Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

you need to remember as Clinton did, this country is center right on issues and even more to the right on fiscal disipline. Yes, people voted for change, but not this change.
He will always have that 30 % die hard left wing support.
Just like bill did.

And maybe a third of those would show up to vote. That ain't enough to get reelected. Hell that ain't even enough for a good showing.
Keep drinking the koolaid, toids. What a bunch whistling by the graveyard.

The extreme righturds are screaming. Beck continues osing major advertisers, disrupters continuing to be told to behave or go to jail, millions of good-thinking Americans telling the Palinistas "enough is enough!". A heath care reform bill, whether singer-payer or two-term, will go through, period. With the growing political power of minorities and women and young people and with only 1 out of 3 voters a white male, the tide has turned against post-Reagan Republicanism.

Either the modern GOP changes, or it dies.
Keep drinking the koolaid, toids. What a bunch whistling by the graveyard.

The extreme righturds are screaming. Beck continues osing major advertisers, disrupters continuing to be told to behave or go to jail, millions of good-thinking Americans telling the Palinistas "enough is enough!". A heath care reform bill, whether singer-payer or two-term, will go through, period. With the growing political power of minorities and women and young people and with only 1 out of 3 voters a white male, the tide has turned against post-Reagan Republicanism.

Either the modern GOP changes, or it dies.

And that folks, was the far left spin for the day.
Keep drinking the koolaid, toids. What a bunch whistling by the graveyard.

The extreme righturds are screaming. Beck continues osing major advertisers, disrupters continuing to be told to behave or go to jail, millions of good-thinking Americans telling the Palinistas "enough is enough!". A heath care reform bill, whether singer-payer or two-term, will go through, period. With the growing political power of minorities and women and young people and with only 1 out of 3 voters a white male, the tide has turned against post-Reagan Republicanism.

Either the modern GOP changes, or it dies.

YOU talking about OTHERS drinking the koolaid is hypocrisy at it's finest
Keep drinking the koolaid, toids. What a bunch whistling by the graveyard.

The extreme righturds are screaming. Beck continues osing major advertisers, disrupters continuing to be told to behave or go to jail, millions of good-thinking Americans telling the Palinistas "enough is enough!". A heath care reform bill, whether singer-payer or two-term, will go through, period. With the growing political power of minorities and women and young people and with only 1 out of 3 voters a white male, the tide has turned against post-Reagan Republicanism.

Either the modern GOP changes, or it dies.

Ringo thinks he has it all figured out.
Keep drinking the koolaid, toids. What a bunch whistling by the graveyard.

The extreme righturds are screaming. Beck continues osing major advertisers, disrupters continuing to be told to behave or go to jail, millions of good-thinking Americans telling the Palinistas "enough is enough!". A heath care reform bill, whether singer-payer or two-term, will go through, period. With the growing political power of minorities and women and young people and with only 1 out of 3 voters a white male, the tide has turned against post-Reagan Republicanism.

Either the modern GOP changes, or it dies.

Ringo thinks he has it all figured out.
the GOP DID change
thats why they lost
the GOP went to the left
Keep drinking the koolaid, toids. What a bunch whistling by the graveyard.

The extreme righturds are screaming. Beck continues osing major advertisers, disrupters continuing to be told to behave or go to jail, millions of good-thinking Americans telling the Palinistas "enough is enough!". A heath care reform bill, whether singer-payer or two-term, will go through, period. With the growing political power of minorities and women and young people and with only 1 out of 3 voters a white male, the tide has turned against post-Reagan Republicanism.

Either the modern GOP changes, or it dies.

s0n.......let me tell you something.............

By the time 2012 rolls around, Boob McNut or Al Coholic will be able to run against Obama and get elected. Sheeeeet................even Sarah Palin is only 4 points behind Obama in any poll right now.:eusa_dance:
He's still up on Real Clear. Rasmussen is the lowest average there once again.

Rasmussen is becoming irrelevant.
Wonder how come Rassmussen is up to 9 points lower than Obama's best poll and about 4 to 5 points lower than the average of all polls?

And wonder why that's the ONLY poll this guy wants to talk about?

Today - a little uptick for Obama on the poll averages.
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Wonder how come Rassmussen is up to 9 points lower than Obama's best poll and about 4 to 5 points lower than the average of all polls?

And wonder why that's the ONLY poll this guy wants to talk about?

Today - a little uptick for Obama on the poll averages.

Because they rank likely voters. Last election rankings:

http://www.fordham.edu/images/acade...ccuracy in the 2008 presidential election.pdf

Poll Accuracy in the 2008 Presidential Election

—Initial Report, November 5, 2008—

Costas Panagopoulos, Ph.D.

Department of Political Science
Fordham University
For inquiries: [email protected] or (917) 405-9069

For all the derision directed toward pre-election polling, the final poll estimates were not
far off from the actual nationwide voteshares for the two candidates. On average, pre-
election polls from 23 public polling organizations projected a Democratic advantage of
7.52 percentage points on Election Day, which is only about 1.37 percentage points away
from the current estimate of a 6.15-point Obama margin in the national popular vote.

Following the procedures proposed by Martin, Traugott and Kennedy (see Public Opinion
Quarterly, Fall 2006, pp. 342-369) to assess poll accuracy, I analyze poll estimates from
these 23 polling organizations. Four of these polls appear to have overestimated McCain
support (indicated with a * below), while most polls (17) overestimated Obama strength.
Pre-election projections for two organizations’ final polls—Rasmussen and Pew—were
perfectly in agreement with the actual election result (**).

The following list ranks the 23 organizations by the accuracy of their final, national pre-
election polls (as reported on pollster.com).

1. Rasmussen (11/1-3)**
1. Pew (10/29-11/1)**
2. YouGov/Polimetrix (10/18-11/1)
3. Harris Interactive (10/20-27)
4. GWU (Lake/Tarrance) (11/2-3)*
5. Diageo/Hotline (10/31-11/2)*
5. ARG (10/25-27)*
6. CNN (10/30-11/1)
6. Ipsos/McClatchy (10/30-11/1)
7. DailyKos.com (D)/Research 2000 (11/1-3)
8. AP/Yahoo/KN (10/17-27)
9. Democracy Corps (D) (10/30-11/2)
10. FOX (11/1-2)
11. Economist/YouGov (10/25-27)
12. IBD/TIPP (11/1-3)
13. NBC/WSJ (11/1-2)
14. ABC/Post (10/30-11/2)
15. Marist College (11/3)
16. CBS (10/31-11/2)
17. Gallup (10/31-11/2)
18. Reuters/ C-SPAN/ Zogby (10/31-11/3)
19. CBS/Times (10/25-29)
20. Newsweek (10/22-23)
Rasmussen irrelevent????


Here's the poop...........every k00k on this board was falling all overthemselves back in October of last year when Rasmussen was projecting a big win for Obama.:lol::lol: They couldnt get home fast enough from work to litter the boards with the Rasmussen poll results!!! Every single one of them. Now he's "irrelevent"!!!

Oh.........and did I mention?

Who nailed the final election results within a coup0le of tenths of one point for both McCaina and Obama???

Ummm............that'd be Scott Rasmussen!!! Yuk..............yuk.............:funnyface:

Realclear is always tracking FOR the president because of the preponderance of liberal polling. Thats always been the case since the advent of Realclear. Only those with the political IQ of a small soap dish dont realize it.

USMessageBaard Political Forum scoreboard check s0ns...............


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Yeah, that's right Rassmussen is the only accurate poll - it's the ALL THE OTHERS who are "in the tank" for Obama.

You hardcore libs can dismiss anything that doesn't support your 0ssiah, but I guarentee you that Barry's folks are keeping a keen eye on what "likely voters" think...
If you look hard enough to see under the hood, you see that Rassmussen's numbers took a pretty dramatic shift over the last couple of weeks in the national. Two days before the election they had McCain and Obama tied in Ohio (Obama won by 4); in Florida they had McCain by 1 (he lost by 2.5); in Penn they had Obama by 6 (he won by 10); In Ohio they had it a tie (Obama won by 4); it goes on ...

Doesn't take a mathmatical genius to spot the 4 point lean in Rassmussen.

But you can keep dismissing anything that doesn't fit your preconceived notions all you want.
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Rasmussen irrelevent????


Here's the poop...........every k00k on this board was falling all overthemselves back in October of last year when Rasmussen was projecting a big win for Obama.:lol::lol: They couldnt get home fast enough from work to litter the boards with the Rasmussen poll results!!! Every single one of them. Now he's "irrelevent"!!!

Oh.........and did I mention?

Who nailed the final election results within a coup0le of tenths of one point for both McCaina and Obama???

Ummm............that'd be Scott Rasmussen!!! Yuk..............yuk.............:funnyface:

Realclear is always tracking FOR the president because of the preponderance of liberal polling. Thats always been the case since the advent of Realclear. Only those with the political IQ of a small soap dish dont realize it.

USMessageBaard Political Forum scoreboard check s0ns...............



Rasmussen was not the polster of choice during the '08 elections. Maybe for you rightwingnuts..

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