Crime and race in the US. Not for liberals

Don't let the numbers fool you slick, the "white" category include hispanics, as does the UCR below, which is from the DOJ, so I don't know where you got your numbers from, so go back to the drawing board and try again.

And as for murder, here's what the UCR states as offenders.
Total 15,760 Sex- male- 10,391, female-1,197 unkown-4,172
Race white- 5,286,
black- 5,890
unknown- 4,339
Now keep in mind, the white number would include hispanic offenders. You need to find the tables where it is listed as black vs non-hispanic white.

As for rape offenders
total number of victims-6,631

Considering that 40% of all federal prisoners are hispanic, they must make up a pretty large chunk of the "white" offenders.

I stand by what I posted, and I stand by the statistics I gave. The vast majority of violent crimes in this nation are carried out by ngroes and hispanics.

That hilarious you ask where I get my numbers from and there is a WORKING link to the FBI UCR. Then you dispute those numbers and provide the link to nowhere. Good job there Fletcher. Any how, lets talk about something that kills more people every year than guns and drugs combined. That would be drunk drivers. Now if you refer to the link I provided that works and takes you to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Report you'll see that of the 1,082,301 drunk drivers arrested in 2010 a whopping 927,516 are white and 124,467 are black or 85.7% white and 11.5% black. So combine that with murder rat and you have white people killing other people at a higher rate than their population numbers. Ok Here is where I pause and wait for you sorry ass excuses.

there is no excuse for drunk driving. the fact that it is culturally unacceptable has cut the rates dramatically from decades ago.

when is the black culture going to decide that their favourite crimes are unacceptable and do something about it?

Culturally unacceptable? Cut the rates dramatically? You have got to be kidding me. First of all culturally unacceptable is a matter of opinion. Drunk driving is the most dangerous crime there is and the most expensive. yet while you talk about gun control there is no drunk driving control. You can still DRIVE up to any bar in this country, PARK in the lot, go inside, get hammered, walk out, get in your car and go kill some one. As for cutting the rates dramatically? it is still the most dangerous crime on the books. Drunk driving kills more people every a year than murders and all other drugs combined. Yet we hardly ever discuss it. I guess it just a known that it is culturally unacceptable. We don't really need to do anything about it or say anything about it because you already know how I feel about it so lets discuss something else.
As for black culture and unacceptable crimes, Why do black folks have to do anything about it? Can't you be satisfied with just knowing that is unacceptable to us? You obviously know nothing about what goes on in black culture. You hear about the crime on the news but nothing of the aftermath in black neighborhoods. You know nothing of the town halls, the vigils, the church leaders and residents marching through the streets begging for something to be done. But the saying goes that "crime can never be stopped it can only be contained" So maybe you should thank those people in the hood that have to put up with all kinds of crime on the daily. After all as long as they do then you don't.
Especially the white guilt filled liberals.

Many people.........scratch that, ......... many liberal people, on these boards have been whining and crying on the gun control threads about the crime rates in the US, saying we have a gun problem in this nation, and because Europe and other industrailized nations have less guns, they have less crime. Well all the statistics, from private studies and DOJ/FBI studies, show a different story. They show American doesn't have a problem with guns, we have a problem with negroes and hispanic gang bangers who have no respect for the law, who have long criminal records and who are released back into society time after time and who embrace and perpetuate a culture of rape, robbery, drug abuse/dealing, gang affiliation and a total disregard for the laws of a civilized society. We don't need to ban guns in this nation to make us safer, as the average gun owner who legally purchases their firearms is not the one commiting all these violent gun crimes, we need to ban the minority scum that commits violent crimes at a rate that is far out of proportion to their numbers in our society. I know the left hates to hear this, but our problem is not with guns, it's with negroes and hispanic gang bangers and until we address this problem, by either executing these repeat violent offenders, or by locking them up at hard labor for their entire lives, we will not see any change in the number of violent crimes commited by armed individuals. The negro and the hispanic gang banger are repsonsible for the vast, vast majority of violent gun crimes in this nation and most of them have long criminal records going back to their teens and in many cases, pre-teens, meaning if they were executed of imprisoned for life then, we would not have half the violent crimes we have today. The answer isn't to prohibit John Q Public from obtaining a firearm, even so called assault weapons, which are used very, very rarely in violent crimes, the answer is to remove the groups who have proven they are unfit to live free in a civilized society.

The report The Color of Crime (2005, second expanded edition) by the New Century Foundation states that there are several problems with the official crime statistics in the United States. These tend to cause underestimation of racial crime differences. One example being "Whites" sometimes including Hispanics. Another is not adjusting for that the different racial groups differ in population size. The report reviews the more accurate statistics that is available and describes many large differences in crime rates between races. The report also examines the research on possible bias against racial minorities in the justice system and the police and concludes that bias not a significant explanation for the different racial crime rates.[3]

It major findings were stated as:[3]

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

When Blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-Blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the White rate.

The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is Black and Hispanic.

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving Blacks and Whites, Blacks commit 85 percent and Whites commit 15 percent.
Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Fortyfive percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are Black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When Whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are Black.
Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a White than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than Whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.
The report also stated that between 2001 and 2003 there were an average of 15,400 Black-on-White rapes. The number of White-on-Black rapes were unclear. Counting some Hispanics as Whites, there were 900 "White"-on-Black rapes. Blacks were 7.2 time more likely to commit interracial rape even after controlling for differences in population size and for the higher general rate of rape for Blacks. This may suggest a deliberate targeting of Whites.[3]

There were 10,000 gang-rapes by Blacks against Whites between but not a single "White"-on-Black gang rape.[3]

A common myth is that Whites are more likely to commit white-collar offenses. Actually, Blacks are 3-5 times more likely than Whites to be in prison for fraud, bribery/conflict of interest, racketeering, and embezzlement.[3]

A large number of studies have examined the relationship between percentage of Black population in an area and crime. Almost all have found a higher percentage of Blacks in the area to be associated with more violent crime and most have found such a relationship with other types of crimes.[1]

Only 0.3% of reported interracial crimes are classified as official "hate crimes". This classification has been argued to be arbitrary and biased against Whites. Despite this Blacks commit 2.25 times more official hate crimes against Whites and Hispanics than the reverse. The media has been argued to give undue emphasis to official hate crimes as compared to the much more common interracial crimes in general as well as having a bias towards reporting the more uncommon White-on-Black crimes.[4][3]

3. http://he Color of Crime Race. Crime, and Justice in America Second. Expanded Edition, 2005. New Century Foundation.

4. http://Critics say news media ignoring Knoxville couple slaying. Archived from the original


http://The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Justice in America
Major Findings

■ There is more black-on-white than black-on-black violent crime.
■ Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving
blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites.
■Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.
■ Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate.
■Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate,
and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate.
■Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes.
Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category.
■Hispanic offenders are classified as whites, which inflates the white
offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes.
■Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more
dangerous than women.
Is the causation race or poverty? Statistic show that the poor are more likely to commit crime than wealthier Americans and people of color are more likely to be poor.

I can think of no reason why the color of ones skin would make them more likely to commit crime, however I can think of a lot of reasons why the poor would commit more crime that than those that are wealthy.
Economics is really just part of it. People commit crime for the most part because they can. As I said before it can't be stopped only CONTAINED. Take blacks and drugs for example. That Ron Paul Video says that blacks make up 14% of drug users, 36% of drug arrest and 63% of those in prison for drugs. I think the reason for that is that street dealers are "CONTAINED" to black neighborhoods. With only 14% of users then the black community is not the most lucrative area to deal drugs. But it is the least patrolled. This is the reason that young rich white kids from the suburbs would venture into the worst inner city black neighborhoods to cop. Why don't they get robbed or killed like the blacks do? Simple, they are protected by the dealers because thats where the real money is and the fact that if anything were to happen to one of these kids in that neighborhood, all hell would break loose until the found what happened. When the police want to stop crime in one area they just shut down all business in that area. Everyone goes to jail for every little thing and another area in opened up.
A history of the most devastating shootings in the United States of America in light of race

April 20, 1999
Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold shot up a school, killing 13 people and wounding 21 others. Race? White.

July 29th, 1999
Mark Orrin Barton murders his wife and children before he shot and killed 12 people and shot and killed himself, bringing the death toll to 13 people. White.

September 15th, 1999
Larry Gene Ashbrook kills 7 people and wounds 7 others.

December 26th, 2000
Michael “Mucko” McDermott shots and kills 7 people. White.

July 8th, 2003

Doug Williams shoots 14 people, 7 dead. Additionally, the shooting was CONFIRMED as racially motivated. Williams specifically targeted Afrikan Amerikans for this attack. White.

Ooooohhh and the Afrikans are so bad! The Afrikans are going out and doing these mass shootings! The Afrikans are killing the white people!! Clearly that is obvious in this history.

Lol, you give me 47 deaths? I can go to the newspapers and give you twice that number murdered by negroes in just this past week. Get real slick. By the way dimwit, Afrikans is a language, not a group of people. Man so many people on this board are such bloody morons it's like having a conversation with a rock.

Then I could go to those same papers and give you four times that number killed by white drunk drivers. But they didn't really mean to do it did they? None the less they did kill someone and they will be forced to spend the next 5 years on probation thinking about what they did that they can't remember.
there is no drunk driving control. You can still DRIVE up to any bar in this country, PARK in the lot, go inside, get hammered, walk out, get in your car and go kill some one. As for cutting the rates dramatically? it is still the most dangerous crime on the books. Drunk driving kills more people every a year than murders and all other drugs combined. Yet we hardly ever discuss it.

Are YOU drunk right now? What the hell was that nonsense?
That hilarious you ask where I get my numbers from and there is a WORKING link to the FBI UCR. Then you dispute those numbers and provide the link to nowhere. Good job there Fletcher. Any how, lets talk about something that kills more people every year than guns and drugs combined. That would be drunk drivers. Now if you refer to the link I provided that works and takes you to the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Uniform Crime Report you'll see that of the 1,082,301 drunk drivers arrested in 2010 a whopping 927,516 are white and 124,467 are black or 85.7% white and 11.5% black. So combine that with murder rat and you have white people killing other people at a higher rate than their population numbers. Ok Here is where I pause and wait for you sorry ass excuses.

there is no excuse for drunk driving. the fact that it is culturally unacceptable has cut the rates dramatically from decades ago.

when is the black culture going to decide that their favourite crimes are unacceptable and do something about it?

Culturally unacceptable? Cut the rates dramatically? You have got to be kidding me. First of all culturally unacceptable is a matter of opinion. Drunk driving is the most dangerous crime there is and the most expensive. yet while you talk about gun control there is no drunk driving control. You can still DRIVE up to any bar in this country, PARK in the lot, go inside, get hammered, walk out, get in your car and go kill some one. As for cutting the rates dramatically? it is still the most dangerous crime on the books. Drunk driving kills more people every a year than murders and all other drugs combined. Yet we hardly ever discuss it. I guess it just a known that it is culturally unacceptable. We don't really need to do anything about it or say anything about it because you already know how I feel about it so lets discuss something else.
As for black culture and unacceptable crimes, Why do black folks have to do anything about it? Can't you be satisfied with just knowing that is unacceptable to us? You obviously know nothing about what goes on in black culture. You hear about the crime on the news but nothing of the aftermath in black neighborhoods. You know nothing of the town halls, the vigils, the church leaders and residents marching through the streets begging for something to be done. But the saying goes that "crime can never be stopped it can only be contained" So maybe you should thank those people in the hood that have to put up with all kinds of crime on the daily. After all as long as they do then you don't.
Drunk drivers don't intentionally kill people - they are negligent, and stupid. Gang activity is a culture that many blacks, and hispanics gravitate towards - joining one shows a propensity of violence, and lack of morality, and intellegence! Appalachia has some of the most impoverished people in America - white people. Most of them don't even lock their doors, because their culture is not ridden with predators like particularly the black culture is!
So, you and your therapist are making no progress at all in helping you get over all the ass-whippings you took growing up? Have you considered blaming the fact that you are a weakling instead of asinine racial theories for your debilitating arrested development, boy?
there is no excuse for drunk driving. the fact that it is culturally unacceptable has cut the rates dramatically from decades ago.

when is the black culture going to decide that their favourite crimes are unacceptable and do something about it?

Culturally unacceptable? Cut the rates dramatically? You have got to be kidding me. First of all culturally unacceptable is a matter of opinion. Drunk driving is the most dangerous crime there is and the most expensive. yet while you talk about gun control there is no drunk driving control. You can still DRIVE up to any bar in this country, PARK in the lot, go inside, get hammered, walk out, get in your car and go kill some one. As for cutting the rates dramatically? it is still the most dangerous crime on the books. Drunk driving kills more people every a year than murders and all other drugs combined. Yet we hardly ever discuss it. I guess it just a known that it is culturally unacceptable. We don't really need to do anything about it or say anything about it because you already know how I feel about it so lets discuss something else.
As for black culture and unacceptable crimes, Why do black folks have to do anything about it? Can't you be satisfied with just knowing that is unacceptable to us? You obviously know nothing about what goes on in black culture. You hear about the crime on the news but nothing of the aftermath in black neighborhoods. You know nothing of the town halls, the vigils, the church leaders and residents marching through the streets begging for something to be done. But the saying goes that "crime can never be stopped it can only be contained" So maybe you should thank those people in the hood that have to put up with all kinds of crime on the daily. After all as long as they do then you don't.
Drunk drivers don't intentionally kill people - they are negligent, and stupid. Gang activity is a culture that many blacks, and hispanics gravitate towards - joining one shows a propensity of violence, and lack of morality, and intellegence! Appalachia has some of the most impoverished people in America - white people. Most of them don't even lock their doors, because their culture is not ridden with predators like particularly the black culture is!

So let me get this right. If you pull out a gun and hold it to my head pull the trigger and kill me, that is wrong. It is wrong because you knew that pulling that trigger could kill me. Yet if you get drunk and get behind the wheel of a car and smash into me and kill me it is some how different? Is it different because drunk drivers hardly ever kill anyone? I mean we all know that drunk drivers kill people all the time right? I mean is there a difference for some one who's loved one was killed by a gun than it is for one killed by a drunk driver?What is there two different kinds of killed? Are there two different kinds of dead? Really? Is this your argument?
there is no drunk driving control. You can still DRIVE up to any bar in this country, PARK in the lot, go inside, get hammered, walk out, get in your car and go kill some one. As for cutting the rates dramatically? it is still the most dangerous crime on the books. Drunk driving kills more people every a year than murders and all other drugs combined. Yet we hardly ever discuss it.

Are YOU drunk right now? What the hell was that nonsense?

What don't you understand> maybe if I was drunk, you could understand better. But tell me what it is you don't get and ill explain to you.
So let me get this right. If you pull out a gun and hold it to my head pull the trigger and kill me, that is wrong. It is wrong because you knew that pulling that trigger could kill me.

NO. Did you really think you could slip in such a ridiculous statement without notice? Are you trying to be dishonest just to make a point on some internet forum?
there is no drunk driving control. You can still DRIVE up to any bar in this country, PARK in the lot, go inside, get hammered, walk out, get in your car and go kill some one. As for cutting the rates dramatically? it is still the most dangerous crime on the books. Drunk driving kills more people every a year than murders and all other drugs combined. Yet we hardly ever discuss it.

Are YOU drunk right now? What the hell was that nonsense?

What don't you understand> maybe if I was drunk, you could understand better. But tell me what it is you don't get and ill explain to you.

You know drunk driving is illegal, right?

You know that bars are held legally responsible if they serve people who are clearly drunk, right?

You know that drunk driving is reported, enforced, discussed, and addressed by law ALL THE TIME, right?

If you're not drunk, you either stupid or dishonest.
So let me get this right. If you pull out a gun and hold it to my head pull the trigger and kill me, that is wrong. It is wrong because you knew that pulling that trigger could kill me.

NO. Did you really think you could slip in such a ridiculous statement without notice? Are you trying to be dishonest just to make a point on some internet forum?

No see you need the whole statement to make the point. Don't pull out half a statement and try to spin it. That what weak ass pussies with no other argument do.
What makes me angery is the fact that blacks never want to do anything about it...Sadly, quite the opposite as anyone(whites, blacks are called uncle toms) that points it out they declare them RACIST.

No wonder Africa is such a violent place. Time to Step on up and fight against violence! I don't want to live in such a nation with a people that defend turning our streets into war zones.

This goes for whites too. What the fuck are you doing stupid shit?
So let me get this right. If you pull out a gun and hold it to my head pull the trigger and kill me, that is wrong. It is wrong because you knew that pulling that trigger could kill me.

NO. Did you really think you could slip in such a ridiculous statement without notice? Are you trying to be dishonest just to make a point on some internet forum?

No see you need the whole statement to make the point. Don't pull out half a statement and try to spin it. That what weak ass pussies with no other argument do.

Ok, so you are willing to admit that you really are this stupid. Fine.

If you put a loaded gun to someone's head and pull the trigger, you WILL kill them just about 100% of the time. Not "could" kill them - WILL kill them.

Why are you making such a fool of yourself?
Are YOU drunk right now? What the hell was that nonsense?

What don't you understand> maybe if I was drunk, you could understand better. But tell me what it is you don't get and ill explain to you.

You know drunk driving is illegal, right?

You know that bars are held legally responsible if they serve people who are clearly drunk, right?

You know that drunk driving is reported, enforced, discussed, and addressed by law ALL THE TIME, right?

If you're not drunk, you either stupid or dishonest.

See here are the excuses. First of all bars are hardly ever held responsible. Second of all drunk drivers are hardly ever reported they are for the most part caught in the act. Thirdly when was the last time new drunk driving legislation passed
Especially the white guilt filled liberals.

Many people.........scratch that, ......... many liberal people, on these boards have been whining and crying on the gun control threads about the crime rates in the US, saying we have a gun problem in this nation, and because Europe and other industrailized nations have less guns, they have less crime. Well all the statistics, from private studies and DOJ/FBI studies, show a different story. They show American doesn't have a problem with guns, we have a problem with negroes and hispanic gang bangers who have no respect for the law, who have long criminal records and who are released back into society time after time and who embrace and perpetuate a culture of rape, robbery, drug abuse/dealing, gang affiliation and a total disregard for the laws of a civilized society. We don't need to ban guns in this nation to make us safer, as the average gun owner who legally purchases their firearms is not the one commiting all these violent gun crimes, we need to ban the minority scum that commits violent crimes at a rate that is far out of proportion to their numbers in our society. I know the left hates to hear this, but our problem is not with guns, it's with negroes and hispanic gang bangers and until we address this problem, by either executing these repeat violent offenders, or by locking them up at hard labor for their entire lives, we will not see any change in the number of violent crimes commited by armed individuals. The negro and the hispanic gang banger are repsonsible for the vast, vast majority of violent gun crimes in this nation and most of them have long criminal records going back to their teens and in many cases, pre-teens, meaning if they were executed of imprisoned for life then, we would not have half the violent crimes we have today. The answer isn't to prohibit John Q Public from obtaining a firearm, even so called assault weapons, which are used very, very rarely in violent crimes, the answer is to remove the groups who have proven they are unfit to live free in a civilized society.

The report The Color of Crime (2005, second expanded edition) by the New Century Foundation states that there are several problems with the official crime statistics in the United States. These tend to cause underestimation of racial crime differences. One example being "Whites" sometimes including Hispanics. Another is not adjusting for that the different racial groups differ in population size. The report reviews the more accurate statistics that is available and describes many large differences in crime rates between races. The report also examines the research on possible bias against racial minorities in the justice system and the police and concludes that bias not a significant explanation for the different racial crime rates.[3]

It major findings were stated as:[3]

Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

When Blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-Blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.

Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the White rate.

The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is Black and Hispanic.

Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving Blacks and Whites, Blacks commit 85 percent and Whites commit 15 percent.
Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Fortyfive percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are Black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When Whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are Black.
Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a White than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than Whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.
The report also stated that between 2001 and 2003 there were an average of 15,400 Black-on-White rapes. The number of White-on-Black rapes were unclear. Counting some Hispanics as Whites, there were 900 "White"-on-Black rapes. Blacks were 7.2 time more likely to commit interracial rape even after controlling for differences in population size and for the higher general rate of rape for Blacks. This may suggest a deliberate targeting of Whites.[3]

There were 10,000 gang-rapes by Blacks against Whites between but not a single "White"-on-Black gang rape.[3]

A common myth is that Whites are more likely to commit white-collar offenses. Actually, Blacks are 3-5 times more likely than Whites to be in prison for fraud, bribery/conflict of interest, racketeering, and embezzlement.[3]

A large number of studies have examined the relationship between percentage of Black population in an area and crime. Almost all have found a higher percentage of Blacks in the area to be associated with more violent crime and most have found such a relationship with other types of crimes.[1]

Only 0.3% of reported interracial crimes are classified as official "hate crimes". This classification has been argued to be arbitrary and biased against Whites. Despite this Blacks commit 2.25 times more official hate crimes against Whites and Hispanics than the reverse. The media has been argued to give undue emphasis to official hate crimes as compared to the much more common interracial crimes in general as well as having a bias towards reporting the more uncommon White-on-Black crimes.[4][3]

3. http://he Color of Crime Race. Crime, and Justice in America Second. Expanded Edition, 2005. New Century Foundation.

4. http://Critics say news media ignoring Knoxville couple slaying. Archived from the original


http://The Color of Crime: Race, Crime and Justice in America
Major Findings

■ There is more black-on-white than black-on-black violent crime.
■ Of the approximately 1,700,000 interracial crimes of violence involving
blacks and whites, 90 percent are committed by blacks against whites.
■Blacks are therefore up to 250 times more likely to do criminal violence to whites than the reverse.
■ Blacks commit violent crimes at four to eight times the white rate.
■Hispanics commit violent crimes at approximately three times the white rate,
and Asians at one half to three quarters the white rate.
■Blacks are twice as likely as whites to commit hate crimes.
Hispanics are a hate crime victim category but not a perpetrator category.
■Hispanic offenders are classified as whites, which inflates the white
offense rate and gives the impression that Hispanics commit no hate crimes.
■Blacks are as much more dangerous than whites as men are more
dangerous than women.
Is the causation race or poverty? Statistic show that the poor are more likely to commit crime than wealthier Americans and people of color are more likely to be poor.

I can think of no reason why the color of ones skin would make them more likely to commit crime, however I can think of a lot of reasons why the poor would commit more crime that than those that are wealthy.

If your theory was correct, then white appalchians and reservation Indians would have the highest crime numbers in the nation, because both groups are much more poverty stricken than the inner city negro, but they don't. Try again.
Most blacks live in urban areas where crime rates are much higher than rural areas where reservations Indians and poor white appalchians live. Crime rates for reservation Indians are not low but are 2.5 times that of whites. The FBI does not collect crime rates for poor white appalchians.
NO. Did you really think you could slip in such a ridiculous statement without notice? Are you trying to be dishonest just to make a point on some internet forum?

No see you need the whole statement to make the point. Don't pull out half a statement and try to spin it. That what weak ass pussies with no other argument do.

Ok, so you are willing to admit that you really are this stupid. Fine.

If you put a loaded gun to someone's head and pull the trigger, you WILL kill them just about 100% of the time. Not "could" kill them - WILL kill them.

Why are you making such a fool of yourself?

Did I say loaded? I don't think I did. If I did that was a mistake. But we know how many "unloaded" guns kill people right? The point I am trying to make is that I don't think there should be a difference in the charge or prosecution of a person that killed some one when the murderer knowingly involves him/herself in a criminal activity that that they know has the potential to kill someone. Do you get that?

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