"Crumbs" My Foot! Got My First Paycheck Under the Trump Tax Cuts!

Fuel Surcharge is another Republican TAX on everything every time it is shipped.

Republicans are now pushing State & Local to match Federal Spending. This is to increase SALT Taxes.

Republican Inflation is taxing the wealth out of your paycheck!

You are already spending $2,000 extra just on Gasoline alone per year thanks to Trumptards!

LOL! Uh, find me a Democrat in Congress who supports repealing the fuel surcharge. You know that fuel taxes, such as the fuel surcharge, have been around a very long time and have received overwhelming bipartisan support. Right? You know that, right?

Do your parents know you're on the computer in your room?
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

That will add up quick. For those living paycheck to paycheck, it will be great to have that little extra for emergencies. If you don't need it, you'll be able to build a savings account.

The Dems lied their asses off about how the average family would save something like $1200 a year with Obamacare and acted like we should kiss their feet for that extra money that was supposed to stay in our pockets. Of course, it was a lie.

Now the average family will keep more than twice that amount and the Dems have a shit fit. Fuck them. I think I spend my money more sensibly than any politician so I see it as money that won't go to waste.

All Dems do is find new ways to take more money from us.
Fuel Surcharge is another Republican TAX on everything every time it is shipped.

Republicans are now pushing State & Local to match Federal Spending. This is to increase SALT Taxes.

Republican Inflation is taxing the wealth out of your paycheck!

You are already spending $2,000 extra just on Gasoline alone per year thanks to Trumptards! Last year gasoline was 78 cents a gallon
cry baby 3.jpg
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

That will add up quick. For those living paycheck to paycheck, it will be great to have that little extra for emergencies. If you don't need it, you'll be able to build a savings account.

The Dems lied their asses off about how the average family would save something like $1200 a year and acted like we should kiss their feet for that extra money that was supposed to stay in our pockets. Of course, it was a lie.

Now the average family will keep more than twice that amount and the Dems have a shit fit. Fuck them. I think I spend my money more sensibly than any politician so I see it as money that won't go to waste.

All Dems do is find new ways to take more money from us.
Sir, please stop hurting the regressive scum bags here. They can't take much more of this American success! ;)
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

Great. Only three more months and you can get some new tires.
Sorry America hating scumbag.
That's right. I hate America's current culture of low expectations.
You have proven what you are over and over. No need to lie.
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025

The Dems prevented the personal tax cuts from being made permanent. Anyway, 2025 is EIGHT YEARS from now. And I'll bet you very good money that Congress and the President will not dare to touch the tax cuts for the first three or four brackets.

if you think $220 is a lot, you don't have very good money to lose.

Says the guy posting here..

If your so rich don't they have a special message board for your types?
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025
That would be one year after Trump's second term. I wonder if there will even be a Democratic party by then
Today I got my first paycheck under the Trump tax cuts, and, thanks to those cuts, I got an extra $110 in net pay for the last two weeks, which means my monthly net pay is now $220 higher than it was before! Now, maybe to multimillionaire Nancy Pelosi, an extra $220 per month is "crumbs," but to me and my family, that is real, meaningful money.

No, Nancy, I am not rich. My net worth is a fraction of yours (as of last year, Nancy, your net worth was said to be around $195,000,000). My salary probably equals less than what you and your rich husband get just from the interest on your investments and savings accounts each year. I am in the bottom half of the third tax bracket, which means I am in the middle class.

Of course, I'm sure some Marxist liberals will argue that the middle class stops at $60K or $70K per year, but that is nonsense. Most mid-level federal workers, like GS-9s or Band 3s, make more than $70K per year. Many teachers make more than $60K or $70K--indeed, the average salary for high-school teachers in my state of Virginia is $61K, and in New York state, the average salary for elementary-school teachers is $72K. Many firemen and policemen make more than $70K per year. They're not middle class?

Anyway, my wife and I are thrilled with this large boost in net pay. We will definitely put it to good use.

So why do you want the government to borrow more money to give to you?
Less tax revenue = higher deficit … which will send the debt skyrocketing.

For the millionth time, every major tax cut in the last two centuries has been followed by a large increase in federal revenue--yes, an increase, not a decrease.

By the way, since when do you guys care about the debt and the deficit? You voiced no concern about deficits or the debt for Obama's 8 years? Why the sudden change of heart?
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025
It does not have to. In fact, Ted Cruz asked Bernie Sanders to help him make it permanent. Try telling the whole truth.
And what makes you think sanders will help him continue a situation where GOP’ers can continue to whine that we can’t afford anything because of the deficit they’re intentionally running up?

Less tax revenue = higher deficit … which will send the debt skyrocketing.

For the millionth time, every major tax cut in the last two centuries has been followed by a large increase in federal revenue--yes, an increase, not a decrease.

By the way, since when do you guys care about the debt and the deficit? You voiced no concern about deficits or the debt for Obama's 8 years? Why the sudden change of heart?
The GOP only cares about debt when democrats run things.

Try again.
don't get used to it.

unlike the corporate tax cuts, it goes bye-bye in 2025

del doesn't know anything about what it feels like to get to keep what you earn because he has never supported himself.


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