Dark skin prejudices don't cause poverty,gangs, murder, nor low IQ's.

If Liberals were correct that prejudices against dark skinned people cause a bunch of these ills, why are dark skinned Asian Indians in the U.S.A low in poverty, probably the least involved in gangs in the U.S.A, very low in murder presumably, and have apparently the highest IQ's, and highest incomes in the U.S.A .

If Liberals were correct that prejudices against dark skinned people causes these ills, (It were true, let's pretend it were true)
Then wouldn't that make Liberals spreaders of these ills, by supporting Immigration diversity of the dark skinned folks?
If I were a black American looking for the American dream I’d move out of a Detroit or Chicago communities. Like our foreign parents did it and never really fit in, their kids grew up in a nice safe middle class community.

And it’s not just blacks. Poor whites in poor white communities need to get out. Don’t wait for white investment to come to your poor community.

Unfortunately very small communities which are mostly White in this country, can typically only sustain so many jobs.

How many gas stations, stores, lawyers, and doctors can you have in a town of say 200 people?
Yeah, not very much.
I’m not talking about moving to the country.

Detroiters are already doing what I’m suggesting. 700,000 left Detroit after the crash. They came to our cities in metro Detroit. There are jobs for them here and good schools for their kids. We have these apartments that are really cheap so they can afford to live here.

Then Detroit has less of a population. Some communities disappeared. Houses are bulldozed. Out with the old in with the new. Now white young people are starting to move back to Detroit. They think the city life is cool. I would love it if Detroit stopped being black and poor and turned instead into a multi cultural city with lots of opportunities.
There is absolutely no shortage of white folks that are in gangs, have poverty and commit murder.
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.

Many of the worst "White Gangs" have typically been "Borderline White" in the first place.

- Sicilian Mafia.

- Albanian Mafia.

- Murder INC (Jewish Mafia)

- Russian Mafia (Jewish founded Mafia)

LOL @ "borderline white"------- For those who do not know-----Poles consider themselves to be
THE EPITOME OF """white""" (which in their minds is VERY GOOD) ----germans consider them
to be mules----whip them and they will work. They consider Italians to be "not quite white"-----
too dark haired-------almost "colored". To discover the minds of Polacks------spend time in the alley
ways near bars and liquor stores
That's not why people drink.

Poor, and rich Northern European countries both have similar drinking habits.
People drink to get a buzz man.

Not necessarily, I mostly drink for the flavor, or to socialize in bars.

Be it Krupnik, Beer, Mead, Cherry Wine, Scotch, or Bourbon all tasty stuff.
You still drink for the effect if to socialize, otherwise you would drink beer without alcohol, which I assume has the same taste. I don't know because I've never tasted it.
Polish jokes do not cause alcoholism

Northern Europeans drink more than most other people, regardless of poverty, oppression, or prejudices.

true------and poles top the list. BUT I have to admit----as far as I have observed-----it is
not polish women. For poles------drunkenness seems to be the MANLY thing to do. The irish
are more egalitarian

1.) I've never seen a list of alcoholism, or alcohol consumption list, chart, or map putting Poland as #1.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

2.) You seem to think alcoholism is worse than murder, gangs, etc.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

3.) You seem to prefer Blacks over Poles.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.
There is absolutely no shortage of white folks that are in gangs, have poverty and commit murder.
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.

Many of the worst "White Gangs" have typically been "Borderline White" in the first place.

- Sicilian Mafia.

- Albanian Mafia.

- Murder INC (Jewish Mafia)

- Russian Mafia (Jewish founded Mafia)

LOL @ "borderline white"------- For those who do not know-----Poles consider themselves to be
THE EPITOME OF """white""" (which in their minds is VERY GOOD) ----germans consider them
to be mules----whip them and they will work. They consider Italians to be "not quite white"-----
too dark haired-------almost "colored". To discover the minds of Polacks------spend time in the alley
ways near bars and liquor stores

Southern Italians have more in common in their phenotype, and genotype overall with Lebanese than with Northern Europeans.

Germans drink a lot too, and Germans perpetrated the Holocaust, overwhelmingly.

But, you as a typical dumb Jew support Germans over Poles, and blame Poles mostly for the Holocaust.

You are clearly a retard, and a Jew, nothing about you hints of anything not retarded, you can hardly write sentences in English, and never bring up facts, and when you bring up something it's almost always incredibly illogical, or even wrong.
That's not why people drink.

Poor, and rich Northern European countries both have similar drinking habits.
People drink to get a buzz man.

Not necessarily, I mostly drink for the flavor, or to socialize in bars.

Be it Krupnik, Beer, Mead, Cherry Wine, Scotch, or Bourbon all tasty stuff.
You still drink for the effect if to socialize, otherwise you would drink beer without alcohol, which I assume has the same taste. I don't know because I've never tasted it.

He said "Drink for the buzz" drinking to socialize is different.

Non-Alcoholic beer is so weak, and watered down.

Now which person here is going to explain why dark skinned Asian Indians don't have major gangs, low IQ's, or high murder rates anything like Blacks, or Hispanics in this nation

If prejudices against dark skinned people are the culprit for such societal ills, then why aren't the dark skinned Asian Indians also impacted?
Polish jokes do not cause alcoholism

Northern Europeans drink more than most other people, regardless of poverty, oppression, or prejudices.

true------and poles top the list. BUT I have to admit----as far as I have observed-----it is
not polish women. For poles------drunkenness seems to be the MANLY thing to do. The irish
are more egalitarian

1.) I've never seen a list of alcoholism, or alcohol consumption list, chart, or map putting Poland as #1.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

2.) You seem to think alcoholism is worse than murder, gangs, etc.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

3.) You seem to prefer Blacks over Poles.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

I speak from clinical experience. I live in a city chock full of both blacks and poles.
I worked in hospitals for about 50 years ------I AM OLD NOW and --------playing
computer games
Polish jokes do not cause alcoholism

Northern Europeans drink more than most other people, regardless of poverty, oppression, or prejudices.

true------and poles top the list. BUT I have to admit----as far as I have observed-----it is
not polish women. For poles------drunkenness seems to be the MANLY thing to do. The irish
are more egalitarian

1.) I've never seen a list of alcoholism, or alcohol consumption list, chart, or map putting Poland as #1.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

2.) You seem to think alcoholism is worse than murder, gangs, etc.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

3.) You seem to prefer Blacks over Poles.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

I speak from clinical experience. I live in a city chock full of both blacks and poles.
I worked in hospitals for about 50 years ------I AM OLD NOW and --------playing
computer games

How come you can't explain which city you live in?

How come you can't explain why Asian Indians don't have the same issues as Black, and Hispanics do as my OP states?
Last edited:
There is absolutely no shortage of white folks that are in gangs, have poverty and commit murder.
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.

Many of the worst "White Gangs" have typically been "Borderline White" in the first place.

- Sicilian Mafia.

- Albanian Mafia.

- Murder INC (Jewish Mafia)

- Russian Mafia (Jewish founded Mafia)

LOL @ "borderline white"------- For those who do not know-----Poles consider themselves to be
THE EPITOME OF """white""" (which in their minds is VERY GOOD) ----germans consider them
to be mules----whip them and they will work. They consider Italians to be "not quite white"-----
too dark haired-------almost "colored". To discover the minds of Polacks------spend time in the alley
ways near bars and liquor stores

My friend's Italian father was a drunk, who drank himself to death.

A childhood Italian friend, would go to jail for fist-fights in the bars, when he got drunk.

While Italians might drink less, they aren't immune to it.

But, back to the OP, why do Liberals pretend prejudices against dark skin cause some kind of major poverty, gang, murder, and crime problem in Blacks, and Hispanics, but somehow this didn't impact dark skinned Asian Indians in this country on the whole?

Is it that hard to answer?
There is absolutely no shortage of white folks that are in gangs, have poverty and commit murder.
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.

Many of the worst "White Gangs" have typically been "Borderline White" in the first place.

- Sicilian Mafia.

- Albanian Mafia.

- Murder INC (Jewish Mafia)

- Russian Mafia (Jewish founded Mafia)

LOL @ "borderline white"------- For those who do not know-----Poles consider themselves to be
THE EPITOME OF """white""" (which in their minds is VERY GOOD) ----germans consider them
to be mules----whip them and they will work. They consider Italians to be "not quite white"-----
too dark haired-------almost "colored". To discover the minds of Polacks------spend time in the alley
ways near bars and liquor stores

My friend's Italian father was a drunk, who drank himself to death.

A childhood Italian friend, would go to jail for fist-fights in the bars, when he got drunk.

While Italians might drink less, they aren't immune to it.

But, back to the OP, why do Liberals pretend prejudices against dark skin cause some kind of major poverty, gang, murder, and crime problem in Blacks, and Hispanics, but somehow this didn't impact dark skinned Asian Indians in this country on the whole?

Is it that hard to answer?

alcoholism in Italians is very rare.. That you know of a single case is not even
interesting. You want a discussion of sociology of dark skinned Asians? ------
I never suggest that blacks drink lots because of prejudice against black skin
There is absolutely no shortage of white folks that are in gangs, have poverty and commit murder.
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.

Many of the worst "White Gangs" have typically been "Borderline White" in the first place.

- Sicilian Mafia.

- Albanian Mafia.

- Murder INC (Jewish Mafia)

- Russian Mafia (Jewish founded Mafia)

LOL @ "borderline white"------- For those who do not know-----Poles consider themselves to be
THE EPITOME OF """white""" (which in their minds is VERY GOOD) ----germans consider them
to be mules----whip them and they will work. They consider Italians to be "not quite white"-----
too dark haired-------almost "colored". To discover the minds of Polacks------spend time in the alley
ways near bars and liquor stores

Southern Italians have more in common in their phenotype, and genotype overall with Lebanese than with Northern Europeans.

Germans drink a lot too, and Germans perpetrated the Holocaust, overwhelmingly.

But, you as a typical dumb Jew support Germans over Poles, and blame Poles mostly for the Holocaust.

You are clearly a retard, and a Jew, nothing about you hints of anything not retarded, you can hardly write sentences in English, and never bring up facts, and when you bring up something it's almost always incredibly illogical, or even wrong.

Southern Italy was OCCUPIED by arabs----mostly from Mali ---in its history. Why would the people
of southern Italy share lots of its gene pool with Northern Europeans-----there was hardly any
contact. Germans and poles killed lots of jews during the first half of the 20th century. The people
of southern Italy did not
There is absolutely no shortage of white folks that are in gangs, have poverty and commit murder.
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.

Many of the worst "White Gangs" have typically been "Borderline White" in the first place.

- Sicilian Mafia.

- Albanian Mafia.

- Murder INC (Jewish Mafia)

- Russian Mafia (Jewish founded Mafia)

LOL @ "borderline white"------- For those who do not know-----Poles consider themselves to be
THE EPITOME OF """white""" (which in their minds is VERY GOOD) ----germans consider them
to be mules----whip them and they will work. They consider Italians to be "not quite white"-----
too dark haired-------almost "colored". To discover the minds of Polacks------spend time in the alley
ways near bars and liquor stores

My friend's Italian father was a drunk, who drank himself to death.

A childhood Italian friend, would go to jail for fist-fights in the bars, when he got drunk.

While Italians might drink less, they aren't immune to it.

But, back to the OP, why do Liberals pretend prejudices against dark skin cause some kind of major poverty, gang, murder, and crime problem in Blacks, and Hispanics, but somehow this didn't impact dark skinned Asian Indians in this country on the whole?

Is it that hard to answer?

alcoholism in Italians is very rare.. That you know of a single case is not even
interesting. You want a discussion of sociology of dark skinned Asians? ------
I never suggest that blacks drink lots because of prejudice against black skin

You are really irrational, and obsessive about "Alcoholics"

Here's a list of worst things than Alcoholism, where Blacks, Italians, and Hispanics appear to do more, or probably even far more than Poles.

A.) Hard drug use.

B.) Gangsterism

C.) Murders.

Why do you behave like Alcoholism is all that is wrong with the World?

I don't care for Alcoholism myself, but I'm rational to know that there's worse problems, you don't seem to get that.
There is absolutely no shortage of white folks that are in gangs, have poverty and commit murder.
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.

Many of the worst "White Gangs" have typically been "Borderline White" in the first place.

- Sicilian Mafia.

- Albanian Mafia.

- Murder INC (Jewish Mafia)

- Russian Mafia (Jewish founded Mafia)

LOL @ "borderline white"------- For those who do not know-----Poles consider themselves to be
THE EPITOME OF """white""" (which in their minds is VERY GOOD) ----germans consider them
to be mules----whip them and they will work. They consider Italians to be "not quite white"-----
too dark haired-------almost "colored". To discover the minds of Polacks------spend time in the alley
ways near bars and liquor stores

Southern Italians have more in common in their phenotype, and genotype overall with Lebanese than with Northern Europeans.

Germans drink a lot too, and Germans perpetrated the Holocaust, overwhelmingly.

But, you as a typical dumb Jew support Germans over Poles, and blame Poles mostly for the Holocaust.

You are clearly a retard, and a Jew, nothing about you hints of anything not retarded, you can hardly write sentences in English, and never bring up facts, and when you bring up something it's almost always incredibly illogical, or even wrong.

Southern Italy was OCCUPIED by arabs----mostly from Mali ---in its history. Why would the people
of southern Italy share lots of its gene pool with Northern Europeans-----there was hardly any
contact. Germans and poles killed lots of jews during the first half of the 20th century. The people
of southern Italy did not

Italy was an Axis Power with Hitler, Poland was an Allied power, which Poland was the first to fight the Nazis.

You Jews are about as dumb as the F'in Negroes on this forum.
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.


Southern Whites do seem to have more murder issues than Northern Whites, or Asians in this country.

A lot of Southern Whites came as Indentured Servants, Colonialists, Slave masters.

So, why would we expect them to somehow be less murderous than other Eurasians?

It fits like a glove with genetic theory.
Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Polish jokes do not cause alcoholism

Northern Europeans drink more than most other people, regardless of poverty, oppression, or prejudices.

true------and poles top the list. BUT I have to admit----as far as I have observed-----it is
not polish women. For poles------drunkenness seems to be the MANLY thing to do. The irish
are more egalitarian

1.) I've never seen a list of alcoholism, or alcohol consumption list, chart, or map putting Poland as #1.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

2.) You seem to think alcoholism is worse than murder, gangs, etc.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

3.) You seem to prefer Blacks over Poles.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

I speak from clinical experience. I live in a city chock full of both blacks and poles.
I worked in hospitals for about 50 years ------I AM OLD NOW and --------playing
computer games

How come you can't explain which city you live in?

How come you can't explain why Asian Indians don't have the same issues as Black, and Hispanics do as my OP states?

I don't publish my life all that specifically Your questions regarding Asian Indians as compared
to black americans are far too idiotic to address. ------they are entirely different people historically
and culturally and even "genetically" ----even in your naïve concept of population genetics
No shortage? Why dont i ever see these white gangs in my daily life?

Name the largest, most notorious white gang.


Southern Whites do seem to have more murder issues than Northern Whites, or Asians in this country.

A lot of Southern Whites came as Indentured Servants, Colonialists, Slave masters.

So, why would we expect them to somehow be less murderous than other Eurasians?

It fits like a glove with genetic theory.

ie-----who is the jerk
Northern Europeans drink more than most other people, regardless of poverty, oppression, or prejudices.

true------and poles top the list. BUT I have to admit----as far as I have observed-----it is
not polish women. For poles------drunkenness seems to be the MANLY thing to do. The irish
are more egalitarian

1.) I've never seen a list of alcoholism, or alcohol consumption list, chart, or map putting Poland as #1.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

2.) You seem to think alcoholism is worse than murder, gangs, etc.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

3.) You seem to prefer Blacks over Poles.
Thus I suspect you're a retard, or a liar.

I speak from clinical experience. I live in a city chock full of both blacks and poles.
I worked in hospitals for about 50 years ------I AM OLD NOW and --------playing
computer games

How come you can't explain which city you live in?

How come you can't explain why Asian Indians don't have the same issues as Black, and Hispanics do as my OP states?

I don't publish my life all that specifically Your questions regarding Asian Indians as compared
to black americans are far too idiotic to address. ------they are entirely different people historically
and culturally and even "genetically" ----even in your naïve concept of population genetics

India has a far lower murder rate than African Americans.

Here's the issue with that, African Americans are far richer than those in India.

In fact, apparently I saw a stat on this, about how even Boston had a higher murder rate than the slums of India's Mumbai.

This couldn't possibly be explained all away as "Poverty issues" so it becomes obvious that no, a lot of what we've been led to believe is not right from the Liberals on "Sociology"

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