Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

You are wrong according to the Department of Labor. :D You are advocating for slavery basically.

the mass exodus of jobs during the first decade in this century created the void in labor .. FACT !

tell me aliens are responsible for this .. companies that left the country and took jobs with them, in order A-Z

Yes, that is ONE cause. Another is immigration.

Illegal Immigration and Immigration Reform: Protecting the Employment Rights of the American Labor Force (Native-Born and Foreign-Born) Who Are Eligible To Be Employed

there is no way in hell aliens could take as many jobs as outsourcing did ... period.

your argument is secondary to the legal issues that face Trump or any other idiot that thinks they can deport 11 million people .... back to square one.

Where did I say I supported deporting people? Post it.
how about " they take away job's from our low skilled workers "-chrisl

Where did I mention deporting people? Another fail for you. It must be terrible to be a terribly wrong partisan bickering troll all the time. :D
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Living in reality


he's not stupid enough to yank 11 million paying customers out of our stagnant economy ... as always he's all mouth and no thinking ... he is doing nothing more than keeping his trained idiots foaming at the mouth hoping they will elect him ..

"Establishmentarians can’t imagine that Trump would actually go through with mass deportations, much less how he would carry them out. 'I can’t even begin to picture how we would deport 11 million people in a few years when we don’t have a police state, where the police can’t break down your door at will and take you away without a warrant,' says Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security under George W. Bush.

"You don’t need imagination to game this out. You need history.

"Right-wingers will call the cops to report their undocumented neighbors. As in Nazi-occupied Europe, anyone with a grudge against someone without a valid I-9 form — resentful ex-boyfriends, etc. — will drop a dime to Trump’s jackbooted thugs..."
Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

None of thoase asteps are necessary...just cut off the welfare dime.....simple shit.
You will be surprised how many illegals stay, because MOST of them are not receiving benefits. They're illegal, remember? They're working for slug employers who hire them under the table. Boss gets cheap labor, they get to eat. Everybody's happy except you.
dale wouldn't understand he's never missed a meal or had to support anyone else,
Living in reality


he's not stupid enough to yank 11 million paying customers out of our stagnant economy ... as always he's all mouth and no thinking ... he is doing nothing more than keeping his trained idiots foaming at the mouth hoping they will elect him ..

"Establishmentarians can’t imagine that Trump would actually go through with mass deportations, much less how he would carry them out. 'I can’t even begin to picture how we would deport 11 million people in a few years when we don’t have a police state, where the police can’t break down your door at will and take you away without a warrant,' says Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security under George W. Bush.

"You don’t need imagination to game this out. You need history.

"Right-wingers will call the cops to report their undocumented neighbors. As in Nazi-occupied Europe, anyone with a grudge against someone without a valid I-9 form — resentful ex-boyfriends, etc. — will drop a dime to Trump’s jackbooted thugs..."
Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

None of thoase asteps are necessary...just cut off the welfare dime.....simple shit.
You will be surprised how many illegals stay, because MOST of them are not receiving benefits. They're illegal, remember? They're working for slug employers who hire them under the table. Boss gets cheap labor, they get to eat. Everybody's happy except you.
dale wouldn't understand he's never missed a meal or had to support anyone else,

How about you stick to the topic and rebutting for once?
Your links are not credible.

Since you can't rebut any of the points made in my numerous links from various sources, except to post the same things over and over again that have already been destroyed, I would say you've failed miserably. :D
there's nothing to rebut .
your sources are not credible . fail.

All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .
Since you can't rebut any of the points made in my numerous links from various sources, except to post the same things over and over again that have already been destroyed, I would say you've failed miserably. :D
there's nothing to rebut .
your sources are not credible . fail.

All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

Is the department of labor partisan? Sorry, but plenty of Americans DO and would do these jobs.
"Establishmentarians can’t imagine that Trump would actually go through with mass deportations, much less how he would carry them out. 'I can’t even begin to picture how we would deport 11 million people in a few years when we don’t have a police state, where the police can’t break down your door at will and take you away without a warrant,' says Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security under George W. Bush.

"You don’t need imagination to game this out. You need history.

"Right-wingers will call the cops to report their undocumented neighbors. As in Nazi-occupied Europe, anyone with a grudge against someone without a valid I-9 form — resentful ex-boyfriends, etc. — will drop a dime to Trump’s jackbooted thugs..."
Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

None of thoase asteps are necessary...just cut off the welfare dime.....simple shit.
You will be surprised how many illegals stay, because MOST of them are not receiving benefits. They're illegal, remember? They're working for slug employers who hire them under the table. Boss gets cheap labor, they get to eat. Everybody's happy except you.
dale wouldn't understand he's never missed a meal or had to support anyone else,

How about you stick to the topic and rebutting for once?
that is a rebuttal ...not getting enough attention are we?
Since you can't rebut any of the points made in my numerous links from various sources, except to post the same things over and over again that have already been destroyed, I would say you've failed miserably. :D
there's nothing to rebut .
your sources are not credible . fail.

All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

What do the statistics say? Look them up and report back, please. How many Americans do these jobs? What is the percentage?
there's nothing to rebut .
your sources are not credible . fail.

All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

Is the department of labor partisan? Sorry, but plenty of Americans DO and would do these jobs.
But marriage IS a legal contract. That's why a legal guarantor is needed.
CAN be, not IS.

I was at a gay wedding with my girlfriend (her friends) in Key West around 1995. After the ceremony, were they married or not?

I believe they were married. Just because the US government didn't recognize the marriage as "legal" and, therefore, refused to grant them tax breaks and other rights, benefits and privileges doesn't mean they weren't married.

Exactly, why should government be involved in marriage. .....

To make the contract valid.

Begging the question, it's not a contract, it's a government program. ...

No, it's a contract.
"Establishmentarians can’t imagine that Trump would actually go through with mass deportations, much less how he would carry them out. 'I can’t even begin to picture how we would deport 11 million people in a few years when we don’t have a police state, where the police can’t break down your door at will and take you away without a warrant,' says Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security under George W. Bush.

"You don’t need imagination to game this out. You need history.

"Right-wingers will call the cops to report their undocumented neighbors. As in Nazi-occupied Europe, anyone with a grudge against someone without a valid I-9 form — resentful ex-boyfriends, etc. — will drop a dime to Trump’s jackbooted thugs..."
Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

None of thoase asteps are necessary...just cut off the welfare dime.....simple shit.
You will be surprised how many illegals stay, because MOST of them are not receiving benefits. They're illegal, remember? They're working for slug employers who hire them under the table. Boss gets cheap labor, they get to eat. Everybody's happy except you.
dale wouldn't understand he's never missed a meal or had to support anyone else,

How about you stick to the topic and rebutting for once?
that is a rebuttal ...not getting enough attention are we?

That is not a rebuttal. Not surprising, you don't know what that is and you cannot debate anything.
there's nothing to rebut .
your sources are not credible . fail.

All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

What do the statistics say? Look them up and report back, please. How many Americans do these jobs? What is the percentage?
All of my sources are credible and rely on real life data. :)

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

Is the department of labor partisan? Sorry, but plenty of Americans DO and would do these jobs.

I already posted the statistics. Look your argument that Americans won't do these jobs is a lie. Lol.
"Establishmentarians can’t imagine that Trump would actually go through with mass deportations, much less how he would carry them out. 'I can’t even begin to picture how we would deport 11 million people in a few years when we don’t have a police state, where the police can’t break down your door at will and take you away without a warrant,' says Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security under George W. Bush.

"You don’t need imagination to game this out. You need history.

"Right-wingers will call the cops to report their undocumented neighbors. As in Nazi-occupied Europe, anyone with a grudge against someone without a valid I-9 form — resentful ex-boyfriends, etc. — will drop a dime to Trump’s jackbooted thugs..."
Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

None of thoase asteps are necessary...just cut off the welfare dime.....simple shit.
You will be surprised how many illegals stay, because MOST of them are not receiving benefits. They're illegal, remember? They're working for slug employers who hire them under the table. Boss gets cheap labor, they get to eat. Everybody's happy except you.
dale wouldn't understand he's never missed a meal or had to support anyone else,

How about you stick to the topic and rebutting for once?

you stick to the topic ...

Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?
None of thoase asteps are necessary...just cut off the welfare dime.....simple shit.
You will be surprised how many illegals stay, because MOST of them are not receiving benefits. They're illegal, remember? They're working for slug employers who hire them under the table. Boss gets cheap labor, they get to eat. Everybody's happy except you.
dale wouldn't understand he's never missed a meal or had to support anyone else,

How about you stick to the topic and rebutting for once?
that is a rebuttal ...not getting enough attention are we?

That is not a rebuttal. Not surprising, you don't know what that is and you cannot debate anything.
you 've posted nothing that meets the criteria for rebuttal.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs
Constant machine noise, on your feet, $7.25 an hour, no windows, fillet 8 fish per minute, chilled room ...
Elizabeth Dwoskin
There’s no shortage of people he could give those jobs to. In Alabama, some 211,000 people are out of work. In rural Perry County, where Harvest Select is located, the unemployment rate is 18.2 percent, twice the national average. One of the big selling points of the immigration law was that it would free up jobs that Republican Governor Robert Bentley said immigrants had stolen from recession-battered Americans. Yet native Alabamians have not come running to fill these newly liberated positions. Many employers think the law is ludicrous and fought to stop it. Immigrants aren’t stealing anything from anyone, they say. Businesses turned to foreign labor only because they couldn’t find enough Americans to take the work they were offering.

Why Americans Won't Do Dirty Jobs

The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

Is the department of labor partisan? Sorry, but plenty of Americans DO and would do these jobs.

I already posted the statistics. Look your argument that Americans won't do these jobs is a lie. Lol.
not from the department of labor you haven't
you stuff is all third hand.
The Department of Labor and history says you are wrong. Sorry. :) There are plenty of Americans who will do these jobs and always have. Look at the stats before you go on believing partisan lies. Thanks.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

Is the department of labor partisan? Sorry, but plenty of Americans DO and would do these jobs.

I already posted the statistics. Look your argument that Americans won't do these jobs is a lie. Lol.
not from the department of labor you haven't
you stuff is all third hand.

The stats are referenced. They come directly from the Department of Labor. They quantify how many Americans actually do these jobs.
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

Is the department of labor partisan? Sorry, but plenty of Americans DO and would do these jobs.

I already posted the statistics. Look your argument that Americans won't do these jobs is a lie. Lol.
not from the department of labor you haven't
you stuff is all third hand.

The stats are referenced. They come directly from the Department of Labor. They quantify how many Americans actually do these jobs.

totally irrelevant to deporting 11 million people
Demographic Characteristics

The demographic composition of the foreign-born labor force differs from that of the
native-born labor force. In 2015, men accounted for 58.3 percent of the foreign-born
labor force, compared with 52.2 percent of the native-born labor force. By age, the
proportion of the foreign-born labor force made up of 25- to 54-year-olds (73.7
percent) was higher than for the native-born labor force (62.5 percent). Labor force
participation is typically highest among persons in that age bracket. (See table 1.)

In 2015, nearly half (48.8 percent) of the foreign-born labor force was Hispanic, and
almost one-quarter (24.1 percent) was Asian, compared with 10.2 percent and 1.9 percent,
respectively, of the native-born labor force. About 16.8 percent of the foreign-born
labor force was White and 9.2 percent was Black, compared with 73.4 percent and 12.1
percent, respectively, of the native-born labor force.

In 2015, 23.9 percent of the foreign-born labor force age 25 and over had not completed
high school, compared with 4.6 percent of the native-born labor force. The foreign born
were less likely than the native born to have some college or an associate degree--16.9
percent versus 29.9 percent. The proportions for foreign-born and native-born persons
that had a bachelor's degree and higher were more similar, at 34.9 percent and 39.1
percent, respectively.
Labor Force Characteristics of Foreign-born Workers Summary
link ?
everything you posted is partisan lies .

Is the department of labor partisan? Sorry, but plenty of Americans DO and would do these jobs.

I already posted the statistics. Look your argument that Americans won't do these jobs is a lie. Lol.
not from the department of labor you haven't
you stuff is all third hand.

The stats are referenced. They come directly from the Department of Labor. They quantify how many Americans actually do these jobs.
won't cut it post a direct link please.

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