Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

I think Conservatives should trust Rassmussen polls 100%

Rassmussen tells them that America still loves them and that Obama will be easy to defeat. Keep believing that boys, you have it in the bag for 2010 and 2012. Obama will be easy pickings
Per Drudge link
Barack Obama's Most Recent Weekly Approval Rating Average

(Sep 7-13, 2009)
Barack Obama's Term Average:
Barack Obama's High Point:
(Jan 22-24, 2009)
Barack Obama's Low Point:
(several times;
most recent:
Aug 27-29, 2009)
Average for U.S. Presidents Since Franklin D. Roosevelt:
Average for Elected Presidents' Third Quarter:
Other Elected Presidents in September of First Term:
George W. Bush
(September 2001)
Bill Clinton
(September 1993)
George H.W. Bush
(September 1989)
Ronald Reagan

(September 1981)
Jimmy Carter

(September 1977)
Richard Nixon
(September 1969)
John Kennedy
(September 1961)
Dwight Eisenhower
(September 1953)
Last edited:
Which is about as meaningless a statistic as a statistic can get, which is saying something.

52% approval rating is far from meaningless, dumbfuck...

It's meaningless when you try to make something out of comparing it to Reagan in September of 1981.

Then we're talking about wo different things...

I'm talking about the statistic itself... I don't care if Gallup is comparing it to other Presidents...
And what does it mean ?

Apparently it's significant to compare President Obama's current approval rating to GW Bush's approval rating right after 9/11.

Except not a one of these gomers can tell you WHY it's signficant.

Tell me how a 52% approval rating is meaningless?

It is meaningless because we are still over a year away from congressional elections and over three years away from the presidential election. Alot can happen in three years.

Who do you think is going to win the SuperBowl in 2013?
How meaningful is that?
Apparently it's significant to compare President Obama's current approval rating to GW Bush's approval rating right after 9/11.

Except not a one of these gomers can tell you WHY it's signficant.

Tell me how a 52% approval rating is meaningless?

It is meaningless because we are still over a year away from congressional elections and over three years away from the presidential election. Alot can happen in three years.
I thought polls represent a snapshot in time of the public's opinion? If the public is trending approval downward, don't you think Bary cares about that?

I guarentee you that Barry is a poll watcher, just like Clintoon was... Why do you think he's doing the dog & pony show on TV?
52% approval rating is far from meaningless, dumbfuck...

It's meaningless when you try to make something out of comparing it to Reagan in September of 1981.

Then we're talking about wo different things...

I'm talking about the statistic itself... I don't care if Gallup is comparing it to other Presidents...

It's not meaningless. I said it was meaningless to compare. We weren't on the same page.
Tell me how a 52% approval rating is meaningless?

It is meaningless because we are still over a year away from congressional elections and over three years away from the presidential election. Alot can happen in three years.
I thought polls represent a snapshot in time of the public's opinion? If the public is trending approval downward, don't you think Bary cares about that?

I guarentee you that Barry is a poll watcher, just like Clintoon was... Why do you think he's doing the dog & pony show on TV?

Paying attention to daily polls is a losing strategy.
A president needs to execute the duties of his job with a long term view not switch course every time an opinion poll varies a few percentage points
It is meaningless because we are still over a year away from congressional elections and over three years away from the presidential election. Alot can happen in three years.
I thought polls represent a snapshot in time of the public's opinion? If the public is trending approval downward, don't you think Bary cares about that?

I guarentee you that Barry is a poll watcher, just like Clintoon was... Why do you think he's doing the dog & pony show on TV?

Paying attention to daily polls is a losing strategy.
A president needs to execute the duties of his job with a long term view not switch course every time an opinion poll varies a few percentage points

I agree, but Bary is a poll watcher... He will stick his finger in the air and see which way the wind is blowing before making a decision...

That's not what a leader does...
It is meaningless because we are still over a year away from congressional elections and over three years away from the presidential election. Alot can happen in three years.
I thought polls represent a snapshot in time of the public's opinion? If the public is trending approval downward, don't you think Bary cares about that?

I guarentee you that Barry is a poll watcher, just like Clintoon was... Why do you think he's doing the dog & pony show on TV?

Paying attention to daily polls is a losing strategy.
A president needs to execute the duties of his job with a long term view not switch course every time an opinion poll varies a few percentage points

Tell that to Clinton and Obama.

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