Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Bill Clinton, with much fewer assets in the field, deported 12.3 million immigrants during his presidency,
almost four times the number of the Obama Administration. -
Clinton Deported 4 Times as Many Illegal Aliens As Obama
Your link:
This is an absurd diaspora created by the UN to change our country into the country of everyone, but. We either stop the assault or redefine the United States of America as an non sovereign nation of the UN.
Why are you blaming the UN instead of the US Chamber of Commerce for the problem of illegal immigration?

There is plenty of blame to go around.

Point is, time to fix it.

Pedro Go Home!
What will you do when that doesn't happen?

What will you do if it does?
This is an absurd diaspora created by the UN to change our country into the country of everyone, but. We either stop the assault or redefine the United States of America as an non sovereign nation of the UN.
Why are you blaming the UN instead of the US Chamber of Commerce for the problem of illegal immigration?

Because the diaspora is a UN Initiative, not an American one. The proof is that our country is not the only country that is suffering under their agenda. As in case you haven't noticed, we are riding ourselves of RINOS as well.
I see 2 choices.

A. Stay with legal relatives

2. Go home with their parents
Children of illegal migrants born in the US would not be going "home" if they were deported with their parents. Legal relatives would likely need some kind of economic assistance to provide room and board for those torn from their own family. It seems almost un-American to blame children for the crimes of their parents.

They leave with their parents, to THEIR home, or they stay with legal relatives.

Personally, I'd hate to see the families break up.

But, that's their choice.

Stay with their parents, or stay with legal relatives
what if they don't?
you clowns believe that this ethnic cleansing would be easy ,,,
if it happens it wont be,

Sending people back to their homelands is not ethnic cleansing.

Try to be less of a Drama Queen.
This could be a great jobs program for all the bad cops being weeded out of police forces all over the country.
There is no need for massive round ups. Stringently enforce the border. Deport those illegals in custody. Tax remittances making it less attractive to work here. Enforce everify. Enforce occupancy zoning restrictions.
How many of the 11 million currently living here would those actions affect? Taxing remittances to Mexico might inspire an even greater number of migrants to head north.

Your defeatism is your issue.

Pedro Go HOme!
countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, b

Well, the country of their destination isn't thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, so tough shit... We have immigration laws for a reason. Now we need a President that follows them.
Those who make the laws in the country of their destination have facilitated illegal immigration:

"When NAFTA was passed two decades ago, its boosters promised it would bring 'First World' status for the Mexican people. Instead, it prompted a great migration north - See more at: Globalization and NAFTA Caused Migration from Mexico | Political Research Associates"
----------------------- so what , and there were illegal alien border jumpers before 'nafta' George . Ike cleared them out in the 50s so its not only because of 'nafta' .
Are you referring to Operation Wetback?
"Operation Wetback was a system of tactical control and cooperation within the U.S. Border Patrol and alongside the Mexican government.[33] Planning between the INS, led by Gen. Joseph Swing as appointed by President Eisenhower, and the Mexican government began in early 1954 while the program was formally announced in May 1954.[34]

"On May 17, command teams of 12 Border Patrol agents, buses, planes, and temporary processing stations began locating, processing, and deporting Mexicans who had illegally entered the United States.

"A total of 750 immigration and border patrol officers and investigators, 300 jeeps, cars and buses, and seven airplanes were allocated for the operation.[35]

"Teams were focused on quick processing and deportation, as planes were able to coordinate ground efforts more quickly and increase mobility.[36]

"Those deported were handed off to Mexican officials, who in turn deported them into central Mexico where there were many labor opportunities.[37]

"While the operation would include the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago, its main targets were border areas in Texas and California.[38]

"Overall, there were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback, with 170,000 being rounded up from May to July 1954."
Today's problem is about ten times bigger.
Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, instead of allocating 750 immigration officers, lets allocate 7 thousand and 5 hundred.

And run it though the entire two terms of Trump.

So you want to deport over 11 million people over the next 8 years, right?
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Bill Clinton, with much fewer assets in the field, deported 12.3 million immigrants during his presidency,
almost four times the number of the Obama Administration. -
Clinton Deported 4 Times as Many Illegal Aliens As Obama
Your link:

Source, dept of homeland security, 2013. lol.
In a word, Y-E-S

Trump Isn’t Bluffing, He’ll Deport 11 Million People

"Legally, there’s nothing to it.

"Trump doesn’t need an act of Congress.

"He doesn’t even have to sign an executive order.

"All he’ll have to do to set this outrage in motion is pick up the phone and tell the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do his or her job: enforce the law.

"Camps cost money. So do more agents. No problem.

"President Trump can shift his budget priorities in favor of ICE.

"He’s already said he would triple ICE’s enforcement division from 5,000 to 15,000 officers.

"The FBI would have to pitch in."

Sure, the optics of the biggest forced population movement since Stalin would present problems, and it isn't too likely countries of origin would be thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, but could Trump actually deliver on his promise?

What happens to his administration if he can't?

Camps…how interesting. The words Krakow and Auschwitz are already taken…we’ll have to come up with new ones.
I guess there's always Wounded Knee?

This is not their home. THey are not wanted.

It is our right as a Sovereign People to decide who we want to become part of us.

And they are here in violation of our Democratically Expressed Will.

Send them Home.
Oh, so it wasn't the Constitution, but a JUDGE who said it.

Slight difference there.
Unenumerated rights
Unenumerated rights are legal rights inferred from other legal rights that are officiated in a retrievable form codified by law institutions, such as in written constitutions, but are not themselves expressly coded or "enumerated" among the explicit writ of the law. Alternative terminology sometimes used are: implied rights, natural rights, background rights, and fundamental rights.

Ahh, so it isn't written in the Constitution, it was "inferred" by some judge somewhere along the line.

Got it.
no! it was inferred by the founders .
it's even in the constitution ,

Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution
The Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution addresses rights, retained by the people, that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution. It is part of the Bill of Rights.

asshat fails again!

"by the People"?

Which people is that? THe American People?

Mexicans are not part of the America People.

Fuck you.
So there are no Mexican-Americans?
Fuck yourself, it's the only thing you are good at.

Your Strawman is your issue, not mine.

My point stands as you were unable to dispute it.

Fuck you .
Ok, blame it on having a bad day, but it's time to unload....

Anyone - ANYONE, conservative, liberal, libertarian - who keeps talking about 'deportation' being the only answer to get illegals out of the country is officially an ignorant dumbass.

No one has to deport illegals. This was proved when Arizona passed a law - before it ever went into effect. They announced it, they passed it, they declared they meant it, and they declared they would enforce it...and illegals flooded out of the state....BEFORE it ever went into effect.

Obama sent his DOJ to stop them. Surrounding states threatened to sue them because it was working so well the number of illegals flooding into the surrounding states was overwhelming them. Instead of fighting Az they should have JOINED Az!

Az didn't deport anyone - they sought to ENFORCE THE LAW! This is the one thing Obama has refused to do and has refused to let anyone else do!

He has refused to enforce existing immigration laws, has refused to let ICE and US Border Patrol do their jobs by tying their hands. He has ordered the DOJ not to arrest illegals except for crimes less than felonies. He has released thousands of criminals. Illegals have been caught REPEATEDLY crossing the border AGAIN - some who had committed MURDER and had been deported instead of Jailed or put to death. Obama has protected federal law-violating sanctuary cities, has protected human traffickers, has engaged in human trafficking, has viOLATED court orders, and has REWARDED illegal immigrants with medical care / housing / jobs (although it is ILLEGAL for anyone to hire illegals), welfare, food stamps, and MORE...instead of enforcing punishments to discourage them from coming here...


Getting rid of the illegals in this country is really SIMPLE: ENFORCE ALL EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAWS!

NO JOBS: Punish the sh!t out of business that hire them. 2nd offense means your doors are padlocked for a year.

No jobs, no welfare, no medicare, no free medical care, no food stamps, no free phones - NOTHING! Without jobs and all of that they will leave.

Also, IMMEDIATELY SEIZE all of Mexico's assets in the US. Use the money to build the wall, secure our borders, pay reparations to the family members of those who have been killed by illegals, and to HIRE (JOBS!) a sh!t-load more BPAs (although temporarily) to man the border and stop the illegal flow of illegals AND drugs into this country!
- They have HELPED, not helped discourage/stop, illegal immigration, and they are partially reponsible for billions of tax dollars gone as well as the crimes perpetrated in this county by their f* 'em!

We do not lack the ABILITY to get rid of and stop illegals / illegal immigration! Our 'LEADERS' lack the WILL to do so! They have betrayed us, ignored us, ignored our security, and have elevated what is best for these criminals (who have so little respect for us that they - like our politicians - have broken our laws) as a higher priority than Smerican citizens.

Once we understand that and come to grips with that we can all begin focusing on the REAL problem and start addressing it...but 11 million illegals do NOT have to be 'deported' & the American people do NOT have to pay for it. Just enforce ALL the damn laws, and stop 'paying them' to come here!
Well, the country of their destination isn't thrilled about receiving millions of bitter, unemployed new arrivals, so tough shit... We have immigration laws for a reason. Now we need a President that follows them.
Those who make the laws in the country of their destination have facilitated illegal immigration:

"When NAFTA was passed two decades ago, its boosters promised it would bring 'First World' status for the Mexican people. Instead, it prompted a great migration north - See more at: Globalization and NAFTA Caused Migration from Mexico | Political Research Associates"
----------------------- so what , and there were illegal alien border jumpers before 'nafta' George . Ike cleared them out in the 50s so its not only because of 'nafta' .
Are you referring to Operation Wetback?
"Operation Wetback was a system of tactical control and cooperation within the U.S. Border Patrol and alongside the Mexican government.[33] Planning between the INS, led by Gen. Joseph Swing as appointed by President Eisenhower, and the Mexican government began in early 1954 while the program was formally announced in May 1954.[34]

"On May 17, command teams of 12 Border Patrol agents, buses, planes, and temporary processing stations began locating, processing, and deporting Mexicans who had illegally entered the United States.

"A total of 750 immigration and border patrol officers and investigators, 300 jeeps, cars and buses, and seven airplanes were allocated for the operation.[35]

"Teams were focused on quick processing and deportation, as planes were able to coordinate ground efforts more quickly and increase mobility.[36]

"Those deported were handed off to Mexican officials, who in turn deported them into central Mexico where there were many labor opportunities.[37]

"While the operation would include the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago, its main targets were border areas in Texas and California.[38]

"Overall, there were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback, with 170,000 being rounded up from May to July 1954."
Today's problem is about ten times bigger.
Operation Wetback - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, instead of allocating 750 immigration officers, lets allocate 7 thousand and 5 hundred.

And run it though the entire two terms of Trump.

So you want to deport over 11 million people over the next 8 years, right?

As many as possible as soon as possible, and keep them out, and keep up the program so they don't come back.
This is not their home. THey are not wanted.

It is our right as a Sovereign People to decide who we want to become part of us.
Define "our"
"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he has a plan to deport or drive out every single undocumented immigrant in 18 to 24 months. He’s not offering many details — but he’s said repeatedly that the process will be 'very humane.'”
Then explain how it's possible to uproot 11 million people in 18 to 24 months in a "very humane" fashion?
How To Deport 11 Million People Humanely*How To Deport 11 Million People Humanely*
Because the idea is so outlandish, so fundamentally un-American, it’s too much to contemplate seriously, even for journalists

Bullshit. UnAmerican would be deporting legals. There is nothing unAmerican about deporting illegal people that have sneaked into our country. We expect our laws to be enforced. It is why we have them. And THAT IS American!
This is not their home. THey are not wanted.

It is our right as a Sovereign People to decide who we want to become part of us.
Define "our"
"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he has a plan to deport or drive out every single undocumented immigrant in 18 to 24 months. He’s not offering many details — but he’s said repeatedly that the process will be 'very humane.'”
Then explain how it's possible to uproot 11 million people in 18 to 24 months in a "very humane" fashion?
How To Deport 11 Million People Humanely*How To Deport 11 Million People Humanely*

Bill Clinton, with much fewer assets in the field, deported 12.3 million immigrants during his presidency,
almost four times the number of the Obama Administration. -
Clinton Deported 4 Times as Many Illegal Aliens As Obama
This is not their home. THey are not wanted.

It is our right as a Sovereign People to decide who we want to become part of us.
Define "our"

In this context American Citizens.

Which I find it hard to believe you did not grasp that fact.

My point stands.

This is not their home. THey are not wanted.

It is our right as a Sovereign People to decide who we want to become part of us.
:lol: Unfortunately there's this little detail called the "Constitution" and its leadoff batter, the First Amendment.

1A is quite the leadoff batter too. It's always on base. That's why it's Numero Uno.

Oh sorry--- that Rapistish for "number one".

Bit of a pickle, that Constitution thing, since the first thing a POTUS has to do --- literally the first thing --- is to swear to preserve, protect and defend it. Clearly he's in no position to take that oath.


Trump has already said he'll use EO just like Obama did.

Sorry -- EO doesn't trump the Constitution. Not even if you go "E-I-E-I-O". Nothing trumps the Constitution.

That's gotta give Rump nightmares --- the idea that there's a Higher Authority than him. No doubt once he figures this out he'll be up all night sending whiny tweets about how the Constitution is a "loser", a "rapist" and a "disgusting pig".

The constitution does not apply to you if you are a U.S citizen beacuse you are pledging loyalty to the corporate entity whose headquarters in D.C. The idea that you are constituionally "protected" is a bunch of bullshit. You have to be a prew 14th amendment citizen and reclaim your natural citizenship and your birthright like I did.

No Dumbass---- it applies to the government and what it can do and can't do.

What do you think the phrase "Congress shall make no law" means? What's the subject in that phrase?
dale renounced his U.S. citizenship making his opining as worthless as everything else he posts
he is a
Definition of persona non grata

  1. : personally unacceptable or unwelcome
that status would make him eligible for deportation.
the short answer to the op is no fucking way.

I simply ended my affiliation with USA.INC and restored my status as an American. You, on the other hand are considered an employee of USA.INC. Deport me? More like the other way around.
"No one has to deport illegals. This was proved when Arizona passed a law - before it ever went into effect. They announced it, they passed it, they declared they meant it, and they declared they would enforce it...and illegals flooded out of the state....BEFORE it ever went into effect."

Still posting the same old made up bullshit, I see, Easy, without links, because you heard it on AM radio once while driving through Dogtrot, Missouri....

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