Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?


Blah blah blah blah....... Tough guy eh....... Decent Americans do not murder people. Who are you again?

Decent American don't support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience do they? That kills about a million American children each year, doesn't it?

Don't claim that Liberals don't support murder and slavery because that is what they thrive on.

If you were really concerned about murder you would be demanding that the the fucking Mexicans that murder many Americans year year and get rich off the drug trade that results in untold number of deaths each year be stopped at the border.

The only thing you sicko Libtards are concerned about is turning the whole US into another fucked up Liberal Kailfornia by allowing future illegal Democrat voters to flood across and that is despicable.

consider yourself lucky there isn't an open season on dumbshits with a shoot on sight option.

I love it when you Moon Bats declare that someone that wants to protect the sovereignty of this country is somehow a "dipshit". That just shows how fucked up you Libtards are.

study the law of the land and get back with me ... YOU aren't the Law, YOU have no right to kill anyone for ANY reason ... it's dumbshit, but dipshit works for YOU too ..

Blah blah blah blah....... Tough guy eh....... Decent Americans do not murder people. Who are you again?

Decent American don't support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience do they? That kills about a million American children each year, doesn't it?

Don't claim that Liberals don't support murder and slavery because that is what they thrive on.

If you were really concerned about murder you would be demanding that the the fucking Mexicans that murder many Americans year year and get rich off the drug trade that results in untold number of deaths each year be stopped at the border.

The only thing you sicko Libtards are concerned about is turning the whole US into another fucked up Liberal Kailfornia by allowing future illegal Democrat voters to flood across and that is despicable.

That is your belief. Wipe the foaming off your mouth.
Abortion and shoot to kill has a big difference.......... I'm sure you don't know that. Decent Americans do not people shoot on the spot. Who are you again?
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

In a word, E-X-C-E-L-L-E_N-T!!!!!
Let us get the illegal immigrant workers the fuck out of the country.

I have a solution for the citizens of the U.S. who say they can't find a job and live on social welfare. It would actually solve two problems. Get the illegals out and offer those who say they can't find a job the jobs illegals are doing. Illegals gone. Unemployed working.
Yes. I've denied it.

You insist it is true.

So I asked you to support your claims.

That is the opposite of silly.

That is the way debate works.

That this is news to you is very pathetic.

You have a short memory. Do you expect anybody to go back several thread to find your racist thread? You should know better than that.

No, I don't.

I ask leftists to support their vile accusations, merely to draw attention to the fact that their accusations are unsupported, and that the people making them, as they refuse to even try to support them, know on some level that they are lying.

Query: What type of person engages in extreme slander against people he or she knows is innocent of the charges that person is making, over and over again?

BTW, There is no reason to think that Trump can't deport millions of illegals since Ike did so, long ago, nor that millions more won't self deport as occurred at that time.

AND a reduction in labor supply will increase price, ie wages.

To the benefit of the American Working and Middle Classes.

1. Yes you have short memory and denial at massive scale.
2. Ike deported illegals..... That was then...... There were no BP. What made you think they didn't made a U turn? Illegals today are fully imbedded in our society.
3. I don't believe Trump can and will deport 12 to 20 millions of illegals.
4. Deporting such numbers will create a economic meltdown.
5. If you are complaining about high prices now. Think real hard how high prices that will be.
6. Do you have enough Americans that will support those jobs that were vacated?

1. You are being silly. If you can't support an accusation, your accusation is invalid.

2. What Ike did we can do again, and this time the Wall and E-verify will keep them out.

2b Illegals can be unimbedded. YOu aren't afraid of change are you?

3. Your blind skepticism is a personal failing, not an argument.

4. REducing the labor pool by that amount will lead to rising wages.

5. A little bit higher. Worth it is wages rise for the Working and Middle Classes.

6. Yes.

1. You lost and still in denial.
2. Mom and pop don't use e- verify. Illegals are not taking over high paying jobs.
3. No. Trumpoline is just saying that so he can get elected.
4. Excellent my friend... ...... Increase wages but ALL commodities and services are also extremely high. And you collapse the economy ......... So what did you gain?
5. Middle cases and the rest will collapse.
6. No we don't. That is if you understand the economy. We have shortages now that is why your buddy trump is hiring foreign workers by the hundreds.

1. YOu are the one who is unable to support his primary line of defense, ie calling me names. And you are telling yourself you won something? Pathetic.

2. Ma and Pop better get with the program, or they will be held responsible.

3. You say that but, not surprisingly, you offer no support of your assumption. So, it's invalid.

4. Considering that Working CLass and Middle class wages have been stagnant for decades your concerns seem overblown.

5. No, the MIddle Class HAS BEEN collapsing. It is time to reverse that trend.

6. Yes we do. That is if you understand the way people respond to changes in the environment. Right now, you can't see past your standard response that has worked in the current environment, ie Problem? Answer: HIre more desperate Third World Labor. Once that option is not available, you will think of something. Or, your niche in the economy will be filled by someone else who could.

Blah blah blah blah....... Tough guy eh....... Decent Americans do not murder people. Who are you again?

Decent American don't support abortion on demand for the sake of convenience do they? That kills about a million American children each year, doesn't it?

Don't claim that Liberals don't support murder and slavery because that is what they thrive on.

If you were really concerned about murder you would be demanding that the the fucking Mexicans that murder many Americans year year and get rich off the drug trade that results in untold number of deaths each year be stopped at the border.

The only thing you sicko Libtards are concerned about is turning the whole US into another fucked up Liberal Kailfornia by allowing future illegal Democrat voters to flood across and that is despicable.
Define decent.
I predict that if Trump wins, he will back down on the deportation of 11 million people soon after taking office. I will still vote for him since if hillary wins, she will try to import 11 million people from the third world soon after taking office.
I predict that if Trump wins, he will back down on the deportation of 11 million people soon after taking office. I will still vote for him since if hillary wins, she will try to import 11 million people from the third world soon after taking office.
What's it like to be Wrong all the time?
I predict that if Trump wins, he will back down on the deportation of 11 million people soon after taking office. I will still vote for him since if hillary wins, she will try to import 11 million people from the third world soon after taking office.

i predict that he won't back down. And if he is able to actually do so, it will be good for America.
I predict that if Trump wins, he will back down on the deportation of 11 million people soon after taking office. I will still vote for him since if hillary wins, she will try to import 11 million people from the third world soon after taking office.

i predict that he won't back down. And if he is able to actually do so, it will be good for America.
I predict that if Trump wins, he will back down on the deportation of 11 million people soon after taking office. I will still vote for him since if hillary wins, she will try to import 11 million people from the third world soon after taking office.

i predict that he won't back down. And if he is able to actually do so, it will be good for America.

It is telling that the idea of enforcing the law seems like a make believe tale to leftists.
I predict that if Trump wins, he will back down on the deportation of 11 million people soon after taking office. I will still vote for him since if hillary wins, she will try to import 11 million people from the third world soon after taking office.

i predict that he won't back down. And if he is able to actually do so, it will be good for America.

It is telling that the idea of enforcing the law seems like a make believe tale to leftists.

No. What is make believe is that Trump will be the one to do it.
I predict that if Trump wins, he will back down on the deportation of 11 million people soon after taking office. I will still vote for him since if hillary wins, she will try to import 11 million people from the third world soon after taking office.

i predict that he won't back down. And if he is able to actually do so, it will be good for America.

It is telling that the idea of enforcing the law seems like a make believe tale to leftists.

No. What is make believe is that Trump will be the one to do it.

Your blind skepticism is not an argument.

Trump has built his campaign on Trade and Immigration.

If he wants either a second term or a decent Legacy, he will NOT betray his base.
I predict that if Trump wins, he will back down on the deportation of 11 million people soon after taking office. I will still vote for him since if hillary wins, she will try to import 11 million people from the third world soon after taking office.

i predict that he won't back down. And if he is able to actually do so, it will be good for America.

It is telling that the idea of enforcing the law seems like a make believe tale to leftists.

No. What is make believe is that Trump will be the one to do it.

Your blind skepticism is not an argument.

Trump has built his campaign on Trade and Immigration.

If he wants either a second term or a decent Legacy, he will NOT betray his base.

i predict that he won't back down. And if he is able to actually do so, it will be good for America.

It is telling that the idea of enforcing the law seems like a make believe tale to leftists.

No. What is make believe is that Trump will be the one to do it.

Your blind skepticism is not an argument.

Trump has built his campaign on Trade and Immigration.

If he wants either a second term or a decent Legacy, he will NOT betray his base.


Thank you for you content rich post.

Your contribution to this discussion really raises the tone of this whole site.

I wonder if Political and/or Sociology Majors could get college credits for talking to you?

Meanwhile I have supported my position by explaining my reasoning, and you have not.
Mr. & Ms. Johnson
Motel 6
Glendale, AZ

It has come to our attention that one of your 2 maids, Juanita Ramirez, may be an undocumented alien. You have been fined $10,000. If you do not remit said fine within 30 days, the US government will confiscate all of your assets, including your motel, thereby throwing both of you, and your other maid out of work

Kindest regards
US Immigration
Mr. & Ms. Johnson
Motel 6
Glendale, AZ

It has come to our attention that one of your 2 maids, Juanita Ramirez, may be an undocumented alien. You have been fined $10,000. If you do not remit said fine within 30 days, the US government will confiscate all of your assets, including your motel, thereby throwing both of you, and your other maid out of work

Kindest regards
US Immigration

Just like Obama has done.

Hotel Owners Charged With Hiring Illegal Workers

"A suburban Kansas City couple could lose their two hotels and their bank accounts and spend decades in federal prison if they’re found guilty of knowingly employing illegal immigrants over the last four years, a federal prosecutor said.

Munir Ahmad Chaudary, 51, and his wife, Rhonda Bridge, 40, both of Overland Park, Kan., were charged in an indictment unsealed Tuesday with one count of conspiracy to harbor undocumented aliens for personal gain, five counts of harboring undocumented aliens for personal gain and four counts of wire fraud."

only more often, and more aggressively, until employers start obeying the fucking law.

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