Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Did you read it or you just look at the picture?

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

Classic Crapspiracy delusion.
No need to use that article.
Without Immigrant Labor, the Economy Would Crumble -

Charwin already posted an article to make his case.

I'm trying to get him to show me how it makes his case, cause I don't see it.

If you want some of this too, post separately from charwin's beating and I'll give you your own.
Some of what?
The only thing you've ever beaten is your dick.
I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

Classic Crapspiracy delusion.
No need to use that article.
Without Immigrant Labor, the Economy Would Crumble -

Charwin already posted an article to make his case.

I'm trying to get him to show me how it makes his case, cause I don't see it.

If you want some of this too, post separately from charwin's beating and I'll give you your own.
Some of what?
The only thing you've ever beaten is your dick.

corrie beats dale's dick when he lets him ...
We're already a Police State. I don't see that being reversed anytime soon. But that's another discussion for another day. Deporting folks who break our laws is not 'immoral' or 'wrong.' Foreigners should respect other nations' laws. Those crossing our border illegally, are disrespecting our nation. Those enforcing our Immigration Laws are doing right.
Do you believe it is even possible to uproot and deport 11 million people scattered across all fifty states?
U.S. deportations of immigrants reach record high in 2013

"The Obama administration deported a record 438,421 unauthorized immigrants in fiscal year 2013, continuing a streak of stepped up enforcement that has resulted in more than 2 million deportations since Obama took office, newly released Department of Homeland Security data show."
There is a distinction between "removal" and "return" within the term "deportation." I believe most of those 438,421 Obama deportations were simply denied entrance at border crossings. Trump wants to remove about twenty times as many people from their communities in two to three years. I guess I don't really see this as an issue of respect as much as I do practicality.


I skimmed it with the intent of ridiculing it's claims about how bad America would be without immigrants.

There was nothing in the first couple of paragraphs, just empty spin.

Then as I kept going, I thought I would ridicule it for how many paragraphs it took of partisan blather before it got to the point claimed in the title.

Then before I found that point, the article ended.

That was complete nonsense.

If you think there was a point in there, you should cut and paste it, or make it in your own words.

Did you read it or you just look at the picture?

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

What an excuse......... Here's the cut and paste. I'm not fooling you......... Because you are already fooooolish as it is.

Like most of the founding generation, Cr?vecoeur believed the sheer size of the new nation meant for a prosperous future. But he was also celebrating an attitude of openness, a willingness to embrace new citizens from around the world into what he called the "melting pot" of American society.
The embrace of openness has survived, in spite of occasional outbreaks of anti-immigrant sentiment, for the intervening two and a half centuries. The United States remains an immigrant nation, in spirit as well as in fact. (A fact for which, as an immigrant from the Old Country, I am grateful). My wife is American, and my high schoolers have had U.S. passports since being born in London. Right now I’m applying for U.S. citizenship. I want America to be my home, not just my residence. My story is of course very different to most immigrants – but the point is, all of our stories are different. What unites us is our desire to be American.

But this spirit may be waning. Thanks only in part to Donald Trump, immigration is near the top of the political agenda - and not in a good way.

Trump has brilliantly exploited the imagery of The Wall to tap into the frustrations of white middle America. But America needs immigration. At the most banal level, this is a question of math. We need more young workers to fund the old age of the Baby Boomers. Overall, immigrants are good for the economy, as a recent summary of research from Brookings' Hamilton Project shows.

Of course, while immigration might be good for the economy as a whole, that does not mean it is good for everyone. Competition for wages and jobs will impact negatively on some existing residents, who may be more economically vulnerable in the first place. Policymakers keen to promote the benefits of immigration should also be attentive to its costs.

But the value of immigration cannot be reduced to an actuarial table or spreadsheet. Immigrants do not simply make America better off. They make America better. Immigrants provide a shot in the nation's arm.

Immigrants are now twice as likely to start a new business as native-born Americans. While rates of entrepreneurialism are declining among natives, they are rising among immigrants. Immigrant children typically show extraordinary upward mobility, in terms of income, occupation and education. Among children born in Los Angeles to poorly-educated Chinese immigrants, for example, an astonishing 70% omplete a four-year-college degree.
As the work of my Brookings colleague William Frey shows, immigrants are migrants within the U. S., too, moving on from traditional immigrant cities -- New York and Los Angeles -- to other towns and cities in search of a better future.

New Americans are true Americans. We need more of them. But Trump is tapping directly and dangerously into white fears of an America growing steadily browner. According to a 2011 Pew Research Center survey, more than four in ten white seniors say that a growing population of immigrants is a “change for the worse;” half of white boomers believe immigration is “a threat to traditional American customs and values.”

Immigration gets at a deep question of American identity in the 21st century. Just like people, societies age. They might also settle down, lose some dynamism. They might trade a little less openness for a little more security. In other words, they get a bit stuck in their ways. Immigrants generate dynamism and aspiration, but they are also unsettling and challenging.

Where this debate ends will therefore tell us a great deal about the trajectory of the nation. An America that closes its doors will be an America that has chosen to settle down rather than grow, allowing security to eclipse dynamism.

Disruption is not costless. But America has always weighed the benefits of dynamism and diversity more heavily. Immigration is an important way in which America hits the refresh button and renews herself. Without immigration, the nation would not only be worse off, but would cease, in some elemental sense, to be America at all.
During a 65-minute speech in Albuquerque last night, Donald Trump layed into New Mexico Republican Gov. Susana Martinez. He blamed her for the state’s economic problems, for the growing number of food stamp recipients and for not doing more to reject Syrian refugees. The billionaire even mused about moving to the state to run for governor himself.
New Mexico's Governor Brushes Off Trump Attacks
“'From reducing New Mexico’s tax burden with sweeping tax reform, successfully suing the EPA for federal overreach and making New Mexico the leader in jobs for export growth, Gov. Susana Martinez has effectively instituted conservative reforms in a blue state won twice by President Obama while winning re-election by the largest margin for a Republican in state history,'

"RGA spokesman Jon Thompson said. 'Gov. Martinez also has a long, dedicated record of helping elect conservative governors across the country, which has helped RGA grow to 31 Republican governors. As RGA chair this year, Gov. Martinez is leading the charge in several key states that are in dire need of real leadership like she has provided in New Mexico.'”
It is hard to imagine the GOP surviving Donald Trump.
Bripat dear...... I'm still waiting for your link.
How are you feeling after your imaginary beat down?

He disappeared and in hiding bc he lied.

I believe you are confusing Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants.
In fact, you ARE confusing Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants.
You believe in Santa Claus too?

Your ad hominem aside, the article is about Immigrants, NOT Illegal Immigrants.
Bripat dear...... I'm still waiting for your link.
How are you feeling after your imaginary beat down?

He disappeared and in hiding bc he lied.

I believe you are confusing Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants.
In fact, you ARE confusing Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants.
You believe in Santa Claus too?

Your ad hominem aside, the article is about Immigrants, NOT Illegal Immigrants.
Thin skinned are you?
Btw the rest is a distinction without a difference.
How are you feeling after your imaginary beat down?

He disappeared and in hiding bc he lied.

I believe you are confusing Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants.
In fact, you ARE confusing Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants.
You believe in Santa Claus too?

Your ad hominem aside, the article is about Immigrants, NOT Illegal Immigrants.
Thin skinned are you?
Btw the rest is a distinction without a difference.

Thank you for admitting you're an asshole throwing a patent FASLEHOOD onto the story.
"A just-released Census Bureau report shows that by 2044, whites will no longer comprise a racial majority in the United States. By then, the nation — like today's Los Angeles — will be made up of a kaleidoscope of racial groups, including Latinos, blacks, Asians, Native Americans and multiracial Americans.

"This 'no racial majority' scenario, even three decades away, provokes fear in some white Americans: fear of change, of losing privileged status or of unwanted people coming into their communities.

"But it is a change that should be welcomed.

In the U.S., diversity is the new majority
Bripat dear...... I'm still waiting for your link.
How are you feeling after your imaginary beat down?

He disappeared and in hiding bc he lied.

I believe you are confusing Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants.
In fact, you ARE confusing Immigrants with Illegal Immigrants.

Nope. What I believed and stand is a straight forward.
Can you edit that using grammatically correct English?
Your marxist class warfare is noted.

The issues caused by Illegal immigration have been discussed. They are real.

Your attempt at distraction is irrelevant to the issue thread topic.
Why would you support a self-described "King of Debt" for president if you are a victim of the "magic of compound interest?" (p. 43)

"The inability of economies to sustain compound interest and a rising rentier overhead for any prolonged time is at the root of today’s political fight. At issue is whose interests must be sacrificed in the face of the incompatibility between financial and “real” economic expansion paths."
Trump was born into the FIRE sector (finance, insurance, real estate) economy and he is playing the rubes like fiddles to advance the interests of his economic class.

YOur attempt at distraction is still irrelevant.

The issues caused by illegal immigration have been discussed. They are real.
The problems of illegal immigration pale in comparison to those caused by the FIRE sector, of which your champion is the self proclaimed KING of DEBT!

Minimal 11 MILLION ILLEGALS taking jobs and depressing wages is a major problem that being solved would greatly serve the interests of the American Working and Middle Classes.

That you believe there is a larger problem that is being ignored is a topic for another thread.
I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

Classic Crapspiracy delusion.
No need to use that article.
Without Immigrant Labor, the Economy Would Crumble -

Charwin already posted an article to make his case.

I'm trying to get him to show me how it makes his case, cause I don't see it.

If you want some of this too, post separately from charwin's beating and I'll give you your own.
Some of what?
The only thing you've ever beaten is your dick.

Your delusion is noted.

Your ridicule is returned, this is me ridiculing you.


I dare you to cut and paste from the article the part where it describes what America would be like without immigrants.

It is not there. Just like I said.

Empty partisan blather.

Designed to fool only those who are willing dupes.

Classic Crapspiracy delusion.
No need to use that article.
Without Immigrant Labor, the Economy Would Crumble -

Charwin already posted an article to make his case.

I'm trying to get him to show me how it makes his case, cause I don't see it.

If you want some of this too, post separately from charwin's beating and I'll give you your own.
Some of what?
The only thing you've ever beaten is your dick.

corrie beats dale's dick when he lets him ...

Got some for you to lefty.


And bty, you use of an accusation of homosexual behavior as a slur is noted, and called on, you hypocritical lib bigot.


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