Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

GeorgePhillip is a Marxist. They don't believe in the notion of the nation state. That is, of course, unless we're discussing a communist nation
"Anarcho-syndicalism (also referred to as revolutionary syndicalism[1]) is a theory of anarchism which views revolutionary industrial unionism or syndicalism as a method for workers in capitalist society to gain control of an economy and use that control to influence broader society. Syndicalists consider their economic theories a strategy for facilitating worker self-activity and as an alternative co-operative economic system with democratic values and production centered on meeting human needs."
Anarcho-syndicalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bripat believes if he says nice things about the rich, they will give him some of his money back.

Nope, I don't expect the rich to give me a dime. I expect the will either invest their money or spend it. In the former case, the increase the productivity of the economy and create jobs. In the later case, they create jobs.
Of course, the children of illegals should be deported along with their parents if and when caught! What a silly question!
What's your justification for deporting innocent US citizens?
If the parents want to leave them here, I suppose there's no legal means to stop them. Of course, they need to provide them with a legal guardian who will provide their needs for them. Otherwise, it's with the parents they go. It's illegal to abandon your children in this country.
Nope, I don't expect the rich to give me a dime. I expect the will either invest their money or spend it. In the former case, the increase the productivity of the economy and create jobs. In the later case, they create jobs
How does the rich investing in exotic financial instruments which extract as opposed to produce wealth stimulate productivity or create jobs?
1. I have said nothing about hating immigrants, legal or otherwise. I don't recall anyone else saying that either. That you can't understand that a Conflict of Interest and a desire to pursue MY interests is not about "hate" is just you being unable/unwilling to understand people different than you.

. You are welcome to post an example of me stating that I "hate" immigrants. Hint: Do'nt waste a lot of time looking.

2. I've disagreed with your racist belief system that there are jobs that whites can't do.

3. I want American jobs to go to Americans.

1. Seriously? I've been here for slightly over a year and I've encountered you several times. Your hatred to minorities are well known. Go back and read post of your fellow racist. Be honest once in a while.
2. I'm not a racist........ I like all kinds or races........ Whites, blacks, brown, yellow and purple........ My company are predominantly whites. My comments about whites not willing or cannot stand hard dirty labor are 100% correct. That's the reality. That has nothing to do with racist belief...... This is live experience you are dealing with...... My guess with most of you are either old timers that work very hard in the past or just plain zero experience.
3. You want American jobs goes to Americans only........ What is that supposed to mean? Knowing you as a racist and your cronies that are anti legal immigrants here........... You only want WHITE Americans to have these jobs. PERIOD..........That is where you and your cronies stand.

1. I challenge you to post a quote of me saying something racist. I have issued this challenge to many libs. NOne of them have been able to do so. You won't either.

2. When you state that a whole group of people defined by race is in some way inferior, ie not willing or able to work hard, that is racism as traditionally defined.

3. I want American jobs to go to Americans. I can't make that any simpler or clearer for you.

1. You are a liar. You've always been a racist. Do you want me to go all the threads and look for your post? What kind of challenge is that?
2. Let me repeat it to your thick skull. My company is predominantly whites.... If I'm a racist against whites..... My company should be full of minorities.
3. Please be honest and answer the question.

1. I challenge you to post a quote of my saying something racist. It is an impossible challenge. You cannot do it. NOne of your ideological ilk could do it.

2. No. Your racist belief is that Whites are not capable/willing of hard physical work, so having whites in less physically demanding jobs does NOT mean that your stated belief is not racist.

3. I W-A-N-T A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N J-O-B-S T-O G-O T-O A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S.

1. You are a racist.
2. You are a retarded.
3. That is not answer. You are avoiding the question.

1. Says the man that can't post any supporting evidence of his claim, but still keeps making the claim over and over again.

Query: What type of man, will vilely insult someone when they can offer NO evidence that their insult is deserved? And keep doing so after that fact has been pointed out to them? And refuses to even try to support their vile insults?

2. Full Definition of racism
  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Such as, for an example stating that some particular race is different in that is incapable of hard work, thus other races are superior to the can't work hard race.

You are the individual that doesn't understand the meaning of a word he uses ALL THE TIME.

3. It is THE answer. All the information of my opinion on the subject is contained in those words. The only word that is not one syllable in that sentence is "American". Every other word is a one syllable word. THe problem is not anything I am saying, but that YOUR Internal Barriers to Communication are too strong.
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It is NOT about how I feel.

It is about the fact that the Law is as written, ie these people are NOT welcome. OTherwise WE, THE PEOPLE would have changed the law.

Anyone can point out that obvious fact.,

AND as a member of that group, it is completely reasonable for me to use the word "We" .

Your refusal to face that simple fact is an issue of YOUR troubled mind.

In this I am not so much as Speaking FOR the People as pointing out what they/we have said.
Total bullshit, all of your posts reek of overwrought melodramatic rants .

Your dislike of my writing style does not change the fact that the Democratically enacted Laws of our nation, make it ILLEGAL for these people to be here.

That certainly fits the definition of the word, "unwelcome".

Do you have something to say that relates to that fact?
I see you mania is at full capacity this morning.

Pretty much the Primary Method of "Debate" with liberals.

Since, there is no way for them to honestly defend or advance their policies and positions on their merits,

they instead look for ways, any way, regardless of truthfulness to marginalize the messenger.

Very dishonest, very rude, and, considering the effect on Civil Discourse, Civil Society and Policy, very, very destructive.

BUT, it is generally very effect.

They are dicks like that.
It is NOT about how I feel.

It is about the fact that the Law is as written, ie these people are NOT welcome. OTherwise WE, THE PEOPLE would have changed the law.

Anyone can point out that obvious fact.,

AND as a member of that group, it is completely reasonable for me to use the word "We" .

Your refusal to face that simple fact is an issue of YOUR troubled mind.

In this I am not so much as Speaking FOR the People as pointing out what they/we have said.
Total bullshit, all of your posts reek of overwrought melodramatic rants .

Your dislike of my writing style does not change the fact that the Democratically enacted Laws of our nation, make it ILLEGAL for these people to be here.

That certainly fits the definition of the word, "unwelcome".

Do you have something to say that relates to that fact?
I see you mania is at full capacity this morning.

Pretty much the Primary Method of "Debate" with liberals.

Since, there is no way for them to honestly defend or advance their policies and positions on their merits,

they instead look for ways, any way, regardless of truthfulness to marginalize the messenger.

Very dishonest, very rude, and, considering the effect on Civil Discourse, Civil Society and Policy, very, very destructive.

BUT, it is generally very effect.

They are dicks like that.
Yammering, ranting, spewing .
Repeat as needed.

i've made a point. YOu disagree, but can't really explain why or how.

But you keep repeating your disagreement loudly, as though that is a logical argument.
Correll, no, you do not speak for the "we" in our laws. You have no authority to do so.

The laws are as they are, but you have no authority to speak for them. You have no moral or legal right to use 'we.'

I remember a huge fight with someone who got disappeared because he had the same problem as you, and I suspect that person is coaching you. He was wrong then and you are now.
I am merely referencing the law/policy as it has been crafted by the democratically elected representatives of the people. As a member of the group ie the People, that crafted these laws, I have every moral and legal right to use "we". YOur conspiracy theories are of no interest to me.
Nope, and how you feelz is unimportant. You don't speak for 'we' except in your troubled mind.

It is NOT about how I feel.

It is about the fact that the Law is as written, ie these people are NOT welcome. OTherwise WE, THE PEOPLE would have changed the law.

Anyone can point out that obvious fact.,

AND as a member of that group, it is completely reasonable for me to use the word "We" .

Your refusal to face that simple fact is an issue of YOUR troubled mind.

In this I am not so much as Speaking FOR the People as pointing out what they/we have said.
You are certainly are not speaking for 'we the people' you are giving your mistaken opinion.
Remember that correll and bripat are here for grins and chuckles.

If the immigrants were forced to leave, the agricombines and food processing plants would have to increase their wages dramatically.
Yes, exactly, dumbfuck. So how can you claim illegal aliens don't drive down the wages of American citizens?
Those are your silly words, you ignorant millennial. Don't forget your essential oils :). Either you are for a free enterprise system or you manipulate it. Obviously you are for statist intervention.

Defending the border is the primary responsibility of a government.

Wanting the government to do that, hardly defines anyone as a statist.

Try to be less dishonest.
Where in the constitution does it state border protection is the primary function of government?

I said nothing about the Constitution.

It is part of the definition of the word, government.
Depending on how the government conducts its apprehensions, it would need to spend $100 billion to $300 billion arresting and removing all undocumented immigrants residing in the country, a process that we estimate would take 20 years. In addition, to prevent any new undocumented immigrants going forward, the government would at a minimum have to maintain current immigration enforcement levels. This results in an additional $315 billion in continuing enforcement costs over that time period.”

“Removing all undocumented immigrants would cause the labor force to shrink by 6.4 percent, which translates to a loss of 11 million workers. As a result, 20 years from now the economy would be nearly 6 percent or $1.6 trillion smaller than it would be if the government did not remove all undocumented immigrants.”

Yes, from a macro-economic standpoint, larger populations generally have larger economies.

But is that the goal we want for our policies?

What good is a larger economy if the per capital wealth is less, AND the Working Class and the Middle Class have had TWENTY MORE YEARS of stagnate wages?
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.
Correll, no, you do not speak for the "we" in our laws. You have no authority to do so.

The laws are as they are, but you have no authority to speak for them. You have no moral or legal right to use 'we.'

I remember a huge fight with someone who got disappeared because he had the same problem as you, and I suspect that person is coaching you. He was wrong then and you are now.
I am merely referencing the law/policy as it has been crafted by the democratically elected representatives of the people. As a member of the group ie the People, that crafted these laws, I have every moral and legal right to use "we". YOur conspiracy theories are of no interest to me.
Nope, and how you feelz is unimportant. You don't speak for 'we' except in your troubled mind.

It is NOT about how I feel.

It is about the fact that the Law is as written, ie these people are NOT welcome. OTherwise WE, THE PEOPLE would have changed the law.

Anyone can point out that obvious fact.,

AND as a member of that group, it is completely reasonable for me to use the word "We" .

Your refusal to face that simple fact is an issue of YOUR troubled mind.

In this I am not so much as Speaking FOR the People as pointing out what they/we have said.
You are certainly are not speaking for 'we the people' you are giving your mistaken opinion.

I have made a point.

YOu have not addressed it.

Yet you continue to post content free disagreements as though you are debating.

That is nothing but the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion used as a form of propaganda.

Knock it off, or I will report YOU.
Nope, I don't expect the rich to give me a dime. I expect the will either invest their money or spend it. In the former case, the increase the productivity of the economy and create jobs. In the later case, they create jobs
How does the rich investing in exotic financial instruments which extract as opposed to produce wealth stimulate productivity or create jobs?

Those "financial instruments" invest the money in capital projects, like new factories.
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.

Please paste a link to these "racist statements." I haven't noticed any so far.
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.

I recall once you tried to post "evidence" of my "racist" statements.

You ended up posting a quote from me where I made a non-judgemental reference to a racial group, and if I recall right, you were to blinded by partisan bias to realize that I was talking about WHITES!

I pointed this out to you and you somehow just dismissed it.

All you learned from that was, unfortunately to never try to support your claims. Thus the line "not ever get just once more" was born, as your new devotion to avoiding honest and serious debate.
Anyhow, as I was saying earlier in the thread, there are many reasons to be against illegal immigration:

1. Healthcare: They don't have any; therefore the burden falls on the taxpayers if they get sick or injured.
2. Criminal activity: It's harder to trace and track them if they commit a crime.
3. Lack of medical clearance when they enter the country: They could be ill with a communicable disease, some of which are still very common in third world countries but were pretty much eradicated here in the States.
4. They are used by people for slave labor paying them very low wages, not providing them with any benefits, no unemployment, and no workmen's comp.

Just to name a few.

And those low wages cause a ripple effect of wage suppression though out the economy.
I said to remove the incentives so that they no longer WANT to be here illegally. Now, address that.

and ive said ENFORCE THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS FOR OVER A DECADE rather than create more government ...

address THAT

So then you agree with me. Why are you yelling? You people need to calm the hell down. What is wrong with you?

your ignorance ... sufferig fools isn't my forte'

What ignorance is that? You just said that you agree with me. Now, stop insulting and try to discuss the issues like an adult. Thanks.

you pretend to sit the fence and be in the middle and talk in circles to do it.

Her position is well thought out and consistent.

You have no reason to doubt her sincerity.
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.

No they have not been.

YOu once tried and you failed.
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.
No they have not been. You once tried and you failed.
No "just once more" for you.

Look at all the frenetic and maniacal posting by Correll and bri-pat, neither of them saying anything of worth at all.
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.
No they have not been. You once tried and you failed.
No "just once more" for you.

Look at all the frenetic and maniacal posting by Correll and bri-pat, neither of them saying anything of worth at all.

I've had plenty to say on the topic.

It has just been buried by Godwins and personal attacks from the left.

Which was obviously your intent.

Trump can and should deport 11 million illegals. It would be good for American and Americans.

It would be the right thing to do.

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