Dallas GOP candidate will pay his kids to only marry white

Bigotry is first, then racist , I imagine the father is both.https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-a-bigot-and-a-racist

An old friend of mine, her jewish heritage is very important to her.

She limited her dating to jewish men, and eventually found a husband on a jewish dating site.

Was that bigoted and/or racist of her?
It was idiotic.

The same reason marrying your first cousin is a bad idea.

I've not heard that jews are that inbred.
They're not. However, they are a small enough group that there are several hereditary diseases that, for all practical purposes, only affect Jews. (Offhand, Tay-Sachs.)
Texas, a former slave state, was run by Democrats at the time. As for the "individual" who wanted his kids to only marry whites, his racism has absolutely nothing to do with his political party of choice. He's simply a racist, as are many human beings, regardless of race. There are many Asians who don't like blacks, many Hispanics that don't like blacks, many East-Indians that don't like blacks and of course, many whites who don't like blacks.
The same goes for blacks who don't like other races. Racism exists across all spectrums. While it may be a very primitive social construct to prefer associating with those who appear similar to ones tribe and have some preference towards them, all we as mere humans can do, is to make a conscious effort to reach out to others, different from ourselves and judge them on their behavior, not their physical appearance.
Now, as to behavior, if one perceives other cultures (not skin color) to be a negative influence, then they should at least be able to inform their offspring of such concerns and why they feel that way.
The only similarity in this context, is that both are groups, that are presumably disliked by someone.
Thank you ! I agree that is the only similarity . Beyond that you have one group- gays - who are just want to be who they are and which harms no one and those who have made THE CHOICE to be bigots which harms all of us as a society. Thank you for admitting that I was right.

So, you will to answer the hypothetical now, or will you invent a new reason to avoid it?
What exactly are you alleging that I avoided? I was very direct and explicit in my position. If you can't understand that or accept it, it is not my problem. You're still trying to gaslight me and have no idea how futile that is. I know who I am and what I believe and you are not so slick as to be able to undermine that.
An old friend of mine, her jewish heritage is very important to her.

She limited her dating to jewish men, and eventually found a husband on a jewish dating site.

Was that bigoted and/or racist of her?
It was idiotic.

The same reason marrying your first cousin is a bad idea.

I've not heard that jews are that inbred.
They're not. However, they are a small enough group that there are several hereditary diseases that, for all practical purposes, only affect Jews. (Offhand, Tay-Sachs.)

Fair enough.

BUT, if AMERICANS were a small minority and they only way I could have/raise children that would share my AMERICAN culture, was to breed within the small minority despite a small chance of a genetic disease,

I would take that small risk.
The only similarity in this context, is that both are groups, that are presumably disliked by someone.
Thank you ! I agree that is the only similarity . Beyond that you have one group- gays - who are just want to be who they are and which harms no one and those who have made THE CHOICE to be bigots which harms all of us as a society. Thank you for admitting that I was right.

So, you will to answer the hypothetical now, or will you invent a new reason to avoid it?
What exactly are you alleging that I avoided? I was very direct and explicit in my position. If you can't understand that or accept it, it is not my problem. You're still trying to gaslight me and have no idea how futile that is. I know who I am and what I believe and you are not so slick as to be able to undermine that.

You avoided answering the hypothetical question.

As I said. In the single sentence post you hit the reply button on.

Here I will bold, color and enlarge in my previous post, the relevant parts that you might have read. In that massive SINGLE SENTENCE POST.
What are you talking about? That is not a coherent sentence. Are you loosing your mind, or is it an early happy hour?

It is not credible that you have already forgotten my hypothetical question to you,

about if it were YOUR daughter, marrying a White Nationalist, and possibly inheriting YOUR house, and thus raising YOUR grandchildren up in a culture that you hate,

how you would feel about it, and what you would be prepared to do about it?

I think there is a difference between not wanting my daughter to marry someone based on race, and not wanting my daughter to marry someone who actively promoted hate and violence.

What is your race or culture?

I don't think that is relevant to what I said. But I am a white guy from the deep south. Mostly Irish heritage.

Do you have liking of or pride in your ethnic/heritage/culture?

I have no problem with my ethnicity/heritage/culture. But my pride is mainly about things I have actually done or became.

But, once again, I think there is a difference between not wanting my daughter to marry someone based on race, and not wanting my daughter to marry someone who actively promoted hate and violence.
The only similarity in this context, is that both are groups, that are presumably disliked by someone.
Thank you ! I agree that is the only similarity . Beyond that you have one group- gays - who are just want to be who they are and which harms no one and those who have made THE CHOICE to be bigots which harms all of us as a society. Thank you for admitting that I was right.

So, you will to answer the hypothetical now, or will you invent a new reason to avoid it?
What exactly are you alleging that I avoided? I was very direct and explicit in my position. If you can't understand that or accept it, it is not my problem. You're still trying to gaslight me and have no idea how futile that is. I know who I am and what I believe and you are not so slick as to be able to undermine that.

You avoided answering the hypothetical question.

As I said. In the single sentence post you hit the reply button on.

Here I will bold, color and enlarge in my previous post, the relevant parts that you might have read. In that massive SINGLE SENTENCE POST.
YOU are not making any sense. I have answered everything that you asked and elaborated on each point. You're just playing games and I'm tired of it.
It is not credible that you have already forgotten my hypothetical question to you,

about if it were YOUR daughter, marrying a White Nationalist, and possibly inheriting YOUR house, and thus raising YOUR grandchildren up in a culture that you hate,

how you would feel about it, and what you would be prepared to do about it?

I think there is a difference between not wanting my daughter to marry someone based on race, and not wanting my daughter to marry someone who actively promoted hate and violence.

What is your race or culture?

I don't think that is relevant to what I said. But I am a white guy from the deep south. Mostly Irish heritage.

Do you have liking of or pride in your ethnic/heritage/culture?

I have no problem with my ethnicity/heritage/culture. But my pride is mainly about things I have actually done or became.

Got it, no pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture.

In your mind, is that a individual personal choice or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?
The only similarity in this context, is that both are groups, that are presumably disliked by someone.
Thank you ! I agree that is the only similarity . Beyond that you have one group- gays - who are just want to be who they are and which harms no one and those who have made THE CHOICE to be bigots which harms all of us as a society. Thank you for admitting that I was right.

So, you will to answer the hypothetical now, or will you invent a new reason to avoid it?
What exactly are you alleging that I avoided? I was very direct and explicit in my position. If you can't understand that or accept it, it is not my problem. You're still trying to gaslight me and have no idea how futile that is. I know who I am and what I believe and you are not so slick as to be able to undermine that.

You avoided answering the hypothetical question.

As I said. In the single sentence post you hit the reply button on.

Here I will bold, color and enlarge in my previous post, the relevant parts that you might have read. In that massive SINGLE SENTENCE POST.
YOU are not making any sense. I have answered everything that you asked and elaborated on each point. You're just playing games and I'm tired of it.

Maybe I missed the part where you answered my hypothetical question. Tell me again, or link me to your old answer.
I think there is a difference between not wanting my daughter to marry someone based on race, and not wanting my daughter to marry someone who actively promoted hate and violence.

What is your race or culture?

I don't think that is relevant to what I said. But I am a white guy from the deep south. Mostly Irish heritage.

Do you have liking of or pride in your ethnic/heritage/culture?

I have no problem with my ethnicity/heritage/culture. But my pride is mainly about things I have actually done or became.

Got it, no pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture.

In your mind, is that a individual personal choice or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?

Exactly what is it that you have so much pride in?

And I never said anything about anyone else having pride in anything. I spoke about what I believe. I did not address anyone else's pride.

So I am assuming you have pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture?
Thank you ! I agree that is the only similarity . Beyond that you have one group- gays - who are just want to be who they are and which harms no one and those who have made THE CHOICE to be bigots which harms all of us as a society. Thank you for admitting that I was right.

So, you will to answer the hypothetical now, or will you invent a new reason to avoid it?
What exactly are you alleging that I avoided? I was very direct and explicit in my position. If you can't understand that or accept it, it is not my problem. You're still trying to gaslight me and have no idea how futile that is. I know who I am and what I believe and you are not so slick as to be able to undermine that.

You avoided answering the hypothetical question.

As I said. In the single sentence post you hit the reply button on.

Here I will bold, color and enlarge in my previous post, the relevant parts that you might have read. In that massive SINGLE SENTENCE POST.
YOU are not making any sense. I have answered everything that you asked and elaborated on each point. You're just playing games and I'm tired of it.

Maybe I missed the part where you answered my hypothetical question. Tell me again, or link me to your old answer.

Investing how you just dance around issues without being specific. You just trying to mind fuck me Let me know when you’r ready to-converse as a adult

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What is your race or culture?

I don't think that is relevant to what I said. But I am a white guy from the deep south. Mostly Irish heritage.

Do you have liking of or pride in your ethnic/heritage/culture?

I have no problem with my ethnicity/heritage/culture. But my pride is mainly about things I have actually done or became.

Got it, no pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture.

In your mind, is that a individual personal choice or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?

Exactly what is it that you have so much pride in?

And I never said anything about anyone else having pride in anything. I spoke about what I believe. I did not address anyone else's pride.

So I am assuming you have pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture?

THAT was an interesting response.

I asked you a question, and in your mind, asking that question is an accusation...

That is very revealing about how liberals think.

But regardless, it is not how I think. (but thanks for the insight)

I asked you the question, because I wanted to know the answer. This is not a thinly veiled accusation, like you guys do.

NOr is it a stupid gotcha question. Like you guys do.

In your mind, is that a individual personal choice or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?

AND, also, yes, I do have pride in my ethnicity/heritage/culture.
So, you will to answer the hypothetical now, or will you invent a new reason to avoid it?
What exactly are you alleging that I avoided? I was very direct and explicit in my position. If you can't understand that or accept it, it is not my problem. You're still trying to gaslight me and have no idea how futile that is. I know who I am and what I believe and you are not so slick as to be able to undermine that.

You avoided answering the hypothetical question.

As I said. In the single sentence post you hit the reply button on.

Here I will bold, color and enlarge in my previous post, the relevant parts that you might have read. In that massive SINGLE SENTENCE POST.
YOU are not making any sense. I have answered everything that you asked and elaborated on each point. You're just playing games and I'm tired of it.

Maybe I missed the part where you answered my hypothetical question. Tell me again, or link me to your old answer.

Investing how you just dance around issues without being specific. You just trying to mind fuck me Let me know when you’r ready to-converse as a adult

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'm referring to a fairly recent hypothetical question, regarding a hypothetical daughter dating, potentially marrying a White Nationalist, and living in your home after you die.

I did not think that you would lose track of that one.

And lose the paranoia dude. I'm not trying to mind fuck you. I was loving how you were actually talking like a PERSON, earlier today. Now you are back to normal.

What happened? Did you leave your account up and someone else answered for you?
Remember when that father tried to pull his daughter out of the apartment where adult muslim males were raping her, a

and the UK cops showed up and arrested him?

Diversity and political correctness at it's best.
No I dont actually. I know that you keep a file on these things but I am not sure it has any relevance to the OP.

No shock to see you turn up on a thread about racist trash though.

It was fear of being called rapist that led the government, YOUR government to allow the massive rape ring to go on for YEARS after they knew about it.

The constant witch hunt that the left, ie YOU and yours, have up and running is the direct cause of that.

I've lost track of how many large scale rape rings there have been in your country.

Last time I counted it up, I got 8. Does that sound right? Have there been more?

THIS guy, in this thread is threatening to withhold his money from his kids. Wow. Soooo bad.

Meanwhile in the UK, the cops look the other way while muslims rape and enslave white children.

And you are here to NOT talk about the ongoing victimization of your nation's children.
And this excuses a racist father ? You are just a standard racist deflecting from racist behaviour.

IS it not racist of you and your government to treat white rapists harsher than muslim ones?

IS it not racist of you and your government to not provide the protection of the law to rape victims and the slaves of the muslims in your own country?
Your point is bollox and off topic. Start a different thread if you want to vent your racism.
Explain to us the difference between racial pride and racism. Say, from the perspective of a black father who only wants his children to marry blacks.
I don't think that is relevant to what I said. But I am a white guy from the deep south. Mostly Irish heritage.

Do you have liking of or pride in your ethnic/heritage/culture?

I have no problem with my ethnicity/heritage/culture. But my pride is mainly about things I have actually done or became.

Got it, no pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture.

In your mind, is that a individual personal choice or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?

Exactly what is it that you have so much pride in?

And I never said anything about anyone else having pride in anything. I spoke about what I believe. I did not address anyone else's pride.

So I am assuming you have pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture?

THAT was an interesting response.

I asked you a question, and in your mind, asking that question is an accusation...

That is very revealing about how liberals think.

But regardless, it is not how I think. (but thanks for the insight)

I asked you the question, because I wanted to know the answer. This is not a thinly veiled accusation, like you guys do.

NOr is it a stupid gotcha question. Like you guys do.

In your mind, is that a individual personal choice or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?

AND, also, yes, I do have pride in my ethnicity/heritage/culture.

First of all, You did go beyond what I actually said.

"Got it, no pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture." I didn't say not pride, it is just not the focus of my pride.
"...or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?" Nothing I said even hinted at that.

As for the accusations that I am a liberal, and considering your obvious opinion of liberals, it is not as if you are playing neutral.

If you want to label me a liberal, that is your label and your need.

I am pro-gun, pro-tax reform, pro-individual liberty, in favor of following the US Constitution, and heavily in favor of a smaller, less intrusive gov't. If that is a liberal in your mind, so be it.
I don't think that is relevant to what I said. But I am a white guy from the deep south. Mostly Irish heritage.

Do you have liking of or pride in your ethnic/heritage/culture?

I have no problem with my ethnicity/heritage/culture. But my pride is mainly about things I have actually done or became.

Got it, no pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture.

In your mind, is that a individual personal choice or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?

Exactly what is it that you have so much pride in?

And I never said anything about anyone else having pride in anything. I spoke about what I believe. I did not address anyone else's pride.

So I am assuming you have pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture?

THAT was an interesting response.

I asked you a question, and in your mind, asking that question is an accusation...

That is very revealing about how liberals think.

But regardless, it is not how I think. (but thanks for the insight)

I asked you the question, because I wanted to know the answer. This is not a thinly veiled accusation, like you guys do.

NOr is it a stupid gotcha question. Like you guys do.

In your mind, is that a individual personal choice or do you believe it is wrong for anyone to have pride in their ethnicity/heritage/culture?

AND, also, yes, I do have pride in my ethnicity/heritage/culture.

Now, as for your pride in your ethnicity/heritage/culture, exactly what are you proud of? It seems to me that you had no control or say in any of it. Whatever accomplishments your ethnicity/heritage/culture may have, they are not your accomplishments. They are accomplishments of people who, like you had no control or say in their genetics. And having the same ethnicity/heritage/culture doesn't really connect you except by ways you imagine.

I can feel pride in virtually every accomplishment of the human race. I can share the joy of any human being.

I can also be repelled by the hatred and violence of any human against another human based on such trivial characteristics as skin color or ethnicity.

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