Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?

They will come up with something else to manufacture into a scandal
Fast n furios
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
GOP Flailing around aimlessly

As I said before, Plant...the list of this Administration's fuck ups is long and gets longer with each passing day. There have been so many at this point that it's hard to keep abreast of them all.

Your notion that the GOP needs to "come up" with things to manufacture into a scandal is laughable. The GOP's problem is picking which scandal to concentrate on because Barry and the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight keep pumping them out.

Given their past history, it's a safe bet that Obama & Company will provide us with at LEAST another two major scandals before they leave office. That's what happens when you combine inexperience with incompetence and throw in a little blind adherence to things that only work in theory. Barack Obama is well on his way to having one of the most "underwhelming" two terms of any US President. Unless major parts of his signature health care plan are changed he's going to go down as one of the worst Presidents we've ever had...a man that brings to mind the parable about the Emperor having no clothes.

As I said in not so many words ........prove it . Issa nothing Zero .
The slime balls on this site must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

Ah, you can't hide the truth for going on two years and not expect the opposition to call you on it, Ron! At some point the Obama Administration WILL have to explain it's lies and the subsequent coverup. Or did you think the GOP was just going to throw up their hands and walk away?
People like Plant are so desperate for this investigation to stop they spam non-stop nonsense about it 24/7. If Obama, Clinton, Rice and Carney DIDN'T lie and didn't participate in a cover-up then a logical person would think they would WELCOME an investigation so that they could prove their detractors wrong!
People like Plant are so desperate for this investigation to stop they spam non-stop nonsense about it 24/7. If Obama, Clinton, Rice and Carney DIDN'T lie and didn't participate in a cover-up then a logical person would think they would WELCOME an investigation so that they could prove their detractors wrong!

It's been investigated , now it's a political football for the GOP to raise money & support from more nut jobs like you .......but please continue . It's fun to watch & even more fun to comment on .:D
People like Plant are so desperate for this investigation to stop they spam non-stop nonsense about it 24/7. If Obama, Clinton, Rice and Carney DIDN'T lie and didn't participate in a cover-up then a logical person would think they would WELCOME an investigation so that they could prove their detractors wrong!

It's been investigated , now it's a political football for the GOP to raise money & support from more nut jobs like you .......but please continue . It's fun to watch & even more fun to comment on .:D

said the left-wing loser who has the whole "IMPEACH BUSH!!" T-SHIRT, coffee mug and bumper-stickeer collection
People like Plant are so desperate for this investigation to stop they spam non-stop nonsense about it 24/7. If Obama, Clinton, Rice and Carney DIDN'T lie and didn't participate in a cover-up then a logical person would think they would WELCOME an investigation so that they could prove their detractors wrong!

It's been investigated , now it's a political football for the GOP to raise money & support from more nut jobs like you .......but please continue . It's fun to watch & even more fun to comment on .:D

said the left-wing loser who has the whole "IMPEACH BUSH!!" T-SHIRT, coffee mug and bumper-stickeer collection

Bedwetter that's a real knee slapper .......back to your room !:eusa_whistle:
The old guard at the GOP learns slow... Maybe they're senile?

WASHINGTON) -- Republicans are again calling for a joint committee to investigate the Obama administration's handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya on Sept. 11, 2012 that left four Americans dead, including Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire say that there are still no clear answers as to what happened on the night of the siege that was initially blamed on a mob protesting an anti-Islam film produced in the U.S.

GOP lawmakers have charged the White House with trying to cover up the facts in order to burnish President Obama's foreign policy credentials during a heated reelection bid.

Speaking for his colleagues, McCain told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday, "We will not stop until this issue is completely well known to the American people.

Read On ABC News Radio: GOP Senators Pushing Again for Joint Committee on*Benghazi - Politics News - ABC News Radio
So, yeah. We get it. You want to witch hunt Hillary & the dems over this curiously manufactured crisis that happened, again, on "9-11" just on the eve of a pivotal election year 2012.

We all know about how middle voter people tend to vote when they are afraid of a crisis: republican, obviously...the "father figure" party. So what were terrorists thinking striking so close to a pivotal American election when doing so would surely give the GOP an advantage...when they know the GOP is the party all-about invading their countries, meddling in their affairs and all about oil? Doesn't add up.


Even if it did make sense and the dems were negligent, it's OLD NEWS and the GOP's illegal invasion of Iraq where tens of thousands were killed pales the story of Benghazi, where less than 10 Americans were killed.

Again, doesn't add up.

The more the GOP harps on Benghazi, the more people in the middle will lean left. It has become beyond obvious what is going on. If the GOP wants a chance, they should pay attention to the yawns and the switching of channels when they start up on it again. It's hard to stump to a crowd when they're walking away..

It sure seems you all worried about Benghazi. You sure have started enough threads about nothing. LOL you all crack this little guy up. And, it goes right over your heads.
People like Plant are so desperate for this investigation to stop they spam non-stop nonsense about it 24/7. If Obama, Clinton, Rice and Carney DIDN'T lie and didn't participate in a cover-up then a logical person would think they would WELCOME an investigation so that they could prove their detractors wrong!

It's been investigated , now it's a political football for the GOP to raise money & support from more nut jobs like you .......but please continue . It's fun to watch & even more fun to comment on .:D

said the left-wing loser who has the whole "IMPEACH BUSH!!" T-SHIRT, coffee mug and bumper-stickeer collection
I notice that you were unable to refute a single point in Plant's post.
Some people are stupid but they are smart enough to stay quiet and not show their stupidity.
Other people are stupid and can't wait to show off their stupidity to the world.
You are in the second group.
People like Plant are so desperate for this investigation to stop they spam non-stop nonsense about it 24/7. If Obama, Clinton, Rice and Carney DIDN'T lie and didn't participate in a cover-up then a logical person would think they would WELCOME an investigation so that they could prove their detractors wrong!

It's been investigated , now it's a political football for the GOP to raise money & support from more nut jobs like you .......but please continue . It's fun to watch & even more fun to comment on .:D

Oh, you're HAS been investigated, Plant...but the Obama White House has done their level best to hide documents from those investigators. It's only now that emails they classified in order to keep secret have been released due to Freedom of Information law suits that we're starting to see proof of what was only suspected before.
As those documents are finally made public we're seeing just how badly the main stream media was duped by the Obama Administration.

You're finally starting to see in White House Press conferences...questions to Jay Carney that are becoming increasingly annoyed. I think there are a lot of liberal media people who now realize how badly they got punked on this the first time around and they are embarrassed by it.
People like Plant are so desperate for this investigation to stop they spam non-stop nonsense about it 24/7. If Obama, Clinton, Rice and Carney DIDN'T lie and didn't participate in a cover-up then a logical person would think they would WELCOME an investigation so that they could prove their detractors wrong!

It's been investigated , now it's a political football for the GOP to raise money & support from more nut jobs like you .......but please continue . It's fun to watch & even more fun to comment on .:D

Oh, you're HAS been investigated, Plant...but the Obama White House has done their level best to hide documents from those investigators. It's only now that emails they classified in order to keep secret have been released due to Freedom of Information law suits that we're starting to see proof of what was only suspected before.

When you get proof of any criminal activity holler . Till then just a bunch of hacks on a desperation tour .......full of issa's miss handlings & Egg on the GOP'S face at every turn .
Fast n furious
Benghazi Bengahazi
GOP clowns on Tour this stop Benghazi where we waste more tax payers dollars on partisan politics yea.
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It's been investigated , now it's a political football for the GOP to raise money & support from more nut jobs like you .......but please continue . It's fun to watch & even more fun to comment on .:D

Oh, you're HAS been investigated, Plant...but the Obama White House has done their level best to hide documents from those investigators. It's only now that emails they classified in order to keep secret have been released due to Freedom of Information law suits that we're starting to see proof of what was only suspected before.

When you get proof of any criminal activity holler . Till then just a bunch of hacks on a desperation tour .......full of issa's miss handlings & GOP egg on the face at every turn .
Fast n furious
Benghazi Bengahazi
GOP clowns on Tour this stop Benghazi where we waste more tax payers dollars on partisan politics yea.

Now the burden of proof is "criminal activity"? How about simple incompetence? Giving that money to Solyndra wasn't was stupid. Letting guns walk into the hands of Mexican narco-terrorists isn't criminal...but it was incredibly stupid. Not knowing that liberals in the IRS were targeting conservatives might not be criminal but it shows a lack of control over your administration. Passing what's probably the most poorly written legislation in the history of the nation isn't criminal but it sure was stupid. The roll out wasn't criminal either but it defines the word incompetent. Not providing adequate security, failing to respond to the attacks and then covering up your failures by blaming something you know had nothing to do with the attacks might not be criminal either but once again it defines the word incompetent.

Clowns? The clowns in this political drama are Donkeys, my naive liberal friend...
What's pathetic is that in order to get answers from the "most transparent administration ever" we have to file Freedom of Information law suits and conduct Congressional investigations...
Whenever there is a Democratic president in office, The Republican Machine clogs the gears of government with scandals.

When they don't have real scandal, they invent one.

FYI: their base doesn't know that these scandals are merely strategies of obstruction and fund raising. This is why Republicans began heavily targeting people with little to no college education in the 80s. They needed a base of voters who were both passionate and uninformed. Otherwise their efforts to morph Bin Laden into Hussein (or End of Life care into death panels) wouldn't work.
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What's pathetic is that in order to get answers from the "most transparent administration ever" we have to file Freedom of Information law suits and conduct Congressional investigations...

because the truth is something that they do not want the american voters to have access to. The great kenyan messiah sees all and knows all, how dare you question the chosen one?:D
As those documents are finally made public we're seeing just how badly the main stream media was duped by the Obama Administration.

You're finally starting to see in White House Press conferences...questions to Jay Carney that are becoming increasingly annoyed. I think there are a lot of liberal media people who now realize how badly they got punked on this the first time around and they are embarrassed by it.
They weren't duped, they didn't care about the four americans that died. That's all.
It's been investigated , now it's a political football for the GOP to raise money & support from more nut jobs like you .......but please continue . It's fun to watch & even more fun to comment on .:D

Oh, you're HAS been investigated, Plant...but the Obama White House has done their level best to hide documents from those investigators. It's only now that emails they classified in order to keep secret have been released due to Freedom of Information law suits that we're starting to see proof of what was only suspected before.

When you get proof of any criminal activity holler . Till then just a bunch of hacks on a desperation tour .......full of issa's miss handlings & Egg on the GOP'S face at every turn .
Fast n furious
Benghazi Bengahazi
GOP clowns on Tour this stop Benghazi where we waste more tax payers dollars on partisan politics yea.

Again says the person with no class on a message board commenting on a thread started by one of him, yet not concerned. That's just stupid!

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