Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
Well, if Bush and company would have finished the job in Afghanistan and not been distracted by that shiny object in Iraq, Obama would have never had to have anything to do with Afghanistan.
Guy gets stuck cleaning up the mess and trying to finish the job left by the frat boy that never ever, ever finished anything he ever started. Not an oil company or baseball team, or even a National Guard tour.
Finished in Afghanistan how? Pulling out is finishing? How should he have finished a company and a ball team? I don't get it.

Forget nation building.

Forget being a #1 military power as well.

Everybody kicks our ass now.

I haven't felt this good about myself since Jimmy Carter. :D
Right right, I remember the endless investigations into the talking points that lied us into the Iraq invasion and occupation, and the security failures on 9-11. What they should have done is vote to give the President all the power he needed to go after the mother fuckers who attacked us (like Congress did after 9-11-2001), but no, they had a election to win so before the event was over they began badmouthing the President. Bad form. They need to be voted out and kept from regaining the power they so desperately want.

So you expect us to believe that you guys haven't been talking bad about Bush? That they haven't been calling him and his entire administration war-criminals?


Not after 9-11, he had nearly universal support here and abroad. It wasn't until he tried to morph that support into support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq did that support begin to wane.

He had universal support because if anyone had, they would have been beaten to a pulp by just about everyone around them. You guys had to keep your traps shut for a good six months. :eusa_silenced:

It was a wonderful time in our history. :D

Peace and quiet for once.
Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.

FYI: their base doesn't know that these scandals are merely strategies of obstruction and fund raising. This is why Republicans began heavily targeting people with little to no college education in the 80s. They needed a base of voters who were both passionate and uninformed. Otherwise their efforts to morph Bin Laden into Hussein (or End of Life care into death panels) wouldn't work. Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals are all GOP "inventions"?

I know this is hard for you die hard liberals to come to terms with...but Barry isn't good at the job he's been elected to and the people he's surrounded himself with are equally incompetent. The GOP doesn't have to "invent" scandals...they have to choose between them because they keep coming one after another...

What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

It's not that anyone "moved on"'s that another major fuck up took place on Barack Obama's watch that sucked all of the media "oxygen" out of the previous fuck up. They've been coming at such a fast and furious pace (sorry, couldn't help myself!) that it's hard to get a grip on one before you're having to deal with another. If you'd like to help out, Plant...ask Barry and Friends if they could possibly go a couple months without totally screwing the pooch on something, so the country can catch up. We're so backlogged on Obama scandals that we may NEVER get to all of them! Fast & Furious, Benghazi and the IRS scandals are all GOP "inventions"?

I know this is hard for you die hard liberals to come to terms with...but Barry isn't good at the job he's been elected to and the people he's surrounded himself with are equally incompetent. The GOP doesn't have to "invent" scandals...they have to choose between them because they keep coming one after another...

What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

It's not that anyone "moved on"'s that another major fuck up took place on Barack Obama's watch that sucked all of the media "oxygen" out of the previous fuck up. They've been coming at such a fast and furious pace (sorry, couldn't help myself!) that it's hard to get a grip on one before you're having to deal with another. If you'd like to help out, Plant...ask Barry and Friends if they could possibly go a couple months without totally screwing the pooch on something, so the country can catch up. We're so backlogged on Obama scandals that we may NEVER get to all of them!

Proof something that escapes the GOP repeatedly ......I would fire Issa outta shear embarrassment ...Batting a big Fat 0 , but do go on with your rant . Proof :eusa_boohoo:
What come of all that ???Nothing you just moved on to the next scandal what has to be at least 8 and still notta zip

It's not that anyone "moved on"'s that another major fuck up took place on Barack Obama's watch that sucked all of the media "oxygen" out of the previous fuck up. They've been coming at such a fast and furious pace (sorry, couldn't help myself!) that it's hard to get a grip on one before you're having to deal with another. If you'd like to help out, Plant...ask Barry and Friends if they could possibly go a couple months without totally screwing the pooch on something, so the country can catch up. We're so backlogged on Obama scandals that we may NEVER get to all of them!

Proof something that escapes the GOP repeatedly ......I would fire Issa outta shear embarrassment ...Batting a big Fat 0 , but do go on with your rant . Proof :eusa_boohoo:

Proof? You mean something like an email that was kept from investigators by classifying it? Is THAT the kind of proof you're talking about? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Finished in Afghanistan how? Pulling out is finishing? How should he have finished a company and a ball team? I don't get it.

Forget nation building.

Forget being a #1 military power as well.

Everybody kicks our ass now.

I haven't felt this good about myself since Jimmy Carter. :D

You always feel best when you lie your ass off I suppose? Nobody is "kicking our ass" anywhere dumbfuck. Being a #1 "military power" is fine except there is no way to really prove it without a body count which, much to your chagrin...the President isn't willing to give you; poor baby.

Shut the fuck up you bigoted piece of shit.
Forget nation building.

Forget being a #1 military power as well.

Everybody kicks our ass now.

I haven't felt this good about myself since Jimmy Carter. :D

You always feel best when you lie your ass off I suppose? Nobody is "kicking our ass" anywhere dumbfuck. Being a #1 "military power" is fine except there is no way to really prove it without a body count which, much to your chagrin...the President isn't willing to give you; poor baby.

Shut the fuck up you bigoted piece of shit.

This has nothing to do with bigotry. Even to say such a thing simply shows you to be the left-leaning politically-correct animal you consistently show yourself to be. You cannot win a war if you cannot admit what the threat is.

Name one military operation we've won. Name one that hasn't been turned by the left into a disaster. Not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not Somalia, name one we haven't eventually turned tail and left unfinished. In every case, all the enemy needed to do was cause us enough pain and suffering, and expense, to force the Democrats to start wailing about how much money it's taking away from their union bailouts and vote buying schemes.

Heck, Obama's been gutting the military for 5 years. He hates anyone having a gun, other than his personal body-guards, and he despises the military. Imagine a communist that is so fucked up that he doesn't believe in military aggression. Putin sure does. Obama is the worst kind of communist. One that puts down his own country, lays waste to it's economy, and sells us out to our enemies.

Tell me where I'm wrong hack and I'll knock every liberal talking-point out of the park.
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Forget nation building.

Forget being a #1 military power as well.

Everybody kicks our ass now.

I haven't felt this good about myself since Jimmy Carter. :D

You always feel best when you lie your ass off I suppose? Nobody is "kicking our ass" anywhere dumbfuck. Being a #1 "military power" is fine except there is no way to really prove it without a body count which, much to your chagrin...the President isn't willing to give you; poor baby.


How academic of you. A postulate or hypothesis which is never tested disproves the postulate or hypothesis by not being tested.

Get a logos, and a life.

Forget being a #1 military power as well.

Everybody kicks our ass now.

I haven't felt this good about myself since Jimmy Carter. :D

You always feel best when you lie your ass off I suppose? Nobody is "kicking our ass" anywhere dumbfuck. Being a #1 "military power" is fine except there is no way to really prove it without a body count which, much to your chagrin...the President isn't willing to give you; poor baby.


How academic of you. A postulate or hypothesis which is never tested disproves the postulate or hypothesis by not being tested.

Get a logos, and a life.


Would love for you to list "everybody" whose "kicking our ass" now....feel free to list 1-200 nations that are taking part...

Your move shit brains.
You always feel best when you lie your ass off I suppose? Nobody is "kicking our ass" anywhere dumbfuck. Being a #1 "military power" is fine except there is no way to really prove it without a body count which, much to your chagrin...the President isn't willing to give you; poor baby.


How academic of you. A postulate or hypothesis which is never tested disproves the postulate or hypothesis by not being tested.

Get a logos, and a life.


Would love for you to list "everybody" whose "kicking our ass" now....feel free to list 1-200 nations that are taking part...

Your move shit brains.

Didn't you mean shit for brains?

I've heard of shit head, but not shit brains.

Sounds like a wittle pout to me.
If liberal scum were so confident this is going to blow up in the GOP's face.....then why are you fighting it????

One would figure liberals would try to put this on primetime TV to use it for the NOV elections since they believe the GOP is going to flop and lose face to the American public.

Their stall tactics, whining, etc show they are scared this is going to expose them as criminals....
Forget being a #1 military power as well.

Everybody kicks our ass now.

I haven't felt this good about myself since Jimmy Carter. :D

You always feel best when you lie your ass off I suppose? Nobody is "kicking our ass" anywhere dumbfuck. Being a #1 "military power" is fine except there is no way to really prove it without a body count which, much to your chagrin...the President isn't willing to give you; poor baby.

Shut the fuck up you bigoted piece of shit.

This has nothing to do with bigotry. Even to say such a thing simply shows you to be the left-leaning politically-correct animal you consistently show yourself to be. You cannot win a war if you cannot admit what the threat is.

Name one military operation we've won. Name one that hasn't been turned by the left into a disaster. Not Iraq, not Afghanistan, not Somalia, name one we haven't eventually turned tail and left unfinished. In every case, all the enemy needed to do was cause us enough pain and suffering, and expense, to force the Democrats to start wailing about how much money it's taking away from their union bailouts and vote buying schemes.
That and having tax cuts during a time of massive military spending.

You may recall through your hate filled haze that Obama wanted to end the Bush tax cuts--to let them expire--to help pay down the deficit. Of course, the GOP fought tooth and nail and eventually won the battle though getting Scott Brown elected in Mass.

As for military operations we've won, there have been several.
Mother Jones questions our battle choices although to me, partnering with stable, allied stakeholders seems to be a better idea than sending your troops to the front lines in every 3rd world shit-hole. It doesn't do a lot for the machismo you crave but then again, fewer and fewer care about what you think.

The US Military Operations You Didn't Know Existed | Mother Jones

Your idea of winning though is, as your view of society is, more rooted in 1940 Leave it to Beaver times where armies are professional, everyone from the lowest Private to the highest General accepts defeat, turns in their arms, and decides to accept surrender. It's a bit different now freak. You have families, sects, clans, tribes, elders, and even some professional military folks who belong to different parts of these fragmented pieces who don't act as professionals but fight ideological battles and won't accept defeat; ever. So they set off explosives and create chaos and make their defeat more obscure. Seldom do they do anything other than kill their fellow countrymen but their defeat is not questioned. Except by you.

Any 4th grader who has turned on the nightly news since 2000 understands this and I'm sure you do as well. The difference between the 4th grader and you is that the 4th grader understands that winning is measured in how effective you are, not how dominant you are; that you fly the US flag over Mecca and you just bought a century of insurgency. You only see it as a way to, of course, smear the President.

There are fewer dead bodies returning from the middle east than at any point during the Obama presidency...29 for this year according to iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan.

That such statistics means that we're losing in your eyes, only speaks to your totally fucked up prism.
Heck, Obama's been gutting the military for 5 years. He hates anyone having a gun, other than his personal body-guards,

and he despises the military.
Laughable opinion

Imagine a communist that is so fucked up that he doesn't believe in military aggression. Putin sure does.
Oh, by the way, you never answered what you would have done differently to stop him from taking over Crimea. Was that worth sending US troops into harms way? Would the Ukraine as a whole be worth it? Man up and take a stand for once.

Obama is the worst kind of communist.
Because he isn't one.

One that puts down his own country, lays waste to it's economy, and sells us out to our enemies.
Yawn? Jobs being added, Deficits are shrinking. GM alive, OBL (an enemy by the way) is way dead.

Tell me where I'm wrong hack and I'll knock every liberal talking-point out of the park.

Jobs being added:

Deficit Shrinking:

GM is Alive:

Osama is dead:

Swing away nancy.
You always feel best when you lie your ass off I suppose? Nobody is "kicking our ass" anywhere dumbfuck. Being a #1 "military power" is fine except there is no way to really prove it without a body count which, much to your chagrin...the President isn't willing to give you; poor baby.


How academic of you. A postulate or hypothesis which is never tested disproves the postulate or hypothesis by not being tested.

Get a logos, and a life.


Would love for you to list "everybody" whose "kicking our ass" now....feel free to list 1-200 nations that are taking part...

Your move shit brains.

That went right over your head. Didn't it.

If liberal scum were so confident this is going to blow up in the GOP's face.....then why are you fighting it????

One would figure liberals would try to put this on primetime TV to use it for the NOV elections since they believe the GOP is going to flop and lose face to the American public.

Their stall tactics, whining, etc show they are scared this is going to expose them as criminals....

where you been Gomer?

anyway, your logic has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
I'm astonished the poll results indicate almost no one doesn't care about the subject, yet so many posters have stated, some repeatedly, the issue is dead.
How academic of you. A postulate or hypothesis which is never tested disproves the postulate or hypothesis by not being tested.

Get a logos, and a life.


Would love for you to list "everybody" whose "kicking our ass" now....feel free to list 1-200 nations that are taking part...

Your move shit brains.

That went right over your head. Didn't it.


Most lightweight observations rooted in ether float higher than I'm willing to climb; granted.
Shitbag....why are Democraps opposed to this so-called trap for the GOP??? :eusa_whistle:

Ahhh, they must feel sorry for the GOP and don't want them to look bad this summer right before a major election for :cuckoo:

If liberal scum were so confident this is going to blow up in the GOP's face.....then why are you fighting it????

One would figure liberals would try to put this on primetime TV to use it for the NOV elections since they believe the GOP is going to flop and lose face to the American public.

Their stall tactics, whining, etc show they are scared this is going to expose them as criminals....

where you been Gomer?

anyway, your logic has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.
Since liberals are working with inferior brains...let's give you an example.

Teenager = Democraps in Congress
School official = Republicans in Congress

School official has evidence teen is hiding a weapon/drugs in their school locker....teen tries to block the school official from opening the locker with various methods but before the school official opens the door...the teen claims the school official is going to get into trouble for opening that door. The teen claims it is in the best interest of that school official to not open the door without any explanation....insane.

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