'CRIME OF THE CENTURY!' Trump issues furious statements lashing out at Pence and Mitch McConnell for his election loss

Mustang is your typical “ useful leftist idiot “

My brother has several million and his ancestors never entered America until 1900-1920
And when they make that decision on January 6th, or for however long it takes to certify or determine, that certification is final and non-reviewable.
Bullshit. Everything is reviewable.
There is separation of powers. The courts can not review the acts of congress which the congress gives alone to congress. Ex: If congress expels one of it's members, the court can't review or change it.
LOL... Something like a general election that has the ability to change the citizen's nation against it's will, of course is reviewable on that basis alone. Congress works for we the people, and not as dictator's.
Yeah, but Trump is a total piece of trash and anyone believing anything he says at this point is in a cult.
Name any harm Trump had brought to the nation while President for his 4 year term in office doing the people's business, excluding January 6th. Now in the few days Bidens been President, name the problem's he is causing this nation. Be honest now.
Jan 6th was all politics and nothing really happened and zero weapons were used
I don't even believe that there were thousands of affidavits.

Trumps lawyers had websites where people could fill out an affidavit online. So many of the affidavits they had were made by bots and trolls.
Read my signature, those people are real. Aren't you sick of lying yet? Admit the election was stolen. It is going to be proven.
It's never going to be proven because it didn't happen. Biden won fair and square due, in large part, to the fact that the majority of the electorate were sick and tired of Trump's antics and his piss poor response to Covid.

I don't expect Trump supporters to like it, but I expect rational people to accept it because that's what happens in life. Just like our favorite teams can lose the big game, our preferred candidates can lose elections or reelections if and when they fail to expand their voter base which is exactly what Trump failed to do from day one.

In fact, I'll go further than that. When a candidate seems to go out of his way to alienate independents, it's almost as if he wanted to set the stage for losing just so he could make claims of fraud and create even more conflict which he's long been reported to like.
If you believe there was no fraud you are dishonest or stupid or both. Period.
I've admitted that there is limited fraud in every election. But there was NO systemic fraud which changed the outcome of the election. Grow up and be an adult. That means accepting reality instead of denying it.
Hard to believe you can actually take this approach, but you might want to believe that this nation is systemically racist also. It's time for the left to quit lying and race baiting, and all to the point of destruction of the very thing they desire so bad or exceedingly to be leadership over.
This country was built on racism.
The USA was built on freedoms and liberty
I'm not talking about what was written on parchment. I'm talking about how this country built individual fortunes and national wealth based on enslaving people who did not get paid to build that wealth for others.
Sorry you trilobite!! Most of the rich in the USA have zero ancestors associated with any slavery
I also said national wealth. Anytime anything of value is built, it will have value for decades which is usually longer than any person's lifetime. Then it gets passed on to the next generation. Additionally, it's very often an asset that continues to make money for the owners.
And when they make that decision on January 6th, or for however long it takes to certify or determine, that certification is final and non-reviewable.
Bullshit. Everything is reviewable.
There is separation of powers. The courts can not review the acts of congress which the congress gives alone to congress. Ex: If congress expels one of it's members, the court can't review or change it.
LOL... Something like a general election that has the ability to change the citizen's nation against it's will, of course is reviewable on that basis alone. Congress works for we the people, and not as dictator's.
Yeah, but Trump is a total piece of trash and anyone believing anything he says at this point is in a cult.
Name any harm Trump had brought to the nation while President for his 4 year term in office doing the people's business, excluding January 6th. Now in the few days Bidens been President, name the problem's he is causing this nation. Be honest now.
Biden has done nothing wrong. Trump has committed himself to killing democracy and you're OK with it. Why are you anti-American?
And when they make that decision on January 6th, or for however long it takes to certify or determine, that certification is final and non-reviewable.
Bullshit. Everything is reviewable.
There is separation of powers. The courts can not review the acts of congress which the congress gives alone to congress. Ex: If congress expels one of it's members, the court can't review or change it.
LOL... Something like a general election that has the ability to change the citizen's nation against it's will, of course is reviewable on that basis alone. Congress works for we the people, and not as dictator's.
Yeah, but Trump is a total piece of trash and anyone believing anything he says at this point is in a cult.
Name any harm Trump had brought to the nation while President for his 4 year term in office doing the people's business, excluding January 6th. Now in the few days Bidens been President, name the problem's he is causing this nation. Be honest now.
Jan 6th was all politics and nothing really happened and zero weapons were used
Again, you're in a cult. Step away for a bit and maybe you'll figure it out.
And when they make that decision on January 6th, or for however long it takes to certify or determine, that certification is final and non-reviewable.
Bullshit. Everything is reviewable.
There is separation of powers. The courts can not review the acts of congress which the congress gives alone to congress. Ex: If congress expels one of it's members, the court can't review or change it.
LOL... Something like a general election that has the ability to change the citizen's nation against it's will, of course is reviewable on that basis alone. Congress works for we the people, and not as dictator's.
Yeah, but Trump is a total piece of trash and anyone believing anything he says at this point is in a cult.
Name any harm Trump had brought to the nation while President for his 4 year term in office doing the people's business, excluding January 6th. Now in the few days Bidens been President, name the problem's he is causing this nation. Be honest now.
Biden has done nothing wrong. Trump has committed himself to killing democracy and you're OK with it. Why are you anti-American?
Nothing wrong lol
He has obliterated the dollar and flooded the nation with millions of brown gang members
Congress works for we the people, and not as dictator's.
The constitution guarantees that the people elect it's congress. But that form of government also cedes enumerated powers to congress. Determining election controversies are given to congress, and any controversies after January 20th (12th / 20th amendment) are made moot.
I don't even believe that there were thousands of affidavits.

Trumps lawyers had websites where people could fill out an affidavit online. So many of the affidavits they had were made by bots and trolls.
Read my signature, those people are real. Aren't you sick of lying yet? Admit the election was stolen. It is going to be proven.
It's never going to be proven because it didn't happen. Biden won fair and square due, in large part, to the fact that the majority of the electorate were sick and tired of Trump's antics and his piss poor response to Covid.

I don't expect Trump supporters to like it, but I expect rational people to accept it because that's what happens in life. Just like our favorite teams can lose the big game, our preferred candidates can lose elections or reelections if and when they fail to expand their voter base which is exactly what Trump failed to do from day one.

In fact, I'll go further than that. When a candidate seems to go out of his way to alienate independents, it's almost as if he wanted to set the stage for losing just so he could make claims of fraud and create even more conflict which he's long been reported to like.
If you believe there was no fraud you are dishonest or stupid or both. Period.
I've admitted that there is limited fraud in every election. But there was NO systemic fraud which changed the outcome of the election. Grow up and be an adult. That means accepting reality instead of denying it.
Hard to believe you can actually take this approach, but you might want to believe that this nation is systemically racist also. It's time for the left to quit lying and race baiting, and all to the point of destruction of the very thing they desire so bad or exceedingly to be leadership over.
This country was built on racism.
It was built on hard work and determination by all whether freeman or slave. Once slavery was abolished, of course everyone had the opportunity to struggle foward against all odds, even in the face of all sorts of evilness, but white's were just as much a part of ending slavery, and struggling to help the black's overcome slavery as anyone was, but today the activist black's want to try and use racism, and white guilt as some sort of strategy to defeat white's in this country over time, but I see that as a huge failed strategy by black activist.

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