David Hogg to Laura Ingraham.....How you like them apples?

If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.
I scored 1280 on my SAT, I didn't think that Harvard would accept me. Although I wouldn't apply anyhow- the tuition is out of sight.

Is Harvard giving this doofus a scholarship, or are libs crowd sourcing his education, or perhaps is Mr. Hogg loaded?

I'd hate to see Harvard take money away from deserving children and give it to this clown.
Why does Harvard have a building dedeicated and named after self admitted communist WEB Dubois but not one named after black conservative Booker T Washington?
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Why dows Harvard have a building dedeicated and named after self admitted communist WEB Dubois but not one named after black conservative Booker T Washington?

Dubois was an alumni of the institution, Washington never attended.
Wonder if Harvard is liberal enough to use grade inflation so Mr. Hogg can complete his education?
If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.

That's a baseless suggestion. That's like saying John and Nancy voted for Obama because they don't like his policies, therefore the third McCain voter wasn't racist.
If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.

That's a baseless suggestion. That's like saying John and Nancy voted for Obama because they don't like his policies, therefore the third McCain voter wasn't racist.

So, you think that a white student with the same exact grades and SAT scores who held rallies for Trump instead of gun control would be accepted by Harvard?

If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.

That's a baseless suggestion. That's like saying John and Nancy voted for Obama because they don't like his policies, therefore the third McCain voter wasn't racist.

So, you think that a white student with the same exact grades and SAT scores who held rallies for Trump instead of gun control would be accepted by Harvard?


Both a non sequitur and straw man.
If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.

That's a baseless suggestion. That's like saying John and Nancy voted for Obama because they don't like his policies, therefore the third McCain voter wasn't racist.

So, you think that a white student with the same exact grades and SAT scores who held rallies for Trump instead of gun control would be accepted by Harvard?


Both a non sequitur and straw man.

I will take that as a no, you know that would not happen.

Hogg getting into Harvard had much less to do with his skin color as it did his political points of view....that is a fact.
I know I know. Its been posted before. But why does this whitey get a break

David Hogg To Enroll At Harvard

You know, it takes a real low life to attack a high school kid that survived a mass shooting, to score cheap political points with the lowest of low lifes in America.

Make up your mind. Either he's a child who has no place inserting himself into adult matters, or he's an adult who has no business being coddled.

More importantly, get over this asinine idea that being a victim is somehow a form of validation.
I will take that as a no, you know that would not happen.

You mean you finally realize that I might not believe something I never said I believe?

Hogg getting into Harvard had much less to do with his skin color as it did his political points of view

Uhhh....you're barking up the wrong tree. You are arguing against white preference. That claim says nothing about white privilege.

....that is a fact.

No, you're only tossing up hypotheses, and it appears that you are doing so without even understanding the allegation. Your hypothesis would actually support the claim of white privilege.
If it were White Privilege then he would not have been turned down by UCLA and UCI.

Seems it is more a case of "Liberal Privilege" than white.

That's a baseless suggestion. That's like saying John and Nancy voted for Obama because they don't like his policies, therefore the third McCain voter wasn't racist.

So, you think that a white student with the same exact grades and SAT scores who held rallies for Trump instead of gun control would be accepted by Harvard?


It's a bad example. Holding rallies for Trump is an indicator of a lack of critical thinking abilities, and an inability to discern truth from lies. Not Harvard material at all.

A white student with the father who is an alumni of Harvard would be accepted too. It's called "legacy". George W. Bush went to Harvard, even though he had a C average. His Daddy was both a Harvard Gradulate and Speaker of the House at the time. That's the essence of "white privilege".

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