Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.

Ive encountered Correl with this issue couple of times in the past ....... But he denied it............ Then asking for proof from previous threads. That is so silly.

Yes. I've denied it.

You insist it is true.

So I asked you to support your claims.

That is the opposite of silly.

That is the way debate works.

That this is news to you is very pathetic.

You have a short memory. Do you expect anybody to go back several thread to find your racist thread? You should know better than that.

No, I don't.

I ask leftists to support their vile accusations, merely to draw attention to the fact that their accusations are unsupported, and that the people making them, as they refuse to even try to support them, know on some level that they are lying.

Query: What type of person engages in extreme slander against people he or she knows is innocent of the charges that person is making, over and over again?

BTW, There is no reason to think that Trump can't deport millions of illegals since Ike did so, long ago, nor that millions more won't self deport as occurred at that time.

AND a reduction in labor supply will increase price, ie wages.

To the benefit of the American Working and Middle Classes.
It is not rocket science to do it.

First, you really seal the border. You use the military to do it. Rotate the troops on border security. The rules of engagement will be to warn then shoot to kill. There will be a few of the little bastards that get whacked but it won't take many of them before everybody gets the message and stop coming.

Second, you cut off all government contact with any illegal other than police. No welfare, no education, no medical, no nothing.

Third, you start rounding up the bitches. You will not get all of the bastards but you can get many of them.

Forth, you start throwing anybody that employs illegals in jail.

Problem solved.

We are not in the business of murdering people.

It is about time we started enforcing out national sovereignty and if some illegals get whacked in the process then so be it. It wouldn't take very many of them before the rest got the message.

If you are concerned about murders how about the horrific crimes these illegals commit in this country including murdering our citizens like Kate Steinle?

I don't think you are really concerned about protecting lives, just future filthy ass Democrat voters.

124 illegal immigrants released by DHS later charged with murder: report

124 illegal immigrants released by DHS later charged with murder, report finds

We do not murder people just because they are trying to feed their families. If blacks are committing murders and riots.......... We should kill them too?
1. I challenge you to post a quote of my saying something racist. It is an impossible challenge. You cannot do it. NOne of your ideological ilk could do it.

2. No. Your racist belief is that Whites are not capable/willing of hard physical work, so having whites in less physically demanding jobs does NOT mean that your stated belief is not racist.

3. I W-A-N-T A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N J-O-B-S T-O G-O T-O A-M-E-R-I-C-A-N-S.

1. You are a racist.
2. You are a retarded.
3. That is not answer. You are avoiding the question.

1. Says the man that can't post any supporting evidence of his claim, but still keeps making the claim over and over again.

Query: What type of man, will vilely insult someone when they can offer NO evidence that their insult is deserved? And keep doing so after that fact has been pointed out to them? And refuses to even try to support their vile insults?

2. Full Definition of racism
  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Such as, for an example stating that some particular race is different in that is incapable of hard work, thus other races are superior to the can't work hard race.

You are the individual that doesn't understand the meaning of a word he uses ALL THE TIME.

3. It is THE answer. All the information of my opinion on the subject is contained in those words. The only word that is not one syllable in that sentence is "American". Every other word is a one syllable word. THe problem is not anything I am saying, but that YOUR Internal Barriers to Communication are too strong.

1. Same.
2. Same.
3. You want American jobs only goes to Americans........ I asked for your interpretation but you are struggling.
So let me tell you what I have............... I have some employees from Asia that are green card holder.............. They are not US citizen yet. Is that mean they should not have the jobs?

1. You claim is unsupported. Have you tried to find proof yet and failed?

2. Says the man that can't read a definition of a standard English word and understand that it fits his behavior, not mine.

3. Are they American citizens?

1. Same...... Denial denial denial.
2. You lost.
3. No. But They are green card holder.

1. You cannot support your accusation. You refuse to try because you know you are lying. Your accusation is invalid.

2. Says the man who thinks a certain race is lazy or unable to work hard.

3. Then if they were not here, some American would be doing their job. I want American jobs to go to Americans.
These are American citizens ........ These illegals will not take their kids to Mexico. I can guarantee you 100%. That is a fact........ That is already been proven............. Its not me or you to make those decisions.
There are no future in bringing those kids with them........ No food, no shelter and no future.
Give a realistic response....... Not this........... Tough shit with your key board.

They won't have a choice if they can't demonstrate their children will be provided for financially. U.S. taxpayers have no obligation to take on the support of children born to illegal aliens.

They have 2 choices......
1. Take it with them with no food and no future.
2. Leave it here with a future for tax payers money to support them.
Which one do you think they'll pick?

You erroneously assume they will be given the later choice.

That's been a proven Bripat.
As an example........ Are you taking your kids with you........ Knowing they will be in danger with high crimes like gangs, drug, no shelter, no choices and no food?

What's been proven, that they will have the option of leaving their kids to taxpayers can foot the bill? No, that won't be an option. If they can't find any guardians who are willing to pay the bills for these kids, they'll have to take them to Mexico.

Right on bro.......
1. This year alone around 22k UNACCOMPANIED children from CA countries crossed the border of Texas. For you to feed.
2. It's not you who will give the option. It's a parents responsibilities to make sure their kids are safe and fed. That's a normal parents would do.
1. You are a racist.
2. You are a retarded.
3. That is not answer. You are avoiding the question.

1. Says the man that can't post any supporting evidence of his claim, but still keeps making the claim over and over again.

Query: What type of man, will vilely insult someone when they can offer NO evidence that their insult is deserved? And keep doing so after that fact has been pointed out to them? And refuses to even try to support their vile insults?

2. Full Definition of racism
  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Such as, for an example stating that some particular race is different in that is incapable of hard work, thus other races are superior to the can't work hard race.

You are the individual that doesn't understand the meaning of a word he uses ALL THE TIME.

3. It is THE answer. All the information of my opinion on the subject is contained in those words. The only word that is not one syllable in that sentence is "American". Every other word is a one syllable word. THe problem is not anything I am saying, but that YOUR Internal Barriers to Communication are too strong.

1. Same.
2. Same.
3. You want American jobs only goes to Americans........ I asked for your interpretation but you are struggling.
So let me tell you what I have............... I have some employees from Asia that are green card holder.............. They are not US citizen yet. Is that mean they should not have the jobs?

1. You claim is unsupported. Have you tried to find proof yet and failed?

2. Says the man that can't read a definition of a standard English word and understand that it fits his behavior, not mine.

3. Are they American citizens?

1. Same...... Denial denial denial.
2. You lost.
3. No. But They are green card holder.

1. You cannot support your accusation. You refuse to try because you know you are lying. Your accusation is invalid.

2. Says the man who thinks a certain race is lazy or unable to work hard.

3. Then if they were not here, some American would be doing their job. I want American jobs to go to Americans.

1. You lost.
2. You lost.
3. You lost.
1. Says the man that can't post any supporting evidence of his claim, but still keeps making the claim over and over again.

Query: What type of man, will vilely insult someone when they can offer NO evidence that their insult is deserved? And keep doing so after that fact has been pointed out to them? And refuses to even try to support their vile insults?

2. Full Definition of racism
  1. 1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and thatracial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
Such as, for an example stating that some particular race is different in that is incapable of hard work, thus other races are superior to the can't work hard race.

You are the individual that doesn't understand the meaning of a word he uses ALL THE TIME.

3. It is THE answer. All the information of my opinion on the subject is contained in those words. The only word that is not one syllable in that sentence is "American". Every other word is a one syllable word. THe problem is not anything I am saying, but that YOUR Internal Barriers to Communication are too strong.

1. Same.
2. Same.
3. You want American jobs only goes to Americans........ I asked for your interpretation but you are struggling.
So let me tell you what I have............... I have some employees from Asia that are green card holder.............. They are not US citizen yet. Is that mean they should not have the jobs?

1. You claim is unsupported. Have you tried to find proof yet and failed?

2. Says the man that can't read a definition of a standard English word and understand that it fits his behavior, not mine.

3. Are they American citizens?

1. Same...... Denial denial denial.
2. You lost.
3. No. But They are green card holder.

1. You cannot support your accusation. You refuse to try because you know you are lying. Your accusation is invalid.

2. Says the man who thinks a certain race is lazy or unable to work hard.

3. Then if they were not here, some American would be doing their job. I want American jobs to go to Americans.

1. You lost.
2. You lost.
3. You lost.

Why should Americans have a policy that will give their jobs to other people?
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.

Ive encountered Correl with this issue couple of times in the past ....... But he denied it............ Then asking for proof from previous threads. That is so silly.

Yes. I've denied it.

You insist it is true.

So I asked you to support your claims.

That is the opposite of silly.

That is the way debate works.

That this is news to you is very pathetic.

You have a short memory. Do you expect anybody to go back several thread to find your racist thread? You should know better than that.

No, I don't.

I ask leftists to support their vile accusations, merely to draw attention to the fact that their accusations are unsupported, and that the people making them, as they refuse to even try to support them, know on some level that they are lying.

Query: What type of person engages in extreme slander against people he or she knows is innocent of the charges that person is making, over and over again?

BTW, There is no reason to think that Trump can't deport millions of illegals since Ike did so, long ago, nor that millions more won't self deport as occurred at that time.

AND a reduction in labor supply will increase price, ie wages.

To the benefit of the American Working and Middle Classes.

1. Yes you have short memory and denial at massive scale.
2. Ike deported illegals..... That was then...... There were no BP. What made you think they didn't made a U turn? Illegals today are fully imbedded in our society.
3. I don't believe Trump can and will deport 12 to 20 millions of illegals.
4. Deporting such numbers will create a economic meltdown.
5. If you are complaining about high prices now. Think real hard how high prices that will be.
6. Do you have enough Americans that will support those jobs that were vacated?
Yes, Correll, you have made racist statements, they have been pointed out many and many times. You do not ever get just once more, Correll. You are what you are: a liar.

Ive encountered Correl with this issue couple of times in the past ....... But he denied it............ Then asking for proof from previous threads. That is so silly.

Yes. I've denied it.

You insist it is true.

So I asked you to support your claims.

That is the opposite of silly.

That is the way debate works.

That this is news to you is very pathetic.

You have a short memory. Do you expect anybody to go back several thread to find your racist thread? You should know better than that.

No, I don't.

I ask leftists to support their vile accusations, merely to draw attention to the fact that their accusations are unsupported, and that the people making them, as they refuse to even try to support them, know on some level that they are lying.

Query: What type of person engages in extreme slander against people he or she knows is innocent of the charges that person is making, over and over again?

BTW, There is no reason to think that Trump can't deport millions of illegals since Ike did so, long ago, nor that millions more won't self deport as occurred at that time.

AND a reduction in labor supply will increase price, ie wages.

To the benefit of the American Working and Middle Classes.

1. Yes you have short memory and denial at massive scale.
2. Ike deported illegals..... That was then...... There were no BP. What made you think they didn't made a U turn? Illegals today are fully imbedded in our society.
3. I don't believe Trump can and will deport 12 to 20 millions of illegals.
4. Deporting such numbers will create a economic meltdown.
5. If you are complaining about high prices now. Think real hard how high prices that will be.
6. Do you have enough Americans that will support those jobs that were vacated?

1. You are being silly. If you can't support an accusation, your accusation is invalid.

2. What Ike did we can do again, and this time the Wall and E-verify will keep them out.

2b Illegals can be unimbedded. YOu aren't afraid of change are you?

3. Your blind skepticism is a personal failing, not an argument.

4. REducing the labor pool by that amount will lead to rising wages.

5. A little bit higher. Worth it is wages rise for the Working and Middle Classes.

6. Yes.

We do not murder people just because they are trying to feed their families. If blacks are committing murders and riots.......... We should kill them too?

Under my rules of engagement the shitheads will have two opportunities to not get killed. First is not to come illegally here in the first place. The second is to turn around and go back from where they came from when the warning shots are fired. If they get killed after that then it is their own damn fault.

If they want to have better life then the shitheads should overthrown their regimes in their country instead of exporting their poverty to the US.

That isn't too hard for you to understand, is it?
Then there's a factor I've never heard anyone mention. What about the terrorism that this action might very well spark when young men take up arms to fight the deportation of their families?

Then there's the bad PR that would come as a result of setting up what would essentially be camps to house the illegal aliens prior to deportation.
We can think back to the mass demonstrations against Bush's immigration reform in 2006-'07 and extrapolate how much larger the protests would become if Trump follows through on his pledge:

If Trump can't deport 11 million people the way he's promised, I suspect his followers will fill the streets in numbers similar to the above.
Then there's a factor I've never heard anyone mention. What about the terrorism that this action might very well spark when young men take up arms to fight the deportation of their families?

Then there's the bad PR that would come as a result of setting up what would essentially be camps to house the illegal aliens prior to deportation.
We can think back to the mass demonstrations against Bush's immigration reform in 2006-'07 and extrapolate how much larger the protests would become if Trump follows through on his pledge:

If Trump can't deport 11 million people the way he's promised, I suspect his followers will fill the streets in numbers similar to the above.

The Trumpbots wouldnt protest Donnie, they would line up to eat from his crap pile and claim he had the right to change his mind.
The Trumpbots wouldnt protest Donnie, they would line up to eat from his crap pile and claim he had the right to change his mind.
Do you really think so?
It seems to me the only issue Trump could not flip-flop on is his pledge to deport all illegals in two to three years.


"The Supreme Court’s deliberations over President Barack Obama’s immigration order are putting that potential deportation relief on a collision course with Donald Trump’s deportation force.

"It’s still an open question whether the shorthanded court will ultimately determine that Obama has the authority to defer deportation for millions of undocumented immigrants. And until it gives its answer next month, his administration isn’t allowed to prepare for the possibility by hiring staff or creating forms."

Read more: DREAMers face nightmare of Trump’s deportation force
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In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

In a word, E-X-C-E-L-L-E_N-T!!!!!
Ive encountered Correl with this issue couple of times in the past ....... But he denied it............ Then asking for proof from previous threads. That is so silly.

Yes. I've denied it.

You insist it is true.

So I asked you to support your claims.

That is the opposite of silly.

That is the way debate works.

That this is news to you is very pathetic.

You have a short memory. Do you expect anybody to go back several thread to find your racist thread? You should know better than that.

No, I don't.

I ask leftists to support their vile accusations, merely to draw attention to the fact that their accusations are unsupported, and that the people making them, as they refuse to even try to support them, know on some level that they are lying.

Query: What type of person engages in extreme slander against people he or she knows is innocent of the charges that person is making, over and over again?

BTW, There is no reason to think that Trump can't deport millions of illegals since Ike did so, long ago, nor that millions more won't self deport as occurred at that time.

AND a reduction in labor supply will increase price, ie wages.

To the benefit of the American Working and Middle Classes.

1. Yes you have short memory and denial at massive scale.
2. Ike deported illegals..... That was then...... There were no BP. What made you think they didn't made a U turn? Illegals today are fully imbedded in our society.
3. I don't believe Trump can and will deport 12 to 20 millions of illegals.
4. Deporting such numbers will create a economic meltdown.
5. If you are complaining about high prices now. Think real hard how high prices that will be.
6. Do you have enough Americans that will support those jobs that were vacated?

1. You are being silly. If you can't support an accusation, your accusation is invalid.

2. What Ike did we can do again, and this time the Wall and E-verify will keep them out.

2b Illegals can be unimbedded. YOu aren't afraid of change are you?

3. Your blind skepticism is a personal failing, not an argument.

4. REducing the labor pool by that amount will lead to rising wages.

5. A little bit higher. Worth it is wages rise for the Working and Middle Classes.

6. Yes.

1. You lost and still in denial.
2. Mom and pop don't use e- verify. Illegals are not taking over high paying jobs.
3. No. Trumpoline is just saying that so he can get elected.
4. Excellent my friend... ...... Increase wages but ALL commodities and services are also extremely high. And you collapse the economy ......... So what did you gain?
5. Middle cases and the rest will collapse.
6. No we don't. That is if you understand the economy. We have shortages now that is why your buddy trump is hiring foreign workers by the hundreds.

We do not murder people just because they are trying to feed their families. If blacks are committing murders and riots.......... We should kill them too?

Under my rules of engagement the shitheads will have two opportunities to not get killed. First is not to come illegally here in the first place. The second is to turn around and go back from where they came from when the warning shots are fired. If they get killed after that then it is their own damn fault.

If they want to have better life then the shitheads should overthrown their regimes in their country instead of exporting their poverty to the US.

That isn't too hard for you to understand, is it?

Who are you again to dictate your rule of engagement? Decent Americans do not murder people.
The Trumpbots wouldnt protest Donnie, they would line up to eat from his crap pile and claim he had the right to change his mind.
Do you really think so?
It seems to me the only issue Trump could not flip-flop on is his pledge to deport all illegals in two to three years.


"The Supreme Court’s deliberations over President Barack Obama’s immigration order are putting that potential deportation relief on a collision course with Donald Trump’s deportation force.

"It’s still an open question whether the shorthanded court will ultimately determine that Obama has the authority to defer deportation for millions of undocumented immigrants. And until it gives its answer next month, his administration isn’t allowed to prepare for the possibility by hiring staff or creating forms."

Read more: DREAMers face nightmare of Trump’s deportation force
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

yes, I think so ...

1. ... if he abides by our laws it will take him 25 years just to get past his legal obligations

2. ... if he doesn't he'll lose total credibility as a world leader, and become by definition, a dictator .. Congress has the final say about that.

deporting 11 million people is a campaign promise pipe dream.

In practice and under the law it requires four steps: finding and apprehending individuals, detaining them while they await due process, moving them through the courts, and then transporting them to their home countries.
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Who are you again to dictate your rule of engagement? Decent Americans do not murder people.

I was speculating on the right thing for any American President to do. I guess that went over your head also.

Decent people are not chickenshits that are too cowardly to fix their own economic problems and export their poverty to our welfare rolls, are they?

By the way, you Libtard Moon Bats murder a million American children each year on demand for e the sake of convince so don't cry me any alligator tears for some Mexican breaking the immigration laws of the US.

You Libtards never really get it, do you? You are confused about everything including the sovereignty of this nation, aren't you?

Who are you again to dictate your rule of engagement? Decent Americans do not murder people.

I was speculating on the right thing for any American President to do. I guess that went over your head also.

Decent people are not chickenshits that are too cowardly to fix their own economic problems and export their poverty to our welfare rolls, are they?

By the way, you Libtard Moon Bats murder a million American children each year on demand for e the sake of convince so don't cry me any alligator tears for some Mexican breaking the immigration laws of the US.

You Libtards never really get it, do you? You are confused about everything including the sovereignty of this nation, aren't you?

consider yourself lucky there isn't an open season on dumbshits with a shoot on sight option.

Who are you again to dictate your rule of engagement? Decent Americans do not murder people.

I was speculating on the right thing for any American President to do. I guess that went over your head also.

Decent people are not chickenshits that are too cowardly to fix their own economic problems and export their poverty to our welfare rolls, are they?

By the way, you Libtard Moon Bats murder a million American children each year on demand for e the sake of convince so don't cry me any alligator tears for some Mexican breaking the immigration laws of the US.

You Libtards never really get it, do you? You are confused about everything including the sovereignty of this nation, aren't you?

Blah blah blah blah....... Tough guy eh....... Decent Americans do not murder people. Who are you again?

consider yourself lucky there isn't an open season on dumbshits with a shoot on sight option.

I love it when you Moon Bats declare that someone that wants to protect the sovereignty of this country is somehow a "dipshit". That just shows how fucked up you Libtards are.

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