Crap idea...

Pencils were designed to wrote on paper.
Cars were designed to get you from A to B faster.
Spoons were designed to pick up food.
And guns were designed to kill...
Enjoy your black-shiny-metal masturbation-fest for those unable to be real men without firearms strapped to them. Your time will soon end.
So, we should have no laws at all, criminals just ignore them.
No, just the ones that work... There is no proof that any new gun control laws would help stop crime/shootings.

Save it. Not interested in that tired BS. And we don't need more laws, we need fewer guns, about 300 million fewer.
OKTexas: Here's the link...

Voices Against Violence: Kai Kloepfer

November 2, 2015 - In this epidemic of shootings, the country is looking for solutions, and CBS News is listening to a variety of ideas to end the bloodshed. In a series being called, "Voices Against Violence," CBS News is asking people to give their views on gun violence.

Kai Kloepfer was just 15 years old when 12 people were killed while watching a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" at an Aurora, Colorado movie theater in July 2012. Kloepfer is from Boulder, 45 minutes from where the massacre took place, and was shaken by the tragedy. "It was something that deeply impacted not only me, but the Colorado community as a whole," said Kloepfer.


Kai Kloepfer working on his smart gun​

At the time, Kloepfer was preparing for the the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair and needed a project to enter the competition. Inspired by the shooting, he decided to focus on decreasing gun violence. During his research for the fair, he came across a startling statistic from the Children's Defense Fund. "I learned that every 30 minutes in the United States on average a child dies or is injured by a firearm," said Kloepfer.


A plastic prototype of Kai Kloepfer's smart gun​

He has since spent the past three years developing smart gun technology that would prevent a gun from being fired by anyone other than the owner. The technology works by requiring fingerprint authorization for the gun to work. Only the fingerprint of the gun owner will unlock the firearm. "This means that unauthorized people -- such as children finding a firearm in their house, or teenagers looking to commit suicide -- are unable to access firearms that are owned by other people such as their parents," Kloepfer told CBS News.

Kloepfer currently has a plastic prototype of the firearm -- the next step is to actually start manufacturing the technology in a live metal firearm. "My dream for this technology is to have it in every gun store across the country." Kloepfer says the response he's gotten, from police officers to veterans to victims of gun violence, has been overwhelmingly positive. A self-proclaimed innovator who has worked on many other engineering projects, he says this one is the one that matters most to him. "When I started working on this, it was something that consumed almost every waking moment of my day. All in an effort to get this developed as fast as possible and get it to the point of having it out there saving lives."


Didn't see anything in the article that said it could be produced for fifty cents in mass. Were you exaggerating again?
And let's cut to the chase, boys. When smart-guns are proven to work, you're fucked.
Show me the proof??
How many are being sold as proof they work... Dumbass
Just a matter of time, and forcing the NRA to let them onto the market, which they are desperate to keep them from.
It's the everyday consumer that wants nothing to do with the gimmickry horse shit. The only people that want them are PUSSYFIED anti-gun nutters... Pssst... Those people don't buy guns.
And let's cut to the chase, boys. When smart-guns are proven to work, you're fucked.
Show me the proof??
How many are being sold as proof they work... Dumbass
Just a matter of time, and forcing the NRA to let them onto the market, which they are desperate to keep them from.
It's the everyday consumer that wants nothing to do with the gimmickry horse shit. The only people that want them are PUSSYFIED anti-gun nutters... Pssst... Those people don't buy guns.
No, it's the NRA, and nutters like you. Not to worry, you are soon to be beaten. All it will take is one firearms dealer per state who only deals in smart-guns and the game is up.
Think they mentioned it on the video...

... they ran on the CBS Evening News.

Gun control is not high on my priorities...

... although I'm not against it...

... I figger let the ones whose priority is higher...

... work it out amongst themselves.
And let's cut to the chase, boys. When smart-guns are proven to work, you're fucked.
Show me the proof??
How many are being sold as proof they work... Dumbass
Just a matter of time, and forcing the NRA to let them onto the market, which they are desperate to keep them from.
It's the everyday consumer that wants nothing to do with the gimmickry horse shit. The only people that want them are PUSSYFIED anti-gun nutters... Pssst... Those people don't buy guns.
No, it's the NRA, and nutters like you. Not to worry, you are soon to be beaten. All it will take is one firearms dealer per state who only deals in smart-guns and the game is up.
Show me the dealers??

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