting nude and puking, going to bathroom, screaming and listening to loud music, or whatever around his property is pretty small beans. made a claim as to why Huckabee did something. Why is it a mistake to ask you for a quote from him showing what you claimed?

Asking you to show evidence from Huckabee to back up your lies would only be a mistake if I actually thought you could bring any evidence. You can't. You haven't.

So it wasn't a mistake, it was my way of exposing your lies, ya fucking idiot.:21:
You moron how many times can I post the same thing.
Dunno. How many?

Not relevant.

When will you post something once that supports your lies? That's the question, Puddinhead.
You really are a liar of the highest order. I have posted so many times for this idiot and he can’t get it through his skull.
SO many times.................and yet, nothing to back up your lies, Crayon Eater.
Coming from an obvious glue sniffer .LOL. Get lost moron. You’re too much of an idiot to speak to. If you are too dull or triggered to respond to my posts don’t engage me. You have yet to make one intelligent comment. Your idiocy is more than anyone can take. I have never dealt with bigger idiot than you. Piss off.
Go find that Huckabee quote, Moron.:banana:
You moron how many times can I post the same thing.
Dunno. How many?

Not relevant.

When will you post something once that supports your lies? That's the question, Puddinhead.
You really are a liar of the highest order. I have posted so many times for this idiot and he can’t get it through his skull.
SO many times.................and yet, nothing to back up your lies, Crayon Eater.
Coming from an obvious glue sniffer .LOL. Get lost moron. You’re too much of an idiot to speak to. If you are too dull or triggered to respond to my posts don’t engage me. You have yet to make one intelligent comment. Your idiocy is more than anyone can take. I have never dealt with bigger idiot than you. Piss off.
Go find that Huckabee quote, Moron.:banana:
Piss off moron.
Dunno. How many?

Not relevant.

When will you post something once that supports your lies? That's the question, Puddinhead.
You really are a liar of the highest order. I have posted so many times for this idiot and he can’t get it through his skull.
SO many times.................and yet, nothing to back up your lies, Crayon Eater.
Coming from an obvious glue sniffer .LOL. Get lost moron. You’re too much of an idiot to speak to. If you are too dull or triggered to respond to my posts don’t engage me. You have yet to make one intelligent comment. Your idiocy is more than anyone can take. I have never dealt with bigger idiot than you. Piss off.
Go find that Huckabee quote, Moron.:banana:
Piss off moron.
Still can't find it?:21:
Can you actually name an elected official who isn't corrupt? I say not a chance. A person can't get to be in a high position without being corrupt. But the average working person working a crazy amount of hours to live paycheck to paycheck can't do anything about it. The whole system is awash in underhandedness and corruption.
Its so bad that Biden is running despite his corruption. He does not care. The swamp is fixed.
Sure who needs courtrooms or evidence when you have innuendo garbage propaganda....
You really are a liar of the highest order. I have posted so many times for this idiot and he can’t get it through his skull.
SO many times.................and yet, nothing to back up your lies, Crayon Eater.
Coming from an obvious glue sniffer .LOL. Get lost moron. You’re too much of an idiot to speak to. If you are too dull or triggered to respond to my posts don’t engage me. You have yet to make one intelligent comment. Your idiocy is more than anyone can take. I have never dealt with bigger idiot than you. Piss off.
Go find that Huckabee quote, Moron.:banana:
Piss off moron.
Still can't find it?:21:
The dumb fuck still can’t locate where I posted it. When you find it, I’ll send you a lollipop.
SO many times.................and yet, nothing to back up your lies, Crayon Eater.
Coming from an obvious glue sniffer .LOL. Get lost moron. You’re too much of an idiot to speak to. If you are too dull or triggered to respond to my posts don’t engage me. You have yet to make one intelligent comment. Your idiocy is more than anyone can take. I have never dealt with bigger idiot than you. Piss off.
Go find that Huckabee quote, Moron.:banana:
Piss off moron.
Still can't find it?:21:
The dumb fuck still can’t locate where I posted it. When you find it, I’ll send you a lollipop.
Post #?

Watch this dodge..............:banana:
You really are a liar of the highest order. I have posted so many times for this idiot and he can’t get it through his skull.
SO many times.................and yet, nothing to back up your lies, Crayon Eater.
Coming from an obvious glue sniffer .LOL. Get lost moron. You’re too much of an idiot to speak to. If you are too dull or triggered to respond to my posts don’t engage me. You have yet to make one intelligent comment. Your idiocy is more than anyone can take. I have never dealt with bigger idiot than you. Piss off.
Go find that Huckabee quote, Moron.:banana:
Piss off moron.
Still can't find it?:21:
We both know it's NOT there! OK, I'm officially done with this thread. Bye-bye.
Coming from an obvious glue sniffer .LOL. Get lost moron. You’re too much of an idiot to speak to. If you are too dull or triggered to respond to my posts don’t engage me. You have yet to make one intelligent comment. Your idiocy is more than anyone can take. I have never dealt with bigger idiot than you. Piss off.
Go find that Huckabee quote, Moron.:banana:
Piss off moron.
Still can't find it?:21:
The dumb fuck still can’t locate where I posted it. When you find it, I’ll send you a lollipop.
Post #?

Watch this dodge..............:banana: many times have I told you. Now piss off.

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