Dear Congress


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Either the President has to authorize a massive ramping up of US combat operations directed against ISIS, or he needs to be impeached for cowardice and inaction against a clear and present danger.

The world can't wait for a new administration. And this shouldn't become a partisan issue. This is a survival issue. Either what we hold to be good and right and true is good and right and true, or we should all go home.
We sent three armies and surges to Iraq, which accomplished the overthrow of Saddam of order in the ME.

Being the arsenal of democracy, contributing our massive AF and USN and training assets so that the Arabs and other Muslims can fight for their future are endeavors enough now.

The massive French air assault yesterday against ISIS is an effort we should continue to support.
10 fighter-bombers isn't a massive anything. 'Massive' is a few days and night of continuous B-52 and B-2 bombs flattening entire towns. And that's what's needed right now, not 'for show' symbolic strikes.

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