Dear "Conservatives"....

This thread also has to acknowledge that you don't need a conservative president as much as you need a conservative congress.

Look at the Clinton/Gingrich successes (and I am quite well aware of their big government failures too....but overall it was as good as we've had in a long time).

The point being that if, somehow, the dems regained the house, but Romney got elected.....we'd be in big trouble.

Now begins the equivocation.

Eat crap.....

Is there something untrue about what I said.

The whole Hope and Change argument was lost on the fact that he needed a bunch of little Obamas in congress and in the SCOTUS....or was this country NOT set up that way ?

It is stupid to think that Romney can just change things at will.

If he does not have a Tea Party presence to help him along....what can he the country sink with the rest of us.

Whatever gets you through the night.
They are going to support a liberal simply to enable the GOP to regain the whitehouse.

Romney may be a liberal in comparison, but at least he is'nt a commie lying bastard like Obama.

So you want to replace one liberal with another?

Fine. Just don't bore me with how this country needs conservative leadership.

You obviously don't believe that.

Im going to ask you ONE MORE time.... when have I supported a liberal?

Romney is not a liberal. He is however very moderate compared to the guys I did support. He is a lukewarm conservative and that will do for now.

Like I said... at least he isnt a lying commie bastard.

Romney may be a liberal in comparison, but at least he is'nt a commie lying bastard like Obama.

So you want to replace one liberal with another?

Fine. Just don't bore me with how this country needs conservative leadership.

You obviously don't believe that.

Im going to ask you ONE MORE time.... when have I supported a liberal?

Romney is not a liberal. He is however very moderate compared to the guys I did support. He is a lukewarm conservative and that will do for now.

Like I said... at least he isnt a lying commie bastard.

You just said you did in your own post amigo.
This thread also has to acknowledge that you don't need a conservative president as much as you need a conservative congress.

Look at the Clinton/Gingrich successes (and I am quite well aware of their big government failures too....but overall it was as good as we've had in a long time).

The point being that if, somehow, the dems regained the house, but Romney got elected.....we'd be in big trouble.

good point, now you went a killed the OPs fun

The lions share of the budget surpluses of the Clinton years was found by the CBO to come from the 1993 BRA which was passed without ONE SINGLE republican vote.

Go thread jack a different topic.
The lions share of the budget surpluses of the Clinton years was found by the CBO to come from the 1993 BRA which was passed without ONE SINGLE republican vote.

That is what this country needs.

many fewer republicans in office

I heard Mitt Romney supports the progressive income tax. Sounds like a Marxist to me!

This thread must smell... here come the flies.

I'm out.

Well, the truth can be painful.
So you want to replace one liberal with another?

Fine. Just don't bore me with how this country needs conservative leadership.

You obviously don't believe that.

Im going to ask you ONE MORE time.... when have I supported a liberal?

Romney is not a liberal. He is however very moderate compared to the guys I did support. He is a lukewarm conservative and that will do for now.

Like I said... at least he isnt a lying commie bastard.

You just said you did in your own post amigo.

Romney is not a liberal. He is however a moderate....
...if you support the Massachusetts liberal known as Mitt Romney you are not a conservative, you are just a Republican that will support whatever bag of shit they send you.

At least the Paul people have the balls to support a losing candidate that truly ebndorses their beliefs.

Sign in below....

It's been many many many years since I've been into "ebndorsing" anyone. It sounds dangerous.
The lions share of the budget surpluses of the Clinton years was found by the CBO to come from the 1993 BRA which was passed without ONE SINGLE republican vote.

I heard Mitt Romney supports the progressive income tax. Sounds like a Marxist to me!

This thread must smell... here come the flies.

I'm out.

Well, the truth can be painful.

Nope.... shit attracts flies, and I hate the way shit smells.

Have fun dummy.

This thread is nothing more than a way for you to pick on us, and I for one will PROUDLY pull the lever for Romney.
...if you support the Massachusetts liberal known as Mitt Romney you are not a conservative, you are just a Republican that will support whatever bag of shit they send you.

At least the Paul people have the balls to support a losing candidate that truly ebndorses their beliefs.

Sign in below....

It's been many many many years since I've been into "ebndorsing" anyone. It sounds dangerous.

So you are a Repblican, not a conservative. The two aren' mutually inclusive.

When you vote for a liberal for his nations highest office in November, you will demonstrate that you aren't a conservative.
Geaux, some of us Republicans are far right when it comes to fiscal government concerns. We were considered centrists in this country during the Clinton years. Republicans have always called the nation to get along with each other, starting with being antislavery.

Doing what is best for the most is not always a popular place to be.

Americans have always shared in the past. Now, politicians are putting their goals above the people, and it's not particularly good in the case of replacing the entire parameters of law, government, medicine, education, business, banks, energy to be in the hands of the government.

That didn't work when the bolsheviks took over. It just changed one master to another. Getting back to a master race schema just frightens many of us. We think grass-roots inventiveness and talent is the better way, and it comes from allowing people to enjoy the fruits of their labor and pass it on to whoever they choose to after they die.

The recent push to take everything away from people who have plenty, so they'll be eating dirt doesn't go well. It just isn't a fair way, and there are many examples of unfairness causing civil wars in the history books.

The republic idea abolishes the one-master thesis and gets into sharing based on what comes of a free-thinking society that promotes individuals for their 15 minutes, then enjoys using the paper clips, incandescent lamps, telephones, soya products, Russet potatoes, stem cell products, and other things they come by to improve life.

Republicans want to keep things as the founders intended--equal opportunities, the fun of your ideas catching on, finding and enjoying wealth through hard work, and just being free to do so.

My goodness, there are whole countries whose thesis is socialism. Try to cross their borders and see where that gets you.

Master race?

Anyways, I notice you used the term "republican" and not "conservative"....
That's because I learned conservatism after I became a Republican in 1971, in the Equality State, over 40 years ago, after a group of Democrat young men in my Texas high school frightened me by going into shanty town and doing who knows what that never got reported when they heard a black man tipped his hat a white lady's way. I didn't like what the group hysteria did to all of them. They couldn't see reason, they just went where the group leaders led them, and allegedly did horrific things to frighten black folks who didn't do anybody any harm, not even the fella who tipped his hat and smiled at the lady.

When I became a Republican, I didn't go to any parties, no meetings, no special clubs, but I did a lot of sewing for charity, and when years later, when my quilts were to be given to soldiers, I met Republican leaders, because by then, I trusted that my products would go to where I wanted them to go--wounded soldiers, and not into some rich lady's trunk. One of those leaders was Senator John Barrasso, and he put a picture of a soldier receiving one of the purple heart quilts. His office took pictures of his family, sitting around the quilt, with his steel leg poking out from underneath the quilt. Since I credited everybody with first names, no one is for sure who made the quilt, and there's no trail other than through my Senator's files, and he is a man who keeps confidences. He was my doctor, my husband's colleague on the church session, and a man whose every vote has been to not raise any taxes whatever on people who are already heavily burdened with them.

I've only met the honest johns in the Republican party, because the people of the Equality state dismiss those who pass taxes against their wallets, and they re-elect those who live on a shoe string and even cut government expenditures to the bare minimum. Everyone gets by. Charities house bums who can't live on the street because of - 40 degree winters. I don't have to call myself a conservative when I call myself a Republican.

We're quite conservative. I'm back in the Texas I love, back with home folks, and guess what. I've learned something else. I've learned to just shut up, and the only group I've joined here does not discriminate nor talk bad about black folk. They talk about how much fun it is to know our quilts will make someone who feels left out, part of the community.

I love people in both parties. Fiscal conservatism works; promoting individualism works; working on improving yourself works; working on improving your own skills works--all things I learned as a Republican just works.

Divisions don't work for me. Passing laws against the Second Amendment puts all the guns in the hands of criminals, who unafraid in an unarmed society can take by force and easy murder. It's not so easy to murder someone who's armed and protecting his own property. So abolishing the strength of the Second Amendment does not work for me.

Shutting people up with presidential decree doesn't work for me. That's impinging upon the First Amendment, and that doesn't work to keep speech and ideas flowing. Neither does smearing pornography all over the web for 6-year-olds to look at.

Hiding porno in books in the library does work for me. It gets the little punks inside the library, and they might find a truly good book that lights their little intellectual fire, however sneaky we old folks may be. :D

You ain'ta gonna find a good book nor intellectual stimulation that would make you progress to anything other than cat burglaring enough goods to buy you more time online; by the same token, at Lollipuppi Sucklove's porno website, though, you are only going to find porn, and you do not have to pass go, you simply lock the bedroom door to keep parents away and squeal "privacy" like your kinky social studies teacher, soldier of the NEA tells ya.

We don't mind taking unpopular stands as Republicans, but we're not what would you say... overbearing about it unless someone really tred harshly over the Constitution as simple people understand it.

When we lose, we concede if it's only a little annoying. When it enslaves the next three generations by spending money that isn't theirs to spend, you will see us fight to the death to prevent that from ever happening again. When it kills 1/3 of all American newborns, our religious brethren and sisters might get riled, particularly when lesser men see this as an opportunity to get votes by replacing the unborn Americans who go into waste disposals with illegal aliens who are easy to control until after they become businesspersons.

Our society is broken with anger and vituperative insults. Yesterday, it was learned the executive branch is using the freedom of information act to expose people who give money to Republicans, with the hopes the Union will take up the cause and financially ruin these people.

That will get Republican dander up too. Those are the real bullies--those who hurt Americans with the expedience of the information age, and since Obama used it in one of his speeches to expose 6 men based on their wealth, we take that as discrimination, and he's out in November. If the cheats get busy and scare up a few more haunts or the addicted needing a fix they will provide, to vote and keep him in the next 4 years are not going to be pretty. Since the left will use his ouster as a basis for racial rioting, that will not be pretty either.

I predict a disgusting amount of warfare could break out.

The trouble is, great grandchildren will be responsible for the trillions being spent that aren't backed up in fiscal terms with anything except our willingness to be a foreign entity's pawn. That didn't work out so well in 1776.

I'm likely to stay Republican. And I'm likely to hate with body and soul the determined attack watch shit the Democrats are engaged in as a method for procuring votes.
Liberals will prove that Romney is no liberal in the manner in which they attack him.. Just sit by and watch, it will be fun. then go to hell can eat some shitty crow.


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