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DACA Upheld by Supreme Court

It’s getting close, the time is getting just about right to protect our borders, protect our heritage, culture, language.

growing up in a city where latinos and other refugees flooded our schools and lowering our wages, and disrespecting our culture my patience is thin.

if we don’t stop this invasion our country is gone.

Your dream of Civil War is not going to happen kid. If that will ever happen you better start hunting for your food with the rest of 312+ millions Americans.
I can assure you that DACA people are far better human than you. Lots of them now has professional jobs. Cops, R nurses, teachers, professors, engineers, social workers, architects. YOU? YOU?
Have you ever been to a urban area?
I’ve been all over America from coast to coast and several countries around the world. What are you trying to say?
Urban areas need high iq educated ordinary ppl,, they need to request things from there reps, and mayors.. not let them treat you like slaves.. todays immigrants are low wage, low iq, have not investment in America, it’s killing our poor Americans. It’s killing our education system and culture.. and pls don’t compare doctors to the immigrants that are coming here.. you idiot
And your IQ from a racist asshole like you? Craving for civil war. What difference does it make? These are better human being than you.

Trump promised you he will deport illegals. He lied again. They are still here. We don’t see any deporting or arrest nationwide. He is very busy nonsense tweets... To find out he is also licking Xi boots asides from Putin boots.

We have a pandemic cause by Coronavirus food supplies are still intact and working despite from the lock down. Who do you think that keeps and make that going? brave enough to help feed your dirty mouth and your rotten low class disgusting attitudes like the rest of you.... WHO? the ILLEGALS.
I’d rather starve to death then have a latin pig in my country,, they have destroyed many parts of America,, most farmers will pay a better wage whites will Do the job like we used to.. no more black and latin refugees! Say it with me
That is what is happening for several years.... So why aren’t you starve yourself to death? Why are you still here?
destroyed many parts of America? Compared to you and trump? LOL Trump fucked up this country big time.,

I know 2 farmer owners here in Ca and one in Arizona. Poor whites working at the farm are extremely very rare. When illegals are scared to go to work because of Trump deportation program rotten agricultural products are all over. They offered $16?to 18/hour but not single whites showed up.

Trump is bad for American.We deserves better than this lousy inept incompetent president.
Whites are the strongest race on earth deal with it .. shit hole countries are black and brown.. kick them the F out
We are not talking about who is the strongest race in earth. I’m talking common sense. Who do you think are working on agricultural products that supports feeding millions of Americans? Convalescence home? Etc etc etc etc etc... YOU? I understand your misery but in reality doesn’t work that way.
Your so dumb! Ha in 1960 there was less than 1 million Latinos in this country America white people we’re doing the farming we still do the farming in Boston or farmers all white people,,Are Latinos working on some farms sure
1960? You are very ignorant. Americans then are different attitude, behavior and income. Today is 20th century. . It’s very rare to see white or blacks working at the farms. That a fact and reality.

In Boston? Whites are the farmer owners workers are Latinos. That’s a fact...... I have friends that works at aqua farming or fishing industry all whites because it pays well. And now all unemployed.

Lots of then suffered a LOT because of Trump very STUPID Trade War lost with China..... I’m not sure when and how they can recover because of the Covid-19 crisis. That AGAIN Trump STUPID handling of Covid-19.
Trump is bad for this country

Whites complains a lot, asking for higher wages, asking for shoes and hats for farm works, smoke breaks or walk away on the spot because they can’t handle the hard works.

This topic been discussed over and over in last 5 years that I’ve been here.

Your racism beliefs and attitude makes you ignorant.
Your talking about huge farms small ones are all white

I’m talking all farms. What do you know about agricultural or fishing industries any way?

19% of farmers filled for bankruptcies last year because of Trump Trade Wars. Farms they owned for generations lost forever. Very sad.
We should lose trade wars?? Lol

Trump is inept and incompetent dumbshit. We are the losers of the trade wars. He made farmers a welfare recipients in last 3 years including 2020.

THEN to find out he also asked President Xi to help him get re-elected. All those anti China rhetoric coming from Trump are all fake. He betrayed you and the test of cult members. Sadly.
The SC DACA ruling is a travesty of justice

only trump would be angry about that

not anyone named bush or clinton or obama

thank God for Donald Trump

God doesn’t support cruelty to people or incite violence against his own people or support hate groups such as NAZIS or White supremacist.

God hate people that keeps young children locked up by the hundreds.....
This ruling by the Supreme Court basically exemplifies why an Article 5 convention is required to put things back into good order.

By saying Trump cannot undo a previous administrations EO with his own EO, this effectively binds Presidents by previous Presidents EO's, (if the SCOTUS likes the prior EO, apparently)

We have so many bad court decisions to reverse and the Article 5 convention is the only way to do it.

Federalist Society on Article Five Convention Status

Congress may face this issue very soon. At least 27 state legislatures have valid applications outstanding for a convention to propose a balanced budget amendment (BBA). At least six states without BBA applications have outstanding applications calling for a plenary convention. Thus, if aggregation is called for, 33 of the 34 applications needed for Congress to call a convention likely exist.
After consideration of the language of Article V, case law, historical practice, and other factors, this paper concludes that Congress should add existing plenary applications to the BBA total, and that it should call a BBA convention if and when the aggregated total reaches 34.

So if Trump has a landslide win and the GOP regains the House, maintains the Senate and picks up a majority in a state that has not yet called for an article Five Convention, only one more state is needed to call the convention if a sympathetic Republican House rules in favor of aggregating the BBA applications with the 'plenary' 'blank check' applications and have an instant super majority of states in favor.

So next year could be the beginning of addressing a huge number of egregious SCOTUS culling, two of which have come in the last two weeks alone.
I'm not holding my breath - he's already HAD all that, and he got NOTHING accomplished largely because our system of government has been inverted. NOW courts claim to have power they do not actually have and were NEVER meant to have. All this aside the reason it doesn't matter and that nothing will come of this is simple, the American people. The American people CHOOSE to remain "silent" while their country is torn apart, their history is erased, and their government is run by Communist ☭ foreign corp donors. It's simple, so called "Representatives" tow the line of the donors, or they get no money for reelection. ALL of them have 0 morality (or have decided that they can do nothing by themselves anyways) they take the money, vote AGAINST their own constituents AND nations interests, and America slides ever more into the abyss of Communism - then the cycle repeats with another "issue" pertaining to our liberties. All this happens while the American people sit back and pick their nose, expecting SOMEONE to DO SOMETHING to change it ALL. It doesn't work like that, it CAN'T work like that, ONE person cannot DO anything and neither can 3 or 4. People who won't toe the line either disappear or they get out of politics suddenly.

This will ONLY be solved by some serious discomfort, bloodshed, and probably a lot of death. Sorry, but that's a fact. Until life in America gets so bad that living here is worse than dying, nothing will change. Nothing will change because the people will not be motivated to change it UNTIL things get that bad. That is historically how these things have ALWAYS been resolved. Power isn't given, it's taken. Our Founders had to fight a war to have the liberties they were ENTITLED to, they weren't just given those liberties because they asked nicely. The American people got complacent, ALLOWED those hard won liberties to be taken by an out of control tyrannical federal government under the control of Communist Corporations, and NOW they will either fight to get them back - AGAIN, or they will not have them, period.

You can tell yourself there's a political solution all you want - but you explain to me WHY these corps OR the federal government would give up ANY of the authority they've ALREADY taken from you? Read history books, NEVER in human history has a situation like this been resolved in any other way but all out war.
Trump’s at liberty to be a nativist racist and bigot, and deport immigrants who came to the United States legally as children and subsequently lost their immigration status through no fault of their own – but even Trump must do so in accordance with the law.
I'm not holding my breath - he's already HAD all that, and he got NOTHING accomplished largely because our system of government has been inverted. NOW courts claim to have power they do not actually have and were NEVER meant to have. All this aside the reason it doesn't matter and that nothing will come of this is simple, the American people. The American people CHOOSE to remain "silent" while their country is torn apart, their history is erased, and their government is run by Communist ☭ foreign corp donors. It's simple, so called "Representatives" tow the line of the donors, or they get no money for reelection. ALL of them have 0 morality (or have decided that they can do nothing by themselves anyways) they take the money, vote AGAINST their own constituents AND nations interests, and America slides ever more into the abyss of Communism - then the cycle repeats with another "issue" pertaining to our liberties. All this happens while the American people sit back and pick their nose, expecting SOMEONE to DO SOMETHING to change it ALL. It doesn't work like that, it CAN'T work like that, ONE person cannot DO anything and neither can 3 or 4. People who won't toe the line either disappear or they get out of politics suddenly.

This will ONLY be solved by some serious discomfort, bloodshed, and probably a lot of death. Sorry, but that's a fact. Until life in America gets so bad that living here is worse than dying, nothing will change. Nothing will change because the people will not be motivated to change it UNTIL things get that bad. That is historically how these things have ALWAYS been resolved. Power isn't given, it's taken. Our Founders had to fight a war to have the liberties they were ENTITLED to, they weren't just given those liberties because they asked nicely. The American people got complacent, ALLOWED those hard won liberties to be taken by an out of control tyrannical federal government under the control of Communist Corporations, and NOW they will either fight to get them back - AGAIN, or they will not have them, period.

You can tell yourself there's a political solution all you want - but you explain to me WHY these corps OR the federal government would give up ANY of the authority they've ALREADY taken from you? Read history books, NEVER in human history has a situation like this been resolved in any other way but all out war.
Truly a load of ignorant, idiotic nonsense.
God doesn’t support cruelty to people or incite violence against his own people or support hate groups such as NAZIS or White supremacist.

God hate people that keeps young children locked up by the hundreds.....
What are you babbling about?

Do you even believe in God as the Creator?

if so you are one of the few in lib la land who does
God doesn’t support cruelty to people or incite violence against his own people or support hate groups such as NAZIS or White supremacist.

God hate people that keeps young children locked up by the hundreds.....

Have you ever opened a Bible?

It starts out with God kicking Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden, and Cain killing Abel.

Just gets worse from there.
Obama himself called it unconstitutional. Then did it anyways.
And he is a "constitutional scholar" remember? :lol:
I can't believe anyone would consider that jabbering retard any sort of "scholar". He must have sucked every cock in Yale (or whatever bullshit commie hive he was brainwashed in) to pull that one off.

What are you babbling about?

Do you even believe in God as the Creator?

if so you are one of the few in lib la land who does

It's no better or maybe even worse to believe but do the opposite of what the Bible instructs.

I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

Matthew 25:35

Contribute to the needs of the saints; extend hospitality to strangers.

Romans 12:13
I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.

Matthew 25:35
Here’s something Jesus DIDNT say but many bleeding heart libs could easily be fooled to think He did:

”If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a political action committee and petition Caesar to give him bread”

And for the edification of libs educated in the public schools, what I am saying to you is that its Christian to give your own wealth away to the poor as the Holy Spirit moves you, but not Christian to tax others and give their money to the poor through government
Here’s something Jesus DIDNT say but many bleeding heart libs could easily be fooled to think He did:

”If you meet a hungry man on the road to Damascus, form a political action committee and petition Caesar to give him bread”

And for the edification of libs educated in the public schools, what I am saying to you is that its Christian to give your own wealth away to the poor as the Holy Spirit moves you, but not Christian to tax others and give their money to the poor through government

It is my money in either case. But all the same, since we give the "money changers" trillions and aren't about to stop that, the poor are always going to fall further behind and will need more help.
God doesn’t support cruelty to people or incite violence against his own people or support hate groups such as NAZIS or White supremacist.

God hate people that keeps young children locked up by the hundreds.....
God hates Obama?

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