Crap about to hit the fan in Cleveland!!

I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.

I thought the Tea Party had all the guns?
So do LEO's. They will kill traitors. You see what they did to the white thugs n Waco...why do you think they wouldn't mow down teapers?

I can't wait. God hates teapers...they will die.

So the white Tea Party will start a race war with the white cops?
You're working with an entire team of doctors, aren't you?
So the teapers will just let white cops shoot them as they fight teaper sedition and violence? What a buffoon!
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.

So I guess you wear the same clothes everyday? Eat the same food, and only listen to one song playing over and over?
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I am pretty sure there are no tea party people on the streets protesting this.
So? They are the ones calling for a race war. I didn't know you have to protest to start a race war....maybe they can threaten to use women as human shelds and ambush cops.

Farrakhan ask called out for a war. Does he count or just teapers?
So now the Teapers have a Black Militant Auxiliary. Who knew?

You can't read, we all knew.
So I guess you wear the same clothes everyday? Eat the same food, and only listen to one song playing over and over?
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I am pretty sure there are no tea party people on the streets protesting this.
So? They are the ones calling for a race war. I didn't know you have to protest to start a race war....maybe they can threaten to use women as human shelds and ambush cops.

Farrakhan ask called out for a war. Does he count or just teapers?
Funny how you think fringe idiots are significant....if they are black.but you dismiss teapers calling for a race war as extreme radicals. Hypocrite much?

I haven't heard teapers calling for riots, for a race war. Other than a guy in Nevada, you have nothing, no violence there. They are nuts.
They are teapers. The police used restraint to avoid war. Hopefully, they won't next time.
I fear aryan nation and KKK not so much teapers. Now, if they start rioting then we have something.
One n the same.

In your opinion, yes, in reality, no.
We all know that no race will ever occur, because if white racists or black racists start a race war, the reset of us will terminate it immediately and permanently.
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.
Hey idiot, it will be UN American blacks starting the race wars. Retarded lib.
Well, you teaper scum will claim that...that doesn't make t true. And I am not a lib....teaper idiot.
Bullshit. You are a lib.
You are an unAmerican retarded scum.

OK, look me in the eyes and listen, scum: protesting is not rioting.
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.
Hey idiot, it will be UN American blacks starting the race wars. Retarded lib.
Well, you teaper scum will claim that...that doesn't make t true. And I am not a lib....teaper idiot.
Bullshit. You are a lib.
Choose to believe whatever you want....just because I don't buy into the teaper hate narrative, that does not make a liberal. I am a TRUE conservative. You are a teaper hate monger. You and your ilk have destroyed conservatism and perverted the GOP. I can't wait for the streets to run red with teaper blood. I can smell t...I can't wait!
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.

Where are the teapers rioting?
Teapers just commit acts of terrorism and threaten war and sedition. How is protesting rioting?
Pussy teaper.
Retarded scum
Lemming teaper pussy.
I can't wait for the teapers to start their race war. Let the streets flow red with teaper blood.

Get me some popcorn.
Hey idiot, it will be UN American blacks starting the race wars. Retarded lib.
Well, you teaper scum will claim that...that doesn't make t true. And I am not a lib....teaper idiot.
Bullshit. You are a lib.
You are an unAmerican retarded scum.

OK, look me in the eyes and listen, scum: protesting is not rioting.

Fakey is actually right. (Mark this day on your calendars, folks.)

MERE protesting is NOT the same thing as "rioting."

For an assembly to become a rioting mob, one would need a spark -- a spark which leads to the fire that consumes an occasional CVS.
"No Justice......No Peace" is terribly misplaced. The well explained verdict was not guilty. Because someone or some group does not accept this as justice does not mean justice was not served.
Nutz is on a perpetual emotional rant. He is to be ignored, for all he does is derail threads and act like a child.
SOME verdicts ARE bullshit.

I mean, OJ did get acquitted.

Rioting because of our disagreement over an occasionally errant verdict is not a good answer to pretty much anything.

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