Crazy Uncle Joe Facing a Mutiny Now

Biden is not ultra liberal, he is a moderate
Not a moderate … an idiot.
Is THAT what George Soros told him to "be" this week?
It must surprise exactly no one that a poster who spends all his waking hours here (202,820 posts) wouldn't know who Soros is. What an ignorant buffoon. :laughing0301:
You know...that Jewish Bugaboo.
Yeah ... the modern left does seem to have a big Jooo problem.
No I'm saying it's bullshit Despicable for anyone Clinton Biden or the man you made president
I mean how many ladies accused the pos trump Was it 25?? How many biden? 1 ? and still republicans kissed his dirty ass
You need either an adult or a smarter 12 yr old to post for you.
you are so full of shit your eyes are brown and you support the mfer of all mfers? Fu you repub scumbag supporting another scumbag
OK ... a smarter 10 yr old.
far better man far better president wasn't a completes piece of garbage like trump is all his life
Woo ... a smarter 8 yr old.
Nope, nor have I said anything of the sort. In fact, I've twice admitted I'm no angel and unfit to toss the first stone at anyone not a serial killer. What I have consistently done is stay within the subject of the OP … the instantaneous combustion that occurs when someone posts the words "Slo-Joe B and Tara Reade." Bitter leftards invariably start screaming "but … but Trump." Y'all are big on dishing dirt but apparently not when one of your leftarded comrades is involved. You know … "the women must be believed." :auiqs.jpg:
That's one Do you believe the 25 that said Trump was a pervert ?? How many do you need ?? 100?
FFS, you are one angry, bitter child. Every one of your posts is a childish temper-tantrum. Grow up.
32 million unemployed 62000 dead and he's doing a great job ? pos wants to talk about mike flynn?

When Trump was stopping flight from democrat HQ (China), Nancy was handing our Souvenir Impeachment Pens
when trump was late in stopping flight from china what about those from europe ? Trump is an ah and belongs on a game show

Obama got his money's with with the Wuhan Flu.

The DNC Leadership in China told the WHO to say that it wasn't transmissible from human to human remember?

“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the organization had said.
Trump survived over twenty sexual assaults, paid off porn stars while cheating on his wife, brags about grabbing pus_sy and you right wing tools are worried about Biden. You guys are trolls or fools or both. Your Pied Piper has great power over your values.
Fucking liar.

Ted Kennedy drowned his pregnant girlfriend and Bill Clinton logged 30+ trips on the Lolita Express with Pedophile

"Michelle" Obama is a reject from Ru Pauls Drag Race

You sound bit desperate Cultist. Triggered much? Trump is known to have cheated on his wife, and he has had and currently has a number of sexual assault claims against him. That is no lie, and all you can do is respond with dragging up Ted Kennedy from over fifty years ago, and Clinton and Epstein (bad choice on your part because Epstein was good buddies with Trump, who praised him on his taste in women)...and a shameless slur on Michelle Obama.
Hey! Asshole! You and your asshole cult had no problem with Clinton cheating on his wife why would you give a constipated shit if Trump did? Could it be D’s and R’s?

Hey, cultist, I don't care what consenting adults do. But then again - I'm not a member of the party of "morals" and "values". I don't care what Trump does with other consenting adults. You guys...apparently do. At least some of the time. Or maybe all that's changed. Cults are seldom rational. No go and apply some Preparation-H to your mouth.
Believe All Women! *

* except when the fucking lying whores accuse a democrat
According to who?
32 million unemployed 62000 dead and he's doing a great job ? pos wants to talk about mike flynn?

When Trump was stopping flight from democrat HQ (China), Nancy was handing our Souvenir Impeachment Pens
when trump was late in stopping flight from china what about those from europe ? Trump is an ah and belongs on a game show

Obama got his money's with with the Wuhan Flu.

The DNC Leadership in China told the WHO to say that it wasn't transmissible from human to human remember?

“Preliminary investigations conducted by the Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel #coronavirus (2019-nCoV) identified in #Wuhan, #China,” the organization had said.
The ODS is strong in this one...
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump said he could, Biden justs grabs them all over. Including children.
Everyone knows you trumpoholics are prolific liars just like Trump.
I already spanked your ass earlier. Don't make me do it again.

If you voted for Trump, then you have no room to be critical of Biden on this.
I wasn't the one demanding all women should be heard a few years back. Now they don't care what a woman says. You loons could careless about the welfare of women.
But they do love them some of that virtue signaling.
Is that what you are doing?
Mutiny? yes perhaps.

I call it switcheroo.

Indeed, the Rats are getting ready for the kind of.....bye Biden....hi Killary Witch.
Biden denied it

What else do you need to know?
OK, let’s presume she is telling the truth

So what?

Nobody cared about Thomas, Nobody cared about Clinton, Nobody cared about Trump, Nobody cared about Kavanaugh .... there anyone on this board with fewer morals than you, Winger? Practically EVERYONE on the left cared when it was Republicans being now nobody cares when the same type of charge is leveled against Joe Biden? There is a level of hypocrisy here that's amazing to watch! You idiots should have seen this coming when you decided it was fine to push the bullshit narrative against Brett Kavanaugh! But you didn't care...did you? So now the Me Too narrative had been turned on your side...and it's crickets from the left and the main stream media?
The left forced Weiner and Franken to resign after allegations.
The right forced Kavanaugh on us and elected Trump

I say ...fuk it
Let the voters decide if they want Biden
But this isn't about voting for Slo-Joe but rather about the inability of mindless leftards to deal with Tara Reade as you did with the allegations against Trump, Kavanaugh, and Roy Moore. The difference is like night and day and the knee-jerk reaction of the left to even the mention of Reade's name ("but … but Trump...") says all anyone needs to know about you.
Oh, and don’t forget the allegations against Clinton. Mindless rightards.
The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser...
That would be in your opinion but as your drooling Pavlov's dog responses in this thread have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're a TDS-afflicted idiot. Very sad. :cool:

What makes you any different? You think Reade, despite inconsistencies and no real evidence is credible but Ford wasn't? Think it might be due to D's and M's?
Nope, nor have I said anything of the sort. In fact, I've twice admitted I'm no angel and unfit to toss the first stone at anyone not a serial killer. What I have consistently done is stay within the subject of the OP … the instantaneous combustion that occurs when someone posts the words "Slo-Joe B and Tara Reade." Bitter leftards invariably start screaming "but … but Trump." Y'all are big on dishing dirt but apparently not when one of your leftarded comrades is involved. You know … "the women must be believed." :auiqs.jpg:

you mean like bitter rightards scream but but Obama...and Hilaryand Bill Clinton? Like that?
I never said all women must be believed.
I wasn't the one demanding all women should be heard a few years back. Now they don't care what a woman says...
But they do love them some of that virtue signaling.
Is that what you are doing?
You are aware of the meaning of the word "they," right?
Meanwhile Jknow was spot on ... you loons don't really care about the welfare of women and your Pavlov's dog reaction ("but … but Trump...") to even just the mention of Slo-Joe B and Tara Reade is irrefutable proof.
But this isn't about voting for Slo-Joe but rather about the inability of mindless leftards to deal with Tara Reade as you did with the allegations against Trump, Kavanaugh, and Roy Moore. The difference is like night and day and the knee-jerk reaction of the left to even the mention of Reade's name ("but … but Trump...") says all anyone needs to know about you.
Oh, and don’t forget the allegations against Clinton. Mindless rightards.
What allegations about which Clinton and WTF do they have to do with the hypocritical left's ("the women must be believed") unwillingness or inability to deal with Slo-Joe's current dilemma without screaming "but … but Trump...?"
I wasn't the one demanding all women should be heard a few years back. Now they don't care what a woman says...
But they do love them some of that virtue signaling.
Is that what you are doing?
You are aware of the meaning of the word "they," right?
Meanwhile Jknow was spot on - you loons don't really care about the welfare of women - and the Pavlov's dog reaction ("but … but Trump...") to even just the mention of Slo-Joe B and Tara Reade is irrefutable proof.
But this isn't about voting for Slo-Joe but rather about the inability of mindless leftards to deal with Tara Reade as you did with the allegations against Trump, Kavanaugh, and Roy Moore. The difference is like night and day and the knee-jerk reaction of the left to even the mention of Reade's name ("but … but Trump...") says all anyone needs to know about you.
Oh, and don’t forget the allegations against Clinton. Mindless rightards.
What allegations about which Clinton and WTF do they have to do with the hypocritical left's ("the women must be believed") unwillingness or inability to deal with Slo-Joe's current dilemma without screaming "but … but Trump...?"
You loons clearly don’t care about the welfare of women either since you slut shame them and mindlessly attack Biden for the s@me allegations you defended your Messiah from. Where Is your consistency?
Has Biden ever been recorded bragging about his sexual assaults the way Trump has? Is Biden currently involved in any court cases or litigation over sexual assault-related cases the way Trump is? Did either of Biden's wives (current or deceased) ever accuse him of assault and rape the way Trump's wife has?
Who bragged about sexual assault?
Trump said he could, Biden justs grabs them all over. Including children.
Everyone knows you trumpoholics are prolific liars just like Trump.
I already spanked your ass earlier. Don't make me do it again.

If you voted for Trump, then you have no room to be critical of Biden on this.
I wasn't the one demanding all women should be heard a few years back. Now they don't care what a woman says. You loons could careless about the welfare of women.
But they do love them some of that virtue signaling.
Is that what you are doing?
Pelosi is your girl?
The accusations against Brett Kavanaugh are at the same level of credibility as those of the Biden accuser...
That would be in your opinion but as your drooling Pavlov's dog responses in this thread have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, you're a TDS-afflicted idiot. Very sad. :cool:

What makes you any different? You think Reade, despite inconsistencies and no real evidence is credible but Ford wasn't? Think it might be due to D's and M's?
Nope, nor have I said anything of the sort. In fact, I've twice admitted I'm no angel and unfit to toss the first stone at anyone not a serial killer. What I have consistently done is stay within the subject of the OP … the instantaneous combustion that occurs when someone posts the words "Slo-Joe B and Tara Reade." Bitter leftards invariably start screaming "but … but Trump." Y'all are big on dishing dirt but apparently not when one of your leftarded comrades is involved. You know … "the women must be believed." :auiqs.jpg:

you mean like bitter rightards scream but but Obama...and Hilaryand Bill Clinton? Like that?
I never said all women must be believed.
Did you believe Ford? Yes or No.
I wasn't the one demanding all women should be heard a few years back. Now they don't care what a woman says...
But they do love them some of that virtue signaling.
Is that what you are doing?
You are aware of the meaning of the word "they," right?
Meanwhile Jknow was spot on - you loons don't really care about the welfare of women - and the Pavlov's dog reaction ("but … but Trump...") to even just the mention of Slo-Joe B and Tara Reade is irrefutable proof.
But this isn't about voting for Slo-Joe but rather about the inability of mindless leftards to deal with Tara Reade as you did with the allegations against Trump, Kavanaugh, and Roy Moore. The difference is like night and day and the knee-jerk reaction of the left to even the mention of Reade's name ("but … but Trump...") says all anyone needs to know about you.
Oh, and don’t forget the allegations against Clinton. Mindless rightards.
What allegations about which Clinton and WTF do they have to do with the hypocritical left's ("the women must be believed") unwillingness or inability to deal with Slo-Joe's current dilemma without screaming "but … but Trump...?"
You loons clearly don’t care about the welfare of women either since you slut shame them and mindlessly attack Biden for the s@me allegations you defended your Messiah from. Where Is your consistency?
Check back on my responses, i said i don't believe Biden's accuser. Because the time frame, can you say the same with Ford? Be honest.

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