Could we clone Jesus?

cloning the blood from the turin cloth

Clay, not blood, so my Red clay Pokey comment is quite accurate a description of what you'd clone.
This clone the Turin rumor was started by an online scam to raise money, I know this because I was the one who reported them to the Berkley Police.
my previous pist in this topic:
3)Scamers in Berkley, CA tried to raise money to clone fictional Jesus through the clay mark called blood stain on the shroud of Turin. The 6+' man depicted in the shroud is to tall for the mentioned 4'6" Christ in the myth or any Jew of that era.
The church mentioned they had the shroud of Yehuda not Jesus therefore any real shroud which this isn't (dated much kater the the era they want to claim it in), would have been for the wrong christ then they worship as the main face of the image.

Fact: the church when interest fades or id in question, always manages to make new relics appear to repeak interest.
Example: there was a catheric relic
claimed the skull of Jesus where they swore & claimed the relic was the skull of Jesus only to be proven to be a female skull and that is when suddenly the shroud appeared to save face.

There was a historic Jesus. Son of god? I doubt it, no more so than we are. The idea of a creator figure would mean we are all the children of god.

A man named jesus lived and crucified, but so were 250,000 jews during roman times. Jesus' brother James did go on to become a leader in the synagogue of Jerusalem. The apostles were real historic figures as well.

A lot of the myths came much later.
the passagein Josephus is considered a forgery by many so I would like a link that I could trust unfortunately there are not too many of those so the myth of Jesus is still that a myth unless one accepts the new testament as more then good news but hey we know have magazines like the national enquirer and many believe what thry say as the gospel as well....
If so, could that be what the 2nd Coming was predicting? That tech would evolve to such a point?

Are already discussing (seriously) cloning extinct species like wooly mammoths. And Jesus was a lot more recent than those.
Did he leave any DNA on that cloth we got?
the passagein Josephus is considered a forgery by many so I would like a link that I could trust unfortunately there are not too many of those so the myth of Jesus is still that a myth unless one accepts the new testament as more then good news but hey we know have magazines like the national enquirer and many believe what thry say as the gospel as well....
Josephus wrote about hearing about the man myth legend. He never met Jesus. That's hearsay. We all know the myth started back then.

No one but the 11 who started the cult ever wrote about Jesus.

Yet many wrote about ghandi. The only person we know was a real person is Mohammad.
Something like 70% of the DNA is viable. I believe one doctor wants to but their is some legal snafu about the Vatican not giving permission to clone only to test.

I know his blood type is AB+, but the rest is not in my field

There is some belief that a clone from the DNA was born in '68, a child named Joshua, but the science was not there at the time so I disregard that one

The possibility of cloning from the blood has been tossed around for a couple of decades now.
If so, could that be what the 2nd Coming was predicting? That tech would evolve to such a point?

Are already discussing (seriously) cloning extinct species like wooly mammoths. And Jesus was a lot more recent than those.
Did he leave any DNA on that cloth we got?
Jesus is the worst roommate ever. He insists on watching me masturbate then the next day he shakes his head every time we walk past each other in the hallway. But the day after that he seems to have forgiven me.

I try to sneak and do it when he's not around but that fucker shows up every time. "Sealybobo" knock at the bathroom door, "I know what your doing in there".

I hate my roommate.
What blood?
What is wrong with you people, it would be like cloning Pokey Gumbys horse, fictional characters and clay make for egg on your face.

cloning the blood from the turin cloth
All you'll clone is a Jew circa 1600 or whenever they made that cloth.
Maybe a witness.
Could you imagine cloning this blood then worshipping this person. What would we do when he sinned?
So, what was Jesus up to before He began roaming around spouting holy stuff and working miracles? :dunno:

Did He go to school? Was he on a sports team? They did have sports back then didn't they? Heck the Romans sure did!

Maybe He pulled pints in a meade bar.
So, what was Jesus up to before He began roaming around spouting holy stuff and working miracles? :dunno:

Did He go to school? Was he on a sports team? They did have sports back then didn't they? Heck the Romans sure did!

Maybe He pulled pints in a meade bar.

He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts.......

What happens in the wilderness stays in the wilderness.
So, what was Jesus up to before He began roaming around spouting holy stuff and working miracles? :dunno:

Did He go to school? Was he on a sports team? They did have sports back then didn't they? Heck the Romans sure did!

Maybe He pulled pints in a meade bar.

He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts.......

What happens in the wilderness stays in the wilderness.
So that must mean he shit in the woods? :dunno:
So, what was Jesus up to before He began roaming around spouting holy stuff and working miracles? :dunno:

Did He go to school? Was he on a sports team? They did have sports back then didn't they? Heck the Romans sure did!

Maybe He pulled pints in a meade bar.

He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts.......

What happens in the wilderness stays in the wilderness.
So that must mean he shit in the woods? :dunno:

After he started spouting all that holy stuff he was eating and drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and keeping company with all sorts of bad characters, according to scripture that is.

What was he doing before? Use your imagination.

So, what was Jesus up to before He began roaming around spouting holy stuff and working miracles? :dunno:

Did He go to school? Was he on a sports team? They did have sports back then didn't they? Heck the Romans sure did!

Maybe He pulled pints in a meade bar.

He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts.......

What happens in the wilderness stays in the wilderness.
So that must mean he shit in the woods? :dunno:

After he started spouting all that holy stuff he was eating and drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and keeping company with all sorts of bad characters, according to scripture that is.

What was he doing before? Use your imagination.

I wonder if He ever masturbated, or had sex with babes. Or guys! :dunno:
So, what was Jesus up to before He began roaming around spouting holy stuff and working miracles? :dunno:

Did He go to school? Was he on a sports team? They did have sports back then didn't they? Heck the Romans sure did!

Maybe He pulled pints in a meade bar.

He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts.......

What happens in the wilderness stays in the wilderness.
So that must mean he shit in the woods? :dunno:

After he started spouting all that holy stuff he was eating and drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and keeping company with all sorts of bad characters, according to scripture that is.

What was he doing before? Use your imagination.

I wonder if He ever masturbated, or had sex with babes. Or guys! :dunno:

So, what was Jesus up to before He began roaming around spouting holy stuff and working miracles? :dunno:

Did He go to school? Was he on a sports team? They did have sports back then didn't they? Heck the Romans sure did!

Maybe He pulled pints in a meade bar.

He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts.......

What happens in the wilderness stays in the wilderness.
So that must mean he shit in the woods? :dunno:

After he started spouting all that holy stuff he was eating and drinking and partying with sinners and prostitutes and keeping company with all sorts of bad characters, according to scripture that is.

What was he doing before? Use your imagination.

I wonder if He ever masturbated, or had sex with babes. Or guys! :dunno:

Because I like to wonder.

For I am... the wonderer...

Because I like to wonder.

For I am... the wonderer...

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