Dear "Conservatives"....

Yes, the liberals were touting Santorum when he was battling Romney, now they're touting Paul....all trying to fool Republicans into picking the biggest dope for them to crush in the national election.

When your enemy recommends something, there is a reason behind it....

Desparation...The OP knows Obama is in trouble.

I remember Biden saying that McCain is a republican he could vote for. :lol:
I wish that Obama's administration was as transparent as Biden's statement.
It's so sad that so many people will vote for a guy that will not make the changes that this country needs. Instead they will vote for person that has little or no different views then the current POTUS. Because he's got an R by his name disgusting
Uh, wrong.

You must live in a hole if you believe Romney isn't going to repeal Obamacare, repeal the EPA war on businesses, repeal the oil drilling bans in the US, repeal any call for higher taxes on people and corporations, repeal the spending spree in the Federal govt, repeal the major cuts to the DoD, etc, etc, etc.

People like you just lie to make your own beliefs exist.

It's so sad that so many people will vote for a guy that will not make the changes that this country needs. Instead they will vote for person that has little or no different views then the current POTUS. Because he's got an R by his name disgusting
Dear Liberals,

I'll vote for whomever I want.


Nah its basically don't call someone a tryant, destroying america and just dislike his policies...

Nah. It's not hate.

I don't call him a tyrant, by the way. But his policies are horrendous and damaging to America. They do have the potential to destroy America. I loath his politics. He needs to GO.

So -- yeah -- at this point, anyone but him again. And I still don't hate the man. I hate his political ideology and actions.

Oh, is this rich!

Did I hear someone say "kiss of death"? :lol:

Jimmy Carter wants Mitt Romney to win GOP nomination - YouTube

From the Department of What Other Reason Do You Need to Prefer A Conservative Candidate?

In case you imagined that you just scored some fabulous interwebz "gotchya," you should be advised. You didn't.

There is zero inconsistency. Carter sucked balls. President Obama is worse.

I still don't hate the man. I loathe his policies.
Uh, wrong.

You must live in a hole if you believe Romney isn't going to repeal Obamacare, repeal the EPA war on businesses, repeal the oil drilling bans in the US, repeal any call for higher taxes on people and corporations, repeal the spending spree in the Federal govt, repeal the major cuts to the DoD, etc, etc, etc.

People like you just lie to make your own beliefs exist.

It's so sad that so many people will vote for a guy that will not make the changes that this country needs. Instead they will vote for person that has little or no different views then the current POTUS. Because he's got an R by his name disgusting

I believe he will do those things that he is now saying that he will do based on a pretty solid track record of following through on what he promises. At least he will what he can legitimately do via executive order and what he can persuade Congress to go along with. I can't imagine that we will have a long laundry list of campaign promises that he then does the exact opposite as we have seen with Obama.

If Obama had campaigned on the policies that he has promoted after being elected, he would not be POTUS. We would be writing about President Hillary Clinton instead or possible President McCain though I suspect Clinton would have beaten McCain too.
If Obama had campaigned on the policies that he has promoted after being elected, he would not be POTUS.

Bullshit. In 2008, Obama laid out a policy agenda roughly an order of magnitude more detailed than the vacuous position statements Romney is selling. And--surprise!--that agenda is the one he's pursued in office.
Oh look, a dumbfuck liberal telling us to choose Ron Paul.....because Obamination could sleep through the election and still win.

Oh, Romney is a moderate, but nice try dumbfuck....also, GO TO HELL.:eusa_whistle:

At no point did I tell anyone to vote for Ron Paul. At no point did I tell anyone not to vote for Romney. At no point did I tell anyone not to vote.

What I have done is point out inconsistencies in what people like you say and do.

Judging by all the hurt feelings and rashes of anger induced illiteracy, I'd say the truth hurts.
Oh look, a dumbfuck liberal telling us to choose Ron Paul.....because Obamination could sleep through the election and still win.

Oh, Romney is a moderate, but nice try dumbfuck....also, GO TO HELL.:eusa_whistle:

...if you support the Massachusetts liberal known as Mitt Romney you are not a conservative, you are just a Republican that will support whatever bag of shit they send you.

At least the Paul people have the balls to support a losing candidate that truly endorses their beliefs.

Sign in below....
Desparation...The OP knows Obama is in trouble.

Prior to April, I'd agree.

But the GOP apparently has a suicide pact.
...if you support the Massachusetts liberal known as Mitt Romney you are not a conservative, you are just a Republican that will support whatever bag of shit they send you.

At least the Paul people have the balls to support a losing candidate that truly endorses their beliefs.

Sign in below....

If I could meet you in person I would shake your hand. You nailed these unibrows.
Oh look, a dumbfuck liberal telling us to choose Ron Paul.....because Obamination could sleep through the election and still win.

Oh, Romney is a moderate, but nice try dumbfuck....also, GO TO HELL.:eusa_whistle:

At no point did I tell anyone to vote for Ron Paul. At no point did I tell anyone not to vote for Romney. At no point did I tell anyone not to vote.

What I have done is point out inconsistencies in what people like you say and do.

Judging by all the hurt feelings and rashes of anger induced illiteracy, I'd say the truth hurts.

Their ability to leap to conclusions and write in their loose interpretations of an original post never fail to astound me. If you post something about Alan West they sputter something about Obama. They refuse to openly and directly respond but instead just diffuse and deflect....Karl Rove's lemmings.
Desparation...The OP knows Obama is in trouble.

Prior to April, I'd agree.

But the GOP apparently has a suicide pact.

Blather. President Obama is going to lose -- handily.

To Romney? LOL! Women don't forget things like "...that's not the language I would have used..." (in reference to Fat Boy Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke) and elevators for cars and most women work outside the home and have kids to raise, too. You're out of touch but then is Mel Giblson. He doesn't realize that women and the Hispanic vote will decide this election, either.
To Romney? LOL! Women don't forget things like "...that's not the language I would have used..." (in reference to Fat Boy Limbaugh's comments about Sandra Fluke) and elevators for cars and most women work outside the home and have kids to raise, too. You're out of touch but then is Mel Giblson. He doesn't realize that women and the Hispanic vote will decide this election, either.

Got it.
You appear to be one that promotes politics by identity rather than what is best for the country and follows the constitution.
Prior to April, I'd agree.

But the GOP apparently has a suicide pact.

Blather. President Obama is going to lose -- handily.

Just in case,quoted..

Anytime you want to rebuttal my post feel free.


Fear not. Or is that phear not? Anyway, don't fret.

If the President does win re-election, I am off the Board. Why? Because I made a bet and it isn't some sig line bet or avie bet. It's a "quit the board" bet.

And it aint no thang, either. I figure that if the American people are so spectacularly stupid as to put that guy in for a second term, I won't care to post at USMB anymore anyway.

Funny thing is: the one who made the bet against me is already on a perma ban type vacation. So I can't "win" the bet by kicking his dopey ass off the board. I can only win in the sense that I will relish the salvation of our Republic. No small thing.
Blather. President Obama is going to lose -- handily.

Just in case,quoted..

Anytime you want to rebuttal my post feel free.


Fear not. Or is that phear not? Anyway, don't fret.

If the President does win re-election, I am off the Board. Why? Because I made a bet and it isn't some sig line bet or avie bet. It's a "quit the board" bet.

And it aint no thang, either. I figure that if the American people are so spectacularly stupid as to put that guy in for a second term, I won't care to post at USMB anymore anyway.

Funny thing is: the one who made the bet against me is already on a perma ban type vacation. So I can't "win" the bet by kicking his dopey ass off the board. I can only win in the sense that I will relish the salvation of our Republic. No small thing.

Bad bet on your part.
Just sayin'
Just in case,quoted..

Anytime you want to rebuttal my post feel free.


Fear not. Or is that phear not? Anyway, don't fret.

If the President does win re-election, I am off the Board. Why? Because I made a bet and it isn't some sig line bet or avie bet. It's a "quit the board" bet.

And it aint no thang, either. I figure that if the American people are so spectacularly stupid as to put that guy in for a second term, I won't care to post at USMB anymore anyway.

Funny thing is: the one who made the bet against me is already on a perma ban type vacation. So I can't "win" the bet by kicking his dopey ass off the board. I can only win in the sense that I will relish the salvation of our Republic. No small thing.

Bad bet on your part.
Just sayin'


If America wins, I win. :cool:

If America loses, I'd be too fucking depressed and pissed-off to want to post on a political message board again, anyway.
Typical smoke and mirrors.

When exposed, you liberals act like you didn't do something or say something. :eusa_whistle:

We see right through your bullshit. You want the weakest GOP nominee and right now the only one left like that is Ron Paul.

Romney is going to kick your ass no matter your tricks.

Oh look, a dumbfuck liberal telling us to choose Ron Paul.....because Obamination could sleep through the election and still win.

Oh, Romney is a moderate, but nice try dumbfuck....also, GO TO HELL.:eusa_whistle:

At no point did I tell anyone to vote for Ron Paul. At no point did I tell anyone not to vote for Romney. At no point did I tell anyone not to vote.

What I have done is point out inconsistencies in what people like you say and do.

Judging by all the hurt feelings and rashes of anger induced illiteracy, I'd say the truth hurts.
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