Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Clinton's immigration policy will be Hussein's immigration policy. I believe Trump's going in a different direction. I believe he is serious about securing our border and reforming our immigration nightmare. He has my support.
Will you support his reforms at all costs? If it's necessary to set up checkpoints across the US in order to round up illegals, will you wait patiently for your turn to show "your papers" to whatever authority figure asks for them? Trump's goal to remove 11 million people from the US in two or three years seems far fetched, at least.
Your marxist class warfare is noted.

The issues caused by Illegal immigration have been discussed. They are real.

Your attempt at distraction is irrelevant to the issue thread topic.
Why would you support a self-described "King of Debt" for president if you are a victim of the "magic of compound interest?" (p. 43)

"The inability of economies to sustain compound interest and a rising rentier overhead for any prolonged time is at the root of today’s political fight. At issue is whose interests must be sacrificed in the face of the incompatibility between financial and “real” economic expansion paths."
Trump was born into the FIRE sector (finance, insurance, real estate) economy and he is playing the rubes like fiddles to advance the interests of his economic class.
I'll bet you'd like to be 'The King Of Debt' for just an hour of your loser life.
Where did I say I endorsed murdering people? I've been saying you're a douche bag since you entered this thread, and you just proved that you are so low that you look up to douche bags. Why do you imagine anyone would pay attention to a thing you say when you just proved what a dishonest scum bag you are?

  1. Illegal immigration is not a trickle, it's a flood. If your figure of 500 k tourist visa overstays is correct, then that means about 700K coming across the border. Your own posted figures contradict your sleazy claims.
  2. No one but you has said the fence will cost $25 billion. The real cost is more like $10 billion. Even at your price, it's a bargain if it stops any significant fraction of 700K illegals pouring over our Southern border every year.
  3. You're obviously and douche bag open borders traitor, so any claims you make about the cost or effectiveness of the wall will be evaluated on the basis of that knowledge.

You probably one of the stupidest, dumb asshole I ever encountered in this board. You are a very dishonest disgusting human being. Last time you provided me a link I countered your post but you play dumb suffering from dimentia. Stupid fuck.

"You probably one of the stupidest, dumb asshole I ever encountered in this board.?" Did you read that before you posted it? If you don't want to look stupid, you should at least make sure a sentence of only a dozen words is grammatically correct. If I didn't know better, I would swear someone with Down's syndrome wrote that sentence.

1. You mentioned Berlin Wall........ Which is to kill who ever cross the line. Suggesting such a thing for your stupid wall is the same as murdering people.

I'm not the one who originally brought up the Berlin wall, you stupid piece of shit. ChrisL did that. But it really doesn't matter who brought it up. Mentioning the Berlin Wall doesn't mean you approve of murder. Only a true douche bag like yourself would attempt to draw that conclusion.

2. The 10 billions came from Trump. Which he doesn't really have clue how much it really cost.

Donald Trump is a developer who has built dozens of billion dollar properties. The idea that he doesn't know how much it costs to build things doesn't pass the laugh test.

3. Below is the estimated $17 billions cost of the wall based from independent study. This does not include design, maintenance, housing of construction workers, heavy machinery equipments, paved road for the 1,900 miles ( alone will approximately over 2 billions) buy land from private owners.

You don't need paved road. Dirt road will be more than sufficient, but his calculation isn't that far off. So what? $17 billion is cheap. Illegal immigrants cost the taxpayers of this country $150 billion each and every year.

3. Where did you get the 700k illegals crossing the border? Did you just pull that from your stupid ass? Link.

ICE says visa overstays account for 40% of illegal aliens. If you take 1/0.40 X 500K (your figure) you get 1.25 million. subtract your 500K and you end up with 750 K crossing the Southern border.

4. Illegals crossing are trickle. Scumbag lightweight..

750 K is not a trickle.

You have not provided a single link to support your bullshit. Stupid disgusting fuck. Illegals crossing and over staying is totally different animal. stupid.
Trump is a developer but he just pulled the number from his ass. He started at 4 then 12.
You don't need to pave the road just dirt road.........are you really that dumb?
Provide a link to support your 250k. Scumbag.

Chris has been posting tons of links to support her/our arguments.

Information or reasoned argument, you dismiss both.

And provide neither.

You are saying that you and Chris are both racist and stupid?
Where is the link for the 250k?


For you bonus meme.

Your marxist class warfare is noted.

The issues caused by Illegal immigration have been discussed. They are real.

Your attempt at distraction is irrelevant to the issue thread topic.
Why would you support a self-described "King of Debt" for president if you are a victim of the "magic of compound interest?" (p. 43)

"The inability of economies to sustain compound interest and a rising rentier overhead for any prolonged time is at the root of today’s political fight. At issue is whose interests must be sacrificed in the face of the incompatibility between financial and “real” economic expansion paths."
Trump was born into the FIRE sector (finance, insurance, real estate) economy and he is playing the rubes like fiddles to advance the interests of his economic class.

YOur attempt at distraction is still irrelevant.

The issues caused by illegal immigration have been discussed. They are real.


I skimmed it with the intent of ridiculing it's claims about how bad America would be without immigrants.

There was nothing in the first couple of paragraphs, just empty spin.

Then as I kept going, I thought I would ridicule it for how many paragraphs it took of partisan blather before it got to the point claimed in the title.

Then before I found that point, the article ended.

That was complete nonsense.

If you think there was a point in there, you should cut and paste it, or make it in your own words.
Clinton's immigration policy will be Hussein's immigration policy. I believe Trump's going in a different direction. I believe he is serious about securing our border and reforming our immigration nightmare. He has my support.
Will you support his reforms at all costs? If it's necessary to set up checkpoints across the US in order to round up illegals, will you wait patiently for your turn to show "your papers" to whatever authority figure asks for them? Trump's goal to remove 11 million people from the US in two or three years seems far fetched, at least.

We're already a Police State. I don't see that being reversed anytime soon. But that's another discussion for another day. Deporting folks who break our laws is not 'immoral' or 'wrong.' Foreigners should respect other nations' laws. Those crossing our border illegally, are disrespecting our nation. Those enforcing our Immigration Laws are doing right.

It's a damn shame what this current asshole President has done to our Immigration System. He's betrayed our brave folks in the Border Patrol especially. Hell, he even killed one of them. He still hasn't been held accountable for 'Fast & Furious.' Brian Terry's family still hasn't seen justice. Trump's doing the right thing. And i don't give a damn if that pisses off the Left and Illegals. Let em riot and burn shit. They'll only prove why something has to be done.
And you've accused me of having information free posts. LOL.

Slaughter house used to support a middle class life style until cheap Third World labor suppressed wages.

Immigration, Meat Packing, and Trade: Implications for Iowa -- Wallace E. Huffman and John A. Miranowski - Changing Face | Migration Dialogue

"During the past decade, rapid immigration of minority groups into California, Texas, and Florida has caused a significant increase in the supply of low-skilled (-educated) workers and in households that have less than U.S. average income. These changes are impacting small towns and cities. In Iowa (and some other Midwestern states), immigrants from minority groups are a much smaller share of the total workforce than in border states, but rapid increases in their numbers have occurred during the past decade. Although the Iowa labor force decreased 2.3 percent over 1980 to 1990, large increases in Spanish-origin/Hispanics and Asian-origin population occurred. The increase in the labor force for Asian-origin individuals has been much larger than for Hispanics (60% versus 17% during 1980-90). No change has occurred in the number of blacks in the Iowa labor force over this time period. See table 1, section A."

"Average real hourly earning in meat packing and meat processing rose from 1960 to about 1980, with the rate being higher in meat packing, then real average hourly earnings in these subindustries started a 15 year decline, where the rate of decline was slower in meat processing than meat packing (see figure 2). Since 1981, average hourly earnings in meat processing have exceeded the rate for meat packing. Real average hourly earnings in poultry slaughtering and processing have been basically unchanged over 1972-1995 and significantly below the rate for meat packing and meat processing. A notable long term trend is the decline of the real average hourly earning of meat packing and meat processing toward the level of poultry slaughter and processing (see figure 2)."
No where in the article does it say anything about middle class jobs fail.

I knew you wouldn't be able to handle an academic article.

I will give you an analysis of the information you don't understand tomorrow.
And you've accused me of having information free posts. LOL.

Slaughter house used to support a middle class life style until cheap Third World labor suppressed wages.

Immigration, Meat Packing, and Trade: Implications for Iowa -- Wallace E. Huffman and John A. Miranowski - Changing Face | Migration Dialogue

"During the past decade, rapid immigration of minority groups into California, Texas, and Florida has caused a significant increase in the supply of low-skilled (-educated) workers and in households that have less than U.S. average income. These changes are impacting small towns and cities. In Iowa (and some other Midwestern states), immigrants from minority groups are a much smaller share of the total workforce than in border states, but rapid increases in their numbers have occurred during the past decade. Although the Iowa labor force decreased 2.3 percent over 1980 to 1990, large increases in Spanish-origin/Hispanics and Asian-origin population occurred. The increase in the labor force for Asian-origin individuals has been much larger than for Hispanics (60% versus 17% during 1980-90). No change has occurred in the number of blacks in the Iowa labor force over this time period. See table 1, section A."

"Average real hourly earning in meat packing and meat processing rose from 1960 to about 1980, with the rate being higher in meat packing, then real average hourly earnings in these subindustries started a 15 year decline, where the rate of decline was slower in meat processing than meat packing (see figure 2). Since 1981, average hourly earnings in meat processing have exceeded the rate for meat packing. Real average hourly earnings in poultry slaughtering and processing have been basically unchanged over 1972-1995 and significantly below the rate for meat packing and meat processing. A notable long term trend is the decline of the real average hourly earning of meat packing and meat processing toward the level of poultry slaughter and processing (see figure 2)."
No where in the article does it say anything about middle class jobs fail.

I knew you wouldn't be able to handle an academic article.

I will give you an analysis of the information you don't understand tomorrow.
So, the American lost work he was willing and able to do because he was undercut by an hispanic worker?

Was this hispanic foreign born?
that's not what he wrote .
thanks for proving my point about willful misinterpretation with the added bonus of willful misrepresentation.

"he lost most of his business in our street"

To the "hispanic around 40s".

That is exactly what he wrote.
You mean the 1940's?
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there a little thing called ww2 going on then .
Most "American men were at war and someone had to keep the food coming.
During and after that there was a manufacturing boom and more American started to work in factories because they paid better and the work was not as labor intensive.
You also conveniently left out the rise of automation.

He was referring to age. The Hispanic male is in his 40s.

Try to be less stupid.
Was he?

Was who what?

Was that was he was saying? YES.

Was the hispanic really in his 40s? YES.

Donnie won't be deporting anyone.

his rhetoric makes for good campaign fodder, but outside of that it ends there.

It must be cool to be able to see the future.

HOw many Powerballs have you won?

Do you sometimes let other people win? That would be so cool of you.

Saying what you believe over and over again, is not making your case, it is engaging in propaganda.

And being a troll.

This is you failing to think.

Where did I say I endorsed murdering people? I've been saying you're a douche bag since you entered this thread, and you just proved that you are so low that you look up to douche bags. Why do you imagine anyone would pay attention to a thing you say when you just proved what a dishonest scum bag you are?

  1. Illegal immigration is not a trickle, it's a flood. If your figure of 500 k tourist visa overstays is correct, then that means about 700K coming across the border. Your own posted figures contradict your sleazy claims.
  2. No one but you has said the fence will cost $25 billion. The real cost is more like $10 billion. Even at your price, it's a bargain if it stops any significant fraction of 700K illegals pouring over our Southern border every year.
  3. You're obviously and douche bag open borders traitor, so any claims you make about the cost or effectiveness of the wall will be evaluated on the basis of that knowledge.

You probably one of the stupidest, dumb asshole I ever encountered in this board. You are a very dishonest disgusting human being. Last time you provided me a link I countered your post but you play dumb suffering from dimentia. Stupid fuck.

"You probably one of the stupidest, dumb asshole I ever encountered in this board.?" Did you read that before you posted it? If you don't want to look stupid, you should at least make sure a sentence of only a dozen words is grammatically correct. If I didn't know better, I would swear someone with Down's syndrome wrote that sentence.

1. You mentioned Berlin Wall........ Which is to kill who ever cross the line. Suggesting such a thing for your stupid wall is the same as murdering people.

I'm not the one who originally brought up the Berlin wall, you stupid piece of shit. ChrisL did that. But it really doesn't matter who brought it up. Mentioning the Berlin Wall doesn't mean you approve of murder. Only a true douche bag like yourself would attempt to draw that conclusion.

2. The 10 billions came from Trump. Which he doesn't really have clue how much it really cost.

Donald Trump is a developer who has built dozens of billion dollar properties. The idea that he doesn't know how much it costs to build things doesn't pass the laugh test.

3. Below is the estimated $17 billions cost of the wall based from independent study. This does not include design, maintenance, housing of construction workers, heavy machinery equipments, paved road for the 1,900 miles ( alone will approximately over 2 billions) buy land from private owners.

You don't need paved road. Dirt road will be more than sufficient, but his calculation isn't that far off. So what? $17 billion is cheap. Illegal immigrants cost the taxpayers of this country $150 billion each and every year.

3. Where did you get the 700k illegals crossing the border? Did you just pull that from your stupid ass? Link.

ICE says visa overstays account for 40% of illegal aliens. If you take 1/0.40 X 500K (your figure) you get 1.25 million. subtract your 500K and you end up with 750 K crossing the Southern border.

4. Illegals crossing are trickle. Scumbag lightweight..

750 K is not a trickle.

You have not provided a single link to support your bullshit. Stupid disgusting fuck. Illegals crossing and over staying is totally different animal. stupid.
Trump is a developer but he just pulled the number from his ass. He started at 4 then 12.
You don't need to pave the road just dirt road.........are you really that dumb?
Provide a link to support your 250k. Scumbag.

Chris has been posting tons of links to support her/our arguments.

Information or reasoned argument, you dismiss both.

And provide neither.

To dim to realize that he just proved my point.

Libs: All the self awareness of a turnip.


I skimmed it with the intent of ridiculing it's claims about how bad America would be without immigrants.

There was nothing in the first couple of paragraphs, just empty spin.

Then as I kept going, I thought I would ridicule it for how many paragraphs it took of partisan blather before it got to the point claimed in the title.

Then before I found that point, the article ended.

That was complete nonsense.

If you think there was a point in there, you should cut and paste it, or make it in your own words.

Did you read it or you just look at the picture?


I skimmed it with the intent of ridiculing it's claims about how bad America would be without immigrants.

There was nothing in the first couple of paragraphs, just empty spin.

Then as I kept going, I thought I would ridicule it for how many paragraphs it took of partisan blather before it got to the point claimed in the title.

Then before I found that point, the article ended.

That was complete nonsense.

If you think there was a point in there, you should cut and paste it, or make it in your own words.

Did you read it or you just look at the picture?

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.
You probably one of the stupidest, dumb asshole I ever encountered in this board. You are a very dishonest disgusting human being. Last time you provided me a link I countered your post but you play dumb suffering from dimentia. Stupid fuck.

"You probably one of the stupidest, dumb asshole I ever encountered in this board.?" Did you read that before you posted it? If you don't want to look stupid, you should at least make sure a sentence of only a dozen words is grammatically correct. If I didn't know better, I would swear someone with Down's syndrome wrote that sentence.

1. You mentioned Berlin Wall........ Which is to kill who ever cross the line. Suggesting such a thing for your stupid wall is the same as murdering people.

I'm not the one who originally brought up the Berlin wall, you stupid piece of shit. ChrisL did that. But it really doesn't matter who brought it up. Mentioning the Berlin Wall doesn't mean you approve of murder. Only a true douche bag like yourself would attempt to draw that conclusion.

2. The 10 billions came from Trump. Which he doesn't really have clue how much it really cost.

Donald Trump is a developer who has built dozens of billion dollar properties. The idea that he doesn't know how much it costs to build things doesn't pass the laugh test.

3. Below is the estimated $17 billions cost of the wall based from independent study. This does not include design, maintenance, housing of construction workers, heavy machinery equipments, paved road for the 1,900 miles ( alone will approximately over 2 billions) buy land from private owners.

You don't need paved road. Dirt road will be more than sufficient, but his calculation isn't that far off. So what? $17 billion is cheap. Illegal immigrants cost the taxpayers of this country $150 billion each and every year.

3. Where did you get the 700k illegals crossing the border? Did you just pull that from your stupid ass? Link.

ICE says visa overstays account for 40% of illegal aliens. If you take 1/0.40 X 500K (your figure) you get 1.25 million. subtract your 500K and you end up with 750 K crossing the Southern border.

4. Illegals crossing are trickle. Scumbag lightweight..

750 K is not a trickle.

You have not provided a single link to support your bullshit. Stupid disgusting fuck. Illegals crossing and over staying is totally different animal. stupid.
Trump is a developer but he just pulled the number from his ass. He started at 4 then 12.
You don't need to pave the road just dirt road.........are you really that dumb?
Provide a link to support your 250k. Scumbag.

Chris has been posting tons of links to support her/our arguments.

Information or reasoned argument, you dismiss both.

And provide neither.

To dim to realize that he just proved my point.

Libs: All the self awareness of a turnip.
Then you woke up.
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?
What are Republican governors doing? Apparently not enough.

During a 65-minute speech in Albuquerque last night, Donald Trump layed into New Mexico Republican Gov. Susana Martinez. He blamed her for the state’s economic problems, for the growing number of food stamp recipients and for not doing more to reject Syrian refugees. The billionaire even mused about moving to the state to run for governor himself.

“She’s got to do a better job,” Trump told thousands of supporters. “She’s not doing the job. We’ve got to get her moving. Come on: Let’s go, governor.”

Martinez’s press secretary, Mike Lonergan, responded with a blistering statement: “Apparently, Donald Trump doesn’t realize Governor Martinez wasn’t elected in 2000, that she has fought for welfare reform, and has strongly opposed the President’s Syrian refugee plan. But the pot shots weren’t about policy, they were about politics. And the Governor will not be bullied into supporting a candidate.… Governor Martinez doesn’t care about what Donald Trump says about her – she cares about what he says he will do to help New Mexicans. She didn’t hear anything about that today.”


I skimmed it with the intent of ridiculing it's claims about how bad America would be without immigrants.

There was nothing in the first couple of paragraphs, just empty spin.

Then as I kept going, I thought I would ridicule it for how many paragraphs it took of partisan blather before it got to the point claimed in the title.

Then before I found that point, the article ended.

That was complete nonsense.

If you think there was a point in there, you should cut and paste it, or make it in your own words.

Did you read it or you just look at the picture?

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.


I skimmed it with the intent of ridiculing it's claims about how bad America would be without immigrants.

There was nothing in the first couple of paragraphs, just empty spin.

Then as I kept going, I thought I would ridicule it for how many paragraphs it took of partisan blather before it got to the point claimed in the title.

Then before I found that point, the article ended.

That was complete nonsense.

If you think there was a point in there, you should cut and paste it, or make it in your own words.

Did you read it or you just look at the picture?

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.


I skimmed it with the intent of ridiculing it's claims about how bad America would be without immigrants.

There was nothing in the first couple of paragraphs, just empty spin.

Then as I kept going, I thought I would ridicule it for how many paragraphs it took of partisan blather before it got to the point claimed in the title.

Then before I found that point, the article ended.

That was complete nonsense.

If you think there was a point in there, you should cut and paste it, or make it in your own words.

Did you read it or you just look at the picture?

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

Classic Crapspiracy delusion.
No need to use that article.
Without Immigrant Labor, the Economy Would Crumble -

I skimmed it with the intent of ridiculing it's claims about how bad America would be without immigrants.

There was nothing in the first couple of paragraphs, just empty spin.

Then as I kept going, I thought I would ridicule it for how many paragraphs it took of partisan blather before it got to the point claimed in the title.

Then before I found that point, the article ended.

That was complete nonsense.

If you think there was a point in there, you should cut and paste it, or make it in your own words.

Did you read it or you just look at the picture?

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

Classic Crapspiracy delusion.
No need to use that article.
Without Immigrant Labor, the Economy Would Crumble -

Charwin already posted an article to make his case.

I'm trying to get him to show me how it makes his case, cause I don't see it.

If you want some of this too, post separately from charwin's beating and I'll give you your own.
Your marxist class warfare is noted.

The issues caused by Illegal immigration have been discussed. They are real.

Your attempt at distraction is irrelevant to the issue thread topic.
Why would you support a self-described "King of Debt" for president if you are a victim of the "magic of compound interest?" (p. 43)

"The inability of economies to sustain compound interest and a rising rentier overhead for any prolonged time is at the root of today’s political fight. At issue is whose interests must be sacrificed in the face of the incompatibility between financial and “real” economic expansion paths."
Trump was born into the FIRE sector (finance, insurance, real estate) economy and he is playing the rubes like fiddles to advance the interests of his economic class.
I'll bet you'd like to be 'The King Of Debt' for just an hour of your loser life.
Actually, I'd rather educate conservatives about the "magic of compound interest."


"Napier illustrated his principle by means of a chessboard on which each square doubled the number assigned to the preceding one, until all sixty-four squares were doubled – that is, 2(^)63 after the first doubling.

"Three centuries later the 19th century German economist, Michael Flürscheim, cast this exponential doubling and redoubling principle into the form of a Persian proverb telling of a Shah who wished to reward a subject who had invented chess, and asked what he would like.

"The man asked only 'that the Shah would give him a single grain of corn, which was to be put on the first square of the chess-board, and to be doubled on each successive square,' until all sixty-four squares were filled with grain..."

"At first the compounding of grain remained well within the physical ability of the kingdom to pay, even after twenty squares were passed. But by the time the hypothetical chessboard was filled halfway, the compounding was growing by leaps and bounds.

"The Shah realized that this he had promised 'an amount larger than what the treasures of his whole kingdom could buy.'

"The moral is that no matter how much technology increases humanity’s productive powers, the revenue it produces will be overtaken by the growth (of kingly debt)" (p. 30)
Your marxist class warfare is noted.

The issues caused by Illegal immigration have been discussed. They are real.

Your attempt at distraction is irrelevant to the issue thread topic.
Why would you support a self-described "King of Debt" for president if you are a victim of the "magic of compound interest?" (p. 43)

"The inability of economies to sustain compound interest and a rising rentier overhead for any prolonged time is at the root of today’s political fight. At issue is whose interests must be sacrificed in the face of the incompatibility between financial and “real” economic expansion paths."
Trump was born into the FIRE sector (finance, insurance, real estate) economy and he is playing the rubes like fiddles to advance the interests of his economic class.

YOur attempt at distraction is still irrelevant.

The issues caused by illegal immigration have been discussed. They are real.
The problems of illegal immigration pale in comparison to those caused by the FIRE sector, of which your champion is the self proclaimed KING of DEBT!

Can you imagine how STUPID that appears to anyone capable of critical thought?
The inversion of Classical Economics | Michael Hudson

"Adam Smith long ago remarked that profits often are highest in nations going fastest to ruin.

"There are many ways to create economic suicide on a national level.

"The major way through history has been through indebting the economy. Debt always expands to reach a point where it cannot be paid by a large swathe of the economy.

"This is the point where austerity is imposed and ownership of wealth polarizes between the One Percent and the 99 Percent.

"Today is not the first time this has occurred in history. But it is the first time that running into debt has occurred deliberately...“As if most debtors can get rich by borrowing, not reduced to a condition of debt peonage.'”

Illegal immigrants are not bankrupting the US economy.
Exponential debt is.
Donald Trump is the King of Debt

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