Dear "Conservatives"....

Oh really?

Are we in a depression like Bush said we would be in?

Bush is irrelevant now.

The question is are we in a thriving economy like Obama said we would under his leadership?

The answer is, of course, no.

Hoover and FDR prolonged the 1929 Depression for 12 years because of their constant meddling. And despite the fact that this recession is being prolonged because of constant government meddling, you dont see the correlation.

People as TDM would rather repeat history rather than learn from it...maybe this time Progressivism/Statism will work? :eusa_whistle::eusa_shhh:

And the defintion of insanity is ????
Bush is irrelevant now.

The question is are we in a thriving economy like Obama said we would under his leadership?

The answer is, of course, no.

Hoover and FDR prolonged the 1929 Depression for 12 years because of their constant meddling. And despite the fact that this recession is being prolonged because of constant government meddling, you dont see the correlation.

People as TDM would rather repeat history rather than learn from it...maybe this time Progressivism/Statism will work? :eusa_whistle::eusa_shhh:

And the defintion of insanity is ????


You assume that only thing that matters is ideological purity. People vote for candidates for many reasons.

If been told this by conservatives for the last decade.

As I said before: if people hadn't made a cottage industry out of "true conservatism" for the last several years, this wouldn't be an issue.

Case in point : the tea party emerged (supposedly) to promote true conservative and advocated the notion that they would rather lose hen sacrifice their principles.

Now they are Supporting Romney - the guy that created the template for the hated "Obama care".

This is all a shell game to help political parties amass power.

I am just curious if anyone else sees it.
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Obama ran on hope and change.
He hasn't changed anything.
He said if he got elected he would not use the credit card. He used the credit card to the tune of 5 trillion.
And who's party is failing? Dem's have left the party in droves.

There are plenty of threads about that.

This thread is about how conservatives can honestly vote for a liberal in the general

You assume that only thing that matters is ideological purity. People vote for candidates for many reasons.

If been told this by conservatives for the last decade.

As I said before: if people hadn't made a cottage industry out of "true conservatism" for the last several years, this wouldn't be an issue.

Case in point : the tea party emerged (supposedly) to promote true conservative and advocated the notion that they would rather lose hen sacrifice their principles.

Now they are Supporting Romney - the guy that created the template for the hated "Obama care".

This is all a shell game to help political parties amass power.

I am just curious if anyone else sees it.

I see power ammassing to the parties at the federal level.

Do I believe it is some kind of plot ? No.

It isn't Romneys fault the GOP and it's "stallwarts" have been essentially screwing the constitution for the last fourty years.
Please define conservative.

I've never put much stock in the term myself. I call myself one because I figure if there was a definition it would be closer to what I am than "moderate".

If you are a self described moderate, why are you up in arms about someone challenging conservative bona fides?

Obviously this doesn't pertain to you.

You asked a question.

I can't answer without knowing the definition of conservative.

Do I get it or don't I ?

I guess not.
Bush is irrelevant now.

The question is are we in a thriving economy like Obama said we would under his leadership?

The answer is, of course, no.

Hoover and FDR prolonged the 1929 Depression for 12 years because of their constant meddling. And despite the fact that this recession is being prolonged because of constant government meddling, you dont see the correlation.

People as TDM would rather repeat history rather than learn from it...maybe this time Progressivism/Statism will work? :eusa_whistle::eusa_shhh:

And the defintion of insanity is ????

The definition is rather long and drawn out, but this picture appears in the entry in my Webster's:

I can handle an incremental shift in policy. A Romney administration would be more Conservative than the present cluster fuck.
Show me a true (sane) Conservative candidate that has a chance of actually taking the majority of the votes and I'll jump behind him.
Interestingly, under present circumstances, let's suppose Paul runs as an independent and wins 60 electoral votes, Obama wins 250 and Romney wins 228. Guess who would be sworn in on January 20, 2013?

Again, you would sacrifice a degree of principle for a degree of expediency....

Yes, I would. Voting my principles is not always the wisest action. A 10% candidate, though he may be my preference will not get my vote because that would seal the victory for my least favorite candidate.
I am a Conservative. I want a more Conservative government. I will vote for the candidate (with a chance of winning) that most closely reflects my principles rather than effectively throwing my valuable vote away on "principles" and assuring a Progressive victory and 4 more years of obama.
Would I like to see a very Conservative Constitutionalist as President? Of Course. Ain't gonna happen this year. I'll take "less Liberal" over "more Liberal" or "bat shit crazy" any day.

Conservative to a degree.

It's never going to happen if you don't insist the GOP hand you conservative candidates.

Why did Santorum lose? Conservative GOP voters abandoned their principles wholesale for the sake of electing someone they thought could win.

This is why you are stuck with a pro choice, pro gay, government health care creating "conservative".

If liberalism is so bad, it would actually be better to let Obama win so that in 4 years you have a clearly superior product to offer voters as opposed to offering up a lukewarm candidate that miss labels himself as your brand.

But, from the dat Obama took office, the GOP has been obsessed with one thing: regaining the White House.

It's just funny to watch the rank and file fall for it.
It's just funny to watch the rank and file fall for it.

The rank and file don't fall for it.

I have been at meetings where conservatives have almost gotten into fist-fights over this very issue.

The clearly see the choices. I am not saying who is right and who is wrong.

I am saying they are talking it out.....sometimes very loudly.....and they never reach consensus....except that they don't want Obama.
This thread also has to acknowledge that you don't need a conservative president as much as you need a conservative congress.

Look at the Clinton/Gingrich successes (and I am quite well aware of their big government failures too....but overall it was as good as we've had in a long time).

The point being that if, somehow, the dems regained the house, but Romney got elected.....we'd be in big trouble.
If you are a self described moderate, why are you up in arms about someone challenging conservative bona fides?

Obviously this doesn't pertain to you.

You asked a question.

I can't answer without knowing the definition of conservative.

Do I get it or don't I ?

I guess not.

Whatever it is, it certainly isn't Mitt Romney.

And that is by virtue of everything that has been said about him, to include by Romney, in the last decade.
It's just funny to watch the rank and file fall for it.

The rank and file don't fall for it.

I have been at meetings where conservatives have almost gotten into fist-fights over this very issue.

The clearly see the choices. I am not saying who is right and who is wrong.

I am saying they are talking it out.....sometimes very loudly.....and they never reach consensus....except that they don't want Obama.

They obviously do.

They are going to support a liberal simply to enable the GOP to regain the whitehouse.
This thread also has to acknowledge that you don't need a conservative president as much as you need a conservative congress.

Look at the Clinton/Gingrich successes (and I am quite well aware of their big government failures too....but overall it was as good as we've had in a long time).

The point being that if, somehow, the dems regained the house, but Romney got elected.....we'd be in big trouble.

And if that be the case Romney will have several Veto Pens at the ready where GW Bush didn't.
Who the hell are you ?

I'll support who I want, where I want, when I want.

In this case, he's less a BOS than the current BOS-In-Chief we have now.

Eat crap and die.

So you are a Repblican, not a conservative. The two aren' mutually inclusive.

When you vote for a liberal for his nations highest office in November, you will demonstrate that you aren't a conservative.

Oh you would just love it if we sat at home like those Paul supporters you 'respect' so much... if its not their guy they sit it out :cuckoo:

Sorry bro, but I love my country WAY TOO MUCH to let you liberals get your way.
Our nation is suffering now because idiots like the ones you 'respect' so much stayed home rather than to vote for McCain in '08.

McCain was not my 1st choice then, and Romney was not my first choice this go around.... but I'll be damned if I ever place my vote for a man who wants to FUNDAMENTALLY change America.

Romney will do an infinitely better job than the community organizer we have now.

BTW, if there are any Paul supporters reading this.... please do the right thing and vote this idiot of office with us.
The further we can get from the leftists we have running this place, the closer we all get to a nation that adheres to The Constitution. Thats what I DO like about Ron Paul. He respects The Constitution... he just is a bit too whacky for me when it comes to national defense. Other than that, the man is dead on.... and maybe, just maybe we can get his son to run for POTUS soon.... (hint: 2016)
You assume that only thing that matters is ideological purity. People vote for candidates for many reasons.

If been told this by conservatives for the last decade.

As I said before: if people hadn't made a cottage industry out of "true conservatism" for the last several years, this wouldn't be an issue.

Case in point : the tea party emerged (supposedly) to promote true conservative and advocated the notion that they would rather lose hen sacrifice their principles.

Now they are Supporting Romney - the guy that created the template for the hated "Obama care".

This is all a shell game to help political parties amass power.

I am just curious if anyone else sees it.

I see power ammassing to the parties at the federal level.

Do I believe it is some kind of plot ? No.

It isn't Romneys fault the GOP and it's "stallwarts" have been essentially screwing the constitution for the last fourty years.

So you are going to vote for more of the same?
This thread also has to acknowledge that you don't need a conservative president as much as you need a conservative congress.

Look at the Clinton/Gingrich successes (and I am quite well aware of their big government failures too....but overall it was as good as we've had in a long time).

The point being that if, somehow, the dems regained the house, but Romney got elected.....we'd be in big trouble.

good point, now you went a killed the OPs fun

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