
What's even funnier, is Cruz was talking up Fiorina's talent at running a business, and her time at HP begs to differ as to her ability as a business woman.
it occurs to me, maybe they are counting on trump making another crude sexist comment.

been a minute sunce he made one of those
hahaha... Has anybody told Cruz that he's pretty much out of contention? This is cracking me up, they are acting like they just won the nomination a day after getting slaughtered by Trump AND Kasich. Game over Ted but thanks for the laugh.

The two biggest drama queens in the GOP field.
I don't think you announce while you're still in the primaries, there would be a bunch of VP picks otherwise.
You ‘announce’ during the primaries if you’re desperate and pathetic – and in Cruz’s case, ‘announcing’ in April is outright bizarre.
Screw April, how about the fact they he announces his VP while he's not even as the candidate but basically after the day after he got knocked out of the election... It's either the worst Hail Mary in history or he is having a nervous breakdown and got lost in a delusion of grandeur. What is even stranger is the fact that Carly is going along with it. I bet she went to bed with a big smile after her hubby said "Goodnight madam Vice President"... haha
i can't fathom how she's supposed to attract voters for cruz

Yes, how is Carly Fiorina going to attract voters for Ted Cruz....she couldn't even attract voters to her own campaign.

This whole thing is very weird, I think normally a candidate waits until they're the nominee, then they announce who their running mate is....Ted Cruz, obviously now operating in some alternate reality, decides mid-campaign, when he's getting his buttocks handed to him to announce his running mate :rolleyes-41:
Its pretty clear this was a decision made out of idiocy and done reacting to rapidly changing events the last 3 days. It says alot about cruz he could make such a big decision with so little thought. First he tried one hail mary with a deal with Kasich that blew up in his face then he got clobbered yesterday. Now, he decides he needs another hail mary and under pressure of time picked the only person that would agree to get near him. Had he ever a chance at the convention he has already thrown away a big bargaining chip and now instead of getting a big bang for the buck he gets nothing.

Oh, i imagine kasich is finding out what its like to be partnres with Cruz.

Two stupid decisions actually....Carly Fiorina and deciding a Basketball hoop is an Basketball ring.

He showed how dangerous he would be as president in a crisis. He had to take anyone that would agree to be near him and chose a person he had already paid off.

John Cardillo ‏@johncardillo 11h11 hours ago Fort Lauderdale, FL

The Kasich alliance and Fiorina pick confirmed my concern that Cruz is weak. When things got tough he panicked and acted hastily. Not good.
It says nothing good about cruz that he basically decided to do this within a few hours of his failed kasich deal. says even less about fiorina's judgement.

kasich has to be wondering why he made a deal with a pig.
This is how i look at it. What if something bad occured during Cruz presidency and he impulsively decided to go attack someone somewhere and american soldiers die because he wanted attention diverted elsewhere?

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