Credit to Trump for unifying and presidential Memorial Day tweet!

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Meanwhile, President Biden spent some time at Arlington Cemetery, honoring the fallen and _not_ badmouthing the other side and making the day all about himself.

That's how adults act, so Trump cultists won't be able to understand it.
Manboob, you are a boob. But no man.

When Trump was President, he visited some of the graves in the rain. He has always been a supporter of our fighting forces.

It’s a nice change of pace for Brandon to perform those minimal duties honoring our servicemen and servicewomen. But Brandon still hates this nation.
When Trump was President, he visited some of the graves in the rain. He has always been a supporter of our fighting forces.
Except for the ones he called losers, which was all of the ones that died or became POWs.

And today, he tried to make the day all about himself. And you liked it. That shows what kind of person you are.
Standard lame-ass .....
...std clap.
...shit breath.
...another pussy...
Std clap....
.... std Clap

"MAGA as a premise!"
As a "premise"?
Oh no, it is real world reality.
See the quotes above from the good poster BackAgain.
It is MAGA-think. Representative. Illustrative. They are who they are.
We can't change 'em. It is what it is.

And, it is sad.

Except for the ones he called losers, which was all of the ones that died or became POWs.
Nah. He didn’t say that. As you know when you chose to lie. You dipshit.
And today, he tried to make the day all about himself.
No. That’s not true either.
And you liked it.
I did? Thanks for telling me.
That shows what kind of person you are.
What shows it? Shit you make up?

You’re really quite retarded, manboob.
He compelled NATO nations to cough up more toward their fair share. He got some high quality justices on the bench. He got our economy going again.

He never betrayed our nation. That claim is itself just another std Clap lie. He has praised our nation, you lying twat. He doesn’t trash talk America.

You are an utterly worthless and devoutly dishonest poster. Gfy.
If Trump won in 2020 he would have pulled us out of NATO allowing his buddy Putin to plow thru Ukraine, Trump's ass hound.

Trump ran the economy into the ground & nearly caused an economic meltdown worse then the Great Depression, you ignorant lying halfwit.

Trump trash talks this Country every time he opens his piehole.

Go play chicken on an airport runway, fool.
Manboob, you are a boob. But no man.

When Trump was President, he visited some of the graves in the rain. He has always been a supporter of our fighting forces.

It’s a nice change of pace for Brandon to perform those minimal duties honoring our servicemen and servicewomen. But Brandon still hates this nation.
Yea, right. Is that why your ass buddy Trump called vets suckers & losers, liar? That pile of shit trash talked POW's, you moron.

If you're going to lie, try harder to be good at it.
Yea, right. Is that why your ass buddy Trump called vets suckers & losers, liar? That pile of shit trash talked POW's, you moron.

If you're going to lie, try harder to be good at it.
You’re really fixated on “ass.” Very telling. And not some cute woman’s ass, either. You seem to like guys’ asses.

Come out of your closet std Clap.

And he never called our vets suckers and loser, you lying sack of shit.

You rely on biased reporting from highly suspect liberal media citing unnamed sources ….
Then, shit munching scumbags like you further report it as though it had any valid basis. It didn’t.

You’re just a waste of protoplasm and our supply of oxygen. You can’t suck enough.
Trump is hateful, bitter, corrupt, and a liar – anyone who supports Trump is clearly as insane as Trump.
You’re a massive liar and a total racist assclown, Adam_Clayton.

And anyone who buys anything you spew has to be as fucked in the head as you.
Yea, no. Instead Donald Trump used 77% of his Memorial Day social media real estate to rant about terrorists, communists Marxist fascist pigs better known to the rest of us as Americans that don’t support him.

View attachment 789886
So, your owning up to the claim of being a communist, Marxist fascist pig.. ? Your candor is commendable..
Respectfully, I disagree.

If “They” are all the voters who supported Trump in 2016 and 2020, I have to believe that many millions of them find this sort of outburst revolting. Millions must be tired of Trump’s lunacy, his “Big Lies” and bigger insults, his insane and dangerous divisiveness. Trump in this message sounds like he is mimicking his worst lowlife fanatic supporters here. But they are not typical of all Republican voters.
I've spent a LOT of time observing this and trying to get my head around this -- because what has happened here is some kind of a reflection of who we are, sociologically, anthropologically -- and I have to admit that I go back and forth on it.

On one hand, there is a percentage of them who really do think that he is a brilliant, strong, patriotic, self-made Christian man who is as honest as the day is long. I don't know if their subconscious tells them otherwise, but it really does appear that they believe this. There are a lot of them on this board. I've posted clips of these people at rallies talking about him like their beloved father and protector. They adore him at an intensity usually saved for cult leaders.

On the other hand, you're right, We have to believe that, while they won't go after him publicly, many of them know and see what he is. Since their voices are so rarely heard, maybe they stay in the background because he pushes their deepest (even secret) wishes, attacks a system they believe has victimized them, and owns the libs.

So my ongoing question is, what percentage of the party is the first group, what percentage of the party is the second group, and what does that tell us about who we are?
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I believe this sentence ^^^ will be changed: The statement above, the duly former President was sentenced to a time in a Federal Prison.
You'll be in prison long before Trump good luck with bubba you cell mate.
It is MAGA-think. Representative. Illustrative. They are who they are.
We can't change 'em. It is what it is.
Precisely. This is who they are, and trying to change it (especially online) is pointless.

There is a wide swath of America that is just fine with his behaviors, his juvenile temperament.

So, as I just posted to another person here, what does this tell us about America?
Then let’s agree Biden employs smart people who know what they are doing while Donald Trump has no clue about anything including hiring good people.

Right, like the guy he hired for the FAA who's only transportation experience is with busses? He admitted he doesn't know shit about airplanes!

I've spent a LOT of time observing this and trying to get my head around this -- because what has happened here is some kind of a reflection of who we are, sociologically, anthropologically -- and I have to admit that I go back and forth on it.

On one hand, there is a percentage of them who really do think that he is a brilliant, strong, patriotic, self-made Christian man who is as honest as the day is long. I don't know if their subconscious tells them otherwise, but it really does appear that they believe this. There are a lot of them on this board. I've posted clips of these people at rallies talking about him like their beloved father and protector. They adore him at an intensity usually saved for cult leaders.

On the other hand, you're right, We have to believe that, while they won't go after him publicly, many of them know and see what he is. Since their voices are so rarely heard, maybe they stay in the background because he pushes their deepest (even secret) wishes, attacks a system they believe has victimized them, and owns the libs.

So my ongoing question is, what percentage of the party is the first group, what percentage of the party is the second group, and what does that tell us about who we are?
Deep thoughts.

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