Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
thats because the truth about Benghazi scares the livin shit out of them.
First of all we have had eight previous Congressional committee's and all eight have reached the same conclusion. Do you really think a ninth committee is going to make one bit of difference. You people are starting to sound like the birthers. "This time it will be different. This time we will prove Obama is a (take your pick) socialist, Communist, Muslem, kenyan, liar, etc. This time we have proof!"
And second, the poll does not mean a thing. I voted yesterday and when I signed on today I could have voted AGAIN if I had wanted. I am well aware of how some on the right will do everything possible to make it look like more people are on their side.

Oh, and I am very impressed on how republicans are showing their respect for the dead in Benghazi.
"The right-wing media's smear campaign against the Obama administration over the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, appears to be paying dividends in the form of donations.

A Media Matters review of fundraising emails and websites found that conservatives have routinely invoked Benghazi to ask followers for money. The fundraising solicitations accuse the Obama administration of "lies," "cover-ups," a "dereliction of duty," and crimes worse than Watergate.

The fundraising is only likely to intensify with the recent creation of a House select committee, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), to investigate the attacks."
USING DEAD AMERICANS TO APPEAL FOR CAMPAIGN DONATIONS! Impressive! Very impressive!!!! Tell us again how this is all about finding the truth.
UPDATED: Right-Wing Media Cash In On Benghazi Obsession | Blog | Media Matters for America

this is about getting to the truth. If it hurts anyone in the process, so be it. Get the truth out to the american public and let the chips fall where they may.

why do you on the left fear the truth? we are ready to deal with it no matter where it leads.

the truth will set you free----------try it, libs.

lol, a birther offers himself up as an expert on the truth.
Then you are saying Al Qaida is ignorant of the fact that perceived imminent threats to the US cause middle voters to vote republican? You're saying this has never entered into their minds?

Which is it? Is Al Qaida stupiid or scripted? And if scripted, who did that script at Benghazi predict to favor at the polls just weeks later? 9-11? Really? Anyone who doubts that attack was choreographed is an idiot. The next question is "by who?" and "why"? if such actions statistically favor the GOP at the polls. Need I remind folks here that it happened on the eve of the pivotal 2012 election? "October surprise"? Which party would that surprise have favored then?

Do you hear yourself?

Do you really thin AQ gives a rats ass what party is in power?

Both parties have been kicking their asses since 9-11-01.

Sorry....your theory doesn't add up.
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots

When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots

When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?

aren't you guys still saying that Bush lied about WMD's? And that he cherry picked intel?
3,482 posts on this thread; half of them from left-wing nutjobs insisting they dont care; nobody cares; about Benghazi


thats because the truth about Benghazi scares the livin shit out of them.
First of all we have had eight previous Congressional committee's and all eight have reached the same conclusion. Do you really think a ninth committee is going to make one bit of difference. You people are starting to sound like the birthers. "This time it will be different. This time we will prove Obama is a (take your pick) socialist, Communist, Muslem, kenyan, liar, etc. This time we have proof!"
And second, the poll does not mean a thing. I voted yesterday and when I signed on today I could have voted AGAIN if I had wanted. I am well aware of how some on the right will do everything possible to make it look like more people are on their side.

Oh, and I am very impressed on how republicans are showing their respect for the dead in Benghazi.
"The right-wing media's smear campaign against the Obama administration over the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, appears to be paying dividends in the form of donations.

A Media Matters review of fundraising emails and websites found that conservatives have routinely invoked Benghazi to ask followers for money. The fundraising solicitations accuse the Obama administration of "lies," "cover-ups," a "dereliction of duty," and crimes worse than Watergate.

The fundraising is only likely to intensify with the recent creation of a House select committee, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), to investigate the attacks."
USING DEAD AMERICANS TO APPEAL FOR CAMPAIGN DONATIONS! Impressive! Very impressive!!!! Tell us again how this is all about finding the truth.
UPDATED: Right-Wing Media Cash In On Benghazi Obsession | Blog | Media Matters for America

Now Sparky what conclusion was reached?

Oh that the White House has been hiding information from Congress. That is called obstruction. It's criminal. People are going to end up in orange suits over this.

Judicial Watch via lawsuits have gotten all sorts of new information released. Boehner had no choice but to form a Select Committee with killer powers to force the Administration into giving up their information.
over 3,700 posts; half of them including the OP from left-wing nutjobs insisting that Benghazi doesnt matter and that "nobody cares"?

i think Left-Wing Nutjobs may be unclear of the concept
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots

When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?


Orange suits over obstruction of a Congressional Investigation are on the horizon. You do realize this is a criminal offense correct?
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots

When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?

aren't you guys still saying that Bush lied about WMD's? And that he cherry picked intel?

yes they are......

libs are idiots and hypocrites
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots

When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?

when it proves that the whitehouse was involved in a conspiracy to cover up the truth, will you call for impeachment of obama?
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots

When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?

They will come up with something else to manufacture into a scandal
Fast n furios
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
GOP Flailing around aimlessly
First of all we have had eight previous Congressional committee's and all eight have reached the same conclusion. Do you really think a ninth committee is going to make one bit of difference. You people are starting to sound like the birthers. "This time it will be different. This time we will prove Obama is a (take your pick) socialist, Communist, Muslem, kenyan, liar, etc. This time we have proof!"
And second, the poll does not mean a thing. I voted yesterday and when I signed on today I could have voted AGAIN if I had wanted. I am well aware of how some on the right will do everything possible to make it look like more people are on their side.

Oh, and I am very impressed on how republicans are showing their respect for the dead in Benghazi.
"The right-wing media's smear campaign against the Obama administration over the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, appears to be paying dividends in the form of donations.

A Media Matters review of fundraising emails and websites found that conservatives have routinely invoked Benghazi to ask followers for money. The fundraising solicitations accuse the Obama administration of "lies," "cover-ups," a "dereliction of duty," and crimes worse than Watergate.

The fundraising is only likely to intensify with the recent creation of a House select committee, led by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), to investigate the attacks."
USING DEAD AMERICANS TO APPEAL FOR CAMPAIGN DONATIONS! Impressive! Very impressive!!!! Tell us again how this is all about finding the truth.
UPDATED: Right-Wing Media Cash In On Benghazi Obsession | Blog | Media Matters for America

this is about getting to the truth. If it hurts anyone in the process, so be it. Get the truth out to the american public and let the chips fall where they may.

why do you on the left fear the truth? we are ready to deal with it no matter where it leads.

the truth will set you free----------try it, libs.

lol, a birther offers himself up as an expert on the truth.

Lol, an obama supporter "if you like your plan you can keep it", offers himself up as an expert on the truth.
Then you are saying Al Qaida is ignorant of the fact that perceived imminent threats to the US cause middle voters to vote republican? You're saying this has never entered into their minds?

Which is it? Is Al Qaida stupiid or scripted? And if scripted, who did that script at Benghazi predict to favor at the polls just weeks later? 9-11? Really? Anyone who doubts that attack was choreographed is an idiot. The next question is "by who?" and "why"? if such actions statistically favor the GOP at the polls. Need I remind folks here that it happened on the eve of the pivotal 2012 election? "October surprise"? Which party would that surprise have favored then?

AQ #1 wanted revenge for AQ#2's death. This is not rocket science. He called for revenge. This is why the Consulate was attacked.

No brainer.

On 9-11 on the eve of a pivotal and hotly contested US election?

Pretty gargantuan coincidence there pal.
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots

When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?

They will come up with something else to manufacture into a scandal
Fast n furios
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
GOP Flailing around aimlessly

face it, plant. your messiah is getting destroyed by his own lies and incompetence. The GOP is just the facilitator.
They will come up with something else to manufacture into a scandal
Fast n furios
Those all need hearing and probably court trials. Calling them meaningless scandals won't make them go away. Sorry, it didn't work for Nixon either.
this is about getting to the truth. If it hurts anyone in the process, so be it. Get the truth out to the american public and let the chips fall where they may.

why do you on the left fear the truth? we are ready to deal with it no matter where it leads.

the truth will set you free----------try it, libs.

lol, a birther offers himself up as an expert on the truth.

Lol, an obama supporter "if you like your plan you can keep it", offers himself up as an expert on the truth.
TRANSLATION: I can't defeat his argument so I will DEFLECT it by trying to change the subject of the thread.
The slime balls on this site must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News
The slime balls on this site must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News

Oh, so now four dead Americans is a big deal?
3,290 POSTS ON how irrelvant the right's investigation into Benghazi is and how nobody cares?

somebody is unclear of the concept and it isnt the right-wingers who DO think it is a big deal

libs are idiots

When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?

They will come up with something else to manufacture into a scandal
Fast n furios
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
GOP Flailing around aimlessly

As I said before, Plant...the list of this Administration's fuck ups is long and gets longer with each passing day. There have been so many at this point that it's hard to keep abreast of them all.

Your notion that the GOP needs to "come up" with things to manufacture into a scandal is laughable. The GOP's problem is picking which scandal to concentrate on because Barry and the Gang That Can't Shoot Straight keep pumping them out.

Given their past history, it's a safe bet that Obama & Company will provide us with at LEAST another two major scandals before they leave office. That's what happens when you combine inexperience with incompetence and throw in a little blind adherence to things that only work in theory. Barack Obama is well on his way to having one of the most "underwhelming" two terms of any US President. Unless major parts of his signature health care plan are changed he's going to go down as one of the worst Presidents we've ever had...a man that brings to mind the parable about the Emperor having no clothes.
The slime balls on this board must be very proud about the republicans using the deaths of 4 Americans to ask for campaign donations.
"House Speaker John Boehner would not say Thursday if the House GOP’s campaign arm should stop including the Benghazi attacks in fundraising appeals.

Asked three times whether the National Republican Congressional Committee should be fundraising based on what they call Democratic obstruction of the Benghazi investigation, Boehner answered only: “Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period.
An NRCC email sent Wednesday morning included a link to “become a Benghazi watchdog” – which led to a page where supporters can donate cash. A separate website called “” still contains a link encouraging visitors to “help fight liberals by donating today.””
Apparently it is time to shear the republican sheep again. Tell us again how this is just about finding the truth and about how proud you are of your party using dead Americans to raise money.
The Newest Benghazi Controversy: Political Fundraising - NBC News
When the latest investigation produces nothing of substance, then will you people shut up about it and admit it was a fake scandal all along?

They will come up with something else to manufacture into a scandal
Fast n furios
Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi
GOP Flailing around aimlessly

face it, plant. your messiah is getting destroyed by his own lies and incompetence. The GOP is just the facilitator.

ZeRo is Issa batting average no worries at all ! But do keep it up all of America is watching this bullshit hack job , the only ones that think this has any merit is the GOP . But do enjoy :lol:

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