Damn, I mean just damn. trump just slandered Carroll again.

The ONLY place he could have lost this case was in NYC. There is a reason L. James didn’t allow her case to leave the city. It has both a totally corrupt judiciary and a very biased jury base.

Let’s see how his cases in Ga go, though a corrupt DA doens’t help there either.
you're a Whaco one hundred nut case ...
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There was no insurrection you stupid cultist. YOU idiots ignore the BLM riots, worship an incestuous, stuttering, dementia suffering fool, and are so stupid you don't even realize you're being laughed at by everyone.
the only one that is being laughed at is you ...
Facebook posts: Black Lives Matter "injures 1000 police officers kills 36 people and does $8 billion in damage."

PolitiFact’s ruling: False

Here’s why: Some Facebook commenters focused on professional sports leagues’ support of Black Lives Matter when they read this Facebook post:

"BLM injures 1000 police officers kills 36 people and does $8 billion in damage and gets celebrated by pro sports?"

We focused on the rest, and found that the biggest problem with the post, leaving aside the numbers claimed, is the lack of proof that Black Lives Matter caused the violence that is claimed.

The post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)
The numbers claimed

The latest flareup of protests against police brutality began May 26 in Minneapolis, where the previous day, George Floyd, a Black man, died after a white police officer kneeled on his neck. As we reported two weeks after the protests began, a review of demonstrations in five major cities found that all of the protests started with violence, but then became largely peaceful.

As for the numbers claimed in the post, the U.S. Justice Department told us it does not have figures on officer injuries or property damage resulting from civil disturbances, and the FBI said it had no comment. There are scattered news reports that don’t entirely back up each part of the claim, and we found no official figures.

Officers injured: The New York Post reported on June 8, citing the U.S. Justice Department, that more than 700 law enforcement officers were injured on the job during nationwide protests over Floyd’s death.

People killed: In early June, news accounts reported the number of people killed during the Floyd protests at roughly a dozen, or as many as 19. The victims include a 77-year-old man who was a retired St. Louis police captain and a 22-year-old woman from Davenport, Iowa.

Damage caused: In late June, Fox News reported that according to insurance experts and city officials, the Floyd protests could eclipse the 1992 Los Angeles riots to become the most expensive civil disturbance in U.S. history. The 1992 riots, which followed the acquittal of four police officers in the beating of Rodney King, cost $1.4 billion in 2020 dollars, according to the report, which did not give a specific damage estimate for the Floyd protests. A spokeswoman for the Insurance Information Institute told Scripps National News that "most likely" the Floyd protest "would lead to higher losses," but did not provide an estimate either.

Difficult to flatly blame BLM

There is a Black Lives Matter national organization, which says it has more than a dozen U.S. chapters, along with countless numbers of individuals who support the organization.

As the New York Times reported July 3, four recent polls "suggest that about 15 million to 26 million people in the United States have participated in demonstrations over the death of George Floyd and others in recent weeks. These figures would make the recent protests the largest movement in the country’s history, according to interviews with scholars and crowd-counting experts."

There are also people who have participated in demonstrations, which have occurred in hundreds of cities, who may have no allegiance to Black Lives Matter, or may even oppose it, and have rioted or committed other acts of violence — making it even more difficult to determine how a violent incident occurred.

What’s more, news coverage of the protests have also included numerous reports that identify law enforcement officers as causing injury to civilians.

In short, there isn’t evidence to back the numbers in the claim or to blame Black Lives Matter for each part of the claim.

Our rating is False.
There was no insurrection you stupid cultist. YOU idiots ignore the BLM riots, worship an incestuous, stuttering, dementia suffering fool, and are so stupid you don't even realize you're being laughed at by everyone.
I guess you had your head in your ass when they attacked the capitol ... that buddy says insurrection all over it ... nobody was there to protest... they were there to kill senators members of the house and the vice president ... injure 100-pluss police officers... killed 5 people that my friend is an insurrection if I ever saw one
Are we to believe that if the TDS folks on this message board were on the jury they would NOT find him guilty…of anything? PLEASE. No amount of proof or logic can convince any of them of anything that benefits Trump. EVER. What we see on this message board every day is very much indicative of a potential jury in NYC.
will you say the same when Georgia convicts him???
will you say the same when Georgia convicts him???
They're going to defend him, no matter what. Somehow, he is as important to them as any family member or a spouse. Say something critical of him, and they take it as being critical of them personally.

I don't know how such a thing can happen, especially with a person like this, but that's just where we are.
They did in the last round....she was laid off at her job, and harassed beyond reason by Trumpers etc...
Got it. That was last time. They will have to be able to prove that he in some way is causing harm to her again if they bring a suit. I sure hope they can.
will you say the same when Georgia convicts him???

If he gets an impartial jury, he won’t be convicted. GA, particularly the heavily Democratic area of Atlanta, is not immune to corruption either as evidenced by Democrat Fannie Willis. I will say that he will likely be better of there than NYC. That place is a cesspool of complete corruption from the judges to the DA to the mayor to the former govenor.
Why would the judges in NY be corrupt?

Because they are overwhelmingly Democrats and Democrats have proven over and over again that they will do anything to protect their ideology. It is their version of religion.
No victims?
You are even too ignorant and stupid as to understand, as from where and how government budgets/spending's derive from - it's called Taxation, something you obviously never contributed towards - otherwise you would know that, - dumbass.

Therefore he is being prosecuted rightfully for tax-evasion - thus being rightfully termed as a pathological fraudster.
Are you seriously this ignorant???
Yet you claim to know why.

No further reading, no curiosity, no new information. You made up your mind.


Yep, that is my assumption, for sure. It’s an educated guess though, because what other reason could he have had for denying one party to try and prove their innocence by counter suing. I mean, his defamation lawsuit has just as much credibility as hers. Why is he being denied?

The only assumption, unless someone can show differently, is a liberal bias, which seems to be majorly present in todays legal system.

Again, if you have an alternate explanation, I’m open to hearing it. The judge, however, hasn’t given us the answer yet.
Yep, that is my assumption, for sure. It’s an educated guess though, because what other reason could he have had for denying one party to try and prove their innocence by counter suing. I mean, his defamation lawsuit has just as much credibility as hers. Why is he being denied?

The only assumption, unless someone can show differently, is a liberal bias, which seems to be majorly present in todays legal system.

Again, if you have an alternate explanation, I’m open to hearing it. The judge, however, hasn’t given us the answer yet.

  • The Carroll I jury was the Trial of Fact
  • The Carroll I jury returned the result of FPOTUS#45's sexual assault on May 9, 2023
  • June 23 FPOTUS#45 provided the escrow account
  • June 27 FPOTUS#45 filed a counter suit for defamation against him.

FPOTUS#45's counter suit was dismissed because the Jury had already found in a court of law that FPOTUS#45 did "rape" her (colloquial usage) through the finding of "sexual assault" (technical language of the law the jury had to apply).

Because the Trail of Fact jury found in May 2023 that he action did occur as claimed, that his counter suit in June 2023 had no basis for defamation.

I have no idea what you are going on about. I never mentioned a jury. Idiot.
No. You said this:

"Yeah, Trump's lawsuit against Carroll was tossed out and Carroll was able to sue Trump after statute of limitations because NY changed the law. The whole thing stinks and Carroll is obviously a gold digging liar."

to which I replied "not according to a jury of his peers."
Meaning that a jury of her peers said that yes...Trump is guilty and Carroll's accusations are credible.
The judge even stated that what Trump did to Carroll was in fact RAPE according to most people's definition of the word. Because of a technicality in NY state law though "rape" can only be charged if a penis is forcefully inserted in a vagina so since Trump only RAPED Carroll's vagina with a couple fingers he could only be charged with "sexual assault" in New York.

You shouldn't be pissed at the judge, or jury, or verdict, or me for telling you these things though.
You should be pissed at Trump.
And of course yourself, for deciding not to care.
I am. You’re nuts.

You are just taking exaggerated stereotypes and everything you hate about the left and trying to squash it into a cult mold that doesn’t fit because you’re pissed that MAGA is called out for what it is, a cult, with a cult leader.
BULLSHIT. You are a narrative pushing flunkie.

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