Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

But marriage IS a legal contract. That's why a legal guarantor is needed.
CAN be, not IS.

I was at a gay wedding with my girlfriend (her friends) in Key West around 1995. After the ceremony, were they married or not?

I believe they were married. Just because the US government didn't recognize the marriage as "legal" and, therefore, refused to grant them tax breaks and other rights, benefits and privileges doesn't mean they weren't married.

Exactly, why should government be involved in marriage. There is a better solution for every problem that government supposedly fixes with government marriage
Probably not, but at least he's serious about securing our border and reforming our nightmare of an Immigration System. Clinton will only continue Hussein's disastrous immigration policies. It's the main reason why i'll be supporting Donald Trump for President.
Trump seems to have had a few problems of his own with hiring illegals?
We Googled 'Trump Polish workers.' Here's what we found

"Sometime between 1979 and 1980, Trump hired a contractor to demolish an old building in midtown Manhattan to make way for Trump Tower. The contractor signed on workers from a local union and, to meet Trump’s tight deadline, also brought on 200 undocumented laborers from Poland dubbed the 'Polish Brigade.'

"The Polish employees were off-the-books, working 12-hour shifts seven days a week for $4 to $5 an hour, with no overtime. Some workers were never paid what they were owed.

"In 1983, union members sued a union boss, Trump and his contractor for cheating the union out of pension and welfare funds by hiring the Polish Brigade. Trump owed the union pension fund $1 million, the plaintiffs said.

"Appearing in court in 1990, Trump blamed the violations on the contractor and denied knowing that the Polish workers were undocumented.

"'Nobody’s proven to me that they were were illegal,' Trump said, according to a Newsday report from the time."

Clinton's immigration policy will be Hussein's immigration policy. I believe Trump's going in a different direction. I believe he is serious about securing our border and reforming our immigration nightmare. He has my support.

Trump is all talk, really though. Lol.

We'll agree to disagree. I think his immigration policy will be different than Clinton's and Hussein's. It's the main reason i have to support him at this point. We need real change. We can't continue with this illegal open border mess. It's time to take control and enforce our laws again.
Everytime, correll, you homophobe, sexist, and ageist, this is your life. You are a foul and vulgar person, and we are all going to remember that forever.

You are not sorry at all. You have always wanted to go there with men, but that is you.

Now be nice and get nice. This is on you. :lol:

The American people will not anyone deport eleven million people in mass roundups

Are you drinking?

Nuts congregate on message boards, don't you know?

and here you and soggy are ..

imagine that.

I've made sound points and provided links to back my assertions. I haven't been calling people gay. Lol.

And here YOU are with nothing to add to the discussion. :2up:

I was on this thread long before you ... read the thread I expained why it would be next to impossible for Donnie to deport 11 million people ... beginning with resident aliens rights.
But marriage IS a legal contract. That's why a legal guarantor is needed.
CAN be, not IS.

I was at a gay wedding with my girlfriend (her friends) in Key West around 1995. After the ceremony, were they married or not?

I believe they were married. Just because the US government didn't recognize the marriage as "legal" and, therefore, refused to grant them tax breaks and other rights, benefits and privileges doesn't mean they weren't married.

Exactly, why should government be involved in marriage. .....

To make the contract valid.
Jobs Americans Won’t Do, and the Economics of Mass Low-Skilled Immigration

And there is no principled stopping point. The labor supply globally in excess of American labor willing to do the cucumber picking at the ever expanding margin at the lowest possible wages is for all practical purposes unlimited; so they want, and openly argue for, completely unlimited immigration. How could they not? Once any limit becomes binding the argument compels them to want to eliminate it! But once you concede that there should be some limit set by policy and not the narrow economic interests of the ag lobby, then the question arises as to what’s wrong with the limits we already have?….that the scofflaw ag sector has worked to undermine? If the answer is that the existing limit is arbitrary, ANY limit becomes arbitrary and the reason to prefer a new limit becomes nothing but special pleading for special interests. And why stop at ag? Why not let entrepreneurs in the strategic T-shirt and bra and panty sectors of the textile industry import millions of those Bangladeshi workers toiling in unsafe sweatshops? Think of the GDP!….and import substitution for cheap Asian T-shirts.

Effectively, the Cato-type extreme libertarian arguments for unlimited immigration depend on a fallacy of economism: only considerations of gross first order economic conditions are relevant to any policy question. Only aggregate GDP matters, not GDP per capita, not second order environmental non-GDP impacts, not the economic welfare of existing native-born Americans, not population densities, not cultural or demographic issues. America is just a geographic expression; it just identifies a place where rational economic maximizers happen to be living because they can rationally maximize. It’s economism…and it’s specious, no matter how sophisticated the economic claims appear to be.
Everytime, correll, you homophobe, sexist, and ageist, this is your life. You are a foul and vulgar person, and we are all going to remember that forever.

You are not sorry at all. You have always wanted to go there with men, but that is you.

Now be nice and get nice. This is on you. :lol:

The American people will not anyone deport eleven million people in mass roundups

Are you drinking?

Nuts congregate on message boards, don't you know?

and here you and soggy are ..

imagine that.

I've made sound points and provided links to back my assertions. I haven't been calling people gay. Lol.

And here YOU are with nothing to add to the discussion. :2up:

I was on this thread long before you ... read the thread I expained why it would be next to impossible for Donnie to deport 11 million people ... beginning with resident aliens rights.
Facts are meaningless to the desperate ,gullible and just plain stupid Trump sycophantic.
Everytime, correll, you homophobe, sexist, and ageist, this is your life. You are a foul and vulgar person, and we are all going to remember that forever.

You are not sorry at all. You have always wanted to go there with men, but that is you.

Now be nice and get nice. This is on you. :lol:

The American people will not anyone deport eleven million people in mass roundups

Are you drinking?

Nuts congregate on message boards, don't you know?

and here you and soggy are ..

imagine that.

I've made sound points and provided links to back my assertions. I haven't been calling people gay. Lol.

And here YOU are with nothing to add to the discussion. :2up:

I was on this thread long before you ... read the thread I expained why it would be next to impossible for Donnie to deport 11 million people ... beginning with resident aliens rights.

And perhaps you should learn to read. I said the same thing. Lol.
Are you drinking?

Nuts congregate on message boards, don't you know?

and here you and soggy are ..

imagine that.

I've made sound points and provided links to back my assertions. I haven't been calling people gay. Lol.

And here YOU are with nothing to add to the discussion. :2up:

I was on this thread long before you ... read the thread I expained why it would be next to impossible for Donnie to deport 11 million people ... beginning with resident aliens rights.
Facts are meaningless to the desperate ,gullible and just plain stupid Trump sycophantic.

Damn you are dumber than a box of rocks. :lol:
Jobs Americans Won’t Do, and the Economics of Mass Low-Skilled Immigration

And there is no principled stopping point. The labor supply globally in excess of American labor willing to do the cucumber picking at the ever expanding margin at the lowest possible wages is for all practical purposes unlimited; so they want, and openly argue for, completely unlimited immigration. How could they not? Once any limit becomes binding the argument compels them to want to eliminate it! But once you concede that there should be some limit set by policy and not the narrow economic interests of the ag lobby, then the question arises as to what’s wrong with the limits we already have?….that the scofflaw ag sector has worked to undermine? If the answer is that the existing limit is arbitrary, ANY limit becomes arbitrary and the reason to prefer a new limit becomes nothing but special pleading for special interests. And why stop at ag? Why not let entrepreneurs in the strategic T-shirt and bra and panty sectors of the textile industry import millions of those Bangladeshi workers toiling in unsafe sweatshops? Think of the GDP!….and import substitution for cheap Asian T-shirts.

Effectively, the Cato-type extreme libertarian arguments for unlimited immigration depend on a fallacy of economism: only considerations of gross first order economic conditions are relevant to any policy question. Only aggregate GDP matters, not GDP per capita, not second order environmental non-GDP impacts, not the economic welfare of existing native-born Americans, not population densities, not cultural or demographic issues. America is just a geographic expression; it just identifies a place where rational economic maximizers happen to be living because they can rationally maximize. It’s economism…and it’s specious, no matter how sophisticated the economic claims appear to be.
Nuts congregate on message boards, don't you know?

and here you and soggy are ..

imagine that.

I've made sound points and provided links to back my assertions. I haven't been calling people gay. Lol.

And here YOU are with nothing to add to the discussion. :2up:

I was on this thread long before you ... read the thread I expained why it would be next to impossible for Donnie to deport 11 million people ... beginning with resident aliens rights.
Facts are meaningless to the desperate ,gullible and just plain stupid Trump sycophantic.

Damn you are dumber than a box of rocks. :lol:
Nope that's all you. .
and here you and soggy are ..

imagine that.

I've made sound points and provided links to back my assertions. I haven't been calling people gay. Lol.

And here YOU are with nothing to add to the discussion. :2up:

I was on this thread long before you ... read the thread I expained why it would be next to impossible for Donnie to deport 11 million people ... beginning with resident aliens rights.
Facts are meaningless to the desperate ,gullible and just plain stupid Trump sycophantic.

Damn you are dumber than a box of rocks. :lol:
Nope that's all you. .

A typical response from you, dummy. :D
I've made sound points and provided links to back my assertions. I haven't been calling people gay. Lol.

And here YOU are with nothing to add to the discussion. :2up:

I was on this thread long before you ... read the thread I expained why it would be next to impossible for Donnie to deport 11 million people ... beginning with resident aliens rights.
Facts are meaningless to the desperate ,gullible and just plain stupid Trump sycophantic.

Damn you are dumber than a box of rocks. :lol:
Nope that's all you. .

A typical response from you, dummy. :D
Maybe so but it has the advantage of being fact.
Why More Immigration Is Bad for America

Why do we have immigration when unemployment is high? Nobody in Washington will give the honest answer. Employers want cheap labor. They benefit tremendously from legal and illegal immigration in the current slow-growth economy. We have a million legal immigrants per year, and the vast majority of them enter the labor market competing with Americans for scarce job opportunities. The result is wage depression, though there are other factors that restrict wage growth, and persistently high unemployment above the 5 percent level that most economists believe is unhealthy.

Rather than have a million legal immigrants plus more than three hundred thousand more job seekers coming over on temporary work visas year in and year out without a pause, we should ask the simple question, do we need any immigrants? The only constituency that claims there is such a need is employers. And they have essentially written U.S. immigration law for a very long time.

The primary type of immigration is for “family reunification.” That means a U.S. citizen can sponsor their immediate relatives for permanent residency and then citizenship. This sounds like a perfectly reasonable basis on which to base an immigration policy. But it makes no economic sense and has disastrous consequences. Spouses, children and parents of citizens may be unskilled, uneducated, and thus likely to become “public charges,” the bane of immigration. Economists agree that the U.S. has ample unskilled labor. (The Department of Labor, which is supposed to protect the interests of U.S. workers, has said this for more than twenty years.) But the exception is companies that rely on this labor, particularly food processors, cleaning companies and agriculture. They always want more because more means less pay. These companies could care less about public benefits, unemployment rates and rest of the pathologies that an excess of immigrants can bring. And they turn very nasty when criticized. Anyone who brings up the unemployment is a racist. Or they roll their eyes and tell you American won’t do nasty jobs. Tell that to the nation’s sewer workers who are mostly unionized, well-paid and American.

Yes they do, as my links show and demonstrate. :D Not to mention, they hurt Americans in many other ways. Just one of the contributing factors on why our wages are stagnant.

How Unskilled Immigrants Hurt Our Economy
Your links are not credible.

Since you can't rebut any of the points made in my numerous links from various sources, except to post the same things over and over again that have already been destroyed, I would say you've failed miserably. :D

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