"Crumbs" My Foot! Got My First Paycheck Under the Trump Tax Cuts!

Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.
Cheap date
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

Great. Only three more months and you can get some new tires.
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.
Cheap date
I hope Mitch McConnell's wife at least gave you a kiss with that focking.
Democrats vow to take those insulting crumbs away from you. There are illegals that need your money.
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

Great. Only three more months and you can get some new tires.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025

The Dems prevented the personal tax cuts from being made permanent. Anyway, 2025 is EIGHT YEARS from now. And I'll bet you very good money that Congress and the President will not dare to touch the tax cuts for the first three or four brackets.

if you think $220 is a lot, you don't have very good money to lose.
That is classless.

Maybe classist?
First of all, nothing is permanent. There is no guarantee that any legislation or tax cut will last forever.

I will take my $300 a month for the next 8 years. Somehow, I will be able to get by knowing 2025 is looming.
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.
Cheap date
I hope Mitch McConnell's wife at least gave you a kiss with that focking.

And I hope you one day get a clue about life, acquire some character, and integrate yourself into the real world. Does your mom know you're using her computer?
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

Great. Only three more months and you can get some new tires.
Sorry America hating scumbag.
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

How many SINGLE shares of stock can you buy with that $220…. 2-4?

Now, if you had 2.2 million extra a month, you might actually matter.

It's called economies of scale.

Meanwhile, the Treasure sec has stopped fingering his trophy wife long enough to realize, OH SHIT, we (the U.S.) are going to run out of money real fast…. because they're taking in a billion less a month…. ouch. While spending the same.

Less tax revenue = higher deficit … which will send the debt skyrocketing.

So buy all the booze you can with that $220… you'll need it.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025

The Dems prevented the personal tax cuts from being made permanent. Anyway, 2025 is EIGHT YEARS from now. And I'll bet you very good money that Congress and the President will not dare to touch the tax cuts for the first three or four brackets.

if you think $220 is a lot, you don't have very good money to lose.

Spoken like a true elitist. Marie Antoinette lost her head......Never, ever forget that. pelosi and the rest of the uber wealthy Congress critters, who have all been sucking off of the Public Teat for decades are in for a very rude awakening if they keep this elitist bullshit up.

It's always entertaining to watch a Rumpbot drop the word "elitist" while remaining oblivious to his own irony.
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.
Cheap date
I hope Mitch McConnell's wife at least gave you a kiss with that focking.

And I hope you one day get a clue about life, acquire some character, and integrate yourself into the real world. Does your mom know you're using her computer?
You don't get these people. He is an America hating shill, most likely paid to spread his or her poison. A true enemy of the people like all the shills here.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025

The Dems prevented the personal tax cuts from being made permanent. Anyway, 2025 is EIGHT YEARS from now. And I'll bet you very good money that Congress and the President will not dare to touch the tax cuts for the first three or four brackets.

if you think $220 is a lot, you don't have very good money to lose.

Spoken like a true elitist. Marie Antoinette lost her head......Never, ever forget that. pelosi and the rest of the uber wealthy Congress critters, who have all been sucking off of the Public Teat for decades are in for a very rude awakening if they keep this elitist bullshit up.

How many bullets does $200 buy?
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

How many SINGLE shares of stock can you buy with that $220…. 2-4?

Now, if you had 2.2 million extra a month, you might actually matter.

It's called economies of scale.

Meanwhile, the Treasure sec has stopped fingering his trophy wife long enough to realize, OH SHIT, we (the U.S.) are going to run out of money real fast…. because they're taking in a billion less a month…. ouch. While spending the same.

Less tax revenue = higher deficit … which will send the debt skyrocketing.

So buy all the booze you can with that $220… you'll need it.
Another butthurt America hating scumbag trashing someone for nothing.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025

The Dems prevented the personal tax cuts from being made permanent. Anyway, 2025 is EIGHT YEARS from now. And I'll bet you very good money that Congress and the President will not dare to touch the tax cuts for the first three or four brackets.

if you think $220 is a lot, you don't have very good money to lose.
That is classless.
well del aint a person....he is a walking talking bird....with a smartass mouth.....you should see his Halloween costume....its hilarious....
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

Great. Only three more months and you can get some new tires.
Sorry America hating scumbag.
That's right. I hate America's current culture of low expectations.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025

The Dems prevented the personal tax cuts from being made permanent. Anyway, 2025 is EIGHT YEARS from now. And I'll bet you very good money that Congress and the President will not dare to touch the tax cuts for the first three or four brackets.

if you think $220 is a lot, you don't have very good money to lose.

Spoken like a true elitist. Marie Antoinette lost her head......Never, ever forget that. pelosi and the rest of the uber wealthy Congress critters, who have all been sucking off of the Public Teat for decades are in for a very rude awakening if they keep this elitist bullshit up.

How many bullets does $200 buy?
Quite a few, but if you mean loaded rounds, not as many as bullets, but hey, what do you know? But, if you do just buy bullets, you can reload the empty cases up to 20 times and save even more money. Rolling your own so to speak. I used to reload but not anymore. We made so much money on our 401k after Trump was elected I just go buy them ready made!
So many Americans are disappointed that the government is not keeping more of their money.

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