Dear "Conservatives"....

you most certainly can,, vote for Paul and vote obama back into office.. see how stupid you are? now let's try for some logic.. obama has a chance, Romney has a chance, no one else has a chance, so if you vote for anyone other that either of those you're giving one or the other of those a vote.. try to contemplate that

WillowTree standing strong for a permanent two party system now and into the future, everybody!

Where did she say that? :confused:
You do just hate him. You yourself posted in this thread saying anyone but can't even stay consistent with the 5 posts you have...this is just sad.

Saying "anyone but Obama" does not equate to hating him. It means that the person is against Obama's policies. :eusa_whistle:

The 'anyone but Obama' thinking is flawed. It was the 'anyone but Bush' that got us Obama!

No it wasn't. Obama wasn't elected because people were just tired of Bush. He was elected because people were tired of Bush and Obama excited them. Democrats and liberals weren't moaning and groaning and dragging their feet. They got the vote out.
You do just hate him. You yourself posted in this thread saying anyone but can't even stay consistent with the 5 posts you have...this is just sad.

Saying "anyone but Obama" does not equate to hating him. It means that the person is against Obama's policies. :eusa_whistle:

Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

Nah. It's not hate.

I don't call him a tyrant, by the way. But his policies are horrendous and damaging to America. They do have the potential to destroy America. I loath his politics. He needs to GO.

So -- yeah -- at this point, anyone but him again. And I still don't hate the man. I hate his political ideology and actions.
Saying "anyone but Obama" does not equate to hating him. It means that the person is against Obama's policies. :eusa_whistle:

Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

Nah. It's not hate.

I don't call him a tyrant, by the way. But his policies are horrendous and damaging to America. They do have the potential to destroy America. I loath his politics. He needs to GO.

So -- yeah -- at this point, anyone but him again. And I still don't hate the man. I hate his political ideology and actions.

I DO call Obama a Tyrant. He is...he's a malignant narcissist that needs to grow up.

ALL his presidency has been about is HIMSELF.

ALL his re-election will be about is HIMSELF.

He is no different than Hitler or Mousilini.
Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

Nah. It's not hate.

I don't call him a tyrant, by the way. But his policies are horrendous and damaging to America. They do have the potential to destroy America. I loath his politics. He needs to GO.

So -- yeah -- at this point, anyone but him again. And I still don't hate the man. I hate his political ideology and actions.

I DO call Obama a Tyrant. He is...he's a malignant narcissist that needs to grow up.

ALL his presidency has been about is HIMSELF.

ALL his re-election will be about is HIMSELF.

He is no different than Hitler or Mousilini.

yes there is he's black, there's a difference
You do just hate him. You yourself posted in this thread saying anyone but can't even stay consistent with the 5 posts you have...this is just sad.

Saying "anyone but Obama" does not equate to hating him. It means that the person is against Obama's policies. :eusa_whistle:

Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

I certainly don't hate President Obama. I would welcome him in my home for dinner or any other normal occasion. If I had my picture taken with him, I would almost certainly display it in my home or office. I would throw him a rope if he was drowning. I would even vote for him if I thought he was doing his job as well as could be expected, and if I thought his policies and point of view were not destructive to the country.

But since I do believe his policies and point of view are destructive to the country, I will oppose him any way that I can and do what I realistically can to see that he is not re-elected. "Tyrant" might be too strong a word but then, if he had the power, I think he would see his role as something akin to being tyrannical. I think he likes power, would not turn down absolute power, and he doesn't take criticism or opposition well.
you most certainly can,, vote for Paul and vote obama back into office.. see how stupid you are? now let's try for some logic.. obama has a chance, Romney has a chance, no one else has a chance, so if you vote for anyone other that either of those you're giving one or the other of those a vote.. try to contemplate that

WillowTree standing strong for a permanent two party system now and into the future, everybody!

Where did she say that? :confused:

Oh my god...

Who are the "conservatives" supposed to pick when it's between Obama and Romney?

Are they supposed to write-in Paul? Not vote at all?
Everybody has to work with what they have, and conservatives know that Romney is more conservative than Obama. Conservatives also know that 4 more years of Obama would be disastrous to the conservative cause.

They could have voted for Santorum.

They didn't because he wasn't electable (in their view).

So is this about principles or winning elections?

I never got a chance to.... he was my pick.

Meister and myself said it earlier.... who Hell else am I to vote for.

Fuck, I feel disenfranchised frankly... I never got to vote for who I wanted to run on GOP side. :mad:

Not even sure why I bothered with this stupid ass thread. Guess I am a glutton for punishment. :dunno:
Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

Nah. It's not hate.

I don't call him a tyrant, by the way. But his policies are horrendous and damaging to America. They do have the potential to destroy America. I loath his politics. He needs to GO.

So -- yeah -- at this point, anyone but him again. And I still don't hate the man. I hate his political ideology and actions.

which policies could destroy America?

No this should be amusing, i enjoyed the left saying the same about Bush, so lets hear it.

Pay close attention... you might get it if ya do.​

[ame=]"If I wanted America to fail" - YouTube[/ame]
Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

Nah. It's not hate.

I don't call him a tyrant, by the way. But his policies are horrendous and damaging to America. They do have the potential to destroy America. I loath his politics. He needs to GO.

So -- yeah -- at this point, anyone but him again. And I still don't hate the man. I hate his political ideology and actions.

which policies could destroy America?

No this should be amusing, i enjoyed the left saying the same about Bush, so lets hear it.

Which policies? Well, let's start with his fucking massive increase in our reliance on debt. We are choking to death on it. It is -- as some honest Administration officials have noted -- unsustainable.

Next let us move on to his foreign policy. He has undercut Israel but supported shitheads from the Muslim Brotherhood. Kaddaffy is dead. I'm thrilled. But Libya is unlikely to be an ally of ours. Egypt is rapidly turning into a flashpoint in the very region where WE are busy undermining Israel. When it comes to Syria, the Bumbler in Chief can't decide if it's bet to shit or go blind. Meanwhile, his notion of a strong American defense policy is to address our irresponsible fiscal mess by cutting the defense budget.

But let us not linger. There is also his disdain for our Constitutional system of checks and balances and a limited government of enumerated powers. ObamaCare is an ugly tip of the iceberg type example. But the list is much longer. Haven't you been paying any attention?

Then there is his adoration of himself -- and his bid to get re-elected -- at the cost to America of his strategy of divide and conquer. This bullshit 99% vs 1% theology of his.

Then there is his imbecilic "energy" policy which places so much stock in fanciful (maybe someday achievable but not yet real) "alternative energy" schemes that he finds it necessary to attack and punish our ACTUAL energy sources. Pipeline? Nyet. Strangle oil and gas companies? You BET. Authorize any nuclear power stations? Nyet. Attack oil company "profits" as "excess profits" in his elitist socialist dishonest "us vs them" way? You BET! But grant tons of our money to shitbag fraud companies like Solyndra? YES! It's as though he WANTS to undermine our economic underpinnings.

If we continue down the paths that HE tries to chart, we will cease to be either an economic leader or have a constitutionally limited government.
I wonder how many who claim they won't vote for Romney really do want Barack Obama to be re-elected? The Paul supporters have to know that a vote for a third party candidate is effectively a vote for Obama. Could they just be too ashamed to admit that is the game plan to punish those who won't support Ron Paul?

And take us down as I'm sure Dr. Paul wouldn't want out of some mission of vendetta...? [Get EVEN with 'em? I'll Show YOU]?

Boggles the mind the motivation. Take down the Republic, ruin millions of lives in the process, because someone didn't get thier way by being nominated?

I am waiting for Ron Paul to do the right thing and pledge support for Romney once Romney clinches the nomination. If Gingrich and Santorum fail to do so, it will be a clear message that neither of them were honest about much of anything.

I have a great deal of respect for Congressman Paul and have admired his tenaciousness in what he believes and have appreciated some excellent ideas he has put out there to reform the economy. CG can testify that she and I have had numerous private discussions re Romney whom she has supported for some time and who was not at all my first choice to be the nomineel. But no way am I willing to have a hissy fit and throw the country under the bus just because my preferred candidate(s) did not win the nomination.

I don't have any serious deal breaking issues with Romney and, as previously posted, given his proven record and accomplishments, he is heads and shoulders above a Barack Obama or any other leftist who aspires to high office. On his worst day, and in a most profound liberal lapse, he is still right of Obama.

So if Ron Paul throws his support to Romney, will his admirers follow suit?

Why would Paul, a conservative, endorse a liberal like Romney?
So YOU want Obama for a second term....being a libertarian? Too funny, dblack.
When Obama gets done with us there won't be enough self reliant people off of the government teet to get to your "so-called" objective.

A Romney victory would BE a second term for Obama - with the potential of a third.

Listen, clearly you believe there is a significant difference between Obama and Romney. But from a libertarian perspective, there isn't. Whatever mildly more conservative leanings Romney may possess are offset by the fact that he'd have a more compliant Congress to work with. He'd be pushing most of the same policies of Obama - and actually passing them. The one thing I'll give props to the Republicans on is they're a damned good opposition party. The Democrats suck in that role.

So ultimately, it's a wash. And I certainly won't waste an opportunity to support a real libertarian alternative on a wash.

To you it may be a assured that your libertarian party will sink with the "social justice" that Obama wants in his next 4 years if elected.
There is a distinct difference between Romney and Obama....too bad you're too blind to see.

They aren't blind.

This thread:

Is informative about people who aren't willing to sell out their beliefs to beat the other guy.

You guys wonder why the GOP isn't conservative enough? You are the reason.
I just love how lefties are constantly trying to tell those of us on the right what we are and what we believe in. It's a constant in the universe. No matter what forum you visit, they're always there, spewing the same BS and

So you aren't conservative, you just hate Obama.

If you were conservative, it wouldn't be acceptable for you to replace one liberal with another.

My mistake. You believe in government run healthcare?
Saying "anyone but Obama" does not equate to hating him. It means that the person is against Obama's policies. :eusa_whistle:

Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

Nah. It's not hate.

I don't call him a tyrant, by the way. But his policies are horrendous and damaging to America. They do have the potential to destroy America. I loath his politics. He needs to GO.

So -- yeah -- at this point, anyone but him again. And I still don't hate the man. I hate his political ideology and actions.

Oh, is this rich!

Did I hear someone say "kiss of death"? :lol:

Jimmy Carter wants Mitt Romney to win GOP nomination - YouTube

From the Department of What Other Reason Do You Need to Prefer A Conservative Candidate?
Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

Nah. It's not hate.

I don't call him a tyrant, by the way. But his policies are horrendous and damaging to America. They do have the potential to destroy America. I loath his politics. He needs to GO.

So -- yeah -- at this point, anyone but him again. And I still don't hate the man. I hate his political ideology and actions.

I DO call Obama a Tyrant. He is...he's a malignant narcissist that needs to grow up.

ALL his presidency has been about is HIMSELF.

ALL his re-election will be about is HIMSELF.

He is no different than Hitler or Mousilini.

There is no such diagnosis as "malignant narcissist" dingus.

You inability to spot a fraud psychologist who creates diagnosis out of thin air speaks to your low fund of knowledge.
Who are the "conservatives" supposed to pick when it's between Obama and Romney?

Are they supposed to write-in Paul? Not vote at all?
Everybody has to work with what they have, and conservatives know that Romney is more conservative than Obama. Conservatives also know that 4 more years of Obama would be disastrous to the conservative cause.

They could have voted for Santorum.

They didn't because he wasn't electable (in their view).

So is this about principles or winning elections?

I never got a chance to.... he was my pick.

Meister and myself said it earlier.... who Hell else am I to vote for.

Fuck, I feel disenfranchised frankly... I never got to vote for who I wanted to run on GOP side. :mad:

Not even sure why I bothered with this stupid ass thread. Guess I am a glutton for punishment. :dunno:

Your visceral reaction to your reality only speaks to the fact that you know you are dooked.

As much as you want to lash out at me, I am not your problem.

And you know it.
Anyone Jimmah endorses I have serious reservations about.


Yah. That's the message I got from Carter's answer too.

The headline will be used against Romney. I fell for it and posted before the video had finished loading.
He said he'd like him to with the GOP nomination.
And because Obama could play Romney like a cheap fiddle. Romney is a RINO. And that's what Obama wants.

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