Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

It is not rocket science to do it.

First, you really seal the border. You use the military to do it. Rotate the troops on border security. The rules of engagement will be to warn then shoot to kill. There will be a few of the little bastards that get whacked but it won't take many of them before everybody gets the message and stop coming.

Second, you cut off all government contact with any illegal other than police. No welfare, no education, no medical, no nothing.

Third, you start rounding up the bitches. You will not get all of the bastards but you can get many of them.

Forth, you start throwing anybody that employs illegals in jail.

Problem solved.
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.
No they have not been. You once tried and you failed.
No "just once more" for you.

Look at all the frenetic and maniacal posting by Correll and bri-pat, neither of them saying anything of worth at all.

I've had plenty to say on the topic.

It has just been buried by Godwins and personal attacks from the left.

Which was obviously your intent.

Trump can and should deport 11 million illegals. It would be good for American and Americans.

It would be the right thing to do.
See you can be half way polite when you want. I am not personally attacking you when I point out what you are doing. I understand you believe in your points. I get that. But it won't happen.
Those "financial instruments" invest the money in capital projects, like new factories
No they don"t.
They extract wealth rather than produce it. (p. 4)
Financializing industry to turn profits into interest and stock buybacks Early in the 20th century the wave of the future promised to see banks throughout the world do what they were doing best in Germany and Central Europe: coordinating industrial links with government and acting as forward planners (Chapter 7).

"Academic textbooks draw appealing pictures of banks financing capital formation. Low interest rates are held to spur industrial investment by making it more profitable to borrow. But banks rarely fund new means of production.

"They prefer to lend for mergers, management buyouts or raids of companies already in place.

"As for bondholders, they found a new market in the 1980s wave of high-interest “junk-bond” takeovers. Lower interest rates make it easier to borrow and take over companies – and then break them up, bleed them via management fees, and scale back pensions by threatening bankruptcy."
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Correll, no, you do not speak for the "we" in our laws. You have no authority to do so.

The laws are as they are, but you have no authority to speak for them. You have no moral or legal right to use 'we.'

I remember a huge fight with someone who got disappeared because he had the same problem as you, and I suspect that person is coaching you. He was wrong then and you are now.
I am merely referencing the law/policy as it has been crafted by the democratically elected representatives of the people. As a member of the group ie the People, that crafted these laws, I have every moral and legal right to use "we". YOur conspiracy theories are of no interest to me.
Nope, and how you feelz is unimportant. You don't speak for 'we' except in your troubled mind.

It is NOT about how I feel.

It is about the fact that the Law is as written, ie these people are NOT welcome. OTherwise WE, THE PEOPLE would have changed the law.

Anyone can point out that obvious fact.,

AND as a member of that group, it is completely reasonable for me to use the word "We" .

Your refusal to face that simple fact is an issue of YOUR troubled mind.

In this I am not so much as Speaking FOR the People as pointing out what they/we have said.
You are certainly are not speaking for 'we the people' you are giving your mistaken opinion.

I have made a point.

YOu have not addressed it.

Yet you continue to post content free disagreements as though you are debating.

That is nothing but the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion used as a form of propaganda.

Knock it off, or I will report YOU.
Argument from ignorance fallacy.
Those "financial instruments" invest the money in capital projects, like new factories
No they don"t.
They extract wealth rather than produce it.

ROFL! How do you imagine they can pay a return without investing the proceeds in something? AT some point, all financial instruments are invested in real capital. They have to be to produce a return. Paper doesn't produce a return.
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.
No they have not been. You once tried and you failed.
No "just once more" for you.

Look at all the frenetic and maniacal posting by Correll and bri-pat, neither of them saying anything of worth at all.
You still haven't posted any examples of racist statements that Correll made.
Of course, the children of illegals should be deported along with their parents if and when caught! What a silly question!
What's your justification for deporting innocent US citizens?
If the parents want to leave them here, I suppose there's no legal means to stop them. Of course, they need to provide them with a legal guardian who will provide their needs for them. Otherwise, it's with the parents they go. It's illegal to abandon your children in this country.

And of course they will seek financial help from tax payers to feed these children. Which we never feed, cloth and shelter before.
High percentage they will leave their kids with relatives here in US.
Of course, the children of illegals should be deported along with their parents if and when caught! What a silly question!
What's your justification for deporting innocent US citizens?
If the parents want to leave them here, I suppose there's no legal means to stop them. Of course, they need to provide them with a legal guardian who will provide their needs for them. Otherwise, it's with the parents they go. It's illegal to abandon your children in this country.

And of course they will seek financial help from tax payers to feed these children. Which we never feed, cloth and shelter before.
High percentage they will leave their kids with relatives here in US.
If they are financially unable to provide for their children, then they'll have to take them with them back to Mexico. American taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for the spawn of illegal aliens.
Those "financial instruments" invest the money in capital projects, like new factories
No they don"t.
They extract wealth rather than produce it.

ROFL! How do you imagine they can pay a return without investing the proceeds in something? AT some point, all financial instruments are invested in real capital. They have to be to produce a return. Paper doesn't produce a return.
"Bank lending focused on trade financing, not capital investment. Economists urged industry to rely mainly on equity so as to prevent bondholders and other creditors from taking over management and keeping it on a short leash.

"But industry has become financialized, 'activist shareholders' treat corporate industry as a vehicle to produce financial gains. Managers are paid according to how rapidly they can increase their companies’ stock price, which is done most easily by debt leveraging.

"This has turned the stock market into an arena for asset stripping, using corporate profits for share buybacks and higher dividend payouts instead of for long-term investment (Chapter 8)." (p.4)
1. Seriously? I've been here for slightly over a year and I've encountered you several times. Your hatred to minorities are well known. Go back and read post of your fellow racist. Be honest once in a while.
2. I'm not a racist........ I like all kinds or races........ Whites, blacks, brown, yellow and purple........ My company are predominantly whites. My comments about whites not willing or cannot stand hard dirty labor are 100% correct. That's the reality. That has nothing to do with racist belief...... This is live experience you are dealing with...... My guess with most of you are either old timers that work very hard in the past or just plain zero experience.
3. You want American jobs goes to Americans only........ What is that supposed to mean? Knowing you as a racist and your cronies that are anti legal immigrants here........... You only want WHITE Americans to have these jobs. PERIOD..........That is where you and your cronies stand.

1. I challenge you to post a quote of me saying something racist. I have issued this challenge to many libs. NOne of them have been able to do so. You won't either.

2. When you state that a whole group of people defined by race is in some way inferior, ie not willing or able to work hard, that is racism as traditionally defined.

3. I want American jobs to go to Americans. I can't make that any simpler or clearer for you.

1. You are a liar. You've always been a racist. Do you want me to go all the threads and look for your post? What kind of challenge is that?
2. Let me repeat it to your thick skull. My company is predominantly whites.... If I'm a racist against whites..... My company should be full of minorities.
3. Please be honest and answer the question.

1. I challenge you to post a quote of my saying something racist. It is an impossible challenge. You cannot do it. NOne of your ideological ilk could do it.

2. No. Your racist belief is that Whites are not capable/willing of hard physical work, so having whites in less physically demanding jobs does NOT mean that your stated belief is not racist.

3. I W-A-N-T A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N J-O-B-S T-O G-O T-O A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S.

1. You are a racist.
2. You are a retarded.
3. That is not answer. You are avoiding the question.

1. Says the man that can't post any supporting evidence of his claim, but still keeps making the claim over and over again.

Query: What type of man, will vilely insult someone when they can offer NO evidence that their insult is deserved? And keep doing so after that fact has been pointed out to them? And refuses to even try to support their vile insults?

2. Full Definition of racism
  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Such as, for an example stating that some particular race is different in that is incapable of hard work, thus other races are superior to the can't work hard race.

You are the individual that doesn't understand the meaning of a word he uses ALL THE TIME.

3. It is THE answer. All the information of my opinion on the subject is contained in those words. The only word that is not one syllable in that sentence is "American". Every other word is a one syllable word. THe problem is not anything I am saying, but that YOUR Internal Barriers to Communication are too strong.

1. Same.
2. Same.
3. You want American jobs only goes to Americans........ I asked for your interpretation but you are struggling.
So let me tell you what I have............... I have some employees from Asia that are green card holder.............. They are not US citizen yet. Is that mean they should not have the jobs?
Those "financial instruments" invest the money in capital projects, like new factories
No they don"t.
They extract wealth rather than produce it.

ROFL! How do you imagine they can pay a return without investing the proceeds in something? AT some point, all financial instruments are invested in real capital. They have to be to produce a return. Paper doesn't produce a return.
"Bank lending focused on trade financing, not capital investment. Economists urged industry to rely mainly on equity so as to prevent bondholders and other creditors from taking over management and keeping it on a short leash.

"But industry has become financialized, 'activist shareholders' treat corporate industry as a vehicle to produce financial gains. Managers are paid according to how rapidly they can increase their companies’ stock price, which is done most easily by debt leveraging.

"This has turned the stock market into an arena for asset stripping, using corporate profits for share buybacks and higher dividend payouts instead of for long-term investment (Chapter 8)." (p.4)

You're spouting communist propaganda.
1. I challenge you to post a quote of me saying something racist. I have issued this challenge to many libs. NOne of them have been able to do so. You won't either.

2. When you state that a whole group of people defined by race is in some way inferior, ie not willing or able to work hard, that is racism as traditionally defined.

3. I want American jobs to go to Americans. I can't make that any simpler or clearer for you.

1. You are a liar. You've always been a racist. Do you want me to go all the threads and look for your post? What kind of challenge is that?
2. Let me repeat it to your thick skull. My company is predominantly whites.... If I'm a racist against whites..... My company should be full of minorities.
3. Please be honest and answer the question.

1. I challenge you to post a quote of my saying something racist. It is an impossible challenge. You cannot do it. NOne of your ideological ilk could do it.

2. No. Your racist belief is that Whites are not capable/willing of hard physical work, so having whites in less physically demanding jobs does NOT mean that your stated belief is not racist.

3. I W-A-N-T A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N J-O-B-S T-O G-O T-O A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S.

1. You are a racist.
2. You are a retarded.
3. That is not answer. You are avoiding the question.

1. Says the man that can't post any supporting evidence of his claim, but still keeps making the claim over and over again.

Query: What type of man, will vilely insult someone when they can offer NO evidence that their insult is deserved? And keep doing so after that fact has been pointed out to them? And refuses to even try to support their vile insults?

2. Full Definition of racism
  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Such as, for an example stating that some particular race is different in that is incapable of hard work, thus other races are superior to the can't work hard race.

You are the individual that doesn't understand the meaning of a word he uses ALL THE TIME.

3. It is THE answer. All the information of my opinion on the subject is contained in those words. The only word that is not one syllable in that sentence is "American". Every other word is a one syllable word. THe problem is not anything I am saying, but that YOUR Internal Barriers to Communication are too strong.

1. Same.
2. Same.
3. You want American jobs only goes to Americans........ I asked for your interpretation but you are struggling.
So let me tell you what I have............... I have some employees from Asia that are green card holder.............. They are not US citizen yet. Is that mean they should not have the jobs?

What do existing mistakes have to do with anything. If they have a green card, then they have a right to work in this country. The point is not to be giving foreigners the right to compete with American labor. That means not giving work visas to foreigners.
Of course, the children of illegals should be deported along with their parents if and when caught! What a silly question!
What's your justification for deporting innocent US citizens?
If the parents want to leave them here, I suppose there's no legal means to stop them. Of course, they need to provide them with a legal guardian who will provide their needs for them. Otherwise, it's with the parents they go. It's illegal to abandon your children in this country.

And of course they will seek financial help from tax payers to feed these children. Which we never feed, cloth and shelter before.
High percentage they will leave their kids with relatives here in US.
If they are financially unable to provide for their children, then they'll have to take them with them back to Mexico. American taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for the spawn of illegal aliens.

These are American citizens ........ These illegals will not take their kids to Mexico. I can guarantee you 100%. That is a fact........ That is already been proven............. Its not me or you to make those decisions.
There are no future in bringing those kids with them........ No food, no shelter and no future.
Give a realistic response....... Not this........... Tough shit with your key board.
Of course, the children of illegals should be deported along with their parents if and when caught! What a silly question!
What's your justification for deporting innocent US citizens?
If the parents want to leave them here, I suppose there's no legal means to stop them. Of course, they need to provide them with a legal guardian who will provide their needs for them. Otherwise, it's with the parents they go. It's illegal to abandon your children in this country.

And of course they will seek financial help from tax payers to feed these children. Which we never feed, cloth and shelter before.
High percentage they will leave their kids with relatives here in US.
If they are financially unable to provide for their children, then they'll have to take them with them back to Mexico. American taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for the spawn of illegal aliens.

These are American citizens ........ These illegals will not take their kids to Mexico. I can guarantee you 100%. That is a fact........ That is already been proven............. Its not me or you to make those decisions.
There are no future in bringing those kids with them........ No food, no shelter and no future.
Give a realistic response....... Not this........... Tough shit with your key board.

They won't have a choice if they can't demonstrate their children will be provided for financially. U.S. taxpayers have no obligation to take on the support of children born to illegal aliens.
What's your justification for deporting innocent US citizens?
If the parents want to leave them here, I suppose there's no legal means to stop them. Of course, they need to provide them with a legal guardian who will provide their needs for them. Otherwise, it's with the parents they go. It's illegal to abandon your children in this country.

And of course they will seek financial help from tax payers to feed these children. Which we never feed, cloth and shelter before.
High percentage they will leave their kids with relatives here in US.
If they are financially unable to provide for their children, then they'll have to take them with them back to Mexico. American taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for the spawn of illegal aliens.

These are American citizens ........ These illegals will not take their kids to Mexico. I can guarantee you 100%. That is a fact........ That is already been proven............. Its not me or you to make those decisions.
There are no future in bringing those kids with them........ No food, no shelter and no future.
Give a realistic response....... Not this........... Tough shit with your key board.

They won't have a choice if they can't demonstrate their children will be provided for financially. U.S. taxpayers have no obligation to take on the support of children born to illegal aliens.

They have 2 choices......
1. Take it with them with no food and no future.
2. Leave it here with a future for tax payers money to support them.
Which one do you think they'll pick?
If the parents want to leave them here, I suppose there's no legal means to stop them. Of course, they need to provide them with a legal guardian who will provide their needs for them. Otherwise, it's with the parents they go. It's illegal to abandon your children in this country.

And of course they will seek financial help from tax payers to feed these children. Which we never feed, cloth and shelter before.
High percentage they will leave their kids with relatives here in US.
If they are financially unable to provide for their children, then they'll have to take them with them back to Mexico. American taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for the spawn of illegal aliens.

These are American citizens ........ These illegals will not take their kids to Mexico. I can guarantee you 100%. That is a fact........ That is already been proven............. Its not me or you to make those decisions.
There are no future in bringing those kids with them........ No food, no shelter and no future.
Give a realistic response....... Not this........... Tough shit with your key board.

They won't have a choice if they can't demonstrate their children will be provided for financially. U.S. taxpayers have no obligation to take on the support of children born to illegal aliens.

They have 2 choices......
1. Take it with them with no food and no future.
2. Leave it here with a future for tax payers money to support them.
Which one do you think they'll pick?

You erroneously assume they will be given the later choice.
1. You are a liar. You've always been a racist. Do you want me to go all the threads and look for your post? What kind of challenge is that?
2. Let me repeat it to your thick skull. My company is predominantly whites.... If I'm a racist against whites..... My company should be full of minorities.
3. Please be honest and answer the question.

1. I challenge you to post a quote of my saying something racist. It is an impossible challenge. You cannot do it. NOne of your ideological ilk could do it.

2. No. Your racist belief is that Whites are not capable/willing of hard physical work, so having whites in less physically demanding jobs does NOT mean that your stated belief is not racist.

3. I W-A-N-T A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N J-O-B-S T-O G-O T-O A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S.

1. You are a racist.
2. You are a retarded.
3. That is not answer. You are avoiding the question.

1. Says the man that can't post any supporting evidence of his claim, but still keeps making the claim over and over again.

Query: What type of man, will vilely insult someone when they can offer NO evidence that their insult is deserved? And keep doing so after that fact has been pointed out to them? And refuses to even try to support their vile insults?

2. Full Definition of racism
  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Such as, for an example stating that some particular race is different in that is incapable of hard work, thus other races are superior to the can't work hard race.

You are the individual that doesn't understand the meaning of a word he uses ALL THE TIME.

3. It is THE answer. All the information of my opinion on the subject is contained in those words. The only word that is not one syllable in that sentence is "American". Every other word is a one syllable word. THe problem is not anything I am saying, but that YOUR Internal Barriers to Communication are too strong.

1. Same.
2. Same.
3. You want American jobs only goes to Americans........ I asked for your interpretation but you are struggling.
So let me tell you what I have............... I have some employees from Asia that are green card holder.............. They are not US citizen yet. Is that mean they should not have the jobs?

What do existing mistakes have to do with anything. If they have a green card, then they have a right to work in this country. The point is not to be giving foreigners the right to compete with American labor. That means not giving work visas to foreigners.

What existing mistake? To make it easier for yourself....... Why don't you just say? I want American jobs goes to white Americans only..........
Green card has the right to work here.
Foreign legal worker also has the right to work here................. So which direction are you going?
What's your justification for deporting innocent US citizens?
If the parents want to leave them here, I suppose there's no legal means to stop them. Of course, they need to provide them with a legal guardian who will provide their needs for them. Otherwise, it's with the parents they go. It's illegal to abandon your children in this country.

And of course they will seek financial help from tax payers to feed these children. Which we never feed, cloth and shelter before.
High percentage they will leave their kids with relatives here in US.
If they are financially unable to provide for their children, then they'll have to take them with them back to Mexico. American taxpayers shouldn't be on the hook for the spawn of illegal aliens.

These are American citizens ........ These illegals will not take their kids to Mexico. I can guarantee you 100%. That is a fact........ That is already been proven............. Its not me or you to make those decisions.
There are no future in bringing those kids with them........ No food, no shelter and no future.
Give a realistic response....... Not this........... Tough shit with your key board.

They won't have a choice if they can't demonstrate their children will be provided for financially. U.S. taxpayers have no obligation to take on the support of children born to illegal aliens.

So Mr. CONSERVATIVE, since you want to pretend that you are the protector of the public fisc let me ask you what do you think ofd this news item

83% of senators call for boosting exorbitant U.S. aid to Israel;

Israel already gets $3 billion per year, 53 percent of U.S. foreign military financing, but 83 senators want more


Now what kind of miserable double standard is that?



1. I challenge you to post a quote of my saying something racist. It is an impossible challenge. You cannot do it. NOne of your ideological ilk could do it.

2. No. Your racist belief is that Whites are not capable/willing of hard physical work, so having whites in less physically demanding jobs does NOT mean that your stated belief is not racist.

3. I W-A-N-T A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N J-O-B-S T-O G-O T-O A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S.

1. You are a racist.
2. You are a retarded.
3. That is not answer. You are avoiding the question.

1. Says the man that can't post any supporting evidence of his claim, but still keeps making the claim over and over again.

Query: What type of man, will vilely insult someone when they can offer NO evidence that their insult is deserved? And keep doing so after that fact has been pointed out to them? And refuses to even try to support their vile insults?

2. Full Definition of racism
  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Such as, for an example stating that some particular race is different in that is incapable of hard work, thus other races are superior to the can't work hard race.

You are the individual that doesn't understand the meaning of a word he uses ALL THE TIME.

3. It is THE answer. All the information of my opinion on the subject is contained in those words. The only word that is not one syllable in that sentence is "American". Every other word is a one syllable word. THe problem is not anything I am saying, but that YOUR Internal Barriers to Communication are too strong.

1. Same.
2. Same.
3. You want American jobs only goes to Americans........ I asked for your interpretation but you are struggling.
So let me tell you what I have............... I have some employees from Asia that are green card holder.............. They are not US citizen yet. Is that mean they should not have the jobs?

What do existing mistakes have to do with anything. If they have a green card, then they have a right to work in this country. The point is not to be giving foreigners the right to compete with American labor. That means not giving work visas to foreigners.

What existing mistake? To make it easier for yourself....... Why don't you just say? I want American jobs goes to white Americans only..........
Green card has the right to work here.
Foreign legal worker also has the right to work here................. So which direction are you going?

Yes, they do have the right to work here, which is why we should stop admitting them. This country needs jobs, not more workers.

Also, I never used the term "white Americans." Only a profound douche bag like you would claim I did.
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Frankly, it amazes me how conservatives can embrace the worst ideas on the world with no concept of what the costs or the ramifications would be.

Forget for a minute what the impact to the economy would be as millions of workers would end up leaving jobs that would then go unfilled.

I could start almost anywhere. What about all the possessions (including the homes) of illegal aliens? Would they be forced to give them up? Would they be confiscated? What would happen to the housing markets in various places in the country if and when illegals were evicted en masse? How do you think the people who own those properties would react?

What about illegal residents who have American-born American children who have never lived anywhere else in their lives? Should they go back to a foreign country with their parents, or should we break up families?

Then there's a factor I've never heard anyone mention. What about the terrorism that this action might very well spark when young men take up arms to fight the deportation of their families?

Then there's the bad PR that would come as a result of setting up what would essentially be camps to house the illegal aliens prior to deportation.

Has anyone thought of the cost? Has anyone stopped to think about the cost of the US Govt flying 11 million people out of the country. Or are we going to have trains to deport Mexicans like the Germans used to transport the Jews? That's another PR disaster.

15,000 ICE employees? That's hardly enough as that translates to 733 aliens for each and every worker, and not all ICE agents are in the field.

Conservatives never seem to think through the issues they embrace which is the very reason they always govern the country into some kind of disaster as the presidency of Bush showed. Then a Democrat has to clean up the mess even as conservatives accuse him of destroying the country.

Excellent post Mustang.

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