Curious George - Racist or not?

Is it racist?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
Compelling argument, really. :eusa_whistle:

ty---how men times have we heard how screwed our country is because only white men run the show ? That's a racist attitude. When people promote Obama because of his race he will be criticized racially. Scream racist all you want------it's been screamed so much at inappropriate times that it's meaningless.
Actually I do. You are the fucking joke who will do anything to get a Republican elected, no matter who it is.

And really the "I know you are, but what am I?" tactic is fucking retarded. Surely even a mental midget like yourself can come up with something better than that.
thats where you are wrong
you dont know what the fuck you are talking about and you show yourself to be a fucking asshole
ty---how men times have we heard how screwed our country is because only white men run the show ?

Umm I don't hear that very much. What kind of shit do you listen too?

That's a racist attitude. When people promote Obama because of his race he will be criticized racially.

The only reason he is promoted "because of his race" is because blacks think that he will be responsive to black voters more than a white president would. How exactly is that racist?

Scream racist all you want------it's been screamed so much at inappropriate times that it's meaningless.

Meaningless? God damn your naive.
thats where you are wrong
you dont know what the fuck you are talking about and you show yourself to be a fucking asshole

Aww, does poor little Republican, John McCain loving DC not like me? I feel so...empty inside :eusa_boohoo:

Your just bitter that your boy is about to get his ass kicked. Its cute that all you can do it try and set it up so that you can whine about voter fraud after you get your ass kicked, but do try and be something less than an immature whining, crying child.
Aww, does poor little Republican, John McCain loving DC not like me? I feel so...empty inside :eusa_boohoo:

Your just bitter that your boy is about to get his ass kicked. Its cute that all you can do it try and set it up so that you can whine about voter fraud after you get your ass kicked, but do try and be something less than an immature whining, crying child.

What? Miss out on all the fun YOU have had for 8 years whining and crying? Pot meet Kettle.
I didn't whine about voter fraud. But nice try there, genius.

You have all but done it. And what has been good for the Liberals, you know your buddies, for the last 8 years seems good enough for any one else that wants to waste their time doing it.

You want credibility on the issue? Start telling your buddies PUBLICLY they are wrong. SOMETHING you refuse to do.
You have all but done it. And what has been good for the Liberals, you know your buddies, for the last 8 years seems good enough for any one else that wants to waste their time doing it.

All but done it? That means...wait for it...wait for it...I DIDN'T DO IT.


You want credibility on the issue? Start telling your buddies PUBLICLY they are wrong. SOMETHING you refuse to do.

Actually I have no opinion on it. Florida was sketchy. I don't believe it was some master plan, but I'm not sure, if truth be known (which it can't be) that Bush actually won in 2000. That said, I don't know that he didn't win either, so I'm willing to accept the retarded USSC decision. And yes, it was retarded. And decision that says "this decision doesn't count as stare decisis " is a retarded decision.
Aww, does poor little Republican, John McCain loving DC not like me? I feel so...empty inside :eusa_boohoo:

Your just bitter that your boy is about to get his ass kicked. Its cute that all you can do it try and set it up so that you can whine about voter fraud after you get your ass kicked, but do try and be something less than an immature whining, crying child.
this proves why you are a fucking moron
you dont know shit about me
i never have "loved" McCain and didnt vote for him in any primary or caucus
in fact, i think he was the worst of the lot of the republicans that ran(except for Paul, but he's not really a republican, he's a libertarian)
but, he is far and away better than Obama

and keep counting those chickens
just watch out for that bradley effect

oh, and the real poll, the one on Nov 2nd, there wont be any over sampling
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The obvious attempt to pretend comparing ANY black man to a monkey is not racist would be funny if I did not have to admit it is all the Conservatives doing it.
I would give you a rep for admitting this but I have to spred them around before I can give you another!
The elephant in the room here is that monkey comparisons to blacks sting because, well, blacks look, sound and act kind of like monkeys. Genetically, all humans are descended from monkeys (see Bush II), but we get the sense (and probably DNA would show) that blacks are closer to them. Look at an ape hand, and look at a dark black person's hand... it's like the same thing. Look at a black man's wide nose, and look at an ape's wide nose. Watch a bunch of monkeys get all whipped up, and watch a group of blacks get all whipped up. Compare the long-reach arms of a black basketball player, and an ape at the zoo. Sorry, but there's a similarity there. So, it really pisses blacks off to be called apes or monkeys in a way that it wouldn't if you called them, say, giraffes or gazelles.
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