
i can't fathom how she's supposed to attract voters for cruz
No sane person can. Cruz can't be counted as sane.
i know she made a splash with her planned parenthood lies, but those voters were already for cruz. maybe she could be counted on to pull in women voters... but women already don't vote trump. she might help in california, but she hasn't ever won a race there, and she doesn't bring a bunch of potential second round delegates with her either.

so wtf was the point? is anyone excited about that pick?
Congressman Blake Farenthold!

Obese Blake would eat all of 1 for 46 Kasich's food so we don't have to watch the grotesque way 1 for 46 Kasich eats.

This shows Cruz for the lying asshole that he truly is.

How Carly Fiorina Screwed Her Campaign Staff—and Paid Herself First

""After Carly Fiorina’s unsuccessful 2010 run for Senate in California, it took her more than four years to fully pay staff and vendors for their work on her campaign to unseat Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer.

But a review of Federal Election Commission records by The Daily Beast shows that Fiorina first paid herself back for more than $1.25 million in personal loans she made to the campaign, including a $1 million check on the day before Election Day. That check set the campaign back so far it was impossible to pay staff and vendors what they were owed for years."""

How Carly Fiorina Screwed Her Campaign Staff—and Paid Herself First
One of the reasons why Fiorina is NOT popular in California.
i can't fathom how she's supposed to attract voters for cruz
No sane person can. Cruz can't be counted as sane.
i know she made a splash with her planned parenthood lies, but those voters were already for cruz. maybe she could be counted on to pull in women voters... but women already don't vote trump. she might help in california, but she hasn't ever won a race there, and she doesn't bring a bunch of potential second round delegates with her either.

so wtf was the point? is anyone excited about that pick?
I HOPE that Cruz's staff doesn't think that she's going to be effective if she's just a token.
Since Cruz announced his VP I will be announcing mine tomorrow at 12:00pm Central right here on the forums. Stay tuned folks.

Kasich would choose Eggs Benedict
i can't fathom how she's supposed to attract voters for cruz
No sane person can. Cruz can't be counted as sane.
i know she made a splash with her planned parenthood lies, but those voters were already for cruz. maybe she could be counted on to pull in women voters... but women already don't vote trump. she might help in california, but she hasn't ever won a race there, and she doesn't bring a bunch of potential second round delegates with her either.

so wtf was the point? is anyone excited about that pick?
I HOPE that Cruz's staff doesn't think that she's going to be effective if she's just a token.
i don't mean to make her into a token, i just don't think she brings anything unique to the cruz campaign. i don't see how she attracts voters he didn't already have. now if he had named rubio, that would have made sense. he had significant support, spoke well, and had a base significantly different than cruz's own. he would have brought some second round delegates to the convention.

fiorina has to bring something i'm not seeing. maybe she polls super well in indiana. maybe she's the only one that didn't make fun of the 'basketball ring.' maybe he really does think that she'll play well enough in californina, or have the organization in california that cruz can gain some delegates there.

whatever the case i don't get it.

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