Crooked James Clapper: ‘It’s A Good Thing’ FBI Was Spying On Trump Campaign

Clapper is a sick fucking douchebag and needs to be interviewed to ascertain his role in this attack on our democracy.
If they had a spy inside of Trump campaign then why is the investigation taking more than 1 year? With a mole, the evidence would have been immediate at the launch of Special Prosecutor investigation. This, by itself, validates the investigation is corrupt
My question for Clapper is this...if the FBI's concern was over national security of our election process and the worry that Russia might be influencing it...did they place a "spy" in the Clinton campaign and if so did said spy report to the Obama FBI about what Hillary Clinton was doing when she paid to have a British national create phony dossiers smearing the GOP candidate for President and then have Russian nationals put out the dossiers...all the while hiding her own involvement?

Why would THAT not be considered dangerous...yet Carter Page's meeting with a Russian company that had ZERO to do with the election have prompted the Obama FBI to seek a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign?

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