Court strikes down Arizona law defunding Planned Parenthood


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Court strikes down Arizona law defunding Planned Parenthood

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a U.S. District Court ruling that will prevent Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s administration from effectively defunding Planned Parenthood. In their opinion, the panel of judges held that the Arizona law (HB 2800) violates the Medicaid Act’s requirement that Medicaid recipients are free to choose their provider “by precluding Medicaid patients from using medical providers concededly qualified to perform family planning services to patients in Arizona generally, solely on the basis that those providers separately perform privately funded, legal abortions.” The law would have prevented Arizona patients from having access to preventative care — including cancer screenings, STI tests, and birth control — at a Planned Parenthood health center.

The people in AZ we want having babies are mostly Catholic and won't consider abortion anyway. We need to get the AZ trailer trash tea bagger gals into the clinics after uncle bob makes them play milk the banana.
Listen to the leftist trash spew over not getting our tax dollars to fund his lust for sacrificial slaughter, the blood of babies.. All you have to do is read this kind of sick mental whacked out shit and you think Serial killer mindset..
Listen to the leftist trash spew over not getting our tax dollars to fund his lust for sacrificial slaughter, the blood of babies.. All you have to do is read this kind of sick mental whacked out shit and you think Serial killer mindset..

Why do you dopes always copy everything I say - "trash" "spew" -- try coming up with something original and stop ripping me off.
The law would have prevented Arizona patients from having access to preventative care — including cancer screenings, STI tests, and birth control — at a Planned Parenthood health center.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the right is remarkable.
Thats good. I cant stand people who want to enforce their religious views on others. If you dont believe in abortions then guess what? Dont have one.
We need to get the AZ trailer trash tea bagger gals into the clinics after uncle bob makes them play milk the banana.

I may use the word "Libtard" often for Despotcrats, or sometimes "Conservatard" for the die-hard Repugnatcans,






such open contempt and hatred for women and babies



The law would have prevented Arizona patients from having access to preventative care — including cancer screenings, STI tests, and birth control — at a Planned Parenthood health center.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the right is remarkable.

Exactly. They think Planned Parenthood = abortions. The fact is, Planned Parenthood provides many other very important health care services for women. I used it when I was young and didn't have the money for a regular doctor. They provide birth control and information about birth control as well as pap smears, STD testing and treatment, pregnancy testing and prenatal care, and truly do give counseling for family planning, i.e., not getting pregnant until you are ready. A great service for those who can't afford a regular doctor/obgyn.
Once again, a liberal court must subvert the will of the people in order to gain a 'victory'.
Listen to the leftist trash spew over not getting our tax dollars to fund his lust for sacrificial slaughter, the blood of babies.. All you have to do is read this kind of sick mental whacked out shit and you think Serial killer mindset..

Why do you dopes always copy everything I say - "trash" "spew" -- try coming up with something original and stop ripping me off.

You're as worthless as a 25 pound bag of smashed assholes.
The law would have prevented Arizona patients from having access to preventative care — including cancer screenings, STI tests, and birth control — at a Planned Parenthood health center.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the right is remarkable.

People can go somewhere else to get cancer screenings and such.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the left is remarkable.
The law would have prevented Arizona patients from having access to preventative care — including cancer screenings, STI tests, and birth control — at a Planned Parenthood health center.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the right is remarkable.

People can go somewhere else to get cancer screenings and such.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the left is remarkable.

Of topic for a second, but where in Germany are you? Nearest big city. Just curious. Been up and down that country.
The law would have prevented Arizona patients from having access to preventative care — including cancer screenings, STI tests, and birth control — at a Planned Parenthood health center.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the right is remarkable.

People can go somewhere else to get cancer screenings and such.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the left is remarkable.

It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.
.they are more worried over taxpayers monies going to STATE FAIRS that does skits of Obama

now going for killing babies, no PROBLEMS with them
The arrogance and stupidity of most on the right is remarkable.

People can go somewhere else to get cancer screenings and such.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the left is remarkable.

It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.
People can go somewhere else to get cancer screenings and such.

The arrogance and stupidity of most on the left is remarkable.

It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Watch how you respond. If you are directing that at me, I am certainly not a whore and have never had an abortion.

Planned Parenthood provides a very full set of OB/GYN services to low income women. Abortions are legal. If you don't want one, don't get one. Calling women whores and referring to them with filthy, nasty imagery does nothing more than indicate what you are (and it's not a pretty picture) and is no reflection upon anyone else.
It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Watch how you respond. If you are directing that at me, I am certainly not a whore and have never had an abortion.

Planned Parenthood provides a very full set of OB/GYN services to low income women. Abortions are legal. If you don't want one, don't get one. Calling women whores and referring to them with filthy, nasty imagery does nothing more than indicate what you are (and it's not a pretty picture) and is no reflection upon anyone else.

Planned Parenthood is the largest Abortion provider in the country, they make lot's of money off of them. That money shouldn't be forcibly taken from people who don't agree with the mass killing of babies. They should be off of taxpayer funding
It is an appropriate place for low income females to go for OB/GYN medical care. Not everyone can afford a doctor. As I said, I used it when I was young and didn't have much money. When I went there, most of the clients were younger women.

Why the fuck do they fund abortions then if it's only about low income OB services??? NO AMERICAN should ever have to pay for you to slaughter your own kid because
1) You're a whore and can't keep your legs closed.
2) You use abortion for birth control when the very place you tout, PLANNED PARENTHOOD, has free birth control..

Pay for your own murder.

Watch how you respond. If you are directing that at me, I am certainly not a whore and have never had an abortion.

Planned Parenthood provides a very full set of OB/GYN services to low income women. Abortions are legal. If you don't want one, don't get one. Calling women whores and referring to them with filthy, nasty imagery does nothing more than indicate what you are (and it's not a pretty picture) and is no reflection upon anyone else.

Every day shows like Maury showcase women who bring on 3- 10 different people who could be they baby's daddys.. those turn out wrong and they admit it could have been someone else.. all the while they have 5- 7 more kids soaking up social service handouts by different fathers. IF THE WHORE FITS, WEAR IT so shove your sanctimonious propaganda.

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