
i can't fathom how she's supposed to attract voters for cruz
No sane person can. Cruz can't be counted as sane.
i know she made a splash with her planned parenthood lies, but those voters were already for cruz. maybe she could be counted on to pull in women voters... but women already don't vote trump. she might help in california, but she hasn't ever won a race there, and she doesn't bring a bunch of potential second round delegates with her either.

so wtf was the point? is anyone excited about that pick?
I HOPE that Cruz's staff doesn't think that she's going to be effective if she's just a token.
i don't mean to make her into a token, i just don't think she brings anything unique to the cruz campaign. i don't see how she attracts voters he didn't already have. now if he had named rubio, that would have made sense. he had significant support, spoke well, and had a base significantly different than cruz's own. he would have brought some second round delegates to the convention.

fiorina has to bring something i'm not seeing. maybe she polls super well in indiana. maybe she's the only one that didn't make fun of the 'basketball ring.' maybe he really does think that she'll play well enough in californina, or have the organization in california that cruz can gain some delegates there.

whatever the case i don't get it.
She burned her bridges in California. Apparently Cruz's people didn't check on that.
In one coooorner, the challengers!!! Lyin' Ted the Pervert and Carly the "HP Destroyer" Fiorina!!! Managed by the Dennis Hastert establishment!!!


And in the other corner, the Champion and presumed nominee!!! Donaaaaaaaaaald "The Hair" Truuuuuuuuuump!!!!!!! Managed by THE PEOPLE!!!

Who will win?! (lol as if we have to ask)

Hillary Rodham Clinton.
i can't fathom how she's supposed to attract voters for cruz
-------------------------------- agreed , i have had no use for fiorina since she got in the race . And 2 years ago i was a Cruz supporter , still might be if Trump goes down so i'll have to hold my nose because of fiorina .
1 for 41 Kasich announces "I have a female VP choice too!! Crooked Hillary for VP!!! What.. oh ya..I'm a Republican."
Its pretty clear this was a decision made out of idiocy and done reacting to rapidly changing events the last 3 days. It says alot about cruz he could make such a big decision with so little thought. First he tried one hail mary with a deal with Kasich that blew up in his face then he got clobbered yesterday. Now, he decides he needs another hail mary and under pressure of time picked the only person that would agree to get near him. Had he ever a chance at the convention he has already thrown away a big bargaining chip and now instead of getting a big bang for the buck he gets nothing.

Oh, i imagine kasich is finding out what its like to be partnres with Cruz.
i can't fathom how she's supposed to attract voters for cruz
No sane person can. Cruz can't be counted as sane.
i know she made a splash with her planned parenthood lies, but those voters were already for cruz. maybe she could be counted on to pull in women voters... but women already don't vote trump. she might help in california, but she hasn't ever won a race there, and she doesn't bring a bunch of potential second round delegates with her either.

so wtf was the point? is anyone excited about that pick?
I HOPE that Cruz's staff doesn't think that she's going to be effective if she's just a token.
i don't mean to make her into a token, i just don't think she brings anything unique to the cruz campaign. i don't see how she attracts voters he didn't already have. now if he had named rubio, that would have made sense. he had significant support, spoke well, and had a base significantly different than cruz's own. he would have brought some second round delegates to the convention.

fiorina has to bring something i'm not seeing. maybe she polls super well in indiana. maybe she's the only one that didn't make fun of the 'basketball ring.' maybe he really does think that she'll play well enough in californina, or have the organization in california that cruz can gain some delegates there.

whatever the case i don't get it.
She burned her bridges in California. Apparently Cruz's people didn't check on that.

It is a great question. Not only did he just screw what little support he has in CA, but why her in the first place?
i can't fathom how she's supposed to attract voters for cruz
No sane person can. Cruz can't be counted as sane.
i know she made a splash with her planned parenthood lies, but those voters were already for cruz. maybe she could be counted on to pull in women voters... but women already don't vote trump. she might help in california, but she hasn't ever won a race there, and she doesn't bring a bunch of potential second round delegates with her either.

so wtf was the point? is anyone excited about that pick?
I HOPE that Cruz's staff doesn't think that she's going to be effective if she's just a token.
i don't mean to make her into a token, i just don't think she brings anything unique to the cruz campaign. i don't see how she attracts voters he didn't already have. now if he had named rubio, that would have made sense. he had significant support, spoke well, and had a base significantly different than cruz's own. he would have brought some second round delegates to the convention.

fiorina has to bring something i'm not seeing. maybe she polls super well in indiana. maybe she's the only one that didn't make fun of the 'basketball ring.' maybe he really does think that she'll play well enough in californina, or have the organization in california that cruz can gain some delegates there.

whatever the case i don't get it.
She burned her bridges in California. Apparently Cruz's people didn't check on that.
the only thing i can think of is she still has a network in california that ted can use to get out the vote and close the gap with trump there.

but i was pretty sure she wasn't exactly popular there.
I don't think you announce while you're still in the primaries, there would be a bunch of VP picks otherwise.
Cruella Carly's canned message and talking points did not resonate at all with GOP voters in the primaries. She was a sloppy, wet fart who spoke in triads. The only attention she got was when Trump mentioned her twisted ugly face. She had a brief moment to shine, but instead she blew it with her "3 points in every sentence" style.

She's a dull as dishwater and as ugly as a carbuncle. She needs to be lanced and drained, then sent back to the swamp that spawned her.

Vampire Cruz is a lot dumber than I thought.....

He probably picked Fiorina for the same reason that McCain picked Palin.

They're trying to get the female vote.
Its pretty clear this was a decision made out of idiocy and done reacting to rapidly changing events the last 3 days. It says alot about cruz he could make such a big decision with so little thought. First he tried one hail mary with a deal with Kasich that blew up in his face then he got clobbered yesterday. Now, he decides he needs another hail mary and under pressure of time picked the only person that would agree to get near him. Had he ever a chance at the convention he has already thrown away a big bargaining chip and now instead of getting a big bang for the buck he gets nothing.

Oh, i imagine kasich is finding out what its like to be partnres with Cruz.

Two stupid decisions actually....Carly Fiorina and deciding a Basketball hoop is an Basketball ring.

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