Dear GOP blog trolls: Drop Benghazi, Nobody Cares About Manufactuired Old News

What Do You Think About Benghazi?

  • It's important. We need to know every detail.

    Votes: 68 67.3%
  • Ambivalent, don't really care even if it's found dems did something wrong.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • It has the opposite effect the GOP wants: now I'm suspicious of THEM.

    Votes: 26 25.7%
  • other, see my post

    Votes: 6 5.9%

  • Total voters
It wasn't that long ago that the warmonger wing of the right was clamoring for a bigger involvement in Syria.

Do you people think we'd have gotten through that with less than FOUR casualties?

Just right wingers calling for the destruction of Assad? :lol: How the hell you can post that with a straight face is startling because that would be a bold face lie.

And Benghazi had nothing to do with Gadaffi's removal from office. There was no Arab Spring in Libya and certainly not in Syria.


I referred to the warmonger wing of the right, which is the majority. If you want to distance yourself from them that's your privilege.

Like these sort of people:

Sarah Palin is accusing the White House of not showing enough support for the people of Libya still protesting against Muammar Qadhafi.
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On her Facebook page Tuesday night, Palin said that it is “a little perplexing” to watch the administration’s reaction to events in the Middle East.

“There was a statement on the horrible earthquake in New Zealand, and certainly our hearts go out to all those affected by this horrible natural disaster," Palin wrote. "But nothing on the slaughter in Libya?”

As on Egypt, White House officials have been careful to not lean too far forward in voicing their preferred outcome in a far-from-resolved conflict. But Palin criticized President Barack Obama’s restraint, writing that “now is the time to speak out.”

Palin highlighted Qadhafi’s ties to past acts of terrorism in characterizing the longtime Libyan dictator as “Osama before Osama hit the scene.”

Read more: Palin slams W.H. on Libya response - Andy Barr -

Obama helped the muslim brotherhood take control in Libya and Egypt. Was that because he agrees with their philosophy or because he is stupid? It has to be one or the other.
The truth about Benghazi so far has shown the incompetence of Hillary Clinton, who is the #1 liberal choice for presidential candidate in 2016. It's only right the American people be shown her weaknesses as well as her strengths. Then they can choose between her and her political opponent, whoever that may be following the Republican primary in that same year.

It's going to take a Rudy Giuliani to clean up the mess left by the Obama administration.

I'd expect a RINO like that to sweep it under the rug in the interest of harmony.

Giuliani cleaned up the NYC streets of its disproportionate homicide rates, made fiscal history by paying NYC debts and turning the city around.

Politics aside, Giuliani ran NYC like a business for the first time in a generation and cleaned up a lot of graft.

Details at his biography page: Biography of Rudolph Giuliani

I don't think that's a Republican in Name Only, but a conservative who puts community service in proportion with what taxpayers give him to work with.

Unfortunately, he may want to retire, I don't know. He's 68 years old, but what a life he's led to give taxpayers their due.

I don't think Giuliani is a person who would disarm guards at any US Embassy in a war-torn country.

and the sad thing is that the fool who is now mayor will return the city to the cess pool that it was before Rudy cleaned it up.
I'm stipulated to you being a mental retard. That means you no longer have to make the case that you are, such as you're doing in the above post.

Gee, Carbineer...the "mental retard" seems to have won the argument then...hasn't he!

You don't have a rational explanation to cover the Obama White House now you just want people to stop talking about it? Go ahead...tell me..."Dude, that was two YEARS ago!!!"

I am willing to allocate 1/1000th of the amount of outrage to Benghazi and whatever inepitude was involved as I do to Iraq.

You should show some character and do the same, because that is a good estimate of the proportionate difference between the two.

But you think that the lies the left made up about Iraq makes anything Obama does OK.

There something seriously wrong with that.
I am willing to allocate 1/1000th of the amount of outrage to Benghazi and whatever inepitude was involved as I do to Iraq.

You should show some character and do the same, because that is a good estimate of the proportionate difference between the two.

Ditto. I'm surprised the GOP "went there" actually. As if Iraq doesn't exist in the collective psyche. These are the days of the internet. It's not the same PSYOPS game as it used to be. People have access to stuff at their fingertips 24/7.
I am willing to allocate 1/1000th of the amount of outrage to Benghazi and whatever inepitude was involved as I do to Iraq.

You should show some character and do the same, because that is a good estimate of the proportionate difference between the two.

Ditto. I'm surprised the GOP "went there" actually. As if Iraq doesn't exist in the collective psyche. These are the days of the internet. It's not the same PSYOPS game as it used to be. People have access to stuff at their fingertips 24/7.

You know....when we first went in Iraq was a huge positive.

Then James Carvelle decided that in order to beat Bush they had to somehow turn Iraq into a negative. So they started saying it was costing too much, why weren't they done already, why is anyone dying, why didn't you find millions of barrels of Chemicals, all that that happy horseshit.

Now Iraq is a total clusterfuck because Obama doesn't know how to talk to people without threatening them. He dropped the ball totally because he knew they had tainted the war so badly the best thing he could think of doing was bailing on it. Now they're in a civil war, thanks to Barack Hussein Obama...umm, umm,ummm.
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I am willing to allocate 1/1000th of the amount of outrage to Benghazi and whatever inepitude was involved as I do to Iraq.

You should show some character and do the same, because that is a good estimate of the proportionate difference between the two.

Ditto. I'm surprised the GOP "went there" actually. As if Iraq doesn't exist in the collective psyche. These are the days of the internet. It's not the same PSYOPS game as it used to be. People have access to stuff at their fingertips 24/7.

You know....when we first went in Iraq was a huge positive.

Then James Carvelle decided that in order to beat Bush they had to somehow turn Iraq into a negative. So they started saying it was costing too much, why weren't they done already, why is anyone dying, why didn't you find millions of barrels of Chemicals, all that that happy horseshit.

Now Iraq is a total clusterfuck because Obama doesn't know how to talk to people without threatening them.

There is nothing positive about lying to Congress so one can raid the US Treasury & help affect bankrupting the US to pay for one's hostile corporate takeover of a sovereign nation and its oil reserves...all so one can gain an even bigger monopoly at the pumps and gouge the customers even more.

Our nation looks like one big asshole on the world stage for doing it, even when it was done by a little oligarchy of Texans, a guy from Wyoming and their shady little buddies...and mouthpiece Fox News...
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Ditto. I'm surprised the GOP "went there" actually. As if Iraq doesn't exist in the collective psyche. These are the days of the internet. It's not the same PSYOPS game as it used to be. People have access to stuff at their fingertips 24/7.

You know....when we first went in Iraq was a huge positive.

Then James Carvelle decided that in order to beat Bush they had to somehow turn Iraq into a negative. So they started saying it was costing too much, why weren't they done already, why is anyone dying, why didn't you find millions of barrels of Chemicals, all that that happy horseshit.

Now Iraq is a total clusterfuck because Obama doesn't know how to talk to people without threatening them.

There is nothing positive about lying to Congress so one can raid the US Treasury & help affect bankrupting the US to pay for one's hostile corporate takeover of a sovereign nation and its oil reserves...all so one can gain an even bigger monopoly at the pumps and gouge the customers even more.

Our nation looks like one big asshole on the world stage for doing it, even when it was done by a little oligarchy of Texans, a guy from Wyoming and their shady little buddies...and mouthpiece Fox News...

Who do you think lied to congress? The CIA? The FBI? The UN? Congress had the same intel from these groups that Bush had--------and they came to the same erroneous conclusion. Congress authorized and funded the iraq fiasco---both parties.

Do you really think Bush, or any president, could do that on his own? if you do, you don't understand how our constitution works.
Ditto. I'm surprised the GOP "went there" actually. As if Iraq doesn't exist in the collective psyche. These are the days of the internet. It's not the same PSYOPS game as it used to be. People have access to stuff at their fingertips 24/7.

You know....when we first went in Iraq was a huge positive.

Then James Carvelle decided that in order to beat Bush they had to somehow turn Iraq into a negative. So they started saying it was costing too much, why weren't they done already, why is anyone dying, why didn't you find millions of barrels of Chemicals, all that that happy horseshit.

Now Iraq is a total clusterfuck because Obama doesn't know how to talk to people without threatening them.

There is nothing positive about lying to Congress so one can raid the US Treasury & help affect bankrupting the US to pay for one's hostile corporate takeover of a sovereign nation and its oil reserves...all so one can gain an even bigger monopoly at the pumps and gouge the customers even more.

Our nation looks like one big asshole on the world stage for doing it, even when it was done by a little oligarchy of Texans, a guy from Wyoming and their shady little buddies...and mouthpiece Fox News...

Bankrupting the US?

What are you, retarded?

Our nation looks like assholes because you Democrats have been telling everyone who will listen to you how much we suck. You elected a president that does it any chance he gets. He goes overseas and tells everyone there that America did this bad thing and did that bad thing. Who cares that he's talking to Japanese who before WWII butchered Chinese and Koreans, and Manchurians for over a decade by the bushel full. This selective self-righteous indignation by you liberals is why we are treated like shit around the world, and that tool you put in charge is only making it worse. He's a total laughing-stock. Nobody trusts him and nobody takes him seriously. He's a joke.
Ditto. I'm surprised the GOP "went there" actually. As if Iraq doesn't exist in the collective psyche. These are the days of the internet. It's not the same PSYOPS game as it used to be. People have access to stuff at their fingertips 24/7.

You know....when we first went in Iraq was a huge positive.

Then James Carvelle decided that in order to beat Bush they had to somehow turn Iraq into a negative. So they started saying it was costing too much, why weren't they done already, why is anyone dying, why didn't you find millions of barrels of Chemicals, all that that happy horseshit.

Now Iraq is a total clusterfuck because Obama doesn't know how to talk to people without threatening them.


There is nothing positive about lying to Congress so one can raid the US Treasury & help affect bankrupting the US to pay for one's hostile corporate takeover of a sovereign nation and its oil reserves...all so one can gain an even bigger monopoly at the pumps and gouge the customers even more.

Our nation looks like one big asshole on the world stage for doing it, even when it was done by a little oligarchy of Texans, a guy from Wyoming and their shady little buddies...and mouthpiece Fox News...


If you had really wanted only oil you could have built the Keystone a lot sooner.
When the Libs accused Bush of "dropping the ball" during Hurricane Katrina they were relentless and wanted to hold him completely accountable -- for a NATURAL DISASTER. But when Laurel & Hardy (Obama & Clinton) fail to protect Americans in an extremely hostile environment on the anniversary of 9/11 it's no big deal that American lives were lost. Can you not see the hypocrisy oozing from your pores? You ought to be ashamed -- or-- at a minimum -- consistent. Barry and the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight aren't to blame for Benghazi because the Middle East has been a mess since the end of that your rationale, Candy?

The President gets credit/blame for all of it actually. Obama gets credit for getting Bin Laden the same way he gets blame for the IRS Scandal. It was on his watch.

My message, had you chose to read it, was that 4 dead Americans in the middle east are not going to register on the consciousness of the American electorate.

If Presidents are judged by their contemporaries, Obama's predacessor couldn't scramble fighters to protect NYC or Washington DC. That we couldn't get people into Libya is surprising to you?

When the going gets tough...the tough get going! When the going gets tough for Barry...he goes to bed!

Good point I suppose. Bush played golf.

It's appalling to me that we didn't TRY to get military assets into that battle zone! Because THAT is what went down that day. This Administration was more worried about spinning the story coming out of Benghazi than it was about saving our people's lives.
Your opinion is noted.

As for Bush playing golf? Did he play the day of 9/11?
If I recall, he was reading to 3rd graders.
The VP was in Washington.
Dr. Rice (Condi Rice), as I recall, was going to give a speech.

Few things highlight the absolute chasm between reality and what you guys believe more than Rice's speech which was undelivered. On the day of the attack, the National Security Adviser was going to give a speech that mentioned nothing about OBL, hijackings, or steps being taken to mitigate. Details of the speech were embargoed by the Bush administration (wonder why :lol:) - Undelivered Rice speech scrutinized - Apr 1, 2004

It turns out that predicting terrorists attacks is pretty hard to do but somehow the previous administration "lets" 9/11 happen, the 10+ attacks on American installations across the globe, etc... and nary a peep from you guys. Obama has an attack and you guys are ready to lynch him.

Or the day after? Or the week after? Barry went to bed that night and then got on a plane and flew to Vegas to do a fund raiser the next day. That was the level of concern that HE had for what was going on in Libya! Who does that?

Really? He called it terrorism the next day in the rose garden.

Mitt forgot...why did you?
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When the Libs accused Bush of "dropping the ball" during Hurricane Katrina they were relentless and wanted to hold him completely accountable -- for a NATURAL DISASTER. But when Laurel & Hardy (Obama & Clinton) fail to protect Americans in an extremely hostile environment on the anniversary of 9/11 it's no big deal that American lives were lost. Can you not see the hypocrisy oozing from your pores? You ought to be ashamed -- or-- at a minimum -- consistent.

Failed to protect FOUR Americans? How many Americans died in Iraq?
Just right wingers calling for the destruction of Assad? :lol: How the hell you can post that with a straight face is startling because that would be a bold face lie.

And Benghazi had nothing to do with Gadaffi's removal from office. There was no Arab Spring in Libya and certainly not in Syria.


I referred to the warmonger wing of the right, which is the majority. If you want to distance yourself from them that's your privilege.

Like these sort of people:

Sarah Palin is accusing the White House of not showing enough support for the people of Libya still protesting against Muammar Qadhafi.
Continue Reading

On her Facebook page Tuesday night, Palin said that it is “a little perplexing” to watch the administration’s reaction to events in the Middle East.

“There was a statement on the horrible earthquake in New Zealand, and certainly our hearts go out to all those affected by this horrible natural disaster," Palin wrote. "But nothing on the slaughter in Libya?”

As on Egypt, White House officials have been careful to not lean too far forward in voicing their preferred outcome in a far-from-resolved conflict. But Palin criticized President Barack Obama’s restraint, writing that “now is the time to speak out.”

Palin highlighted Qadhafi’s ties to past acts of terrorism in characterizing the longtime Libyan dictator as “Osama before Osama hit the scene.”

Read more: Palin slams W.H. on Libya response - Andy Barr -

Obama helped the muslim brotherhood take control in Libya and Egypt. Was that because he agrees with their philosophy or because he is stupid? It has to be one or the other.

Bush put an Islamic theocracy in place in Iraq. Bush propped up Gaddaffi for years.

Who the fuck are you?
When the Libs accused Bush of "dropping the ball" during Hurricane Katrina they were relentless and wanted to hold him completely accountable -- for a NATURAL DISASTER. But when Laurel & Hardy (Obama & Clinton) fail to protect Americans in an extremely hostile environment on the anniversary of 9/11 it's no big deal that American lives were lost. Can you not see the hypocrisy oozing from your pores? You ought to be ashamed -- or-- at a minimum -- consistent.

Failed to protect FOUR Americans? How many Americans died in Iraq?

Yeah ... only 4 insignificant Americans. No biggy.

By the way ... your little goddess, Hillary, voted FOR Iraq. Ooooooops!
I referred to the warmonger wing of the right, which is the majority. If you want to distance yourself from them that's your privilege.

Like these sort of people:

Sarah Palin is accusing the White House of not showing enough support for the people of Libya still protesting against Muammar Qadhafi.
Continue Reading

On her Facebook page Tuesday night, Palin said that it is “a little perplexing” to watch the administration’s reaction to events in the Middle East.

“There was a statement on the horrible earthquake in New Zealand, and certainly our hearts go out to all those affected by this horrible natural disaster," Palin wrote. "But nothing on the slaughter in Libya?”

As on Egypt, White House officials have been careful to not lean too far forward in voicing their preferred outcome in a far-from-resolved conflict. But Palin criticized President Barack Obama’s restraint, writing that “now is the time to speak out.”

Palin highlighted Qadhafi’s ties to past acts of terrorism in characterizing the longtime Libyan dictator as “Osama before Osama hit the scene.”

Read more: Palin slams W.H. on Libya response - Andy Barr -

Obama helped the muslim brotherhood take control in Libya and Egypt. Was that because he agrees with their philosophy or because he is stupid? It has to be one or the other.

Bush put an Islamic theocracy in place in Iraq. Bush propped up Gaddaffi for years.

Who the fuck are you?

Yeah, like Bush decided all on his own.

I think they had an election and voted for a Parliamentary Democratic form of government. When Obama left Iraq in the lerch, the religious extremists in the South murdered opposition members. Now it's a hybrid, but drifting towards a Theocracy. Obama put Iraq in the hands of the Iranians. Christians are being persecuted throughout the country.


According to Transparency International, Iraq's is the most corrupt government in the Middle East, and is described as a “hybrid regime” (between a “flawed democracy” and an “authoritarian regime”).[31] The 2011 report "Costs of War" from Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies concluded that U.S. military presence in Iraq has not been able to prevent this corruption, noting that as early as 2006, "there were clear signs that post-Saddam Iraq was not going to be the linchpin for a new democratic Middle East."[32]

When did Bush prop up Gaddaffi?

After Obama abruptly pulled us out of Iraq they started fomenting revolution in Syria.

Involvement in the Syrian Civil War

In October 2012, various Iraqi religious sects join the conflict in Syria on both sides. Shiites from Iraq, in Babil Province and Diyala Province, have traveled to Damascus from Tehran, or from the Shiite holy city of Najaf, Iraq, claiming to protect Sayyida Zeinab, an important Shiite shrine in Damascus.[6] According to Abu Mohamed, with the Sadrist Trend, said he recently received an invitation from the Sadrists' leadership to discuss the shrine in Damascus.[6] A senior Sadrist official and former member of Parliament, speaking said that convoys of buses from Najaf, under the cover story of pilgrims, were carrying weapons and fighters to Damascus.[6] Some of the pilgrims were members of Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.[6] Some Shiites "describe the Syrian conflict as the beginning of the fulfillment of a Shiite prophecy that presages the end of time by predicting that an army, headed by a devil-like figure named Sufyani, will rise in Syria and then conquer Iraq's Shiites."[6] According to Hassan al-Rubaie, a Shiite cleric from Diyala Province, said, "The destruction of the shrine of Sayyida Zeinab in Syria will mean the start of sectarian civil war in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia." [6]
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If you had really wanted only oil you could have built the Keystone a lot sooner.

They wanted easy, sweet crude from the Middle East. It's the most profitable source of oil in the world, hand's down. Getting it from the Arctic or extracting it all gooey from sands or shattering fault lines and pumping in corrosive toxic chemicals that can never be cleaned up again near aquifers is the less preferred way than just drilling a pipe and pumping out sweet pools of it all liquidy and nice in a warm climate.
more than 3,000 posts on this thread

seriously left-wing idiots must be unaware of the concept?

so many posts; clearly LIBS THEMSELVES care about the issue; enough to keep responding to the posts of others; even as these loons try to dismiss the whole topic.

A LIB CREATED THIS THREAD; and they wont let it die; no matter how stupid they make themselves look making thousands of posts telling you how insignificant the topic is

Funny how a liberal keeps using those words "witch hunt." And no, Benghazi won't be dropped, people will be prosecuted. End of story.

um, no, they won't.

However, the GOP will keep milking you rubes for fundraising dollars.

Well, the rest of the rubes, anyway.

said the idiot who probably has the whole "IMPEACH BUSH!!!" T-SHIRT, BUMPER STICKER AND COFFEE MUG SET

idiots and hypocrites
You know....when we first went in Iraq was a huge positive.

Then James Carvelle decided that in order to beat Bush they had to somehow turn Iraq into a negative. So they started saying it was costing too much, why weren't they done already, why is anyone dying, why didn't you find millions of barrels of Chemicals, all that that happy horseshit.

Now Iraq is a total clusterfuck because Obama doesn't know how to talk to people without threatening them.

There is nothing positive about lying to Congress so one can raid the US Treasury & help affect bankrupting the US to pay for one's hostile corporate takeover of a sovereign nation and its oil reserves...all so one can gain an even bigger monopoly at the pumps and gouge the customers even more.

Our nation looks like one big asshole on the world stage for doing it, even when it was done by a little oligarchy of Texans, a guy from Wyoming and their shady little buddies...and mouthpiece Fox News...

Who do you think lied to congress? The CIA? The FBI? The UN? Congress had the same intel from these groups that Bush had--------and they came to the same erroneous conclusion. Congress authorized and funded the iraq fiasco---both parties.

Do you really think Bush, or any president, could do that on his own? if you do, you don't understand how our constitution works.

I've always been amused by the liberals who labeled George W. Bush as the "village idiot" only to turn around and then accuse him of being Machiavellian.

Nice to be able to have it both ways...:lol::lol::lol:

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