Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
I got an idea, why not start a thread on this message board to show your lack of class. Doh, there are five of them already.

Did not start thread dumb ass .
I didn't say you did, I suggested you should. You really seemed bothered by the whole thing. One more and you can rehash it all over again, like you all like to do. Holy batcrap batman.

It was a thread I responded you responded ... Kinda how it works , in case you have not noticed Benghazi is kinda the topic of the day .
You would not know the truth if it bit you on the ass .

A good scandal is forged documents showing W got favoritism when he went home with permission during a war decades before while it was winding down and they were letting everyone go home early because they didn't need them there.

Can someone say Dan Rather and CBS? LOL. Oh, oh, oh, how about John Kerry?

Do tell .
13 hearings !! I mean really how incompetent are the GOP? This is amazing you get away with 13 hearings over 25 thousand pieces of appear untold tax payer dollars . Come up sucking your thumb wow
Mission Improbable: Trey Gowdy gets into Benghazi - John Bresnahan and Lauren French and Jake Sherman -

until a FOIA suit was filed, the WH refused to release the pertinent information, or artificially classified it in an attempt to prevent release.

Its a clear cover up, Nixon and Clinton tried it and failed. Now obozo has tried it and will also fail. the american people and the american media do not like being lied to.

Remember how the Republicans "outed" a soccer mom who told reporters at dinner parties she worked for the CIA in retaliation because ...

... I never got this part striaght. Republicans sent a Democratic activist who didn't know what intelligence the British had based their reports on the W sited, so it was his fault, and they wanted to know if it was true, so they sent a Democratic activist, who asked around and couldn't verify the story and then said it was a lie, which the people who sent him there to find out if it was true or not, we have no idea why they did that, didn't want him to say.

Now THAT was a scandal...

LOL, what a bunch of boobs they are.

What about that leaked name of a CIA agent Valeri Plame.
You would not know the truth if it bit you on the ass .

A good scandal is forged documents showing W got favoritism when he went home with permission during a war decades before while it was winding down and they were letting everyone go home early because they didn't need them there.

Can someone say Dan Rather and CBS? LOL. Oh, oh, oh, how about John Kerry?

Thank you, Arnold. Unfortunately, John Kerry was too busy torching villages and murdering children on non-existent rivers between Vietnam and Cambodia to have been involved in a scandal in Vietnam. They had to let him out of the military because he had used almost an entire box of bandaids on his purple heart wounds...
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Did not start thread dumb ass .
I didn't say you did, I suggested you should. You really seemed bothered by the whole thing. One more and you can rehash it all over again, like you all like to do. Holy batcrap batman.

It was a thread I responded you responded ... Kinda how it works , in case you have not noticed Benghazi is kinda the topic of the day .
Brought up by you scared little whiners. Thought I mentioned that.
Ahah! There may be forged documents in this Obama administration scandal.

If there are not any, then they would be either amateurs, or quick shredders.
until a FOIA suit was filed, the WH refused to release the pertinent information, or artificially classified it in an attempt to prevent release.

Its a clear cover up, Nixon and Clinton tried it and failed. Now obozo has tried it and will also fail. the american people and the american media do not like being lied to.

Remember how the Republicans "outed" a soccer mom who told reporters at dinner parties she worked for the CIA in retaliation because ...

... I never got this part striaght. Republicans sent a Democratic activist who didn't know what intelligence the British had based their reports on the W sited, so it was his fault, and they wanted to know if it was true, so they sent a Democratic activist, who asked around and couldn't verify the story and then said it was a lie, which the people who sent him there to find out if it was true or not, we have no idea why they did that, didn't want him to say.

Now THAT was a scandal...

LOL, what a bunch of boobs they are.

What about that leaked name of a CIA agent Valeri Plame.

Remember how the Republicans "outed" a soccer mom who told reporters at dinner parties she worked for the CIA in retaliation because ...

... I never got this part striaght. Republicans sent a Democratic activist who didn't know what intelligence the British had based their reports on the W sited, so it was his fault, and they wanted to know if it was true, so they sent a Democratic activist, who asked around and couldn't verify the story and then said it was a lie, which the people who sent him there to find out if it was true or not, we have no idea why they did that, didn't want him to say.

Now THAT was a scandal...

LOL, what a bunch of boobs they are.

What about that leaked name of a CIA agent Valeri Plame.

Just right wingers calling for the destruction of Assad? :lol: How the hell you can post that with a straight face is startling because that would be a bold face lie.

And Benghazi had nothing to do with Gadaffi's removal from office. There was no Arab Spring in Libya and certainly not in Syria.


I referred to the warmonger wing of the right, which is the majority. If you want to distance yourself from them that's your privilege.

Like these sort of people:

Sarah Palin is accusing the White House of not showing enough support for the people of Libya still protesting against Muammar Qadhafi.
Continue Reading

On her Facebook page Tuesday night, Palin said that it is “a little perplexing” to watch the administration’s reaction to events in the Middle East.

“There was a statement on the horrible earthquake in New Zealand, and certainly our hearts go out to all those affected by this horrible natural disaster," Palin wrote. "But nothing on the slaughter in Libya?”

As on Egypt, White House officials have been careful to not lean too far forward in voicing their preferred outcome in a far-from-resolved conflict. But Palin criticized President Barack Obama’s restraint, writing that “now is the time to speak out.”

Palin highlighted Qadhafi’s ties to past acts of terrorism in characterizing the longtime Libyan dictator as “Osama before Osama hit the scene.”

Read more: Palin slams W.H. on Libya response - Andy Barr -

Obama helped the muslim brotherhood take control in Libya and Egypt. Was that because he agrees with their philosophy or because he is stupid? It has to be one or the other.

Of course he agrees with their philosophy. That's why he's got some of the top MB leaders working in high positions of the federal govt >>
It is just another desperate move to discredit the president. Are they EVER going to do something productive??
It is just another desperate move to discredit the president. Are they EVER going to do something productive??

Anyone who would think that the Republicans have the slightest need for the Benghazi issue as some kind of a "stunt" (Nancy Pelosi called it), must have been taking stupid pills. The Republicans are already in the drivers seat for election 2014. They've got Democrats on the defensive on Obamacare, affirmative action (recent SCOTUS decision), jobs, the economy, Muslim Brotherhood, and a slew of foreign affairs issues.

Republicans have no need to push anything at this point, and anything they do push, could be seen as a risk for them, to upset the applecart. I don't care how many hearings there have been. What matters is how many answers have been received, not how many hearings have been held, during a massive coverup.

First question I'd ask is why haven't the killers been apprehended and brought to justice ???????????
It is just another desperate move to discredit the president. Are they EVER going to do something productive??
If they could impeach the president, they would.

It's an up or down vote in the House so in fact if they had the balls they could impeach him like they did Clinton. Of course he would never be convicted or removed from office by the Senate. But they could impeach him.
It is just another desperate move to discredit the president. Are they EVER going to do something productive??
If they could impeach the president, they would.

It's an up or down vote in the House so in fact if they had the balls they could impeach him like they did Clinton. Of course he would never be convicted or removed from office by the Senate. But they could impeach him.

Well I think they want the hearings first. Then I bet you'll see that.
Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.
Switch Democrat and Republican around and you'll be on the money. You may not be concerned about the crap this administration did and does but that doesn't mean no one else should care about this country.
If they could impeach the president, they would.

It's an up or down vote in the House so in fact if they had the balls they could impeach him like they did Clinton. Of course he would never be convicted or removed from office by the Senate. But they could impeach him.

Well I think they want the hearings first. Then I bet you'll see that.

Nothing is beneath them that's for sure.
Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.
Switch Democrat and Republican around and you'll be on the money. You may not be concerned about the crap this administration did and does but that doesn't mean no one else should care about this country.

Right right, I remember the endless investigations into the talking points that lied us into the Iraq invasion and occupation, and the security failures on 9-11. What they should have done is vote to give the President all the power he needed to go after the mother fuckers who attacked us (like Congress did after 9-11-2001), but no, they had a election to win so before the event was over they began badmouthing the President. Bad form. They need to be voted out and kept from regaining the power they so desperately want.
It's an up or down vote in the House so in fact if they had the balls they could impeach him like they did Clinton. Of course he would never be convicted or removed from office by the Senate. But they could impeach him.

Well I think they want the hearings first. Then I bet you'll see that.

Nothing is beneath them that's for sure.

Just remember Watergate and how that went down.

If they have the emails they say they have, not sure how he gets out of it. But we'll see right?

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